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回顾了国内外对学习者自主学习能力的相关理论与研究,运用定量与定性的方法,对228名非英语专业大学生的英语自主学习能力现状进行了调查,基于建构主义理论提出相应的自主学习能力培养策略。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外许多学者对自主性外语学习进行了大量探讨,但大多是从整体上对二语和外语学习进行的,并没有针对外语阅读,且大多数研究都是站在教师和课程设计者的角度进行的。文章从学习者的角度出发,通过问卷和访谈对英语专业学生英语阅读中的自主性整体现状、不同程度的学习者之间的差异及其影响因素进行了调查。研究结果对英语教学有一定的启示。  相似文献   

基于上海地区17所中学245名英语教师的问卷调查,本文研究了中学英语教师写作教学循证实践现状及影响因素。研究发现,中学英语教师整体上运用循证实践的频率偏低,突出表现在较少运用科技手段辅助写作教学、让学生参与合作学习和提供反馈以及将写作作为学习和理解新内容的手段等。写作教学循证实践的使用存在学段差异,初中教师比高中教师运用的更加频繁。教师性别、教龄和自身教育层次对循证实践的运用没有显著影响。  相似文献   

外语教学的成功与否不只是一个教的问题,在很大程度上取决于学生的学习态度和方法。本文在综合近年来国内外学习者自主研究的基础上,提出了在中国培养学习者自主性的必要性和可行性,并针对就如何提高中国学生的外语自主学习能力,提出了一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

Teaching thinking skills is one of the most important elements in the learning process. This paper examines how teachers ‘open up’ and ‘close down’ opportunities for promoting thinking skills in EFL classrooms in China through the analysis of the interactions between the teacher and students. A sociocultural analysis of language use and interaction patterns in EFL classrooms suggests how teachers facilitate or obstruct learner participation, negotiation and meaning co-construction, in selected classroom episodes. The findings of this research emphasize the key role of the teacher in creating, developing, managing and navigating the space for thinking by using referential questions, increasing wait-time, reducing interruptions and adopting selective repair.  相似文献   

近年来,随着中介理论研究的不断发展,教师中介作用逐渐成为二语习得研究领域中的一大热点。本文在借鉴国外研究成果的基础上,提出了国内自主性外语学习环境下教师中介作用应涵盖的内容,并调查分析了国内6所高校159名大学英语教师和1856名大学生对教师中介作用的认识与看法以及教师在课堂教学中实施中介作用的情况。结果表明:(1)国内大学英语教师的中介意识总体较强,但实施中介作用的频度不高、程度不够;(2)教师的中介行为与学生的期望之间存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

运用定量分析的方法。对862名非英语专业大学生自主性学习能力的总体倾向进行了研究,并就高低年级和男女生之间在自主性学习能力上的异同进行比较。结果表明。非英语专业大学生自主性学习能力总体偏低;高低年级和男女生之间在自主性学习能力方面存在显著差异。研究结果对课堂教学有一定的启示。  相似文献   

分析了现代学校在组织形式上仍采取的是科层化的管理模式的特点,认为科层制可以带来学校工作的高效率,但也严重地限制了教师的专业成长,使教师的专业自主权受到牵制与约束。从提倡人本管理和领导放权两方面探寻了实现教师专业自主权的途径。  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of need satisfaction (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) on English as a foreign language (EFL) online learner satisfaction and validated the Chinese versions of the need satisfaction scale (NSS) and online learner satisfaction scale (OLSS). We collected data from a questionnaire administered to 199 EFL students at a Taiwanese university. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient for NSS was .90 and .91 for OLSS. For NSS, the principal component analysis (PCA) resulted in a three-factor solution that accounted for 61.31% of the variance. Regarding OLSS, PCA resulted in a two-factor solution that accounted for 63.17% of the variance. A multiple regression analysis revealed that three independent variables (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) were predictors of EFL online learner satisfaction (F(3,?191) = 85.14, P < .001, R2 = .57), with competence the best predictor of online learner satisfaction, followed by relatedness and autonomy. The paper concludes with implications of these results.  相似文献   

在《综合英语》课程教学中,以学生为中心,以教师为主导,以良好的环境为基础,以贴切的材料为保障,以高效的活动为途径,以多维度评价为工具,促进学生学习自主性.  相似文献   

教师专业发展的自主性是教师自觉、主动地行为进而努力实现自身专业素养,包括知识、技能、情意等不断地提升、成长和成熟的一种能力品质。文章以自编的教师专业发展自主性及其影响因素调查问卷为工具,随机抽取1000名中小学教师为样本进行问卷调查,着重分析了中小学教师专业发展的自主性状况,揭示了影响教师自主专业发展的各种因素,为提高教师专业发展的自主性、促进教师自主地成长提供了一些策略和建议。  相似文献   

现代教育要以培养学生终身学习所需的自主学习能力为最终目标,大学生的自主学习能力培养意义重大。我国目前的教育现状尚不具备实现学生完全自主的条件,因而教师指导介入前提下的后摄自主学习是最为可行的模式。然而目前教学中无论教师层面还是学生层面都存在着诸如自主意识淡薄、问题意识欠缺等妨碍学生自主学习能力培养的问题。要解决这一问题,教师应树立自主教学意识,通过变革传统师生关系以及课堂教学结构、灵活运用多种教学法等手段确立和发展学生在学习中的主体地位,从而有效地培养他们的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

教师自主和学习者自主相互依存,共同发展,教师自主是学习者自主的前提。教师应从五个方面来提高其职业自主性发展:掌握二语习得规律,进行教学反思,探索新的教学模式,形成"校本教材",成为研究型教师。  相似文献   

Learner autonomy is no easy choice for most students when they are used to having teachers do everything for them.As teach ers,it is their responsibility to help the students know how to use it and to understand that autonomy goes beyond of freedom.Learning styles play an important role because teachers need a clear picture of each student’s learning capabilities.Teachers can encourage students to reach dependence by attending their needs,taking into account learner styles.The goal of this research study is to find ways in which teach ers and students can build autonomy together.It first examines the learning styles of the sample students,and then makes discussions about fostering learner autonomy based on different learning styles.  相似文献   

利用具有良好信效度的《教师自主问卷》,对我国17个省份两千多名中小学教师进行调查发现,中小学教师自主整体上处于中等偏上水平,在教师自主四个维度上发展不平衡,表现为自主意愿强烈,自主体验和自主抉择次之,自主行动较低;整体上性别差异不显著,但在自主意愿维度上,女教师显著高于男教师,在自主行动维度上,男教师显著高于女教师;在职称、不同学段、地区、教龄等方面存在显著差异,表现为高职称的教师显著高于中级和初级职称的教师,小学教师显著高于中学教师,城市教师显著高于村镇教师,教龄为11~15年和26年以上的教师显著高于5年以下的教师。基于调查结果,文章也提出了策略和建议,为了进一步提高中小学教师自主水平,促进教师发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

朱鹏飞 《海外英语》2012,(12):142-144
For many years now," autonomy" in learning has been a topic of widespread discussion in educational field.Accordingly,it is Henry Holec who introduced learner autonomy to the field of second language in his project report to the Council of Europe in 1981.Motivation is also a widely used psychological term in our daily life and research.Both learner autonomy and motivation are important factors in influencing learning effects.Many researchers conduct studies on learner autonomy and motivation.There are also some studies on the correlation between learner autonomy and motivation in SLL(Second Language Learning).However,few of them focus on the effect of learner autonomy on motivation.Thus,it makes an attempt to investigate whether learner autonomy has an enhancement effect on motivation.It combines motivation and learner autonomy together to find some effective and efficient ways of promoting foreign or second language learning.In another way,it enriches learner autonomy research.It holds that learner autonomy is a very important factor in influencing motivation.It will make a combination between learner autonomy and motivation in SLL to find some new ways of promoting learners’ motivation and learning efficiency.A survey methodology has been employed which consists of qualitative and quantitative methods.Specifically,both questionnaire and interview have been conducted in the research.  相似文献   

赵月 《文教资料》2006,(1):50-51
随着语言教学不断地向交际化发展,以学习者为中心的课堂教学越来越受到欢迎。本文介绍了什么是学习者自主性;提倡学习者自主性的原因及必要性;教师培养在学习者自主性中的作用及运用策略。  相似文献   

Informed by an ethnographic approach, this study aims to investigate the professional culture of a group of English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers in a high school in China. Relying on data gathered through extended field observation and in-depth interviews, this study seeks to uncover the distinctive characteristics of EFL teacher culture as well as its underlying influencing factors. The research findings show that the participants formed a positive work culture which evolved in tensions. Professionally, the participants’ aspirations and commitments toward teaching were in tension with limited resources; institutionally, a democratic relationship was in tension with an authoritative leadership; emotionally, the teachers’ emotional wellbeing was in tension with contextual constraints. The participants’ co-constructed culture played a positive role in promoting their collaborative learning and continuing development, which in turn contributed to their teacher culture.  相似文献   

大学英语自主学习能力的培养与教师的角色调整   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实现英语学习者自主学习是英语教学的重要目标,然而我国当前大学生英语自主学习能力却普遍较低,其中一个重要的原因就是教师没有调整好自己的角色。在培养学生自主学习能力的过程中,教师应及时调整传统的教师角色,承担更多更重要的新角色。教师角色的调整需要借助一定的条件和途径才能实现。  相似文献   

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