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营造以人为本的居住环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居住建筑为人们提供休养生息的处所,居住环境的设计应本着以人为本的设计原则,将室内与室外环境结合起来,为人们提供一个居住、休闲、交流、娱乐的场所。  相似文献   

居住建筑为人们提供休养生息的处所,居住环境的设计应本着以人为本的设计原则,将室内与室外环境结合起来,为人们提供一个居住、休闲、交流、娱乐的场所。  相似文献   

住宅小区环境优美, 配套完善、交通方便、建筑新颖是设计的主要目标。室内居住环境的设计包括空间组织及其应用, 厨位布置, 特异套型设计及物理环境的设计。室外居住环境设计则要延续城市文脉和保护生态环境, 体现完美的组织空间序列, 设计完善的服务系统和保证安全防卫, 塑造宜人景观。  相似文献   

颜昌国 《学子》2014,(8):21-21
社区居住环境是指供人们起居生活的居住环境,以建筑外部空间为基础,以追求室外空间的多功能完美结合,并充分满足人们生活、工作中的物质和审美需求为目标的生活家园。该课设计目的在于让学生打破学科界限,实现美术学科与社会生活之间的融合,培养牢固的环境意识和保护环境资源的习惯,初步掌握社区环境美化的基本原则,改造美化的内容以及美化的方法措施。教学中,我采用“四步法”尝试教学,效果较好。  相似文献   

随着人们生活的日益提高,人们追求居住环境的标准也在不断地攀升,对室内设计的要求也在提升。在追求享受追求生活质量成为时尚的当今社会。再精美的建筑设计,没有良好的室内环境的优秀设计显然不能满足人们对室内环境、空间高标准的要求。室内外环境的相互和谐融洽,优美的外部空间配上有丰富内涵的室内空间设计,才是人们对现代建筑最合理的诉求。“城市让人们的生活更美好”,需要的是城市、建筑、居住环境、室内设计每一项都是匀称的、和谐的、舒心的、惬意的。这也是人们永远追求的目标,室内设计融合室外空间的这一设计理念的张力会越来越强。  相似文献   

我国艺术设计院校的环境艺术设计专业是整合了室内设计和景观设计两个方向的应用型设计专业。人体工程学作为专业基础课纳入环境设计专业的教学体系中。然而,在人体工程学课程教学中,大部分内容偏向室内和建筑的尺度认知,而对于室外空间的尺度认知内容较少涉及。因此,针对艺术院校环境艺术设计专业的人体工程学教学内容应该将室外空间尺度认知和应用纳入课程教学实践中。教学内容可涵盖室外空间认知、室外空间尺度分级、室外空间尺度标准、室外空间尺度应用四个方面。同时,由于环境艺术设计专业属于创意型专业,可以将设计思维LAUNCH循环的创意教学法引入课程中,结合线上学习和线下调研认知的方式,加强学生对于室外空间尺度的认知和掌握。  相似文献   

随着城市大规模的开发,建筑综合体逐步的向大尺度发展,建筑与城市的关系日益冷漠。人们生活的模式以及心理的动态都随着这种逐渐冷漠、长期封闭的居住社区建筑空间形式变得单一而没有生机。在分析建筑空间对社会性活动和人群的影响以及中国城市居住社区共享化建筑空间实例的基础上,探讨城市居住社区共享化建筑空间的实现方法,有助于人们生存环境的改善与进步。  相似文献   

北京新东方扬州外国语学校的校园设计基于新东方教育理念,以生态型的校园环境、人车分流的交通系统、园林化的建筑室外空间组合和人性化的建筑空间,为学生创造了一个优美的学习和生活环境。  相似文献   

环境艺术设计是创造现代“室文化”的一门综合学科。“室文化”既包括室外文化,又包括室内文化,那么建筑就是界于联系室内与室外之间的一个载体。从历史的发展、空间的概念和审美的要求来看建筑与环境是密不可分的,要想学好室内、室外文化,就必须先了解建筑文化,也就是必须先学好建筑设计。  相似文献   

“绿色建筑”是指在建筑生命周期(选址、规划设计、施工、使用管理及拆除过程)中,以最节约能源、最有效利用资源的方式,建造最低环境负荷情况下最安全、健康、高效及舒适的居住空间,达到人及建筑与环境共生共荣、永续发展。  相似文献   

城市空间的日趋复杂,使人们对公共环境信息的需求变得越来越强烈。实现导向信息无障碍识别,帮助人们在陌生环境中自如行动,比以往任何时候都重要。公园是城市空间的一个主要构成部分。本文论述了无障碍导向设计以人为本的设计原则。具体分析公园导向信息无障碍识别与设计的基本要素、环境文化传达、人文关怀之间的关联。针对合肥逍遥津公园导向设计存在的识别问题,提出加强整体系统化,加强设计表现规范化、清晰化的建设性意见。  相似文献   

The construction of a building may change the microclimate in the vicinity, and planning indicators in a master plan may directly affect the outdoor physical environmental quality in residential areas. An inappropriate plan for a site may accelerate wind and intensify vortexes over places on the pedestrian levels, which leads to an adverse outdoor environment. Therefore, the design of a cluster of buildings should not focus only on the buildings but also provide a good outdoor environment around the buildings. To tackle the problem of inadequate wind environment, the relationship between the building’s floor area ratio and height was identified in this study as the main planning indicator to be examined on its effects on the outdoor wind environment. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was hence developed to simulate the wind conditions generated by some typical site layouts with different values for planning indicators under relevant weather conditions, which were typical of those in Hangzhou, China. The simulated wind conditions are assessed using the wind speed ratio over the whole area of the building cluster at the pedestrian level. The effects on the local wind condition due to the varying of the planning indicators are discussed whilst considering the potential construction costs. The indicators resulting in better external conditions are highlighted in the conclusion as the recommendation which could be used as a rule of thumb by architects and planners at the master planning stage. The study disproves the common belief in the practice that a lower floor area ratio means fewer buildings and therefore greater external comfort. In fact, the higher the building, the greater the outdoor comfort wind zone for pedestrians. However, the increment in comfort area is limited to buildings extending from 25 to 30 levels.  相似文献   

The article explores the role of the outdoor environment in the Gardens for Bellies Danish school garden program in relation to student wellbeing. It is based on exploratory multiple case study research. The study indicates that the school garden program promotes students’ wellbeing through their positive emotions about being outside in the outdoor environment. Garden activities and their relations with peers, garden educators, and teachers seemed to positively affect students’ self-esteem. Over and above the positive social environment, students’ relations with the natural environment seem also to affect their wellbeing as they develop empathy for animals, insects, and plants. Whether this influences their wellbeing, interpersonal relations, and planetary care in the long run after the program is not, however, documented. Not all students thrive in the open, free, and sometimes chaotic space of the garden. However, the majority of students in the program seem to experience a sense of wellbeing.  相似文献   

老龄居住环境研究与探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着时代的不断发展,中国逐渐迈进了老龄国家的行列。本文从我国老龄居住环境现状入手,从老年住宅建设、社区服务开展和户外环境设计等方面探讨了老龄居住环境的营造和开发问题。  相似文献   

Two teachers from a school in Copenhagen were allowed to move their third grade teaching into a forest every Thursday for three years. Thus 20% of the class's regular teaching took place in an outdoor environment. The purpose of the present study was to ask the children how they experienced lessons in the classroom and the forest settings. Therefore, two almost identical questionnaires including a total of 26 statements adjusted to each context were completed by the children four times from 2000 to 2003. Further, in the forest questionnaire three specific statements were added about the outdoor environment plus one question about their choice of playmates during breaks at school and breaks in the forest. Ten statements were categorized as ‘social relations’, 14 statements as ‘teaching’ and finally two related to ‘self-perceived physical activity’. A significant difference (p < 0.001) was found between the school/classroom and the outdoor environment when scores from all four questionnaires (2000–2003) were summed. The categories ‘social relations’ (p < 0.001), ‘teaching’ (p < 0.001) and ‘self-perceived physical activity’ (p < 0.001) all showed significant differences. It is concluded from the present case study that the combination of classroom and outdoor teaching, over a three-year period had a positive effect on the children's social relations, experience with teaching and self-perceived physical activity level.  相似文献   

先秦诸子的理想国理论多且各具特色,其中以儒、道、墨、法家最具代表性。这些理论皆建立在各自的人性论基础之上,既关乎社会生活的总体设计,又关乎政治设计和战略目标;既肯定现实生活和基本社会关系,又对之进行猛烈地批判以求完美。从总体上说,理想国理论对君主的专制权力起着一定的精神和舆论制约作用,但很有限。  相似文献   

本文从住宅空间质量和居住环境质量两个方面阐述了当前居住者对居住生活环境质量的需求,强调以人为本的设计思想,关注人的生活,关注环境,并对住宅建设的可持续发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

展示设计是一项强调空间设计、色彩设计、照明设计,以及展示道具设计的独立设计职业。展示环境分为室内空间和室外空间。室内空间是以展品本身为出发点,在展示道具形式作用下的空间形态。本文就针对室内展示设计所涉及的一些问题做相关的探讨。  相似文献   

基于生态位企业间关系优化目标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业生态位是企业在自然、经济、社会、文化和技术环境组成的生态系统中,与环境相互作用后的生存位置,特别反映了与其他企业的相互关系状况,是研判企业间关系的良好工具。时间、空间、资源和能力因素是决定企业生态位的主要因子,由此出发将企业之间关系类型划分为基本不相关型、竞争主导型、合作主导型和竞合型等四类企业问关系。在此基础上以企业生态位的视角正确分析与相关企业的关系,将不良的或者依然有提升空间的企业生态位确立为要进行优化的对象。优化后所达到的企业生态位将使企业更好地整合内外资源,充分发挥自身能力,提高资源利用率,从而拓展生存和发展空间。  相似文献   

以环境生态为中心理念,采用流动空间的设计手法,使组团绿地、宅间绿地和中心绿地相互贯通,视觉连续,创造绿地空间共享的中心花园式住宅小区。  相似文献   

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