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文学的创造性阅读与阐释--高校外国文学教学研究和探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学本意义的生成与阐释,是本(text)与读(reader)交往对话活动的产物。因此,创造性阅读与阐释便成为外国学教学的教学理念和阐释原则。它是一个具有主体性、循环性和时间性的动态结构。  相似文献   

接受美学于20世纪60年代在联邦德国兴起。它首次发现并肯定读的阅读主体地位,强调学作品的意义和价值是读与作一起创造的,提出学作品的语言具有“空白点”和“未定性”的观点,总结出读的期待视野与作品之间具有一定审美距离的规律。这些理论对徘徊在高砂低效尴尬处境中的中小学阅读教学具有很强的指导意义-确立学生的阅读主体地位,激发学生的想象和创造性思维,强化学生的阅读期待、反思和批判。  相似文献   

中学语文课堂教学与接受美学的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“接受美学”是当代西方学研究中的一种新兴的方法论。20世纪60年代德国康茨坦斯学派的五位美学家提出“接受理论”的美学基本原理,代表人物是尧斯和伊寒尔,其核心理论:学作品是为读阅读而创作的。作品的社会意义和美学价值,只有在阅读过程中才能表现出来,不能由作品自身实现。他们视“作——作品”为创作过程;  相似文献   

学是以语言字为工具,形象化.地反映客观现实的艺术。学欣赏就是通过作品的学语言把握艺术形象,具体地认识形象所反映的社会生活的面貌和本质,体会其中所蕴含的作的思想感情,从而感到欢快愉悦。学的最大特点在于它的形象性,因此,学欣赏始终不能离开形象。正是这个原因,读在阅读学作品时的感受和认识,就显然和阅读科学论时不一样。阅读论是被它的确凿的论据和充分的论证所折服,而阅读学作品,则是被作品的鲜明生动的艺术形象所吸引,所感染。  相似文献   

“接受美学”是当代西方学研究中的一种新兴的方法论。其代表人物是德国康茨坦斯大学的两位教授尧斯和伊寒尔。其核心理论:学作品足为读阅读而创作的。作品的社会意义和美学价值.只宵在阅读过程中才能表现出来.不能由作品自身实现。他们视“作一作品”为创作过程。视“作品——读”为接受过程,  相似文献   

论文学翻译之"误读"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无论是以作者原意为理解作品意义的根本依据的作者中心论,还是以作品的文本自身为理解作品意义的根本依据的文本中心论,都要求译者采取力图再现作者意图、复原文本意义为目的的“正读”的阅读方式。然而,现代意义观关于文学文本意义的不确定性、丰富性和开放性的研究成果决定译者对原文文本的解读具有片面性、历史性、主观性和创造性等特点。因此“正读”只能是一种理想,“误读”则是文学翻译之必然,也是再创造之基础。译者对原文文本的创造性理解和阐释,丰富了原文文本的意义,促进了不同文化之间的交流。翻译批评者应以更加宽容的态度对待文学翻译之“误读”,因为它使文学意义重建和文化重构成为可能。  相似文献   

阅读理解能力,是指阅读和辨认书面语言材料,理解其内容及涵义并从中获取知识的一种技能。这种技能包括对书面语言的识别、理解和快速记忆几个方面。其实质是读同作以书面材料为媒体进行思想交流的一种活动,读在阅读时,必须同时利用语言知识、化知识和语境不断进行信息加工,以达到获取新知识的目的。只有具备阅读理解能力的人,  相似文献   

学意义是个非常复杂的问题。作意图、作品意图和读意图等构成本意义的三个层面。任何本的意义只是这三个层面的必然凝聚和统一,学意义的实现是作、作品和读之间综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

英美小说的阅读是一个欣赏和评论的过程,这个过程主要分为浅层阅读和深蕴阅读两个层次,浅层阅读主要是了解所读作品的大致内容,深蕴阅读则是要对小说的环境,人物、情节,主题以及写作手段进行分析并作评论,从美学角度探讨作的写作意图,语言和写作风格,本主要从深蕴阅读方面探了英美学作品的阅读。  相似文献   

学鉴赏是人们阅读学作品时,对作品的感受、分析、评价,是一种审美认识活动,也是阅读能力的最高层次。学鉴赏主要是把握各类学体裁的特点,领会作的思想感情,发现并概括作的美感因素,理解、判断、鉴赏其作品内容,赏析、评价其语言特色、表达技巧等。学鉴赏是一种综合能力,是在具备种种语能力的基础上,投入各种感情去领悟、培养的结果。因此,一方面要在课内外学习中去着实领悟,另一方面要着重进行鉴赏性阅读,培养鉴赏性阅读的能力。  相似文献   


Emerging evidence suggests that executive function plays an important role in adult readers’ understanding of text. This study examined the contribution of executive function to comprehension of expository science text among adult readers, as well as the role of vocabulary ability in the relation between executive function and text comprehension. The roles of additional reader characteristics, including age, reading time, prior knowledge, and vocabulary ability, in comprehension were also examined. Using structural equation modeling, a latent executive function factor significantly predicted comprehension after accounting for age, reading time, prior knowledge, and vocabulary ability. Vocabulary ability mediated the relation between executive function and both lower-level and higher-level reading comprehension. Executive function contributed more strongly to lower-level compared with higher-level comprehension of the text. Implications for future research are discussed.


The aim of this study was to investigate which cognitive and reading-related linguistic skills contribute to reading comprehension of narrative and expository texts. The study examined an Israeli national database of Hebrew-speaking readers in fourth grade, from which a subsample of 190 readers with a reading disability (RD) and 190 readers with no reading disability (NRD) was selected. IQ, text reading, reading comprehension, and various linguistic and cognitive skills were assessed. Structural equation modeling results suggested that both groups rely on lower level processes such as text reading accuracy and orthographic knowledge for reading comprehension of both genres. However, RD readers depend more heavily upon these lower level processes compared with NRD for whom higher level processes contribute more to reading comprehension. The various variables accounted for only 25-34% of reading comprehension variance, and possible explanations are discussed. Taken together, these findings highlight the variety of factors influencing reading comprehension and its multidimensional nature.  相似文献   

The current study tested the effects of positive and negative emotion at the beginning and end of texts, as well as the consistency in valence throughout a text on readers’ response choice to items on a multiple-choice reading comprehension assessment. Multinomial logistic regressions were performed on 1,161 college participants’ assessment responses to test whether emotion in narrative and informational text items significantly predicted which distractor response options readers chose in comparison to the correct response option. Overall, consistent emotion throughout text and positive and negative emotion at the beginning and end of text were significant predictors of readers’ response choices. The results are discussed in terms of emotion being an indicator of readers’ causal processing. Specifically, findings provide a better understanding of how emotional features in narrative and informational texts may influence how readers develop causal coherence and comprehension during reading. This understanding could also help inform the development of instructional tools that encourage readers to focus on aspects of text (i.e., emotion) which could, in turn, help improve comprehension for readers who struggle.  相似文献   

Direct instruction of reading strategies, such as the ‘structure strategy’, is demonstrated to be effective for the development of more mature and skilled reading processes in struggling readers. This instructional intervention approach, aimed at directly improving reading ability, can be used in combination with text simplification. Text simplification is the modification of the text in order to make it more understandable or readable for target groups of readers. In this article, we discuss a theoretically-driven text simplification approach, inspired by cognitive models of reading comprehension. Differently from classical approaches to linguistic text simplification, the aim of cognitive text simplification is not simply to reduce the linguistic complexity of the text, but to improve text coherence and the structure of information in the text. This can be achieved by using rhetorical devices, like signaling or discourse markers, which specify relationships among ideas at a global level (macrostructural) and work as processing instructions for the reader, scaffolding reading comprehension. The goal of this paper is to discuss, in light of the literature, the effectiveness of these adaptations for improving struggling readers’ understanding and learning from informational texts.  相似文献   

This study explored the influence of reading media and reading time-frame on readers' on-task attention, metacognitive calibration, and reading comprehension. One hundred and forty undergraduates were allocated to one of four experimental conditions varying on the reading medium (in print vs. on screen) and on the reading time-frame (free vs. pressured time). Readers' mindwandering while reading, prediction of performance on a comprehension test, and their text comprehension were measured. In-print readers, but not on-screen readers, mindwandered less on the pressured than in the free time condition, indicating higher task adaptation in print. Accordingly, on-screen readers in the pressured condition comprehended less than the other three groups. Mindwandering and text comprehension were similar under free reading time regardless of medium. Lastly, there were no differences in readers’ metacognitive calibration. The results support the hypothesis of shallow information processing when reading on screen under time constraints.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of impaired reading skills and visual discomfort on the reading rate and comprehension of university students when reading texts presented at a high school (Grade 9) or university (Grade 12) level of difficulty. Groups included impaired readers (n=18) and normal readers with (n=13) or without visual discomfort (n=19). Regardless of text difficulty the impaired reader group had a significantly slower reading rate and poorer comprehension than the normal reader control group. However, when reading rate and comprehension were compared at the assessed reading level of each group, no group differences were found. The normal reading visual discomfort group had poorer reading comprehension than other normal readers with presentation of university‐level text only. It was concluded that poor word decoding skills may exacerbate comprehension difficulties in impaired readers. In contrast, the comprehension difficulties found for normal readers with visual discomfort occurred because of the somatic and perceptual difficulties induced with exposure to the repetitive striped patterns found on text pages. The types of strategy needed to increase the reading efficiency and produce greater academic success in university students with impaired reader skills or visual discomfort are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships among vocabulary breadth, vocabulary depth, reading comprehension, and reading rate among college‐aged students. While the relationships of some of these variables have been explored in previous research, the current study's focus on the role of vocabulary depth on the literacy measures within a sample of skilled readers is new and produced several interesting findings. First, consistent with the hypotheses, both vocabulary breadth and depth were significantly correlated with reading comprehension and reading rate. Second, while both types of vocabulary knowledge explained unique variance in reading comprehension, only vocabulary breadth explained unique variance in reading rate. Finally, although vocabulary breadth was significantly correlated with both of the vocabulary depth measures, the two depth measures were not significantly correlated with each other. This work implies that a strong depth of vocabulary affects reading comprehension, in addition to the well‐established relationship between vocabulary breadth and comprehension.  相似文献   

The current study examined the relations among key variables that underlie reading comprehension of expository science texts in a diverse population of adult native English readers. Using Mechanical Turk to sample a range of adult readers, the study also examined the effect of text presentation on readers’ comprehension and knowledge structure established after reading. In Study 1, ratings of situational interest, select reading background variables, and select measures of readers’ knowledge structure accounted for significant variance in comprehension. In Study 2, the knowledge structure metrics of primacy, recency, and node degree as well as several text ratings were found to be comparable across text presentation formats. Participants who read the text sentence-by-sentence obtained higher scores on measures of comprehension and provided higher ratings of situational interest than those who received the whole paragraph text at once. Knowledge structure measures for the sentence-by-sentence and paragraph formats were similar (68% overlap). We discuss implications for future research examining factors that underlie the successful comprehension of science texts.  相似文献   

When reading in the classroom, teachers may use different methods. We examined the impact of different reading conditions on comprehension. Reading aloud involved reading the text aloud for an audience. Silent reading required the students to read the text silently. Follower reading involved listening to another student read the text aloud while having the text available for individual reading. Thirty-six fifth- and sixth-grade students read texts under the three conditions and then took comprehension tests. The students performed equally well under reading aloud and silent reading. Follower reading resulted in worse comprehension. The data suggest that the follower readers focused on their individual reading, making an effort not to listen to the student reading out loud, which consumed cognitive resources. Since reading aloud in the classroom involves not only one loud reader but also a lot of follower readers, silent reading might be the smartest choice.  相似文献   

Prompted by the advent of new standards for increased text complexity in elementary classrooms in the USA, the current integrative review investigates the relationships between the level of text difficulty and elementary students’ reading fluency and reading comprehension. After application of content and methodological criteria, a total of 26 research studies were reviewed. Characteristics of the reviewed studies are reported including the different conceptualizations of text, reader, and task interactions. Regarding the relationships between text difficulty and reading fluency and comprehension, for students’ reading fluency, on average, increased text difficulty level was related to decreased reading fluency, with a small number of exceptions. For comprehension, on average, text difficulty level was negatively related to reading comprehension, although a few studies found no relationship. Text difficulty was widely conceptualized across studies and included characteristics particular to texts as well as relationships between readers and texts. Implications for theory, policy, curriculum, and instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

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