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所谓道德两难,是指同时涉及两种道德规范且两者不能兼顾的情境。道德两难教学法是一种“以学生为主体、以教师为主导”的教学方法。在教师设计的道德两难情境中,让学生直面道德两难冲突,引导学生通过道德讨论解决道德冲突,可以培养学生的道德判断力,使其道德修养达到更高的阶段。  相似文献   

同伴冲突蕴含了丰富的幼儿发展机会,教师在幼儿解决同伴冲突的过程中给予正确的引导非常重要。然而,对当前教师应对幼儿同伴冲突方式的调查却发现,教师主要通过直接判断、询问当事幼儿或第三方的方式了解幼儿同伴冲突起因,多数教师没有关注幼儿同伴冲突行为。“权威仲裁”是教师最常使用的处理方式。这使教师应对方式总体呈现出经验性特点,反映了教师对幼儿同伴冲突的发展价值认识不足。教师应对幼儿同伴冲突的正确方式应是充分赋权幼儿,关注幼儿同伴冲突的解决过程,通过引导幼儿深度思考、自我表达和共同协商,支持幼儿主动解决同伴冲突,并从中获得社会性、认知、情绪等多方面的发展。  相似文献   

法律与道德的冲突在社会治理模式构建中以法治或德治的治理方式出现,本文从法律与道德的矛盾运动分析了社会治理模式的选择,并提出社会治理过程中法律公正与道德公正的冲突及解决途径.  相似文献   

高校辅导员的教育实践中,经常会遭遇到各种道德冲突,仅仅学习师德规范对辅导员解决道德问题帮助不大。瑞士学者奥泽提出了程序性师德观,把对教师道德关注的重点从制定师德规范转向解决师德冲突的程序制定。这对辅导员师德建设具有重要的启示意义。辅导员师德建设应关注辅导员遇到的实际问题,提高辅导员解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

道德与法治课的教材逻辑和教学逻辑之间存在冲突。冲突主要表现在教材逻辑具有稳定性而教学逻辑是动态生成的;教材逻辑具有普遍性而教学逻辑要应对不同学生,具有特殊性。为了消解这种冲突,首先要澄清教材逻辑和教学逻辑的理论意涵,洞察造成冲突的深层原因。由此,通过转变教师角色、改变评价方式消解冲突,回归道德与法治课的严肃性和崇高性,助力立德树人教育根本任务的实现。  相似文献   

在道德与法治教学中创设两难情境,有利于制造认知冲突,让学生在冲突中思考、辨别和选择,以达到修正原有认知结构、建构知识新体系、提高判断能力的目的。教师在教学中可从多种角度创设两难情境,引导学生用多种方式思辨两难问题,并适时给予点拨,让学生于两难冲突中观察、思考,提高道德敏感性。  相似文献   

道德冲突作为一种特殊的道德选择形式,与一般的道德选择相比,情况要错综复杂得多.在道德冲突中进行选择,困难也会大大增加,使人们难以把握.所以道德冲突问题应受到应有的重视.它的解决对于人们在复杂的道德关系中作出正确的选择、走出道德困境有着重要意义.本文拟就道德冲突的发生条件及如何解决道德冲突问题作一些探讨  相似文献   

本刊记者:为什么真实性道德冲突能实现学生从认知到行为的转化? 傅维利:人的道德成长是在不断解决道德冲突的过程中逐步实现的。在面临道德问题后,人们开始启动解决道德问题的心理过程。  相似文献   

社会普遍将教师作为社会道德的代表者、知识及技能的灌输者、教育教学活动的控制者提出要求。教师在社会道德、个性化、教育目标及教育过程中会存在角色冲突,这就要求教师控制好冲突、化解冲突。学习和培训、理解和沟通是化解教师角色冲突的最好办法。  相似文献   

调查显示:中职师生冲突具有普遍性,课堂纪律的好坏是引起师生冲突的主要原因,冲突给师生双方带来强烈的消极情绪,教师的解决方式与学生期望的有差异。因此,中职教师应主动改变传统的教学模式和解决冲突的方式,中职学校应加强对学生的心理辅导,中职学校应积极构建健康和谐的校园文化。  相似文献   


This article discusses ethical dilemmas in early childhood education as identified by kindergarten and elementary school teachers (N = 26). Ethical dilemmas are investigated in the theoretical framework of moral relevance and moral conflict (Wallace 1988). Professional ethics challenges teachers to collaborate with colleagues and parents. The empirical findings present conflicts between teachers and parents, collegial conflicts between teachers, and cultural conflicts in the community. The method used in the study is a relational reading of teachers' narratives. Interpretative accounts are created to give room to different voices in teachers' written reports. The analysis of the data reveals that the ethical dilemmas in early childhood education are relational and deal with competing interpretations of "the best interest of the child". Relevance and conflict problems arise when people have to co-ordinate their actions with others. Most of the time, discussions have not produced the desired results. Ethical conflicts in teaching invite teachers to consider the moral relevance of each dilemma by taking the perspective of each party involved.  相似文献   

语文教材中的每一篇课文都具有丰富的人文内涵,语文教师在教学中若注意文本教材紧密联系实际,会让学生乐于听、乐于信、乐于行.在语文教学中进行德育渗透,不能为“渗透”而“渗透”,不能为“德育”而“德育”,应该在围绕完成本学科教学任务的前提下,结合具体课文篇目,适时适当地予以渗透.德育渗透,要注意结合文本教材与实际的紧密联系,切忌假、大、空,要注意以生为本的人文关怀和教师自身修养的提高,做到无言教育,润物无声.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that in the professional education of teachers the moral goals are currently a neglected topic in favor of the subject matter and knowledge. The constructivist instructional approach VaKE (Values and Knowledge Education) addresses this problem by combining the moral and epistemic goals through the discussion of moral dilemmas. The main research question of this practice-based study was whether teacher educators can improve their instructional practice by using VaKE. We describe an empirical study of a teacher educator who used VaKE in order to (i) facilitate pre-service teachers to solve moral conflicts which they are faced with in their workplace learning and to (ii) increase the moral climate in his course. 58 pre-service teachers who formed two classes participated in the study. The study consisted of three research phases: In the first research phase the types of the pre-service teachers’ moral conflicts were examined. In the second research phase the most frequent types of moral conflicts were used as a basis for an explorative quasi-experimental pre-posttest study. This study investigated the effects of VaKE compared to a traditional case-analysis approach with regard to the pre-service teachers’ application of discourse-oriented actions for conflict resolution. In the third phase, a case study method was used comprising a random sample of seven pre-service teachers chosen from each class to investigate the perceived learning climate during the intervention. The results indicate that VaKE provides the possibility to combine the moral and epistemic goals of the professional education of teachers.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the nature of teacher authority in Finnish schools. Current trends in Finnish teacher education are presented with an emphasis on the high academic status of teachers. The empirical findings examine moral dilemmas in schools as identified by teachers and students. The methods of the study include interviews and essays. The analysis of the data reveals that the most problematic conflicts in schools are related to teacher-given punishment. The teachers have failed in practising their deontic authority. Teachers' behaviour has included manipulative means to control life in the classroom. The results of the study indicate that moral dilemmas in schools and the nature of teacher authority in solving these conflicts should be addressed more in pre-service teacher education.  相似文献   

作为汉语教师应该把汉语教学作为学生德育教育的重要载体,在教学过程中自然而然地、不留痕迹地对学生进行品德教育。笔者结合自己多年的汉语言教学经验,从政治责任、教材内容、专业特点这三个方面,就如何使“教书育人,育于汉语教学之中”,进行了探讨。  相似文献   

大学语文教学探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"大学语文"课程具有通识教育的特点。通识教育指非专业性、非职业性的高等教育,旨在培养学生的综合素质,使学生在道德、情感、理智等方面全面发展。教师只有转换教学理念和教学思维,注重教学方法的创新,才能实现从传统"工具语文"向当代"人文语文"的飞跃。  相似文献   

分析了对外汉语教学中德育渗透的重要性,提出了德育渗透要从教师自身、课堂教学、教材发掘、第二课堂等几个方面进行实施,达到培养出综合素质较强的国际性人才的目的。  相似文献   


This paper discusses ethical dilemmas in early childhood education as identified by kindergarten and elementary school teachers ( n = 26). Ethical dilemmas are investigated in the theoretical framework of virtue epistemology. The moral stances of care and responsibility are identified as basic elements in teachers' professional morality. The empirical findings present conflicts between teachers and parents, collegial conflicts between teachers, and inter-institutional conflicts in the community. The method used in the study is a relational reading of teachers' narratives. Interpretative accounts are created to give room for both care and responsibility voices in teachers' written reports. The analysis of the data reveals that the ethical dilemmas in early childhood education are very relational and deal with competing interpretations of 'the best interest of the child'. Teachers have taken the moral stance of care by identifying the ethical conflict. However, the responsible professional action has been more difficult for them to accomplish. Most of the time, discussions have not produced the desired results. Ethical conflicts in teaching invite teachers to consider the moral relevance of each dilemma by taking the perspectives of the involved parties.  相似文献   

课程是一种文化,它内在地包含民族地区的文化。民族地区的语文德育与其社会生活有天然的联系,基础教育课程改革使民族文化取得合法的身份,要求民族地区的语文老师有足够的民族文化自觉,让民族文化在学校课程体系中发挥应有的作用,同时民族地区文化的可持续发展又为民族地区的语文德育提供了丰富的课程资源,有效地充实语文德育的内容。  相似文献   

书法教学蕴涵着强大的德育功能。利用书法教学的平台,贯彻教育部《中国普通高等教育德育大纲》精神,和谐自然地渗透德育内容,即加深了对书法教学内容的挖掘,又育德于无形之中,对于树立大学生正确的世界观、人生观,提高他们辨别真、善、美与假、恶、丑的能力,进而提高他们的思想觉悟、政治觉悟和道德水准是大有裨益的,同时也是书法教师"教书育人"义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

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