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This study focuses on observations of classroom conversation as an approach to assessment of relationships between a teacher's teaching and pupils' learning and identity‐development processes. Detailed observation notes from two conventional conversation situations from a first grade classroom are written down as narratives and analysed within a sociocultural theoretical framework. Three significant themes emerge: (1) How the teacher sees the pupils, (2) How she connects with them, and (3) How she wanders on together with them. Together these themes function as strong “process motors” demonstrating how a teacher's support and scaffolding add positive influences to children's learning and personal growth. The study concludes that writing down information from classroom observations in a narrative genre manufactures excellent opportunities for revealing, describing, interpreting, and evaluating significant relationships between a teacher's teaching and pupils' learning and identity development.  相似文献   

Teachers' perceptions of their changing practice in the context of the National Literacy Strategy have been well documented in recent years. However, few studies have collected pupils' views or voices. As part of a collaborative research and development project into the teaching and learning of writing, 390 primary pupils' views were collected. A marked difference in attitude to writing and self‐esteem as writers was found between Key Stages 1 and 2, as well as a degree of indifference and disengagement from in‐school writing for some KS2 writers. A strong desire for choice and greater autonomy as writers was expressed and a preference for narrative emerged. This part of the research project ‘We're Writers' has underlined the importance of listening to pupils’ views about literacy, in order to create a more open dialogue about language and learning, and to negotiate the content of the curriculum in response to their perspectives.  相似文献   

This article reports on the results of two international systematic research reviews which focus on different aspects of teaching grammar to improve the quality and accuracy of 5–16‐year‐olds' writing in English. The results show that there is little evidence to indicate that the teaching of formal grammar is effective; and that teaching sentence‐combining has a more positive effect. In both cases, however, despite over a hundred years of research and debate on the topic, there is insufficient quality of research to prove the case with either approach. More research is needed, as well as a review of policy and practice in England with regard to the teaching of sentence structure in writing.  相似文献   

写作是英语交流不可或缺的关键能力,也是英语教学必不可少的重要内容.针对大学生英语写作容易在选词、语法等方面出现错误,以及母语负迁移问题,在分析问题产生原因的基础上,结合语料库语言学、认知心理学等相关理论,探索程式语在大学英语写作教学中的应用.通过教学材料中程式语的提取、课本中程式语的使用情况分析、命题作文写作中程式语的...  相似文献   

隐形语法是俄语、英语新课程标准提出的一个新理念,也是新一轮外语课程改革的指针。新课程标准作为教学的纲领性文件,其指导思想直接关涉新课改的成败,因而对其可行性进行论证尤为必要。语法显性/隐性属于语言类型学范畴,而显形/隐形属于教学法范畴,在教材编辑和教学实践中,是否可以不顾语言类型而一概使用隐形方法,尚未见诸报道。隐形语法思想缺乏语言学理论支撑和实证性理据,文章从语言理论和教学实践两个方面对隐形语法的可行性提出了质疑。  相似文献   

This article presents the findings from a small scale qualitative study which focused on pupils' perceptions of competence and motivation towards art experienced in school. These are considered as very important in shaping learning and teaching processes. In particular, the article focuses on the role that perceptions of competence play on pupils' quality of involvement and achievement in art. Participants were chosen based on age, gender and their stated perceptions of competence. Sixteen 11‐12 year olds were interviewed in groups and individually. Pupils' perceptions of competence are identified as a key factor in determining pupils' initial engagement and level of engagement with art activities. Moreover they are thought to be important in shaping their learning preferences at an age when pupils' uncertainty about their abilities in art making is getting stronger. The results are situated within the framework of achievement goal theory and have implications for teaching strategies and for ways of responding to pupils' learning preferences.  相似文献   

大学英语六字联想式教学法就是在大学英语的课堂教学和学生的学习活动中,应用“英语词汇六字联想式速记法”,以词汇为主线,贯穿语音和语法,把纷繁的语法知识分散到每个单词上,化整为零,化难为易,把学生从语法知识的迷富中解脱出来,使词汇的教学与使用同进并举,有机结合,学一词,用一词,把语言知识直接转化为言语技能。  相似文献   

The place of evidence to inform educational effectiveness has received increasing attention internationally in the last two decades. An important contribution to evidence‐informed policy has been greater attention to experimental trials including randomised controlled trials (RCTs). The aim of this paper is to examine the use of evidence, particularly the use of evidence from experimental trials, to inform national curriculum policy. To do this the teaching of grammar to help pupils’ writing was selected as a case. Two well‐regarded and influential experimental trials that had a significant effect on policy, and that focused on the effectiveness of grammar teaching to support pupils’ writing, are examined in detail. In addition to the analysis of their methodology, the nature of the two trials is also considered in relation to other key studies in the field of grammar teaching for writing and a recently published robust RCT. The paper shows a significant and persistent mismatch between national curriculum policy in England and the robust evidence that is available with regard to the teaching of writing. It is concluded that there is a need for better evidence‐informed decisions by policy makers to ensure a national curriculum specification for writing that is more likely to have positive impact on pupils.  相似文献   

The benefits of grammar instruction in the teaching of writing is contested in most English‐speaking countries (Jones et al., 2012). The majority of Anglophone countries abandoned the teaching of grammar in the 1950s based on the conclusions that it had no positive impact on learners’ development of reading, writing and language (Locke, 2005). Through an action research design, this study aims at gaining a further understanding of how the explicit teaching of grammar in context can benefit learners with persistent literacy difficulties by adapting the Grammar for Writing materials (Myhill, 2013). It intends to improve educational practice (Koshy, 2010) through action, analysis and reflection.  相似文献   

高考英语包括听力、语言知识的应用、阅读和写作。语言知识应用实际上是考察学生的语法和词汇的掌握程度。语法是指语言的组织规律,是语言的结构形式。人们在学习和运用语言的过程中,都在自觉或不自觉地学习和运用着语法。而词汇教学是培养学生综合语言运用能力的基础,是英语教学中的基础环节。语境理论近年来一直是语言学界研究的中心话题,它对于改善词汇教学和语法教学有着非常重要的作用。文章针对高中英语词汇教学和语法教学中存在的问题,结合语境理论进行语法教学和词汇教学方法探索,以期提高英语教学效率。  相似文献   

The research examined the impact on teachers of the grammar element of a new statutory test in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) in primary schools in England. The research aimed to evaluate the nature and the extent of changes to the teaching of grammar and to wider literacy teaching since the introduction of the test in 2013. The research explored teachers’ responses to teaching grammar to a statutory test format, and how teachers implemented rapid curriculum change in their classrooms. The research sought to learn the perspectives of teachers as they adjusted to new English assessments and new expectations for children’s language in the primary school. This paper draws on teacher interviews (n = 16) and an online survey of teaching staff (n = 170). Teachers discuss their knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of grammar at their own level, and their skills for teaching pupils; they also discuss their observations of how pupils have responded to explicit grammar teaching and the grammar test. The data give some insights into the processes for teachers of applying new requirements for teaching and testing grammar, and how teachers strive to make grammar accessible to children. The findings discussed in this paper are: (1) since the introduction of the statutory SPaG test in primary schools, time spent teaching decontextualised and contextualised grammar has increased significantly; (2) grammar is now taught explicitly and formally as a classroom literacy routine; (3) the test format influences grammar teaching content and approaches; (4) teachers observe that pupils enjoy learning grammar and taking the test; (5) teachers disagree about the extent to which explicit grammar teaching and testing have a positive impact on pupils’ language and literacy skills; (6) teachers feel more confident about teaching grammar.  相似文献   

This article discusses a small scale project investigating the role of writing poetry in order to strengthen pupils' responses to reading and analysing poetry. This takes place within the context of preparation for a question on unseen poetry in a high stakes examination, in a contemporary climate where creative responses to poetry are reported to be less prevalent than analytical responses within an assessment‐focused curriculum. The project investigates strategies to inspire pupils to write their own poetry and to analyse the work of their peers in order to ‘put themselves in the shoes’ of the poet, supporting them in preparing for the examination question. It also involves teacher‐modelling of the writing and reading processes to support pupils in feeling part of a reading and writing community.  相似文献   

语块是外语学习的基本单位,是真实外语交际中高频率出现的大于单个单词的多词单位。越来越多的学者认为,语块将取代孤立的词汇或复杂的语法成为外语学习的中心,因为语块教学对外语学习者的外语流利程度和地道程度作用很大,是融词汇教学、语法教学、语用教学、语义教学和语篇教学为一体的整体性教学。  相似文献   

目前的大学英语教学存在着重语言现象 ,轻信息获取 ;重语法细节 ,轻篇章整体 ;重知识灌输 ,轻能力培养的误区。纠正这种倾向的根本途径是实施全息式教学 ,加强读、听、说、写、译的训练  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how evidence related to performance in computer mediated communication (CMC) can be used as a vehicle for researching pupils' thinking about using and learning a foreign language. The analysis is based on a qualitative study of pupils from two contrasting schools who had taken part in a multinational CMC project involving learners of French and English as a foreign language. The analysis focuses on the pupils' explanations and intuitions about their decisions with regard to two areas of their interaction in particular: code‐switching and pronominal address. The findings suggest that the English learners of French had an implicit set of communicative priorities in which interpersonal objectives tended to dominate over ideational objectives. Evidence from the study indicates the need for further research‐informed educational development in two areas: a reappraisal of the framework for foreign language teaching in England on the basis of greater emphasis on second language (L2) use within the framework; and more developed theoretical understanding of pupil cognition in relation to foreign language learning.  相似文献   

The concept of scaffolding refers to temporary and adaptive support, originally in dyadic adult–child interaction. It has become widely used, also in whole‐class settings, but often in loose ways. The aim of this paper is to theoretically and empirically ground a conceptualisation of whole‐class scaffolding so that it remains close to the origin of the scaffolding concept, but also provides scope for features not salient in one‐to‐one interaction. Drawing an analogy with Vygotsky's concept of Zone of Proximal Development we argue why the extension to whole‐class settings is justified. We further distinguish three key characteristics for whole‐class scaffolding—diagnosis, responsiveness and handover to independence—and illustrate these with examples from a teaching experiment focusing on whole‐class scaffolding language in a multilingual mathematics classroom (age 10–12). The empirical data led to a metaphorical distinction between online and offline enactment of key characteristics, during respectively outside whole‐class interaction. Diagnoses can namely also be made outside lessons, for instance by reading pupils' work; responsiveness can also be realised in adapting instructional activities; and handover to independence can also be fostered in the design of lessons. In addition to this layered nature (online vs. offline), whole‐class scaffolding is often distributed over time. Finally, whole‐class scaffolding is cumulative with pupils' independence emerging as the cumulative effect of many diagnostic and responsive actions over time. We suggest these three features are at the core of whole‐class scaffolding that is deliberately employed to foster long‐term learning processes.  相似文献   

词切分是指在阅读过程中把连续的语言信息切分成有意义的单元,以促进文本的阅读与加工。拼音文字中的词间空格起到了词切分的作用;而中文属于表意文字,书写方式与拼音文字不同,没有词间空格。拼音文字阅读词切分的研究发现,词间空格标示了词切分的位置,是词切分的依据,而且,空格有效地引导读者的眼动行为;而中文的文本没有类似空格的词边界的标记,人为标记词边界不能促进阅读,但是人为添加的词间空格能够促进单词的早期识别。关于中文的词切分已有大量研究,但仍存在如下需要解决的问题:(1)对中文词切分的切分依据的研究还没有一致的结论;(2)中文阅读眼动控制模型的构建还不成熟;(3)词切分与初学者学习之间的关系有待研究;(4)对外汉语教学的教材如何有效处理词切分;等等。未来研究应在以上方面加以探讨。  相似文献   

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