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罗伯特·M·赫钦斯是20世纪中叶美国著名的高等教育思想家和改革家。他在《美国高等教育》中用优美且严密的文字批判了当时美国高等教育存在的问题。他呼吁大学的批判功能,强调大学是独立思想或批判中心,教授和学生通过交流和沟通来发挥批判功能,并认为通过名著提供的经验有助于形成学生的鉴赏和批判标准。大学的批判功能不论是从历史还是现实的角度上看,都是不可忽视的。  相似文献   

Postsecondary institutions seek to create a pedagogical environment that increases students' knowledge, expands their powers of reasoning, and shapes their psychosocial dispositions. In this study, we examined a conceptual model of academic attainment including two aspects of the pedagogical environment experienced by students, namely the cognitive demands set by professors and the social support provided by both professors and other students. Along with these climate variables, three psychosocial dispositions of students, self-esteem, perceived academic control, and coping strategies, were also included. A sample of 854 undergraduate students in the faculties of Arts and Science from a mid-western Research-1 (Canadian) university was used to estimate the effect parameters in the model. The results suggest that both cognitive demands and social support affected the students 9 perceived academic control and coping strategies. In turn, the pedagogical environment and the psychosocial dispositions affected the students' academic achievement. Implications for establishing and maintaining supportive pedagogical environments and for helping students improve their perceived control and coping strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

美国现行大学治理体制中的四个主要参与方——校董、学术领袖、教授和学生各有其优势和弱点,"共享的治理"的成功取决于上述四方的互信与合作。美国现行大学治理体制运行正常,没有对其进行系统性变革的必要。但这种"共享的治理"也存在一些亟待改进与完善之处,如有必要改善校董的遴选方式,吸引最受尊敬和负责任的教授参与治理,在学术领袖和教授之间建立起一种更加相互信任与携手合作的和谐关系等等。  相似文献   

大学文化与校园文化,是培养人才素质、品质的背景与底色,它陶冶学生的情操、启迪学生的心智,促进学生的全面发展。中国的高等教育,其校园文化与大学文化的蝉变是由欧美模式转向苏联模式,21世纪,中国高校文化建设要超越已有的模式,根据人才培养目标和而突出自己的特色,这是我国高等教育人才培养模式改革的当务之急。  相似文献   

在探索高等教育作为一个研究生阶段的新的学术领域在美国的崛起方面,本文提出了四个相关的主题。首先,本文追溯了高等教育作为一种学位项目的起源和程序化的发展,以及高等教育的课程发展和专业化的演变。第二,通过高等教育研究领域在研究型学位(Ph.D和M.A.)和专业学位(Ed.D.和M.Ed)的发展历史,本文指出在整个20世纪,教育学院都在力求区别对待这两种学位类型,而且努力证明这些学位类型各有其存在的原因和不同的要求。第三,高等教育研究领域的崛起逐步形成了一种知识基础,它反映了与大学历史和传统、大学管理与治理、大学课程、学生和公共政策研究领域相关的正在增长的研究生产力。与许多其他学科和专业领域一样,这种正在发展中的知识基础发轫于致力于高等教育研究的学术期刊、丛书、专著以及期刊文章。第四,在高等教育研究中心和学位项目国际化的背景下,本文对美国、欧洲、加拿大和中国正在演化中的高等教育的多学科领域提供了一个粗略的描述。  相似文献   

朱志荣的长篇小说《大学教授》有着与理论著述不同的别样风格。他以直面现实的文学精神描述大学教授这一特殊群体,在叙写中显示其人性的矛盾与多面,并以略带调侃的姿态自嘲大学教授在现实中的艰难生存。这不仅勾勒了一个大学教授的群像世界,而且还在直面现实的伤痛中给予他们温暖与抚慰。  相似文献   

美苏在欧洲的核优势之争导致欧洲中程导弹问题的出现。20世纪80年代里根政府致力于夺取对苏联的全面优势,而此时苏联国内“牛油”与“大炮”的矛盾异常尖锐,因此,戈尔巴乔夫上台后积极推动美苏核裁军谈判,并选择中导问题作为推动谈判的突破口。1987年12月8日,美苏出于对条约的共同政治需要,签署了核裁军谈判史上第一个全面销毁某一类型核武器的条约。  相似文献   

To bring about a complete restoration of capitalism, the Soviet revisionist ruling clique is applying bourgeois principles in running schools and is pushing ahead an all-round revisionist line in education. The Soviet revisionist clique is doing its utmost to enforce bourgeois principles of school management by which "specialists rule the school," thus converting schools into so-called independent kingdoms of bourgeois scholartyrants. Their bourgeois world outlook is entirely in keeping with the policy of the Soviet ruling clique for the restoration of capitalism. They are the faithful tools of their reactionary bosses in pushing ahead with the revisionist educational line. In schools, they take arbitrary actions and monopolize everything. According to what was revealed in the Soviet press, "The 39-member party committee in Moscow University has 30 professors or assistant professors. This is also the case with the party branch committees in various faculties." The posts of rectors and presidents in colleges and universities are the monopoly of certain professors and doctors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze the kind of motivation in academia at a university in Argentina, taken as an example of a Latin American country. The study used a questionnaire containing the same 37 attitudinal statements that At-Twaijri et al. used recently for a large university in the Arabian Gulf. Motivators in both universities are compared. Despite being two very different academic cultures, there are analogies between the responses of lecturers: financial rewards are the least motivator in both cases; the most important items affecting the university professors’ motivation deal with the internal reward along with a feeling of accomplishment in the Argentine, and self-achievement and social respect in the Arabian Gulf. This paper also serves to make the international academic community aware of the Spanish ‘Intercampus’ programme. This programme allows the interchange of a significant number of students and professors between universities of Spain and the Latin American community.  相似文献   

叶隽 《教育学报》2007,3(6):62-72
通过考察北大德文系早期的师生状况,注意到其创办时代师资组成里的中、德两国人员身份的双重性,分别选择其核心人物中国学者杨丙辰、德国学者欧尔克作为主要个案;同时考察此时期有代表意义的学生,以日后在德语文学学科有"北冯南张"之称的冯至、张威廉为个案研究对象。通过"中德合作"与"师生传承"的视角穿插,展现中国现代学术建立过程中相对被人忽视的师生互动状况(此处具体是北大德文系早期),同时追溯由这些具体个体反映的德文系发展与蔡元培北大改革与创立现代学术制度的内在关联,由此探讨其在中国现代学术史上的意义及可能之缺失。  相似文献   

Italian university professors in transition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, Italian university professors have, for the first time in decades, faced a process of structural change encompassing the entire system of higher education. These transformations represent a long overdue answer to the unmet social demand for higher education, and have forced academic staff members to adjust to changes in their working conditions. This article examines a number of alternatives related to their professional condition that Italian university professors need to consider in this changing situation.  相似文献   

伦敦大学学院的教学助理既是教授的助理,又是未来大学教师的后备军,还是学生的服务者。他们不仅缓解了教授的教学负担,还为大学注入了新鲜血液,服务学生,保障教学质量。伦敦大学学院制定了严格的教学助理选聘条件,对教学助理实施全程培训与客观评价。这种卓有成效的教学质量保障机制,确保了伦敦大学学院高质量的本科生教育。  相似文献   

Review Essay     

Teachers and university professors hold strong, and often different, views on school subjects and academic disciplines. This paper explores the meanings of subjects and disciplines for teachers and university professors who have different subject or disciplinary affiliations as these emerge within discussions about curriculum in a professional development context. It describes a group of university professors and secondary school teachers who met to discuss new developments in research in the humanities and social sciences and their impact on school curriculum. The professors brought their expertise in their academic disciplines and their teaching experience to the conversations. Teachers brought their varied disciplinary knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and a deep understanding of schools. They perceived their primary goal as making ‘translations’ and ‘transformations’ between university and school. There were many bridges to cross within these complex and multi‐layered conversations. The possibility of bridges was enhanced by sharing common experiences in dealing with dilemmas of teaching. However, it demonstrated the importance of exposing the key structures and arguments of the disciplines as a first step in building bridges among subject communities and between universities and schools.  相似文献   

To rise to the challenge of today’s university, professors make use of many types of pedagogical innovation. This paper examines professors’ perceptions of the impact arising from innovative teaching through a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews conducted with assistant, associate and full professors of a Canadian university. Grounded theory analysis shows that pedagogical innovations support learning, professionalisation and graduation, and remote access to courses for students, and alters their behaviours and attitudes. Moreover, pedagogical innovations reinvent teaching practices and satisfy professors, while the associated academic institution can take pride in the achievement. Paradoxically, the outcomes of this study highlight the recognition granted to pedagogical innovators, in contrast to innovative teaching, which remains denigrated. This paper discusses the implications of the findings for educational practice and provides recommendations as well as avenues for further research.  相似文献   

课堂对于大学具有核心地位,学界大师们对什么样的课是好课常有论断,视角虽有不同,观点实多聚焦.一堂好课应该是精神的享受,知识的盛宴,交流的舞台,切磋的论坛,思辨的场地.好课凝魂,好课新体,好课聚气,好课发力,好课乃“精气神”之焕发蓬勃,乃关注人之终极价值,因而使得大学机体健康强壮.  相似文献   

1916年创办的福建协和大学始终重视出版发行专著、小册子和报刊等各类文献。协大教授所撰写的学术专著是其主要出版物,这些专著不仅是协大学术研究成果,而且还代表着中国某一学术领域的最高水平。此外,协大出版了大量的报刊,其中,约占总数30%的报刊为学术期刊,因而“颇受国内教育界的欢迎”。协大出版物的著述者不再是一心传播福音的神职人员,而是以郑作新等为代表的大学教授与接受现代知识教育的学生。由于教会大学出版物的世俗化,所以,其影响范围较之其他教会出版物更为广泛。  相似文献   

Jun Li 《比较教育学》2017,53(2):245-264
University partnerships have been a key dimension of higher education development. Based on documentary analysis and empirical data, this study compares two distinctive models of university partnership experienced by China, first as a recipient with the Soviet Union in the 1950s and later as a provider with African countries in the 2000s. The different modalities of China’s university partnerships are analysed in the changing contexts of a shift from the political ideology of socialism to the current global context of neo-liberalism. The article looks critically at how Chinese universities have utilised their earlier experience of development under Soviet influence in their current approach to internationalisation, taking China’s on-going 20?+?20 University Partnership Scheme with less developed countries in Africa since 2010 as an example. The intention of this article is to reflect deeply on the policy implications of China’s experience in transforming its position from a recipient into a provider of university partnerships. Finally, the article also looks at the Confucian mission of the Chinese University 3.0 and the possibility of fostering multilateral university partnerships for international development in the context of globalisation.  相似文献   

中国留美学生与国立西南联合大学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的留学运动从留学美国开始。在20世纪前半期,中国的留美学生成为中国高等教育师资的主要来源和中坚。在抗日战争时期,为了躲避日本侵华战争的炮火,由北京大学、清华大学和南开大学组成了西南联合大学,其中校领导、大部分院系领导和主要教授都是留美学生。他们学贯中西,砥柱中流,一方面以抗日救国、弘扬中华民族精神和文化传统为己任,为中华传统文化的传承和民族精神的光大,作出了不朽的贡献;一方面以开放的眼光,传播西方现代的科学文化知识,培养了中国现代一批炳彪史册的文化学术精英,创造了世界教育史上的奇迹;还以自由平等的现代意识,弘扬人类现代政治民主观念,不畏强权,维护人格尊严,推动了当时民主运动的发展。  相似文献   

民国时期清华的“教授治校”制度在大学管理中发挥了重要作用,作为我国近代高教史的遗产,对当前教授组织参与大学管理有着重要的借鉴意义.本文简要介绍了民国时期清华的教授治校制度以及教授会这一“教授治校”的基础性组织,总结了其组织特征;简要分析了当前大学教授委员会的实施现状;并对历史与当下两种教授会制度做了对比分析,得出相应的启示.  相似文献   

莫斯科中山大学成立于1925年,是苏联专门为中国国民党和共产党培训干部而设立的高等院校,国共两党的许多重要人物都曾在此留学。莫斯科中山大学是苏联、中国国民党和共产党三方合作背景下的产物。其兴衰起伏与中共、国民党和苏联三方的关系以及中苏两国关系的发展变化紧密相联。20世纪20年代后期,中国国内革命形势发生急剧变化,国共合作最终破裂,中国国民政府与苏联的关系也日趋冷淡。中国革命形势以及中苏关系的剧变时莫斯科中山大学产生强烈的负面影响,直接导致中山大学生源严重不足。加之莫斯科中山大学自身也存在一系列严重问题,如资金投入与人才产出的失衡、中国留学生托洛茨基反对派的活动、清党运动等一系列事件的综合作用,最终导致这所在留苏教育史、中苏关系史和中国近现代史上都具有一定地位和影响的学校于1930年停办。  相似文献   

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