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本文围绕远程开放教育环境下教师如何增强导学功能展开探讨,并借用认知建构主义学派的观点,分别针对“为什么学习”、“能否学习”、“学习什么”、“如何学习”等四个问题来提出具体的导学策略。并在此基础上,进一步分析了远程开放教育环境下成功实施导学策略的条件。希望本研究能给教师们以实践启迪。  相似文献   

本文围绕远程开放教育环境下教师如何增强导学功能展开探讨,并借用认知建构主义学派的观点,分别针对"为什么学习"、"能否学习"、"学习什么"、"如何学习"等四个问题来提出具体的导学策略.并在此基础上,进一步分析了远程开放教育环境下成功实施导学策略的条件.希望本研究能给教师们以实践启迪.  相似文献   

开放教育提倡学员自主学习,但学生的“学”离不开教师的“导”。本文针对现代远程开放教育条件下的文科类课程导学工作作了一些探讨,阐述了意识导向、教材导读、技能导会,资源导用、学法导新、作业导练、情景导趣等七大具体导学策略。  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育环境下如何“以课程为中心组织教学“已成为现代远程教育教学模式改革的核心.本文提出远程教育课程实施过程中责任教师的导学幅度这一新概念,分析了影响导学幅度的主要因素,并从三个方面对导学幅度在远程教育中的导向作用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

导学是远程开放教育组织教学的基本形式;学生自主学习是远程开放教育的基本规律.在远程开放教育条件下,有自主学习,就有导学,教师"导"的如何是学生能否有效进行自主学习的前提.在实践中,我们把在学生自主学习过程中的导学模武概括为导向、导法、导疑、导馈,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

本文在介绍了远程开放教育“导学”、元认知的基础上,讨论了两者的关系,认为远程开放教育教师通过“导学”提升学习者的元认知能力更有利于学习者的自主学习。因此,本文进一步探讨了从学习者的元认知知识(包括学习理念、自我认知、学习动机、课程、学习技能,学习方法),元认知体验(包括情境、情绪)和调节(即注重学习过程)这三大方面提升学习者的元认知能力的导学策略,以期引导学习者学会自主学习。  相似文献   

远程开放教育新型教学模式下 ,为适应学生自主学习的需要 ,教师角色和职责发生了转变 ,传统意义上的“教学”转变为“导学”。如何发挥教师的导学作用 ,体现在导学的主体层次和内容、方式、方法上都是丰富多样的。为此 ,教师必须提高自身素质 ,确保教育改革和发展的顺利进行。  相似文献   

“中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点项目研究”要求从以教师为中心、课堂面授为主的传统的封闭式教学模式向教师“导学”、学习者自主学习、多种媒体支持的现代远程开放教育模式转变。应当注重现代远程开放教育与传统教育的比较,在现代远程开放教育模式下,更好地开展《中国通史》的教学活动。  相似文献   

积极探索并构建现代远程开放教育环境下教学模式,保证教学质量是历史赋予我们的责任,电大教师的肩上担负着试点工作任务任重道远。山西电大在人才培养模式改革试点教育工作中,探索出为学生学习提供支持服务体系的“导学群”模式。在课程教学实践中,针对课程特点对“导学群”模式进行了认识和尝试。  相似文献   

“双主三环四结合”教学模式是行为主义教学理论、建构主义教学理论和混合学习理论相结合的产物,适应网络环境下远程开放教育课程的教学特点和开放教育学生的情况,在导学与自主学习、面授教学和远程教学三个环节可以充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用。  相似文献   

二十一世纪大学英语教学的核心是要让学习者学会学习。也就是说,学生学习的关键是学会学习,学习策略知识的获得与掌握;老师教学的关键是教会学生学习,传授有效的学习策略,提高学习效率。本文对我校(闽南理工学院,新建民办本科高校)学生大学英语的学习现状进行分析并提出了相应的几种学习策略,旨在提高学生的英语学习与交际能力。  相似文献   

英语是当今世界应用最广泛的语言,也是大中小学生必学一门语言课程。"教师如何去教、学生如何去学、学习效果如何"也就成了教师、学生、家长、社会共同关注的焦点。尤其是在新课程背景下,英语教师该如何改进教学方式、提高教学效果呢?笔者以中职英语阅读教学为例,谈了一些自己的方法和策略。  相似文献   

探讨不同的语言学习观如何影响学习者学习策略的选择,强调外语学习者应树立正确的语言学习观以及培养适合、有效的学习策略的重要性。  相似文献   

本对大学生的学习过程特点进行了研究,试图了解学生是怎样有效地学好外语的,重点探讨了信息加工策略和研究探索策略,学习要学会运用恰当的习得策略使语言学习从控制过程转变为自动过程。  相似文献   

英语国家学生副词"就"的偏误分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
虚词是外国学生汉语学习的难点,副词“就”是其中的难点之一。本文拟在汉语本体及第二语言习得理论研究成果的基础上,以偏误分析等理论为依据,探究母语为英语的学习者学习副词“就”时的表现,以及学习策略一母语迁移、过度泛化等对学习者偏误的影响。  相似文献   

A random sample of middle school teachers (grades 6–9) from across the United States was surveyed about their use of writing to support students’ learning. The selection process was stratified so there were an equal number of English language arts, social studies, and science teachers. More than one-half of the teachers reported applying 15 or more writing to learn strategies at least once a month or more often. The most commonly used writing to learn strategies were writing short answers to questions, note taking for reading, note taking while listening, and completing worksheets. While teachers reported using a variety of writing to learn strategies, most of them indicated they received minimal or no formal preparation in college on how to use writing to learn strategies to support student learning, less than one-half of teachers directly taught students how to use the writing to learn strategies commonly assigned, and the most commonly used writing to learn strategies did not require students to think deeply about the material they were learning. We further found that teachers’ reported use of writing to learn strategies was related to their preparedness and the composition of their classroom in terms of above and below average writers, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities.  相似文献   

Power Drawing     
Power Drawing is the education programme of the Campaign for Drawing initiated by the Guild of St George. Primarily a research and development programme, it focuses on drawing in schools and other educational settings and investigates how the use of drawing can help children and young people learn in a variety of subjects. The intention is to develop a range of strategies, methods and techniques to support learning through drawing. This paper explains the ideas underpinning the programme, how it is organised and the research methods used. It describes and reflects on the experience of the first year of the action research, and comments on some of the satisfactions and tensions that have emerged. It outlines how these will influence further development.  相似文献   

面对大学生英语学习“费时低效”的现象,采用质的研究方法,对两位非英语专业本科毕业生进行访谈,调查分析了非英语专业学生对英语学习的态度和看法、学习动机、学习策略和大学英语教学情况等问题。研究结果表明,被访谈者对英语学习的态度是积极的,但在如何学习和运用之间还存在着一些问题。针对调查结果,该文最后就如何解决“费时低效”的问题提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

英语和日语被越来越多的中国学生所学习,如何运用外语学习策略来学习英语、日语显得尤为重要。本文从跨文化交际的角度出发,分析中国学生运用外语学习策略学习日语的特点,以及运用过程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

This study focuses on how teachers learn to teach a new topic and the role played by their developing content knowledge as they teach. The paper is based on seven high school science teachers’ studies on the teaching of semiconductors, at the time a new topic in the curriculum. Analysis of artefacts such as teacher concept maps, video recordings of lessons, journals and other classroom-based evidence shows how the extent and type of teachers’ content knowledge informed their choice of teaching approaches and how their learning of content took place alongside the development of teaching strategies. The development of content knowledge was combined with increased understanding of how to teach the topic in almost all cases. Evidence of development of teachers’ PCK was found in their increased ability to design teaching strategies, and their use of representations and suitable assessment tasks for their lessons. Some specific common teaching strategies were identified across the teachers. These strategies could add to the canon of teachers’ topic - specific professional knowledge for semiconductors. The study provides increased understanding of how teachers simultaneously master content and its teaching and how mediated self-reflection is a fruitful approach for assisting teachers to learn to teach a new topic.  相似文献   

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