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This paper presents initial findings of research into problems encountered by recently appointed primary headteachers. The study from which its data are drawn was undertaken in Wales in the summer of 1994 as one dimension of a broader European study of the preparation and early years in post of headteachers and replicated elements of an earlier survey of new secondary headteachers appointed to post in 1982–83. This paper discusses findings from the 1994 primary study relating to headteachers’ perceptions of three categories of problems: those internal to their schools, those external to their schools and those related to staff and staffing issues. To provide a context for these empirical data the paper also presents a brief review of research on problems and approaches to problem‐solving relevant to educational administrators.  相似文献   

The OECD's recent research initiative, Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers ( OECD 2002 ), has highlighted teacher supply and demand as an area of international concern. Using data collected in this area as part of a wider OECD initiative (the PISA 2000 study) an individual‐level analysis was conducted on the views on teacher recruitment and retention of 5416 headteachers, principals and administrators working in secondary schools in 25 countries. The findings showed considerable variation between countries in terms of perceptions of the impact of teacher shortages, inadequacy and turnover. Surprisingly, however, differences in the reports of headteachers working in the same countries were only rarely related to the size, location, or other characteristics of the schools in which they worked. Although there has been considerable previous research into headteachers’ views on this issue, much of this research has been, by necessity, small scale and restricted to a single nation. This article provides a much larger scale perspective and allows international comparisons to be made.  相似文献   

Twenty‐four primary schools were randomly selected from all those listed in a local education authority in the West Midlands of England. Heads or deputy headteachers of 21 of these schools were interviewed using a structured interview schedule very similar to the one used for a recent survey of secondary schools. Data were obtained about the general rule structures of the schools and the system of sanctions and rewards used to maintain them. The findings were then compared with those from the secondary survey. Primary schools were less likely than secondary schools to have written rule structures but most were in the process of producing them in response to new pressures. It was more common for all the teachers in the primary school to be considered responsible for seeing that rules were kept. Generally, primary school headteachers identified fewer sanctions being used to uphold their rules than in secondary schools. The number of rewards used in both types of school was about equal. Comment is made on the difference between sanctions and rewards identified as being used in schools and some observed classroom practice.  相似文献   


Teacher careers in secondary schools have been transformed over the last 25 years. Established careers paths, based originally around the distinction between graduate subject‐specialists and non‐graduate teachers, have been progressively eroded and in recent years typical career progressions have given way to idiosyncratic work histories. Careers in teaching are being replaced by ‘careering’ teachers. As well as making it more difficult to plan a career, the ‘disestablishment’ of teacher careers has profound implications for the relations between teachers with different academic backgrounds and for patterns of influence within secondary schools. The progressive disestablishment of teacher careers has helped undermine traditional organisational patterns in secondary schools. It has strengthened still further the powers of patronage available to headteachers and brought particular benefits to the members of the burgeoning management groups who now assist them with their widened responsibilities. This increase in the influence of those with broader curricular and administrative responsibilities is at the expense of heads of traditional subject departments. More generally, the position of traditional subject graduates, with postgraduate teaching certificates, has deteriorated in relation both to those with degrees in education and to non‐graduate teachers.  相似文献   

中小学校长实践锻炼项目是广东省校长培训工作的一次模式创新,基于体验式学习理论,在培训工作开展过程中表现出不同于传统培训模式的特点,主要表现在离开狭窄的理论课堂,为校长提供一个在实践中体验学习的平台,使之全方位地感悟另一种不同的教育文化背景下的学校管理经验。  相似文献   

The main research question that underpinned this study was whether there is a link between staff perceptions of school climate and staff attitudes towards the inclusion of students with recognized learning disabilities. This investigation was conducted with reference to the notion of ‘changing’ or ‘moving’ cultures. The study relied on the perceptions of headteachers, counsellors and teachers in five secondary schools in the Tel‐Aviv area, Israel. The method of enquiry applied was the survey approach via a questionnaire to all staff at these schools and the interpretative approach via a smaller number of in‐depth interviews with a subset of these staff members. The analysis and conclusion indicated that although most schools now demonstrate ‘moving’ cultures and a collaborative climate, attitudes towards students with learning disabilities are ambivalent. The paper ends with suggestions for further research to enhance connectivity between of management culture and special educational needs.  相似文献   

This paper reports on data relating to management and leadership derived from a survey of all the female headteachers in England and Wales. The quantitative data presented here are complementary to previous research on gender in education which has tended to be qualitative. The use of the Gray paradigms in the research instrument has allowed an empirical redefinition of the 'feminine' style of management, but the research confirms that the majority of the female heads use a collaborative and 'people-oriented' style of management. In addition, the key values promoted by the headteachers are related to achievement and respect for all.The headteachers generally make themselves available to staff and spend a considerable proportion of their time in school outside their office. They tend to encourage staff development, often through individual consultation, but only a minority make special provision for the development of female teachers. Male resentment of female leadershipwas found to be relatively prevalent and the majority of the women felt they had to 'prove their worth' as a woman manager. Despite the difficulties encountered, once the women had achieved headship, they were aware that there were advantages in being a woman headteacher. They reported the ability to defuse 'macho' behaviour, the benefits of being unusual and therefore singled out and the fact that girls, mothers and female teachers found them approachable. The relative disproportion of female secondary headteachers raises issues of equity. However, in view of the effective management style of the majority, the question is also raised of the potential loss of leadership to our schools.  相似文献   

Although school-based initial teacher training (ITT) has been studied extensively, little attention has been paid to the subject of this paper: its impact on pupils. The findings reported here are part of a larger investigation into the costs and benefits of ITT in secondary schools. This paper explores the implications of school-based ITT for pupils from the perspective of four groups of teachers: two groups with formal mentoring responsibilities; class teachers with no designated role in the mentoring processes and headteachers. Their views on matters such as effects on pupil discipline, pupil motivation, curriculum continuity and parental perceptions of a school are examined. Received wisdom on some of these topics is cast in an unexpected light by the results reported here.  相似文献   

As part of a large‐scale study of the ability of 94 secondary schools to promote academic achievement, case studies of six outlier schools were conducted and headteachers (principals) and their deputies were questioned about the processes of effectiveness. The analysis of their responses ‐ grouped by the performance of their school (measured by value added analyses of three years of public examination results) as effective, ineffective or mixed ‐ reveals considerable support for previously cited characteristics of effective schooling. Despite the limitations imposed by a reliance on the use of retrospective accounts, the study takes forward the field of school effectiveness in its search for generalisable findings and coherent theory.



This paper sets out to examine and explain the reasons why there are relatively few female secondary headteachers in England and Wales. Research relating to women in management has been mainly qualitative, but the data on which this paper is based are drawn from a large scale questionnaire survey which was sent to all the female headteachers in England and Wales, and which achieved a 70 per cent response rate. The issues covered include: demographic characteristics: career constraints associated with domestic commitments; overt and covert discrimination in the workplace and the reasons that the respondents gave for their own success. The author concludes that despite minor changes, there is a continuing and high level of discrimination faced by women who aspire to senior management in education.  相似文献   

Existing research demonstrates the impact of context on school organisation and management, curriculum and pedagogy and on student peer relations. New developments in English education policy will devolve more responsibility for dealing with these issues to headteachers. Headteachers' readings of their contexts and the responses that they make are thus of increasing interest. This paper draws on interviews with eight headteachers of less advantaged English primary schools to explore how they understand and articulate the contexts in which their schools operate and how this knowledge is translated into strategies for organising curriculum, pedagogy and other school processes. These headteachers observed context through the lens of the behaviour of parents and children in relation to school, contrasting it with an assumed middle‐class normality. More critical perspectives on families' social and economic position or on the contribution of school practice to educational exclusion were largely absent. School responses were many and varied but, given the constraints of budgets, market and performative pressures, were unlikely to substantially transform the educational experiences and outcomes of disadvantaged students. We point to the continuing need for more contextualised funding mechanisms and policies to improve schools in disadvantaged areas and also, in the light of devolution to schools, to the need to develop mechanisms of support to headteachers to help them to develop critical understandings of context and to reflect on school process and practices in the light of these understandings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of a study of a sample of 609 English teachers and school executive (headteachers, deputies, etc.). The study sought to examine and benchmark teachers’ occupational motivation, satisfaction and health and to test a model of teacher satisfaction developed in Australia in a previous research phase.

English teachers were found, in common with their Australian counterparts, to be motivated most strongly by altruism, affiliation and personal growth. They were also found, again like Australian teachers, to be most satisfied with ‘core business’ aspects of teaching‐‐facilitating student learning and achievement, developing as a professional and working with other staff; and the least satisfied with matters from systemic and societal levels‐‐the nature and pace of educational change, and the status and image of teaching. Between these two domains lay factors specific to particular schools: school leadership and communication, school resources and relationships with community.

Teachers from different types of schools and those holding different promotion positions were found to differ on some measures of satisfaction; however, unlike Australian principals, headteachers were found to be, on the whole, no more satisfied than their classroom teacher colleagues and to be similarly ‘stressed’. These findings are interpreted in the light of the specific context of the English education system.  相似文献   

Although initially focusing on the parental diagnosis of cancer, the findings reported in this paper have a much wider significance for pastoral care. Earlier research suggested that parental disclosure of diagnosis was not handled sensitively by some secondary schools. The earlier research dealt with the responses of parents and pupils, whilst this research focuses on the perceptions of head teachers. Using unstructured interviews, three key areas were investigated: the recommended procedures for parental contact with the school in relation to confidential issues; the policies or procedures which help or constrain staff from helping distressed children on an individual basis; the needs and concerns of headteachers and staff related to pastoral care in schools. The data provide important insights into the perceptions and issues concerning pastoral care in the current climate.  相似文献   


This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on how best the appraisal of headteachers can be effected. It presents an analysis of the findings of a study which compared self‐appraisals of their managerial peformance by a sample of primary headteachers (n=36), with appraisals of these headteachers by their teaching staff. Respondents completed the 100‐item Management Performance Profile (MPP) Questionnaire and the resulting profiles of the headteachers'performance in 10 managerial categories, were compared. In addition, data were generated on headteachers' perceptions of their personal and professional identity, using a semi‐structured interview schedule. The findings are that there is a high level of concordance between perceptions by headteachers and teachers of the managerial priorities of the primary headteacher. However, two groups of schools are identified, in which there are significant differences between evaluations of the headteachers' managerial performance. Interview data is used to illuminate the analysis and discussion of these differences. The conclusion is that staff participation in headteacher performance review has much to offer and that the MPP questionnaire is a tool of value in this respect.  相似文献   

This chapter examines the waves of reform, restructuring and reengineering to determine their effects on the role of the headteacher or principal. Data from two major studies of headteachers in the United Kingdom suggest that the role has changed considerably. Specifically, there has been a combination of loosetight changes which have directly affected schools and their headteachers. Reforms such as the Local Management of Schools (LMS) have given heads control of the own budgets, while the curriculum, testing, and school inspection have moved to the center and control by the government. The reforms are now a reality in the everyday work of headteachers. While some restructuring has occurred, reenginering and fundamental change to the schools’ approaches to teaching and learning are still at a very early stage.  相似文献   


This article investigates the data from a national survey of headteachers of maintained schools in England conducted during 1999 by means of a self-completion postal questionnaire to see whether there was any evidence to support the hypothesis that respondents who had taken part in the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) felt better prepared than their predecessors for the post of headteacher. The survey sought to establish the perceptions of English headteachers with regard to their state of readiness on taking up the role. Where respondents reported themselves as well prepared or extremely well prepared for aspects of their role they were asked to attribute their perceived state of readiness to training, experience, or a combination of the two. In addition respondents were asked to complete open-ended questions which asked them to identify activities and support which would help the induction of newly appointed headteachers. The findings reported in this paper do not draw on these qualitative responses.  相似文献   

This paper is intended for headteachers, prospective headteachers and others who supervise staff in schools. Drawing upon interviews and observations of executives over a number of years, the paper records a range of personnel management tactics which have proved effective in practice and which educational managers may find useful. Attention is given to the importance of and approaches to induction of new personnel, involvement of staff in managerial tasks, use of goals to focus the school's work, and techniques for communicating productively with staff. The paper also examines the importance and implications of managerial optimism and determination.  相似文献   

With increasing pressures from growing demand and for higher quality on secondary schools, headteachers play a crucial role in creating successful school environments. Within Uganda, and across many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, headteachers are not adequately prepared for their roles, and few professional development opportunities exist to provide them with the skills they need. This article reports on a study that assessed headteachers’ efficacy in the areas of leadership, management, instructional supervision, and community relations. One of the policy arguments for educators’ professional development is to create a coherent, cost-effective, and scaleable training program, which often results in a “one-size-fits-all” training. However, the findings from this study suggest the need for designing training to target gaps in specific skill domains and to give attention to the differing roles and responsibilities of head and deputy headteachers, the school size and resources, gender, and the location of the population that the school serves. In effect, training should be contextualized and targeted.  相似文献   

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