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Findings are presented from a year-long study of a cross-sector collaboration to prepare underrepresented students for postsecondary education and beyond. The LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) Program in Business is an initiative involving universities, corporations, a federal government agency, and a nonprofit coordinating body in an effort to introduce students to business education and careers in business. This paper analyzes and compares (1) the starting conditions catalyzing the involvement of different sectors, (2) sustainability factors, (3) negotiation of the terms of involvement, (4) the actual experience of partnership, and (5) the difference made by a coordinated approach to pipeline development.
David J. SiegelEmail:

In 2006, a bill was submitted in the Missouri Legislature designed to address issues raised during a lawsuit by a Missouri State University social work student contesting requirements that Missouri public colleges and universities take steps to insure tolerance of diverse perspectives in the classroom and on campus. Although the legislation did not pass, it motivated university administrators among other measures to sponsor a forum on “intellectual diversity,” held on 11 October 2007 on the University of Missouri–St. Louis campus. In his remarks as a faculty panelist, J. Martin Rochester makes five distinct points about the realities and pitfalls of regulating tolerance and the true meaning of diversity on a college campus.
J. Martin RochesterEmail:

This short paper outlines the emergence and achievements of the Science Education Research Unit at the University of Waikato over the period 1979–1985 under the leadership of the late Dr. Roger Osborne. Following his attendance at the ASERA meeting in Wagga Wagga in 1977, Roger Osborne rapidly built up a very productive team, which he led until his death in 1985. His legacy is tentatively evaluated. In conclusion, the cultural context in which this work took place is sketched.
John K. GilbertEmail:

The topic of listening has been broadly neglected in educational studies. This special issue presents studies on the connections between listening and reflecting in educational contexts.
Leonard J. WaksEmail:

Plato wrote that higher order thinking could not start until the student had mastered conventional wisdom. The American educational establishment has turned Plato on his head with the help of a dubious approach to teaching developed by one Benjamin Bloom. Bloom’s taxonomy was intended for higher education, but its misappropriation has resulted in a serious distortion of the purpose of the K–12 years. Michael Booker attributes the inability of American children to compete internationally to a great extent to our reliance on Bloom in expecting critical and advanced thinking from kids who have been trained to regard facts and substantive knowledge as unimportant.
Michael J. BookerEmail:

Michael J. Booker   is professor of philosophy at Jefferson College, Hillsboro, MO 63050; mbooker@jeffco.edu.  相似文献   

Ideological differences in a writing class evoke the passion of political sensitivities. A graduate student tells of “coming out” as a pro-life advocate in an essay before his feminist classmates and professor. The exchange created instant and irreconcilable enemies, but he also found some unexpected support from a hesitant voice within that classroom.
Ethan CampbellEmail:

The Canadian young adult novel The Maestro by Tim Wynne-Jones foregrounds the relationship between imagination and subjective agency. While Burl uses his imagination at the beginning to protect himself from his abusive father, his fantasies become dress rehearsals for small performances that allow him to try on new identities and exercise autonomy through conscious choice of possible actions. The protagonist’s imagination, nurtured by reading fairy tales, allows him to move out of his lonely private realm into intersubjective relationships with others, particularly with parental figures who support his developing sense of agency.
Sue Ann CairnsEmail:

This qualitative study examines the collaboration and leadership practice that influences the education of homeless students in a large Mid-Atlantic city. The perspectives of administrators and staff members from three homeless shelters are analyzed with insights from Spillane’s (Distributed leadership, 2006) distributed leadership theory. Findings from the study indicate that differences in shelter and school structures and cultures present significant obstacles to productive communication that would facilitate homeless children’s schooling. Several structural and programmatic recommendations are made towards developing more effective leadership practice among schools and shelters.
Peter M. MillerEmail:

Since many teachers and students recognize other kinds of knowledge (faith) based on other ways of knowing, consideration of these realities is appropriate for the science education community. Understanding the multitude of ways that clergy view relationships between science and faith (i.e. alternative ways of knowing) would assist in understanding various ways that people address complex issues arising from ideas about science and faith. We administered a questionnaire composed of multiple-choice and short answer items to 63 United Methodist ministers. Findings included (1) that formal, organized faith contexts (e.g. church services) serve as informal science education opportunities, (2) participants demonstrated considerable diversity regarding the types of relationships developed between science and faith, and (3) participants recognized a need exists for better understandings of science and its relationship to faith for them, their colleagues, and their congregations.
Daniel L. Dickerson (Corresponding author)Email:
Karen R. DawkinsEmail:
John E. PenickEmail:

By using recruitment data from 60 German departments of business administration, networks are constructed in which the nodes are departments, and two departments are connected if they have either sent or received a scientist from one another. Different concepts of social network analysis are applied to answer a series of questions, such as the number of scientists the business departments produce, to whom they send and from whom they receive their scientists, and which role academic networks play in the career of young scientists in business administration. Regression analysis revealed that network centrality is a robust predictor of departmental reputation. The social network approach can be used to assess reputational differences among business departments, thereby providing an alternative to existing opinion surveys and research rankings.
Heinke RoebkenEmail:

This article highlights the transformative contributions of Mary Monroe Atwater to the field of science education. Influenced by worldviews shaped by a segregated macro-society and the privileges of a micro-society, Mary stood against oppression in the early years of her academic career by desegregating academic settings and being the first and only African American in varied arenas for many years. As an aspiring academic, Mary challenged dominant paradigms and as an activist academic, she changed the landscape of science education. She broadened the knowledge base through scholarship and praxis and diversified the science education community through personal and professional efforts that were pioneering in nature.
Eileen Carlton ParsonsEmail:

Eileen Carlton Parsons   is an assistant professor at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The contexts in which the science teaching and learning of African Americans occur constitute the core of her research interests. She examines the educative process with respect to culture and race.  相似文献   

This essay on the ethical mission of the university explores extremes of anti-social behavior, visiting numerous crime scenes before concluding that contemporary higher education has lost the capacity—and even the language—for taking character development seriously. In his attempt to determine whether coincidently traditional-liberationist-diversiphilic-apathetic colleges can morally improve their charges, Peter Wood collects a wrenching compendium of violent academic mayhem.
Peter WoodEmail:

Jim Kaput lived a full life in mathematics education and we have many reasons to be grateful to him, not only for his vision of the use of technology in mathematics, but also for his fundamental humanity. This paper considers the origins of his ‘big ideas’ as he lived through the most amazing innovations in technology that have changed our lives more in a generation than in many centuries before. His vision continues as is exemplified by the collected papers in this tribute to his life and work.
David TallEmail:

Egon Brunswik (1903–1955) first made an interesting distinction between perception and explicit reasoning, arguing that perception included quick estimates of an object’s size, nearly always resulting in good approximations in uncertain environments, whereas explicit reasoning, while better at achieving exact estimates, could often fail by wide margins. An experiment conducted by Brunswik to investigate these ideas was never published and the only available information is a figure of the results presented in a posthumous book in 1956. We replicated and extended his study to gain insight into the procedures Brunswik used in obtaining his results. Explicit reasoning resulted in fewer errors, yet more extreme ones than perception. Brunswik’s graphical analysis of the results led to different conclusions, however, than did a modern statistically-based analysis.
Eileen DelanyEmail:

Jeremy Athy   is a graduate student in cognitive psychology at Bowling Green State University, where he received his M.A. His research centers on problems of object recognition. Jeff Friedrich   was a graduate student at Bowling Green State University. He received his BS in psychology and human development at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and his MA from Bowling Green State University. His major research interests are in human judgment and decision making. Eileen Delany   is a graduate student in clinical psychology at Bowling Green State University. She specializes in Health Psychology and is interested in conducting research and working in clinical settings.  相似文献   

We report an attempted replication of G. T. W. Patrick and J. A. Gilbert’s pioneering sleep deprivation experiment ‘Studies from the psychological laboratory of the University of Iowa. On the effects of loss of sleep’, conducted in 1895/96. Patrick and Gilbert’s study was the first sleep deprivation experiment of its kind, performed by some of the first formally trained psychologists. We attempted to recreate the original experience in two subjects, using similar apparatus and methodology, and drawing direct comparisons to the original study whenever possible. We argue for a strong influence of an ‘Americanized’ Wundtian psychology on Patrick and Gilbert, a claim supported biographically by their education and by their experimental methods. The replication thus opens interesting new perspectives, which are unlikely to be generated by any other historical approach.
Thomas FuchsEmail:

Thomas Fuchs   earned his PhD in experimental psychology at Bowling Green State University. In his dissertation he conducted research on nocturnally migranting birds, investigating their potential as an animal model of sleep deprivation. Thomas is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Washington State University studying positive affect and social attachment in infant rodents. Jeffrey Burgdorf   received his Ph.D. in psychology at Bowling Green State University, and he is now Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University. His research involves using animal models of human emotionality to uncover the biochemicals that control emotion in humans and animals.  相似文献   

In Skellig, Kit’s Wilderness, and Clay, David Almond employs various types of intertextuality to enrich his narratives. Through the use of allusion, adaptation, collage, and mise-en-abyme, he encourages his adolescent readers to seek out precursor texts and to consider the interrelationships between these texts and his own. By so doing, he demonstrates the respect he has for his readers and empowers them to become active makers of meaning.
Don LathamEmail:

This paper comments on Reisch’s book How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science. Overall supportive of Reisch’s project and perspective, it raises certain points where the data appear inconclusive and either provides additional support or briefly explores some interpretative alternatives.
Thomas UebelEmail:

Thomas Uebel   is professor of philosophy at the University of Manchester, England. One of his main research interests is the history of philosophy of science where he has published widely on different aspects of logical empiricsm. His latest book is Empiricism at the Crossreads. The Vienna Circle’s Protocol Sentence Debate Revisited (Open Court, Chicago, 2007).  相似文献   

This special issue reports a project in which the replication of historically meaningful studies was carried out by graduate students in a history of psychology course. In this introduction, I outline the nature of the project and its rationale, and briefly sketch the results. The subsequent five papers represent scholarly presentations of five selected replications written by students in the course. These are followed by a commentary on the project by an educational psychologist.
Ryan D. TweneyEmail:

Ryan D. Tweney   is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Bowling Green State University and has held visiting positions at the Salk Institute, the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and the University of Bath, where he was a Senior Fulbright Fellow. He received his BA from the University of Chicago and his Ph.D. from Wayne State University. His research interests center on the nature of scientific thinking and on the development of cognitive-historical approaches to the understanding of the history of science. His publications are primarily in cognitive psychology, the history of psychology, and the history and philosophy of science. Currently, he is using experimental and historical methods to explore the cognitive differences between scientific thinking and religious belief systems.  相似文献   

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