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The article describes research into the perspectives of students with autism regarding their participation as the target participants in a peer-mediated social communication intervention. Questionnaires were administered to four elementary-aged students with autism before and after their involvement in the intervention. The students' parents and teachers also completed questionnaires about the students' participation in the intervention. Through the use of these questionnaires, we gained an insight into students' experiences with the intervention, which elements of the intervention they found most enjoyable and most effective, and the perceived impacts of the intervention on their social communication behaviours. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the questionnaire data revealed that all four students with autism enjoyed participating in the peer-mediated intervention sessions, felt that their social communication behaviours had improved as a result of their involvement, and would like to be involved in similar sessions in the future. Implications for parents and educators who support the social communication of children with autism are explored.  相似文献   

关键反应训练(Pivotal Response Training,PRT)是一种基于应用行为分析、具有循证实践支持的自闭症儿童干预方法。有关PRT干预的认知神经科学研究多使用小样本的高功能自闭症儿童进行实验,PRT干预后,自闭症儿童的行为指标显著改善,大脑连通性改变,同时其前额叶皮层(尤其是左腹外侧前额叶皮层和左背外侧前额叶皮层)、梭状回、后颞上沟等脑区对生物运动的激活增加。未来的研究应当增加使用ERP、fMRI等认知神经科学技术探寻PRT有效性的生理标记物,以准确预测PRT对自闭症儿童的干预效果,推动自闭症儿童的干预向着精准医学的方向发展。  相似文献   

孤独症谱系儿童的典型特点之一是社会性发展障碍,目前国外有许多针对孤独症谱系儿童的社会交往干预方式,近几年也出现了视觉文本干预方式的研究,因此,需要对视觉文本干预方式的有效性进行分析。通过对国外文献的查询、整理和分析,发现各研究结果均显示出视觉文本干预能够增加儿童积极的沟通行为,社会交往也能够泛化到新的同伴、新的环境以及新的刺激当中。  相似文献   

音乐治疗干预自闭症儿童的原理和方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种新兴的自闭症干预方法,音乐治疗对自闭症儿童的生理、心理、社会行为等方面有着独特的作用。在使用音乐对自闭症儿童进行干预时,应根据自闭症儿童的类型和心理、行为特征来选择不同性质的音乐,采取不同的干预方法。为保证治疗效果,在使用音乐治疗对自闭症儿童进行干预时应制定科学的流程,做到干预前进行评估,干预中进行监控,干预后进行总结。  相似文献   

社会技能评估是自闭症儿童诊断、干预计划制定和效果评价的重要基础。本文回顾了自闭症儿童社会技能评估的学习理论及认知理论,系统梳理了行为观察、角色扮演测验等评估方法,并在此基础上提出了自闭症儿童社会技能评估研究进展的建议:进一步界定社会技能概念的外延及内涵;进一步完善角色扮演测验及编制学前自闭症儿童社会技能评估量表;临床评估中需整合各类方法;进一步将社会技能评估应用于临床实践中。  相似文献   

社会故事作为一种应用于自闭症谱系障碍儿童社会能力训练的教学方法,目前得到广泛的推广与应用。本文试图从国外自闭症谱系社会故事干预的研究文献中梳理现有的社会故事干预有效性研究的开展情况,试图总结研究中存在的问题,并为今后社会故事干预的有效性研究提供思路。  相似文献   

自闭症儿童及其家庭已经成为一个值得关注的社会问题。作为一种外源性压力,自闭症儿童家庭面临着家庭结构失调、家庭功能弱化、家庭的贫困化与边缘化、家庭成员健康状况恶化等问题,这些严重影响到了自闭症儿童家庭功能的正常发挥。因此,应当通过家庭社会工作介入,运用个案工作、小组工作、社区工作、社会政策的方法缓解自闭症儿童家庭压力,促进自闭症儿童家庭的社会融合。  相似文献   

Herbert Roeyers, of the Developmental Disorders Research Group at the University at Ghent, emphasises that the social deficits associated with autism are most obvious during interactions with peers, and that, whereas relationships with adults often improve as children with autism grow older, their interactions with age-mates remain significantly impaired. A reason for this discrepancy may be their lack of opportunity to interact with other children, and significant improvements in their social behaviour were observed after intervention.  相似文献   

本研究运用VOSviewer可视化分析软件,以中国知网和Web of Science数据库近35年发表的240余篇关于自闭症群体音乐治疗的相关文献为研究对象,对自闭症群体音乐治疗的研究热点进行分析概括.结果发现:国内外研究的干预目标均集中于自闭症的核心症状如社交沟通、刻板行为方面;研究对象主要是自闭症儿童或青少年;在研...  相似文献   

Improving early intervention in Portugal for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) requires parents and professionals to collaborate in assessing and planning intervention programmes. This article analyses parental and professional assessments of children with ASD, in the dimensions of social communication, repetitive behaviours and restricted interests, and sensory processing. The study presents contrasting perspectives from professionals and parents from a range of socio‐academic backgrounds. The sample consists of 136 Portuguese children (aged three to six years old) with ASD and involves children, parents and professionals from across the country. All children, at the time, were in preschool and receiving early special education intervention. Parents and professionals used the Assessment Scale for Children with ASD to complete the assessments. The results show that parents rate children's development and learning more positively compared to professionals; and that this difference is more significant in the field of social communication. Further, parents with higher academic qualifications showed statistically significant differences in comparison with professionals in the social communication dimension. These findings are discussed in relation to the literature and some suggestions are made regarding certain practices related to intervention in early childhood.  相似文献   

Due to impairments in social interactions and communication, children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have a need for effective social skills training programs. However, many programs fail due to a lack of acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of target skills. The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and outcomes of a parent‐facilitated social skills training program, designed to overcome the shortcomings of acquisition, generalization, and maintenance of other programs for children with ASD. Participants in the current study included 5 children with ASD and their parents, recruited from a western state. This study expands previous research by training parents in implementation of a social skills training program comprising several evidence‐based practices. The results of the parent‐facilitated intervention are provided, and implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study evaluated the turn-taking skills of preschoolers with disabilities who participated in a social communication intervention that targeted initiations, responses, and turn-taking skills, and taught children to repair and revise and to avoid interruptions and overlaps. Ten children who enrolled in an inclusive at-risk classroom met the inclusion criteria. A multiple baseline design across two dyads replicated across three additional dyads was used to determine the effects of the intervention. The social communication intervention was highly effective for five children, moderately effective for three children, and mildly effective for two children in increasing the rate of initiations with an immediate peer response from baseline to intervention. The social communication intervention was highly effective for one child, moderately effective for three children, mildly effective for two children, and ineffective for four children in improving turn-taking skills. Generalization results showed that nine out of ten participants demonstrated increased peer play following the intervention, increased levels of child-initiated interactions with a positive peer response, and decreased levels of solitary play. Several implications for practice were derived from the findings. By teaching children turn-taking strategies, the quality of social interactions that children have with their peers is likely to improve. The intervention offers a more systematic technique for teaching social communication and play skills than do informal strategies commonly used by teachers. Social validity assessments indicated that teachers found the intervention acceptable and produced important changes in behavior.  相似文献   

本研究采用自编问卷调查北京市孤独症儿童早期干预中家长的参与态度和行为,并初步探讨其可能的影响因素。研究调查了三所有代表性的孤独症康复中心和一所医院的47名家长,结果表明,在孤独症儿童的早期干预中,家长参与态度较积极(M=3.77),但行为频率较低(M=1.75),参与效能感也比较低(M=1.81)。很多因素影响着家长的孤独症知识水平,但影响家长参与的因素较少;只有家长学历、家庭收入和孩子是否参与过ABA(应用行为分析)这三个因素。  相似文献   

江西省75例孤独症儿童的现状调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究对75例江西籍孤独症儿童进行调查,分析其在基本信息与家庭情况、求医诊断、治疗康复、生活学习等方面的现状,调查结果表明:(1)本次调查的孤独症儿童城镇比例大、男童远多于女童,父母职业较稳定,文化程度相对较高,家庭收入情况多数不佳。(2)孤独症儿童家长自身建设待加强,康复训练的及时性与持续性不足。(3)教育系统配套措施与满足孤独症儿童入学需求尚存差距。(4)社会支持系统对孤独症问题介入不足。对此提出普及孤独症及相关发育障碍知识、提高家长自身素质、将孤独症教育落到实处、为成年孤独症人士建立社区精神康复机构、构建完善的社会支持系统等建议。  相似文献   

随着自闭症儿童数量的增加和相应的试验研究的涌现,美国发布了对自闭症实行"基于证据的实践"的干预指南与标准,以使自闭症干预质量可控并专业化。在标准的框架下,博鲁克曼等人在社区心理健康中心对自闭症儿童的干预进行了基于证据的试验,得出了父母高度参与、治疗师参与培训、提高家长干预能力、建立家长—治疗师联盟等一系列经验和结论,为我国在专业标准、诊断、培训、干预系统设计、干预策略等方面提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

There have been many research projects studying the use of peer intervention strategies to develop the social, communication and interaction skills of children with autism, yet few of these studies focus in detail on the impact of such strategies on the mainstream peers. In this article, Val Jones, an advisory teacher for autism spectrum conditions, explores the impact of peer tutoring children with autism on the peer tutors themselves. This enquiry focuses on ten to eleven-year-old mainstream pupils who were paired with twelve children with autism and associated learning difficulties for weekly peer tutoring sessions at a primary school with a specialist autism unit. At the end of a series of tutoring sessions, the perspectives of the peer tutors were gathered through questionnaires. All of the peer tutors reported that they had enjoyed the experience and most felt that the peer tutoring had brought them direct benefits by building confidence, teaching responsibility, encouraging caring attitudes and helping them to acknowledge diversity. Val Jones also gathered the views of parents and school staff who again reported largely positive outcomes from the peer tutoring process. While this small-scale study focuses on findings from one school, there are wider implications here for the development of inclusive policies and practices and this article will be of interest to professionals working across the range of specialist and mainstream settings.  相似文献   

This article describes how applied behaviour analysis can be implemented effectively and affordably in a maintained special needs school in the UK. Behaviour analysts collaborate with classroom teachers to provide early intensive behaviour education for young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and function based behavioural interventions for children between the ages of three and 18 years. Data are presented that show how the model is effective. Children with ASD under the age of seven made significant gains on intelligence quotient and on a range of skills including language, social and play, and academic skills following three academic terms of intervention. Case study data for two children reveal a marked decrease in challenging behaviour following a function based behavioural intervention. These interventions have led to greater independence, integration and access to curricular activities. These data show that children are making significant gains within this cost‐effective model.  相似文献   


Employing the multiple-baseline across-subjects design, the authors examined the implementation and potential effect of a virtual-reality-based social interaction program on the interaction and communication performance of children with high functioning autism. The data were collected via behavior observation and analysis, questionnaires, and interviewing. The children participants demonstrated increased performance of responding, initiation, greeting, and positive conversation-ending during the intervention, and improved social competence measures after the intervention. The study also contributed salient themes on the adaptive design of a virtual-reality-based learning environment for learners with special needs. The study findings should extend the discussion on the design and usage of technology-supported informal learning environment for children with diverse characteristics and learning needs.  相似文献   

In spite of claims that facilitated communication is a unique and effective communication option for individuals with autism, validity of this method has not been established. The present study focused on evaluating the effectiveness of facilitated communication with elementary-age children with autism. Ten public school children and their teachers, who served as facilitators, were involved in this 15-week facilitated communication validation study. Several subjects revealed ability to complete simple responses to requests and questions to which the facilitators knew the answers. However, little success was shown by subjects in answering questions to which the facilitators lacked answers, or in communicating via an augmentative communication device. Results of the study are discussed, along with implications for future use of facilitated communication with children with autism.  相似文献   

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