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该文针对计算机网络教学,提出了"在线教学+项目实训"实验教学模式,阐述了实训项目与基础教学内容的构建和实施过程,分析了在实验教学中融入工程项目训练内容对激发学生学习兴趣、培养创新思维的促进作用。实践表明,在线教学与项目实训相结合,有利于将理论知识学习与具体工程实现融为一体,有利于激发学生的自主能动性,有利于提高学生的综合素质和工程实践能力。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情期间,我国越来越多的高校加入了在线或线上线下并行的教学行列,为了积极响应教育部建设打造线上线下混合式“金课”的号召,引导学生探究式与个性化学习,从单纯的知识传递向知识、能力、素质的全面培养转变。湖南中医药大学“中医诊断学”课程积极探索线上线下混合式教学模式,以期提高学生的学习兴趣及主观能动性,更加全面地提高学习效率。基于混合式教学的必要性、课程建设实施方案、教学反思及展望三个方面对混合式教学的开展进行了梳理,以期为相关课程建设提供参考。  相似文献   

This study researches how first-year engineering students perceived the influence of curricular activities on their own learning autonomy, measured with an adaptation of the Personal Responsibility Orientation to Self-direction in Learning Scale (PRO-SDLS). Participants were questioned to assess the influence of the teacher's role. The results indicate that learners’ characteristics (motivation and self-efficacy) contribute more to learner autonomy (LA) than the teaching–learning transaction (control and initiative), as in the original PRO-SDLS validation. The most autonomous learners presented higher values in all LA components and dimensions, but the differences were greater in motivation and initiative. The participants with higher LA were not as dependent on the teacher, regarding assessment, the completion of classroom tasks and deadlines. Regardless of the degree of autonomy in learning, all participants viewed teachers as the main source of information. Therefore, LA plays an important role in teaching activities planning. Suggestions for adjustments and more flexible learning scenarios are formulated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the implementation of a flexible learner-centred programme of study which blends face-to-face and online learning. The programme was developed to be flexible in terms of content and study strategies, whilst remaining within more rigid organisational structures and processes. This paper outlines the programme and presents the model developed for flexible content delivery. The programme has been delivered simultaneously by five tutors to six groups of learners. Tutors drew on varying personal experiences of flexible and online learning and this paper also presents the results of an investigation to explore their experiences of facilitation. The findings provide a unique insight into the implications of such a programme for educators. Data were gathered using methods to promote and structure reflections on practice. Issues of relevance for others considering the development of flexible learner-centred programmes of study are presented.  相似文献   

The implementation of an integrated medical neuroscience course by technologically pivoting an in-person neuroscience course to online using an adaptive blended method may provide a unique approach for teaching a medical neuroscience course during the Covid-19 pandemic. An adaptive blended learning method was developed in response to the requirements necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic. This model combined pedagogical needs with digital technology using online learning activities to implement student learning in a medical neuroscience course for year one medical students. This approach provided medical students with an individually customized learning opportunity in medical neuroscience. The students had the complete choice to engage the learning system synchronously or asynchronously and learn neuroscience materials at different locations and times in response to the demands required to deal with the pandemic. Students' performance in summative and formative examinations of the adaptive blended learning activities were compared with the previous performance obtained the previous year when the contents of the medical neuroscience course were implemented using the conventional “face-to-face” learning approach. While the cohort of our students in 2019 and 2020 changed, the contents, sessions, volume of material, and assessment were constant. This enabled us to compare the results of the 2019 and 2020 classes. Overall, students' performance was not significantly different between the adaptive blended learning and the in-person approach. More students scored between 70% and 79% during the adaptive blended learning compared with in-class teaching, while more students scored between 80% and 89% during the in-person learning than during the adaptive blended learning. Finally, the percentage of students that scored >90% was not significantly different for both Years 2019 and 2020. The adaptive blended learning approach was effective in enhancing academic performance for high-performing medical students. It also permitted the early identification of underachieving students, thereby serving as an early warning sign to permit timely intervention.  相似文献   

While tertiary teaching staff are familiar with teaching strategies used in traditional course delivery, the design and delivery of courses integrating new technologies such as online materials poses new challenges for many. Hence, although technology may be used, its use is often at a superficial level, failing to have significant impact on teaching practice. Motivated by the authors' belief that the development of online learning materials is an endeavour aimed at improving the quality of the learning environment, this paper explores the experiences of several lecturers within Griffith University as they engage in the design and development of online materials as part of the university's flexible learning initiative. Insights into the experiences and perceptions of teaching staff developing online materials are used to highlight issues that can then be used to inform appropriate professional development support for tertiary staff. This in turn will enable the integration of technology into the learning environment to act as a catalyst for positive changes to teaching practice.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an action research study investigating the use of online learning activities or “e-tivities” to enhance the learning and assessment experience of students on a distance master’s programme. The study suggests that to be successfully integrated in a programme, such activities need to be carefully aligned with learning outcomes and assessment practices, and their value needs to be clear both to students and staff. The paper describes how e-tivities were designed, adopting a constructive alignment approach, to introduce more flexible and innovative approaches to learning and assessment. The e-tivities used a range of technologies (e.g., voice-based discussion boards, podcasts, wikis and blogs) to carry out group-based reflective activities. The study provides some evidence that such e-tivities, particularly voice-based activities, can help provide earlier, more detailed formative assessment, stimulate a more collaborative approach to learning and motivate students to engage more broadly with course content.  相似文献   

信息化时代,高职院校的信息化教学已然成为高职院校教学改革的主流趋势。互联网环境下的诸多教学理论运用层出不穷,各有优势。发现式教学法关注学生的主体地位,符合新课程改革提倡自主、合作、探索的学习要求,也能让学生更积极地参与到整个教学过程。互联网环境下,教师可以采用发现式教学法优化教学流程,通过线上线下自主学习、小组合作探究等形式开展教学活动,激发学生能动性,确保教学目标的落实。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the flexible learning needs and preferences of occupational therapy students from a regional Australian university. Participants (n?=?170) were surveyed using a quantitative survey tool. Findings were analysed using SPSS to determine significant differences between variable attributes of the student cohort. The survey found that students have complex and competing lifestyle demands, which impact on study. In particular, paid work was found to negatively influence study and the university experience. Traditional face-to-face learning suited most students, however, flexible learning options were preferable for students where paid work, family commitments and geographic location interfered with study. These results will help inform the design and implementation of flexible delivery courses for occupational therapy. Further research is required to explore the experiences of staff and students who are involved in health courses run by flexible delivery.  相似文献   

结合工程实践对PLC控制技术教学的要求,分析了传统教学方式的不足,描述了面向工程能力培养的教学改革思路和实施过程.面向工程能力培养的教学方法可以提高学生学习的积极主动性,增强学生分析问题与解决问题的能力,培养学生的创新思维和创新能力.  相似文献   


Collaborative learning is a key approach to the development of teaching and learing activities. Project-based learning (PBL) is an approach that encourages the acquisition of skills by the students promoting collaboration among them, since it requires them to solve activities for the development of a specific product. There are various experiences of using this methodology, most of them applied in primary and secondary education, and the few that refer to higher education are carried out in classroom settings. This work presents a case study based on a specific course designed for the acquisition of the digital competence that combines collaborative online learning with PBL and the results obtained from its implementation are explained. The collected data show the success of its application and validates the design presented, highlighting the key elements for fostering collaboration among students.  相似文献   

Graduate employment rates and self-reported employability are increasingly a feature of higher education funding measures. However, graduate outcomes do not denote the whole learning experience of the student nor is the student experience reducible to a single statistic. This paper discusses a design-centric approach to employability development which was enacted within a hybrid learning space. The study engaged 52 final-year speech pathology students, their lecturer, the lead researcher and a career practitioner (advisor) at an Australian university. Students first created personalized employability profiles using an established online self-reflection tool. The online tool produced a personalized report and enabled students to access developmental resources relating to employability and student success. The project team used anonymized student data to transform a previously generic “careers” workshop into a targeted workshop in which students explored individual and cohort findings and participated in developmental activities informed by the data. The initiative’s contribution to learning space research is in its composition as a hybrid learning space in which educators and students engaged as learners and developers of their online learning spaces, and educators collaborated to analyze student data and inform learning and teaching enhancements within the same study period. It is anticipated that the data from subsequent years will inform the curricular review, particularly if subsequent student cohorts express similar concerns. Implications for higher education policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

我国有各级各类学校51.88万所、专任教师1672.85万人、在校生2.76亿人,教育系统在疫情防控期间面向全国亿万学生开展大规模在线教育是历史上从未有过的创举,在全球也属首次。我们可能正在经历一个全球最大的信息化基础设施升级改造工程和一个师生信息素养提升培训工程,一次全球最大的信息化教学社会实验和一次开放教育资源运动。面对新型冠状病毒疫情防控期间各级各类学校在线教学开展中遇到的各种难题,基于网络研讨会的专家观点和校长、教师和局长对一线在线教育实施情况、困难、经验和建议的分析,本文从超大规模互联网教育组织的视角出发,围绕流畅的通信平台、适切的数字资源、便利的学习工具、多样的学习方式、灵活的教学组织、有效的支持服务、密切的政企校协同七个要素,论述了在线教育如何有效支撑“停课不停学”,以期为政府及各级各类学校制定相关政策方针提供理论依据,为一线教师和学生开展在线教学提供操作指南,为相关企业、家庭、社会等多方参与和支持在线教学提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

This article describes the adaptation and validation of the Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey (COLLES) for use in the transnational higher education context. As higher education becomes a more global phenomenon, ‘borderless’ education, either online or by distance education, is becoming a reality and there is a need for remote evaluation of course delivery and student learning. Curtin University of Technology is managing supported online delivery of Business Studies Degree and Diploma courses to four partner institutions of the African Virtual University, an initiative based in Nairobi, Kenya. Evaluation of students’ learning has included an online survey about the provision of resources and the quality of the learning environment in the various computer-based classrooms. Embedded in this instrument has been the adapted COLLES, providing a concomitant opportunity to test the properties and usefulness of the learning environment instrument. Problematic issues surrounding adaptation of the instrument have included the consequences of modifying the wording and establishing or confirming the meaning of the latent constructs in partially online courses and for transnational students. The process of establishing the validity and reliability of the scales is discussed.  相似文献   

Internationally there is a need for research that focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education to equip students with the skills needed for a rapidly changing future. One way to do this is through designing engineering activities that reflect real-world problems and contextualise students’ learning of STEM concepts. As such, this study examined the learning that occurred when fifth-grade students completed an optical engineering activity using an iterative engineering design model. Through a qualitative methodology using a case study design, we analysed multiple data sources including students’ design sketches from eight focus groups. Three key findings emerged: first, the collaborative process of the first design sketch enabled students to apply core STEM concepts to model construction; second, during the construction stage students used experimentation for the positioning of lenses, mirrors and tubes resulting in a simpler ‘working’ model; and third, the redesign process enabled students to apply structural changes to their design. The engineering design model was useful for structuring stages of design, construction and redesign; however, we suggest a more flexible approach for advanced applications of STEM concepts in the future.  相似文献   

慕课和泛雅平台下的云课程是现代技术教育下的一种新型教学模式。“理论力学”是理工科学生一门重要的技术基础课程,如何提高理论力学的教学质量,一直是困扰高等学校教师的一个难题。重点介绍了在理论力学慕课的基础上使用泛雅网络教学平台,通过该平台学生可以自主观看视频,进行网上自我检测和网上作业。线上学习弥补了理论力学课时严重不足的情况,而课堂教学可以更好地了解学生线上学习情况,相得益彰。通过这两种教学模式的融合,很大程度上提高了理论力学的教学质量,调动了学习力学的积极性和主动性。  相似文献   

为了探索疫情防控背景下适合高校工科专业课程线上教学的模式,为高校工科类专业课程实施线上教学提供参考.本文以道路桥梁工程技术专业的三门课程的线上教学为例,分别采用了网络在线教学、网络直播和学生自主学习三种教学模式.首先通过分析该课程的性质与特点,确定适合的线上教学模式;然后根据“以学生为主体,做中学,做中教”的教学理念,...  相似文献   

A synchronous blend of online learning and “face-to-face” teaching is becoming a feasible instructional approach in higher education with the advent of technology. Although this learning mode is not new in higher education, little research has been done to contextualise social presence experiences in which effects of interactions were explored for enhancing learning. A qualitative approach was adopted using the case study method to examine the instructor and students’ pedagogic interactions in the social presence of a blended synchronous learning environment. This paper reports an exploration of the blended learning with an online group of students at a remote site attending a computer-aided engineering drawing course synchronously with a face-to-face group taught by an instructor in a laboratory. The process of interaction was visually and verbally mediated by videoconference as if in an online face-to-face learning community. The findings show that the online and face-to-face groups had different social presence experiences in which interaction emerged. Emotional adaptation and practice is needed for the students and the instructor in such a complex environment. Based on the interaction patterns, a framework of interactions in the blended synchronous learning environment is conceptualised to inform course development and instructional design. Implications for further study are also discussed.  相似文献   

As the number of courses offered online increases rapidly, it is important for teachers and institutions to identify specific learner characteristics of successful online students. This paper reports on a study that compared an online group of freshmen computer science majors with an equivalent on‐campus group to find if their individual learning styles play a role in the selection of course delivery mode (online or face to face) and in their academic achievement. No significant statistical differences were detected in learning styles and learning performance between the two groups. Implications for teaching practice and design of learning activities that resulted from this study are discussed.  相似文献   

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