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As the Australian Remedial Educational Association (AREA) approached its silver jubilee in 1990, significant changes were occurring in education. The principle, if not the practice, of integration into mainstream schools for students with disabilities had been widely adopted by education authorities, one outcome being an expectation that class teachers would provide for much greater diversity within the mainstream. Broader changes in education, including in end‐of‐school assessment, posed further challenges. During the decade from the mid‐1980s to the mid‐1990s, AREA was occupied in much internal discussion as Council searched for a framework that would encompass new ideas about special education while maintaining its service for remedial consultants as a priority. The association overcame financial and other difficulties, surviving with a new name, the Australian Resource Educators Association, to reflect an expansion of membership beyond the traditional concept of remedial teacher.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the possibilities that information technology and mass media offer to learning environments of children and grown‐ups, and in what way they are different from the reality a decade ago, inside and outside school. It takes into consideration the norms valid in learning in schools, including the teachers’ role, and looks into how they coincide with or contradict the modern technological possibilities. In the rapid changes of society and values, the school should serve many ages, children and adults, which would require a greater variety of jobs than at present. Understanding the value of one's own language and culture does not come through isolation; it comes through learning about different societies and cultures, through considering, comparing and categorizing. The article discusses several practical examples from the recent experiences of Iceland.  相似文献   


Teacher education programs in the United States are trying to equip tomorrow's teachers with the technology skills needed to impact learning in the classroom. During the past decade there has been a realization that teaching technology skills alone is not adequate-pre-service teachers must also learn how to integrate the use of technology into their curriculum. This paper describes BYU's instructional technology course and the design process that a team of instructors went through to redesign the course in order to put greater emphasis on technology integration. An iterative redesign approach was used. Several iterations of the course redesign will be shared along with the strengths and limitations discovered in the design and implementation process.  相似文献   


This article analyzes various issues related to a professional society’s having greater influence on governmental, societal, and global issues. Analysis of association/society missions and goals, support for enhanced connections with other groups and collaboration to other disciplines through scholarly research projects, plus greater relevance and impact of scholarly inquiry on societal and global issues is presented. However, association/society influence is marginalized unless there is enhanced support by university leadership and faculty of a new or expanded view of scholarly inquiry. One possibility in gaining support or recognition by colleagues, government, community, and society is through a name change that reflects expanded mission and goals, plus a grants program which identifies with Boyer’s model of expanded academic scholarship and impact.  相似文献   


Since the late 1970s, the work‐based route in post‐compulsory education and training has been struggling to create a respectable image through being seen as almost totally synonymous with discredited government‐sponsored youth training schemes. Yet, for many young people, who have no desire to remain in full‐time education after the age of 16, the work‐based route offers an attractive means of acquiring further education and qualifications. The introduction of Modern Apprenticeship, with its professed aim of raising the standard of the work‐based route, provides the opportunity to re‐examine how such a route could be reconstructed a decade after the launch of the YouthTraining Scheme (YTS). This paper draws on current research into young people's experiences of the pilot year of Modern Apprenticeship covering 14 occupational sectors. Interviews with ‘apprentices’ will be presented to highlight the ways in which young people conceptualise such issues as the form and structure of their future working lives, the realities of their local labour markets, the disadvantages of full‐time education (including higher education), the liberating potential of workplace learning, and the term ‘apprentice’.  相似文献   


Over the past decade, Donald Schön's conceptualization of professional practice as reflection‐in‐action has gained wide currency. This paper reports on a seminar, based on Schon's ideas, to assist elementary teachers in making Science a more significant part of their instructional programmes. A detailed analysis of the efforts of two of the experienced teachers involved points to problems related to: (i) the efficacy of reflection‐on‐action in facilitating reflecting‐in‐action; (ii) disjunctions between conceptual and action components of teachers' frames; and (iii) the role of substantive teacher intervention in assisting children in learning to use non‐common‐sense ways of knowing such as Science.  相似文献   


This article traces the development of training for Britain's film and television industry from the mid‐1970s to the present time. It highlights the range of training opportunities currently available, linking these to government training policies in general and to the specific problems of this industry. The evolution of college and university courses, industry‐based initiatives, the relationship between media education and media training and the difficulties of financing training are all addressed, together with some very recent developments which may further influence the quantity and quality of training available over the next decade.  相似文献   


In the last decade access initiatives have been designed to facilitate greater access and participation for people from marginalised groups who have traditionally been excluded from higher education. In common with international trends, young people with disabilities in Ireland have been included in this process. However, people with disabilities remain under‐represented in higher education. This study explored the quality of access to higher education for young people with disabilities through existing access routes. Both the young people and the professionals (career guidance teachers) agreed that access routes lack transparency. There was a dearth of professional knowledge about the options available to young people with disabilities leaving school. This lack of professional knowledge combined with the opaqueness of access routes forced the young people to rely on parental support and/or disability agencies for information and guidance. It can be concluded that goodwill and compassion are no substitute for an informed system that ensures equitable access for young people with disabilities to higher education.  相似文献   


The proceeding decade has seen much official effort expended on encouraging the growth of an ‘enterprise culture’. The present report considers the extent to which enterprise has come to be valued by young people today. Data on work values from the ESRC's 16‐19 Initiative indicate that enterprise values are largely rejected in favour of the traditional attractions of good pay and prospects. The entrepreneurial minority tend to be more committed than others to a meritocratic society, but holding entrepreneurial values is unconnected with political affiliation. Attempts to encourage an entrepreneurial spirit appears to have failed to influence young people's notions of work.  相似文献   


Language for children who have special educational needs is generally recognised to be an educational objective in its own right. In the last decade, the pragmatic perspective has currently focussed attention on the contexts within which the structures of language develop and are used. It is suggested that naturalistic interactions between children and adults provide appropriate contexts for language learning. The focus of the present study was to examine the possible relationship between a musical context and language learning. A group of six language‐impaired children was studied in two routinized contexts, a lesson‐without‐music and a singing session. Child‐teacher talk in the musical and non‐musical contexts was analysed using a conversational participation coding system, which included measures of turn‐taking, initiation and imitation. The findings suggest that the addition of music to a routinized context has the potential to increase the language‐impaired child's ability to interact non‐verbally.  相似文献   


This paper explores the influence of two government departments, the Department of Employment and the Department of Education and Science (now the Department for Education), on post‐16 provision during the last decade. In acknowledging the underlying move to vocationalizing the post‐16 curriculum and processes, two new concepts are introduced for distinguishing those policies intended for the short‐term control of entry to the labour market, regulatory vocationalism, and those longer‐term policies of anticipatory vocationalism intended to raise the skill and knowledge base of the workforce for an uncertain and highly competitive economic and employment future. The paper examines the main instruments of policy from A New Training Initiative: A Programme for Action (DE/DES, 1981) to Education and Training for the 21st Century (DES/DE, 1991), arguing that over the decade it has been the immediate social and political contexts which have largely determined policy towards post‐16 provision and therefore led to a period of superficially episodic initiatives. However, it is further argued that whereas the rhetoric of policy is shifting towards a longer‐term vision, the changes in education and training infrastructure are only compatible with short‐term concerns.  相似文献   


This article identifies two traditions in the development of curriculum theory and practice in England. The first, it is suggested, grew from the Nuffield tradition of investigative subject‐based enquiry and has evolved in a broadly social constructivist and child‐focused way. The second, with origins in the Humanities Curriculum Project, has developed through action research and professional, reflective practice and is teacher focused. The paper argues for the integration of these interrelated perspectives to embrace the emergent field of study around pedagogic content knowledge (in the USA) and didactic transposition (in France).  相似文献   


In the last decade, a majority of states has developed legislation or centralized policy directives which encourage the participation of older adults in institutions of higher education through tuition‐reduction or tuition‐waiver. However, very little research has been conducted to assess their impact on participation and program development. This paper is intended to analyze the awareness and impact of tuition‐waiver policies among older adults and institutions of higher education in the state of Virginia. In addition, this paper is intended to provide an expository framework for the synthesis of secondary data sources which address state policy issues in gerontology and higher education.

Results from the analysis indicate a high level of awareness among administrators at the institutional and state level in higher education and among state legislators, while somewhat less awareness is evident among older adults. In terms of impact, results indicate that older adult participation remains extremely low, and the priority of cost in participation decisions is not well understood. The actual financial burden on institutions is still relatively small; however, with no tuition or state reimbursed funds, the incentives for program development remain insufficient.

Several additional policy and research questions follow from the analysis. Questions must be raised concerning who is benefitting from the legislation and who should be benefitting, what kinds of incentives are necessary for institutions to develop programs, and what role the state should play in facilitating program development. Additionally, a re‐evaluation of tuition‐waiver policies versus other kinds of financial incentives is recommended.  相似文献   


Despite the expansion of access to Australian higher education in the past decade, the participation shares of rural and isolated people and people from lower socio‐economic backgrounds have altered little and remain unacceptably low. This paper reports findings from two national studies at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education that have examined student choices about higher education, especially the inhibiting factors still present for non‐traditional students. The discussion focuses on the dilemmas and challenges for Australian universities in balancing the adoption of entrepreneurial approaches to student recruitment with an unfinished equity agenda. The paper raises questions about the new ideology of individual choice influencing university policy and whether or not this can be reconciled with social equity objectives.  相似文献   


The need to develop reasoning skills in children through discussion is generally acknowledged by curriculum aims. There is, however, a lack of any definite teaching strategy to fulfil this need. Matthew Lipman's Philosophy for Children programme has had success in this area. As with other ‘collaborative enquiry‐based’ approaches to learning, it depends upon a teaching strategy which enhances children's self‐esteem. This seems a necessary ingredient for the development of rationality, critical awareness and autonomy in children. Inadequate teacher training is suggested as a major reason for the failure of ‘collaborative’ approaches greatly to influence educational practice. With a shift away from the ‘authority/knowledge‐based’ paradigm and the provision of effective teacher training, it is considered that our educational institutions could become more democratically organised, and we would move closer to realising the liberal ideal of developing human potential to the full.  相似文献   


This paper reports a small‐scale longitudinal enquiry into the development of children's ideas on light and vision. It followed the same class from Year 4 (age 9) through to Year 6 (age 11), but the greater part of the information came from Year 5. The data were derived from the children's drawings and written responses, and from small group interviews. Care was taken to ensure that the ideas elicited were the true beliefs of the children. No formal instruction in the subject had been given, nor was any attempted. In the analysis, the children's views have been classified according to a hierarchical set of models, which reflect the strong adherence to an active vision interpretation held by the majority. The extent of progression towards the more scientific view is reported. In the introduction and discussion comparison is made between contemporary non‐scientific conceptions of vision, and the speculations of pre‐scientific philosophers. A final section presents some implications of these findings for teaching the topic.  相似文献   


This introduction to the special issue offers a selective account of two efforts, across a half century, to describe and alleviate the plight of poor people and their children in school: a specific train of thought called the “culture of poverty” from its origin in 1959, through its express track to prominence across the 1960s, to its research-led crash from 1968 to 1980. The reason for documenting this history is the reemergence of culture of poverty rhetoric in the last decade. Our response recommends the early critiques to the new culture of poverty, which has mostly side-stepped a potent body of social scientific and literary contestation. The papers that follow give detail to the issues raised.  相似文献   


Australian universities have undergone considerable reform in the past decade. What is seen as the 'unkindest cut of all' has been a more conservative federal government's substantial economic cut-backs in higher education from 1996 onwards. They have precipitated profound changes in its culture as the university becomes privatised, marketised, globalised and increasingly student-driven. In these shifts, the deregulated higher education sector is operating out of a 'busnocratic' rationality where choice and positional advantage are integral to market logic. This paper explores how universities are responding rapidly to fiscal stringency through the adoption of tactics and strategies which appropriate the operation of business for the governance of university culture  相似文献   


This article analyses the progresses and challenges in education in Latin America since the Salamanca World Conference on Special Needs Education. The main advances have been in the access to education of a greater number of students derived from a higher public expenditure. The challenges that still exist can be summed up through insufficient educational quality, especially with regard to the situation of teachers and the infrastructure of schools. It’s difficult to collect appropriate, rigorous and accurate data for special needs education. The article concludes by pointing out the importance of rebuilding three bridges to move faster in the inclusive process: first, a political bridge to agree on the improvement of the educational budget during the next decade; a social and cultural bridge that supports attitudes of citizens in favour of diversity and inclusion; and finally, an educational bridge with two fundamental pillars: education of infant and young children and training and professional development for teachers.  相似文献   

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