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教师要上好物理课,首先必须精心设计教学。设计包括:教师对教材的处理把握、教法的选择和教学程序的设置等。它要求教师在教育心理学的指导下,根据学生的认知规律,把教师、教材和学生有机地结合起来,选择能取得最佳教学效果的教学方略。一、要有明确的教学目的教学目的是课堂教学的根本依据。教学目的一旦确定,教学过程的设计、教学方法的选择、教学手段的运用等,都要为达到“目的”而服务。而教学目的要依据教学大纲、教材和学生的实际,从知识技能、能力、思想品德等方面确定。教学目标除了有认知目标外,还要有能力目标和情感目标,只有这样,才能把学生培养成全面发展的人。二、确定教学重点和难点教材是教育教学的基本依据,是连接教师与学生、知识与方法、能力与发展的纽带。结合学生原有知识水平、学生的身心特点和知识发展水平,确定教材的重点和难点,尤其要注意分析难点的位置、成因和突破难点的关键,在难点的教学中注重学生创新能力的培育,做到有的放矢。三、采用最优教学方法和教学手段教学有法但无定法贵在得法。课堂教学方法与课堂效益密切相关。优化教学方法要克服传统教学方法的弊端,把握好两个原则。第一,课堂教学方法的优化要有利于发挥学生的主体作用,有利于以学生自主学...  相似文献   

周云 《教育》2012,(28):53
新课改要求教师要树立新的课程观、教学观、教材观等新理念。对于基本教材即教科书,新课标提倡教师要善于结合教学实际的需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容,编排顺序和教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍或调整。这也就要求教师在新课改的教学实践中,在课程与学科专家和出版单位参与教材编制的"一次开发"基础之上,对教材进行"二度开发"。教材是一种教学资源,并非教学的金科玉律,是可变的、发展的,因此对教材进行二度开发也是必要的。所谓初中思品教材的二度开发,主要是指教师和学生在实施思品课程过程中,依据课程标准对思品教材内容进行适当的增删、  相似文献   

陈晞 《上海教育》2008,(2):55-55
课程设置得再丰富,课程编制得再合理、再先进,都要通过合适的渠道有效地实施才有意义。实施课程的主渠道在课堂,要求教师的教学行为充分地体现课程理念。校长不仅要用正确的教育思想引领教师实施新课程,还要深入课堂教学第一线,分析教学动态,摸清课堂真实情况。要积极建设校本研修制度,抓住教学环节中的问题,研究如何改革教学过程、教学方法。  相似文献   

一、语篇教学方面存在的问题 【误区1】语篇教学目标不明确。教学目标明确是对教师的最基本要求。教师只有充分把握教学目标,确定教学的重难点,才能制订出科学合理的教学计划,设计出符合教材特点和学生实际的教学步骤与活动。但在平时的语篇教学中,不少教师一堂课下来要么教学目标不明确,要么教学目标定位不准确。  相似文献   

基于语篇的语言教学观要求语言课程的设计与实施都必须围绕语篇来进行.要真正发挥语篇教学的功效,教学大纲的设计、教材的编写、教学的实施以及教学结果的评价等课程环节都要以基于语篇的语言观和语言教学观为指导.  相似文献   

教师的教材观决定着教师的课堂行为,有什么样的教材观就有什么样的教学。从很大程度上说,教材是课标的载体,如何使用教材成了课改实验成败的关键。一、新课改理念下的教材观新一轮基础教育课程改革用标准取代大纲,实际就隐含着教师要“用”教材而非“教”教材,要求教师不仅是教材的使用者,还要积极开发课程资源,设计教学方案, 参与课程编制工作,成为课程的开发者和研制者。强调成功的课程实施是一个教师和学生“视界融合”的过程、相互理解的过程。要促成这种相互理解,只有提供课程对学生的适切性。教师参加课程开发和研制的价值,就在于提高课程的适切性,有利于学生的理解。由此可见, 教师不再是教材的被动执行者,而是教材的创造者。这种创造的目的是提高课程的适切性,从而促进教师和学生“视界融合”、相互理解。  相似文献   

近年来,随着课程改革的稳步推进,教师的教学行为、学生的学习方式等都发生了较大的转变,小学英语课堂教学积极探索着教学设计的创新性.教师的教学设计不仅要关注既定的教学目标、现成的教材与通用的教学方法,而且应依据新课程的教育理念,小学英语的学科特点,在教学目标、教学内容、教学方法等有创造性的拓展,以切实提高学生的语言素质和英语水平.  相似文献   

对校本课程的有效性评价,应以学校课程资源为基点,以开发与实施过程为主线,以学生发展为目的,既要评价校本课程开发的程序和内容,又要评价教师和学生在课程实施过程中的行为和体验,还要评价校本课程作为教育信息载体在学校所起的作用。这就要求学校对校本课程的开发与实施进行全方位的评价。具体可表现为校本课程开发、校本课程教学和学生素质发展三个维度:维度一:校本课程开发的评价校本课程开发不是让教师编教材,而是基于一定的校本课程开发方案而进行课程编制与实施的过程。这是对实现课程目标所需要而且可以得到的条件所进行的评价,是对…  相似文献   

周云 《教育》2012,(10):53-53
新课改要求教师要树立新的课程观、教学观、教材观等新理念。对于基本教材即教科书,新课标提倡教师要善于结合教学实际的需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容,编排顺序和教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍或调整。这也就要求教师在新课改的教学实践中,在课程与学科专家和出版单位参与教材编制的“一次开发”基础之上,对教材进行“二度开发”。  相似文献   

正随着课程改革的逐步深入与办学行为的日益规范,课程设置日趋完善,学生在校时间相对减少。在这种新的形势下,教师原有的教育教学理念有了越来越明显的变化:为圆满完成教育教学任务,不断提高教育教学质量,教师不仅要学习现代教育教学理论及专业知识,不断提高自身修养及业务素质,还要认真钻研教材,不断创新教学方法,在教研上下功夫,向教研要质量,向教  相似文献   

We investigated perceptions about learning strategy use and instructional roles among a sample of high needs adolescents (n = 230) who acted as near-peer instructional facilitators. The sample was drawn from science and mathematics classes in nonselective public secondary schools in New York City. Students participated in an inschool intervention that draws on social constructivism, theory and research on metacognition and learning strategies, role theory, and empirical findings from the peer-to-peer learning literature to promote advanced achievement among students who act as facilitators. Using a pre- and post-test single group design, we surveyed student instructional facilitators before and after program participation and related their perceptions about learning strategy use and perceptions about teaching roles to data about academic achievement. We found no survey gains in student perceptions about learning strategies or instructional roles between pre-survey (fall) and post-survey (spring). We found small but significant effects of individual perceptions about learning strategies and teaching roles on academic gains among instructional facilitators. The study also suggests that an in-school near-peer facilitated learning program can be an effective means to raise achievement in urban high schools. The study provides partial support for theories that hold that metacognition and role perceptions are involved in the academic gains of instructional facilitators, as gains in these dimensions were small compared to achievement gains.  相似文献   

语言项目学习既是以项目为中心组织学习活动的一种语言教学模式,也是促进学习者综合实践能力和综合语言运用能力发展的有效学习方式。本文根据我国初中英语综合实践课的特点及初中生的英语学情,基于Stoller所开发的语言项目学习的教学模式,构建了适合我国初中英语综合实践课使用的语言项目学习的教学模式,并为初中英语教师实施语言项目学习提供了若干建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents a design for a cutting-edge English program in which elementary school learners of English as a foreign language in Taiwan had lively interactions with a teaching assistant robot. Three dimensions involved in the design included (1) a pleasant and interactive classroom environment as the learning context, (2) a teaching assistant robot designed and built by the researchers as instructional technology (instructional tool/medium), and (3) the need for improved motivation and learning outcomes and positive learning experiences of the students as the core research problem. This Human–Robot Interaction (HRI) led to better pedagogical effects on learning and teaching by (1) employing a vivid, enjoyable teaching approach; (2) adopting practical, interesting learning materials; and (3) creating a natural, enjoyable learning context. Both quantitative and qualitative findings of this study indicate that the students' English learning experiences were enhanced, as were their motivation and learning outcomes as a result of this HRI. This paper, instead of merely suggesting design criteria for robots, provides a set of instructional design guidelines that other researchers can follow to create an innovative and enjoyable English classroom that employs an interactive robot as an assistant for enhancing English acquisition while simultaneously reducing the pressure and teaching load of the English instructors.  相似文献   

The paper reports on a participatory action research study conducted in six rural primary schools in Uganda in 2013 to establish why children taught in the local language had difficulties in reading and writing. Findings through interviews, focus group discussions, reviews of exercise books and lesson observations indicated that though it was easier for pupils to learn the concepts in the local language; challenges ranging from poor translation, inadequate teachers’ language proficiency, lack of instructional materials, high pupils’ enrolment, lack of administrative support and teacher-centred approach of teaching, affected pupils’ learning to read and write. Participants recommended adopting the child-centred pedagogy, incorporating instructional materials, conducting continuous assessment and recording pupils’ competencies attained in reading and writing. Teachers need to engage more in Participatory action research in order to reflect on their practices and pupils’ learning, and collaboratively decide what works best and what needs improvement in their classrooms.  相似文献   

为有效组织第二语言语音教学,应从现代教育论出发,研究第二语言语音认知与教学的规律。本文从美国教育心理学家加涅的学习条件理论出发,结合现代学习心理学研究成果对第二语言语音学习的内外部条件及教育学含义进行分析。  相似文献   

Picture books, when used thoughtfully and artfully, can teach theories to graduate students in literacy and foreign language education. In this article, the authors described how a pair of picture books is used to teach Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development and Krashen's Input Hypothesis in the fields of literacy education and applied linguistics. The authors first introduced the theoretical foundation and rationale of using picture books as paired texts to teach educational theories. Then, from a macroperspective, they described the procedures of designing a class activity with paired picture books. Next, they provided language teachers and educators with a specific sample in which materials, objective, and specific instructional steps are clearly listed. In the end, the authors explained how the article contributes to the field from three perspectives: first, it offers a helpful strategy to language educators who make instruction of theories to graduate students easier; second, it provides insights to language and content area teachers on teaching across the curriculum by using picture books; third, it suggests how teachers can pair other learning mediators with picture books to improve student learning.  相似文献   

The question of whether, and how, age affects L2 outcomes has been a major issue in SLA for several decades, and a number of recent publications provide reviews from different points of view. The author has made a comprehensive survey on the researches on the relationship between age and attainment in second language acquisition. Based on age differences theory, the author agrees the opinion that younger learners are more successful in informal and naturalistic L2 learning contexts, and older learners are more successful in formal instructional settings. Then, the younger learners' and older learners' advantages are discussed and put into contrastive analysis. Therefore, in second language teaching and learning, it is necessary to exert the learning advantages of different age groups, have a specific focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing, select teaching strategies suitable for different ages, and make a scientific teaching and learning plan.  相似文献   

科研是提高教学质量、学生学习效果、教师自身教学能力和素质的重要手段。研究电大英语教育的教学特点、规律及过程,保证教学质量是每一个电大英语教师应该进行科研工作。英语教师应依靠外部环境和自身的努力培养自己的科研能力。  相似文献   

e‐Learning is becoming an increasingly popular educational paradigm because of the rapid growth of the Internet. Recent studies have argued that affective modelling (ie, considering a learner's emotional or motivational state) should also be considered while designing learning activities. Many studies indicated that various learning emotions markedly impact learning outcomes. In the language education field, many studies have investigated anxiety associated with learning a second language, noting that anxiety has an adverse effect on the performance of those speaking English as a second language. Therefore, how to reduce anxiety associated with learning a second language to increase learning performance is an important research issue in the language education field. Accordingly, this study employed a sensor, signal processing, wireless communication, system‐on‐chip and machine‐learning techniques in developing an embedded human emotion recognition system based on human pulse signals for detecting three human emotions—nervousness, peace and joy—to help teachers reduce language‐learning anxiety of individual learners in a web‐based one‐to‐one synchronous learning environment. The accuracy rate of the proposed emotion recognition model evaluated by cross‐validation is as high as 79.7136% when filtering out human pulse signals that have bias. Moreover, this study applied the embedded emotion recognition system to assist instructor's teaching in a synchronous English conversation environment by immediately reporting variations in individual learner emotions to the teacher during learning. In this instructional experiment, the teacher can give appropriate learning assistance or guidance based on the emotion states of individual learners. Experimental results indicate that the proposed embedded human emotion recognition system is helpful in reducing language‐based anxiety, thus promoting instruction effectiveness in English conversation classes.  相似文献   

The world over, secondary school science is viewed mainly as a practical subject. This may be one reason why effectiveness of teaching approaches in science education has often been judged on the kinds of practical activity with which teachers and students engage. In addition to practical work, language??often written (as in science texts) or oral (as in the form of teacher and student talk)??is unavoidable in effective teaching and learning of science. Generally however, the role of (instructional) language in quality of learning of school science has remained out of focus in science education research. This has been in spite of findings in empirical research on difficulties science students encounter with words of the instructional language used in science. The findings have suggested that use of (instructional) language in science texts and classrooms can be a major influence on the level of students?? understandings and retention of science concepts. This article reports and discusses findings in an investigation of physics teachers?? approaches to use of and their beliefs about classroom instructional language. Direct classroom observations of, interviews with, as well as content analyses of the participant teachers?? verbatim classroom talk, were used as the methods of data collection. Evidence is presented of participant physics teachers?? lack of explicit awareness of the difficulty, nature, and functional value of different categories of words in the instructional language. In conclusion, the implications of this lack of explicit awareness on the general education (initial and in-service) of school physics teachers are considered.  相似文献   

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