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任何一个伟大的作家,对自己作品中的人物和事件,总是要表现出强烈的倾向性的。《儒林外史》和《死魂灵》的作者,表达其倾向性时有一个共同点:含着泪水微笑,即作家用饱蘸辛酸泪水的笔来写喜剧,对作品中的许多人物,既有辛辣的讽刺,又怀有深切的同情,甚至在讽刺之中蕴含着一定程度的赞颂。在审美学上表现出悲剧与喜剧的结合。  相似文献   

《我是猫》和《围城》,是东方学中两部讽刺名作,由于作有相近的经历,使两部作品在刻画世态众生,表现现代人的精神危机时呈现出一些共同之处,艺术上都是讽刺的机锋无所不在,嘻笑怒骂皆成章。  相似文献   

狄更斯的《穷人的专利权》不仅深刻揭露了英国资本主义制度的黑暗和司法机构的腐败,而且表现了对受压迫的劳动人民极大同情,小说运用形象描绘、幽默讽刺的笔法突出了主题,使读在体会作品主题思想的同时,享受到作品的艺术美。  相似文献   

夏芳 《考试周刊》2009,(25):20-21
吴敬梓的《儒林外史》和钱钟书的《围城》都是以“士林”为表现对象的讽刺文学作品,两部长篇小说各以自己独特的艺术形式和辛辣的讽刺艺术成就屹立于我国讽刺小说的前列。在艺术上,它们有着许多异中见“同”之处。其一。从描写对象上说,两部都写“儒林”或“士林”。其二,从表现方式上说,它们部采取了讽刺的手法,是讽刺文学中的伟大作品。  相似文献   

吴敬梓的《儒林外史》作为一部讽刺性作品,突出的成就不仅表现在继承了明清以前小说在讽刺艺术上对比、夸张等惯用手法,还独创了讽刺艺术的新特色。在讽刺的内容、手法、以及对象等方面都有了新的探索,单单从以往的典型性、真实性等角度来理解《儒林外史》的讽刺艺术特色是远远不够的。  相似文献   

《格列佛游记》是世界讽刺文学史上最杰出的作品之一。小说独特的叙事模式,使得小说的讽刺典型、全面而真实广泛。文章分析了小说独特的叙事模式与全方位的社会批判,指出小说具有独立故事,展现社会不同侧面的讽刺;具有统一的结构,表现全面的讽刺;具有有动态的视角,呈现不同的批判视角。  相似文献   

19世纪俄罗斯文学讽刺艺术的审美特征,为:含泪的微笑及毁灭性、荒诞式的讽刺。这些特征分别体现在果戈理、托尔斯泰和契诃夫的代表性作品之中。  相似文献   

现代绘画艺术的各种风格和流派为海报的绘画性提供了丰富多样的设计方法,同时也成为海报设计绘画性的不同表现形式。劳特累克作品中表现出来的“病态”激情,以及苦涩辛辣的讽刺意味,则成为海报艺术史上表现主义和讽刺性广告的发展源头。  相似文献   

陈晓芳 《考试周刊》2010,(30):36-37
果戈理是俄罗斯伟大的作家之一。他留下的讽刺巨著给予千千万万的读者以启迪。了解他作品的讽刺艺术对于透析他的作品有着尤为重要的作用。作家的讽刺艺术之所以会在《钦差大臣》和《死魂灵》这两部巨著中得到最大彰显,跟作家前期讽刺艺术水平的积累是分不开的。本文通过分析作家前期作品集《密尔格拉得》中的部分作品,了解作家在这一阶段的讽刺艺术特征。  相似文献   

18世纪,讽刺艺术在英国风靡,而《格列佛游记》的出现,更是将其讽刺艺术上升到极致。作家斯威夫特通过夸张手法来表现人物性格,通过创设滑稽场景将读者带入一个个引人入胜的故事情节中,通过运用多样化的艺术表现形式来对当时英国社会现状进行有力的抨击。本文从作品内容入手,对其讽刺艺术展开深入分析。  相似文献   

RH和RH-KTB精炼过程中钢液流动和混合特性的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The flow and mixing characteristics of molten steel during the vacuum circulation refining,including RH(Ruhrstahl-Heraeus) and RH-KTB(Ruhrastahl-Heraeus-Kawasaki top blowing) processes,were investigated on a 1/5 linear scale water model of a 90t multifunction RH degasser,The circulation rate was directly and more accurately determined,using a new method by which the more reliable results can be obtained.The fluid flow pattern and flow field in the ladle were demonstrated,observed and analyzed.The mixing time of liquid in the ladle was measured using electrical conductivity method.The residence time distribution in the RH model was obtained by tracer response technique.The influence of the main technological and geometric factors,including the gas top blowing*(KTB) operation,was examined.The results indicated that the circulation rate of molten steel in the RH degasser can be fairly precisely calculated by the formula:Q1p=0.0333Qg^0.26Du^0.69Dd^0.80(t/min),where Qg-the lifting gas flow rate(NL/min);Du and Dd-the inner diameters of the up and down-snorkels(cm),respectively.The maximum value of circulation rate of molten steel in the case of the 30cm diameters either of the up-and down-snorkels for the RH degasser(the “Saturated” rate) is approximately 31 t/min.the corresponding gas flow rate is 900NL/min.Blowing gas into the vacuum chamber through the top lance like KTB operation does not markedly influence the circulatory flow and mixing charateristics of the RH process under the conditions of the present work.There exist a major loop and a large number of small vortices and eddies in the ladle during the RH refining process.A liquidliquid two-phase flow is formed between the descnding stream from the down-snorkel and the liquid around the stream.All of these flow situation and pattern will strongly influence and determine the mixing and mass transfer in the ladle during the refining.The correlation between the mixing time and the stirring energy density is τmε^0.50 for the RH degasser.The mixing time rapidly shortens with an increase in the lifting gas flowrate.At a same gas flow rate,the mixing times with the up-and down-snorkel diameters either of 6 and 7cm are essentially same.The 30cm diameters either of the up-and down-snorkels for the RH degasser would be reasonalble.The concentration-time curve showed that three circulation cycles are at least needed for complete mixing of the liquid steel in the RH degasser.  相似文献   

The metabolic activity of organisms can be measured by recording the heat output using microcalorimetry. In this paper, the total alkaloids in the traditional Chinese medicine Radix Aconiti Lateralis were extracted and applied to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The effect of alkaloids on bacteria growth was studied by microcalorimetry. The power-time curves were plotted with a thermal activity monitor (TAM) air isothermal microcalorimeter and parameters such as growth rate constant (μ), peak-time (Tm), inhibitory ratio (I), and enhancement ratio (E) were calculated. The relationships between the concentration of Aconitum alkaloids and μ of E. coli or S. aureus were discussed. The results showed that Aconitum alkaloids had little effect on E. coli and had a potentially inhibitory effect on the growth of S. aureus.  相似文献   

(K0.47Na0.47Li0.06)NbO3 (KNLN) lead-free ceramics were prepared by molten salt synthesis (MSS) method using k2CO3-Na2CO3 eutectic mixtures as the flux. The microstructure and piezoelectric properties when sintered at 980-1 030 ℃ were investigated. The calcined powders were examined by X-ray diffraction. The microstructure of the calcined powders and sintered bodies was observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM).The piezoelectric constant d33 was measured using a quasi-static piezoelectric d33 meter. The planar coupling coefficient Kp was calculated by resonance-antiresonance method. The experimental data for each sample's performance indicators were the average values of 8 specimens. The relative densities of sintered specimens are above 97%, and the dielectric loss is below 0.03. It was found that (K0.47Na0.47Li0.06)NbO3 prepared by MSS is compact and lead-free. The piezoelectric constant d33 is 216 pC·N-1 and the planar electromechanical coupling factor Kp is 0.352.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to make a case for The Rebel as an important educational text. Discussing The Rebel in this way for the first time, the goal is to try and demonstrate that the work could have a unique contribution; in particular there might be a number of similarities between Camus and educational thinkers relating to the goals, pedagogy and the meaning of education. The Rebel has been noted as Camus’s most underexplored text so by investigating these synergies for the first time, this article aims to demonstrate another dimension to The Rebel and potential relevance for educational theory and practice.  相似文献   


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify and rank the SWOT issues of India's veterinary and animal science education.

Design: The data were collected at the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) from 168 post-graduate students. The two surveys generated 72% (N=121) and 68% (N=114) response rates, respectively. In the first stage, the vital SWOT issues were listed by respondents and in the second stage, they ranked the top eight issues on a Likert scale.

Findings: Uniform curriculum; merit-based admissions; and huge demand and employment prospects were perceived as major strengths. Gaps in curriculum revision and inadequate faculty, colleges and hands-on experience were perceived as key weaknesses. Regular curriculum revisions; novel instructional methods; and single admission tests were important opportunities perceived. Out-dated education model; urban biased admissions; and regional barriers were the major threats perceived.

Practical implication: The SWOT issues identified are similar to those faced by veterinary education programmes in many countries with minor variations.

Originality/value: The findings are of interest for veterinary faculties in developing and under-developed countries to harmonize their veterinary education systems on par with global norms. The related implications for policy and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The reuse of wastewater for the irrigation of farmlands is gaining popularity, and the nutrient leaching associated with wastewater irrigation is becoming a matter of concern. The variability of nitrogen and phosphorus fractions in wastewater-irrigated soil was investigated in both horizontal and vertical directions in Kongjiaxiang, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, China. The results showed that wastewater irrigation resulted in the concentrations of available N and P being 40.36% and 66.49% higher, respectively, than those with groundwater irrigation. Different forms of N and P exhibited significantly different distribution patterns. Higher concentrations of NO3- and total available N, as well as of those of Ca-P and total available P were observed near wastewater irrigation channels. Ca-P has a spatial distribution pattern similar to that of available P. The concentrations of NO3- and NH4+ were the highest in top soil and decreased with depth. The complex interactions between nitrate leaching and nitrogen transformation processes (e.g., nitrification, denitrification, and mineralization) determined the vertical profile of NO3- . The significant amount of NH4+ loss inhibited its deep seepage. The Ca-bound compound contained more P than other inorganic fractions as a result of high Ca levels throughout the soil profile. The differences in the concentrations of Ca-bound P at different depths could be due to the upward flux or translocation of Ca from subsurface to surface soil and the sequestration of P.  相似文献   


In one of his notebooks, Albert Camus describes, The stranger, The myth of Sisyphus, Caligula and The misunderstanding as pertaining to a series; a schema that suggests that if one were to write about one of these literary works, one would be writing about parts of a whole unless one also engaged with the others. Whether one does this or not, may or may not reflect the nature of the relationship one sees these texts as sharing. The stranger and The myth of Sisyphus share something unique: they are both as Camus describes them, zero points; a zero point here being understood as the zero point at which one thinks about one’s existence. This article begins with a reflection upon the relative philosophical value of understanding The myth of Sisyphus as a work of art and then occupies itself with how this understanding might provide an opportunity for self-reflection when reading The stranger. The reading of The myth of Sisyphus is not used so much to better understand Meursault (the protagonist of The stranger) and his story but to invert our interpretative methodology such that it is possible to speak to the reader as a significant actor. The novel is thought of in terms of the gifting of a philosophical problem, a problem which the author of this article attempts to understand from the point of view of how one might see oneself as paradoxically implicated in the drama of its articulation. It is this paradox that will lead us to speak of the narrative of The stranger as referring to a problem in how philosophy speaks to our experience of education.  相似文献   

Recent advance in medical education is in correlation with the advances in information technology and thus computer-based learning is being increasingly employed. The objective of the present study was to design and evaluate an e-learning module in anatomy and assess the perceptions of students and faculty about this e-learning module. The participating students were randomized into three groups by block stratified randomization and Google groups were created for each of the three groups. The e-learning module was implemented in three sessions by rotating the three groups. Validated questionnaires were sent to faculty and participating students via Google forms to obtain feedback. The results of ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference among the groups in terms of marks obtained with conventional (F = 2.403, P = 0.103), online (F = 6.050, P = 0.005), and blended (F = 5.801, P = 0.006). Post hoc comparisons using the Tukey HSD test, about the gain of knowledge, indicated that the results were insignificant when comparing the conventional group with the online group, but were significant when comparing the blended group with the conventional and online group. The qualitative data regarding the perception of students toward e-learning were analyzed using thematic analysis. The introduction of an interactive e-learning module in anatomy was effective and well received by the students and faculty. The study showed that blended learning has a positive impact on the students' learning by improving cognitive gain and receptive perception for e-learning.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were considered under three headings. The first was to elicit misconception that science and physics student teachers (pre-service teachers) had about the terms, ‘‘inertial mass’’, ‘‘gravitational mass’’, ‘‘gravity’’, ‘‘gravitational force’’ and “weight”. The second was to understand how prior learning affected their misconceptions, and whether teachers’ misconceptions affected their students’ learning. The third was to determine the differences between science and physics student teachers’ understanding levels related to mass and gravity, and between their logical thinking ability levels and their attitudes toward physics lessons. A total of 267 science and physics student teachers participated in the study. Data collection instruments included the physics concept test, the logical thinking ability test and physics attitude scale. All instruments were administered to the participants at the end of the 3rd semester of their university years. The physics test consisting of paper and pencil test involving 16 questions was designed, but only four questions were related to mass and gravity; the second test consisted of 10 questions with two stages. The third test however, consisted of 15 likert type items. As a result of the analysis undertaken, it was found that student teachers had serious misconceptions about inertia, gravity, gravitational acceleration, gravitational force and weight concepts. The results also revealed that student teachers generally had positive attitudes toward physics lessons, and their logical thinking level was fairly good.  相似文献   

The amorphous Fe67.5 alloy particles have been prepared by mechanical alloying(MA) process of elemental powders.The crystallization is observed at temperature around 405℃ by means of differential thermal analyzer,It is found that the coercivity Hc and the effective magnetic anisotropy value of amorphous phase are not far from that of crystal phase.The magnetization behavior of amorphous and nanocrystalline samples prepared by mechanical alloying and milling process are quite similar,they obey 1/H law at middle-high field and 1/H^2 at higher field.The 1/H field dependence is attributed to a large number of dislocations created during MA process.The studies on the 1/H^2 field dependence reveals that magnetization of Fe-Ni ultrafine particles are governed predominantly by internal stress fields induced by MA process.  相似文献   

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