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This article addresses developments in inclusion and adaptive instruction in Dutch elementary schools between 1992-1993 and 1995-1996. Analyses indicate that partnerships between regular and special education schools and school policies on the professional development of teachers were implemented with increasing fidelity. Substantial progress was made with regard to school policies on how to proceed in case of student failure, and the range of special strategies for inclusion that schools offered somewhat increased. The frequency with which teachers used differentiated instruction and adapted the curriculum to meet students' individual needs also increased. However, the frequency with which student progress was monitored decreased slightly. Facilitative measures at the school and regional levels fostered implementation of school-level strategies for inclusion. In turn, school-level strategies for inclusion fostered adaptive instruction at the classroom level to a significant degree. No significant direct relation was found between facilitative measures at the school and regional levels and adaptive instruction at the classroom level.  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper examines the challenges of developing an in-service training programme for early years teachers in a school in Thailand relating to the topic of enhancing young children’s self-discipline. It is argued that in-service training in Thailand has tended to focus on knowledge acquisition through direct instruction during short courses. By contrast, the training programme developed during the project employed the Socialisation, Externalisation, Combination and Internalisation (SECI) Model, first developed in Japan, that integrates knowledge acquisition with social learning activities. A blended methodology was employed to examine the efficacy of the SECI approach that included interviews with teachers and school leaders, classroom observation, questionnaires and behaviour checklists. Findings suggest that an adapted SECI model is effective in the education of teachers in Thailand and may have relevance more widely in the field of teacher education in other nations.  相似文献   

This article investigates how culture shapes instruction in three early care and education programs on the Flathead Indian Reservation. Interviews with eight early childhood teachers as well as classroom observations were conducted. The investigation is framed by the following research question: How does the culture of the family and community shape curriculum? Data analysis suggested that ongoing communication with parents and community about teaching within a culturally relevant context, building a sense of belongingness and community through ritual, and respecting children, families, and community were essential to defining the Native American Indian culture within these early learning programs.  相似文献   

This study assessed the nature of instruction in 314 kindergarten and first-grade classrooms from 155 schools in 48 school districts in three states. The schools served a relatively high proportion of low-income children and children of color. Despite the restricted range in student populations served, qualities of the schools and observed classroom instruction were associated with the demographics of the student body. Schools serving relatively high proportions of low-income children and children of color were rated by teachers to have more negative social climates. Teachers in these schools emphasized basic skills more and engaged in more didactic teaching and less constructivist teaching practices. At the classroom level, teaching approaches were predicted by teachers’ goals, the ethnic composition of their classroom, and the degree to which teachers perceived the families of the children in their classroom to have challenges associated with poverty. Didactic teaching was particularly common in classrooms with a high proportion of African–American students and in which teachers believed poverty-related problems inhibited parent involvement in their children's education; constructivist teaching was high in classrooms with a high proportion of Caucasian children.  相似文献   

This study surveys elementary and secondary teachers in Taiwan and compares the findings with other studies conducted in America and Japan. The objective is to explore differences among teachers in Taiwan, Japan, and the United States in terms of their knowledge of, and attitudes toward, aging and the implementation of aging education in schools. Multistage sampling was adopted, with a total of 1038 Taiwanese elementary and secondary teachers sampled. It was found that while knowledge of aging among Taiwanese teachers appears lower in comparison with American teachers, their attitudes toward aging are largely consistent with their American counterparts. In addition, Taiwanese teachers seem to offer just as little aging education in schools as their American and Japanese counterparts. Lastly, Taiwanese teacher attitudes toward aging, rather than their knowledge of aging, correlate closely to their provision of aging education in schools. Educational authorities should, therefore, offer teachers pre- and in-service education on aging or gerontology so as to equip them with the right knowledge on, and positive attitudes toward, aging. By so doing, teachers will be more likely to teach the subject of aging in schools.  相似文献   

日本教习是近代中国教育体系建构过程中应时出现的特殊群体,自1902年开始正式受聘清国,至辛亥革命爆发、满清覆灭历经十余载,渡清人数达至千人以上。他们在中国尚处萌芽期的蒙养院,各类初、中、高等学堂从事教育活动,教授多门近代科目,不过在日本教习与学堂间催生的各类龃龉、赴日留学生渐次归国、西方教育势力涉入及明治政府态度漠然等诸重背景的交糅下,日本教习最终由盛至衰退出中国教坛,成为影响中国教育近代化发展的历史群体之一。  相似文献   

This study examined the nature of teachers' self-efficacy, differences between elementary and middle school teachers' self-efficacy and the implications for observed classroom quality. Teachers (N = 101; 61% female and 85% European American) completed a survey and 96 were observed teaching two different classes. The sample included 6th grade (n = 44) and 7th grade (n = 30) teachers from six middle schools and 5th grade teachers (n = 27) from twelve feeder elementary schools. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that teachers' self-efficacy for managing peer relations is a distinct dimension from teachers' self-efficacy for classroom management, instruction and student engagement. Teachers felt less efficacious about managing peer relations compared to classroom management and instruction. Further, middle school teachers reported lower self-efficacy for classroom management and managing peer relations compared to elementary school teachers. For elementary and middle school teachers, their self-efficacy for classroom management and for managing peer relations was associated with some aspects of observed classroom quality.  相似文献   


A 4‐year project is described which was designed to improve mathematics instruction and achievements in two Israeli junior high schools. Project activities focused on the individual teachers, the mathematics staff, and the organization of instruction at the school level, under the assumption that more efficient teaching would lead to greater pupil learning.

Evaluation data gathered from classroom observation, questionnaires and tests indicated a general positive impact: many teachers improved their teaching strategies, more curricular material was being covered in class, a school‐wide program for mathematics instruction was established, teamwork among teachers was formalized, and pupil achievements improved.  相似文献   

This study examined the roles of school climate, teacher expectations, and instructional practices in one elementary school in South Carolina (USA) that produced effective achievement outcomes with poor and minority students. Survey data, teacher interviews, and classroom videotaping was used to identify school characteristics and instructional behaviors of six teachers nominated by colleagues as exemplary. The school was characterized by an emphasis on high student expectations, school staff cohesiveness, engaging instruction, high parent involvement, and multicultural instruction integrated with curriculum. The practices identified are consistent with literature on effective American schools; and the practices are key aspects of the sound instruction of poor and minority children. Teachers stated that teacher education programs did not prepare them to teach these students and that they had to learn this on the job.  相似文献   

Through interviews and observing day‐to‐day classroom practice, this study explores the beliefs of 10 music teachers in elementary schools in Vancouver and Hong Kong. The results demonstrate that the music teachers of the two localities hold similar cognitive beliefs about the essential elements of music education. However, they hold different beliefs about the value or impact of music education on the psychological or character development of students. Music teachers of Vancouver are found to be more student‐centred than their counterparts in Hong Kong, and this is reflected in both the curriculum and activities selected for classroom teaching. Though both groups of teachers place similar emphasis on western music, in Canada more classroom activities are based around the student’s personal enjoyment and expression. In Hong Kong, meanwhile, music education is viewed as a means of nurturing the student’s temperamental development. While students in Vancouver are allowed to express their personal musical preferences in classroom activities, in Hong Kong students are required to perform according to prescribed standard indicators of success. This is probably linked—albeit invisibly—to Chinese Confucian culture.  相似文献   

当代英国中小学课程与教学改革探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过文献研究和实证研究对自《1 988教育改革法》颁布以来英国中小学课程与教学方面最为突出的改革与变化进行了分析与探讨。这些改革与变化主要包括 :课程控制从校本课程到国家课程的变化 ;教学活动从教师自治到目标定向的变化 ;教学模式从儿童中心到学科中心的变化 ;教学评价从形成性评价到终结性评价的变化。文章在此基础上分析了中英两国基础教育课程与教学改革异同的原因  相似文献   

Developmentally appropriate music education is often unintentionally neglected in many preschool, kindergarten, and primary grade programs. Some early childhood teachers may fail to take advantage of opportunities to support children's musical development because they are insecure with their own musical abilities. Other teachers devote relatively little time to music activities because they are unable to locate good quality, age appropriate music tapes, books, and records. This neglect is particularly acute in kindergarten and primary grades, where the current emphasis on basic skills instruction forced on classroom teachers relegates the music curriculum to about thirty minutes of instruction a week from a specialist music teacher. This short dose of music study, removed from the context of classroom and group activities, is not enough to give children an understanding and appreciation of music in their lives. Early childhood teachers themselves must take a more active role in teaching music if children are to develop knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes about music.Kathryn Woodson Barr is a Graduate Assistant at the Barbara K. Lipman Early Childhood School and Research Institute. Memphis State University. John M. Johnston is an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Memphis State University.  相似文献   

自2008年开始,日本诞生了第一批教师研究生院(日文为"教职大学院"),这一新型的教师教育机构以培养教师的高水准专业实践力为宗旨,以教育理论与教育实践的紧密结合为原则来编制课程,开展教学。市川博教授主持创立的帝京大学教师研究生院经过日本文部科学省的严格审查于2008年获得认定。在市川博(Hiroshi Ichikawa)教授来我校访问之际,笔者约请市川教授就日本设立教师研究生院的背景以及教师研究生院的理念、课程和教学上的特点作答。市川教授早年毕业于东京教育大学,曾任教于东京教育大学、横滨国立大学等,从事社会科教育以及教学论和教师教育的研究。2003年从国立大学退休后,受聘于私立的帝京大学。他担任过日本教育学会秘书长、日本社会科教育学会会长、日本学科教育学会副会长等。他所主编的《社会科的使命与魅力——日本社会科教育文选》于2006年在中国翻译出版。  相似文献   

Teachers not only need to develop a knowledge base for teaching, but also should be able to make reasoned decisions regarding their classroom science teaching. Preservice teachers need opportunities to begin developing their pedagogical reasoning ability as part of their undergraduate education so that science teaching in primary schools is based on sound reasoning. This paper, using a case study methodology, reports on the initial pedagogical reasoning ability of second-year preservice primary teachers. By completing a problem-based science education topic, these preservice teachers had the opportunity to explore all stages in the pedagogical reasoning process. Preservice teachers initially demonstrated limited pedagogical reasoning ability, but as a result of the framework provided in the problem-based approach, they were able to refine their reasoning ability. Through a combination of group work and individual research, the preservice teachers were able to integrate their science knowledge, curriculum knowledge and knowledge of learners and apply this to a peerteaching situation and in the process develop their pedagogical reasoning skills.  相似文献   

In recent years, inquiry-based science instruction has become widely advocated in science education standards in many countries and, hence, in teacher preparation programmes. Nevertheless, in practice, one finds a wide variety of science instructional approaches. In South Africa, as in many countries, there is also a great disparity in school demographic situations, which can also affect teaching practices. This study investigated the pedagogical orientations of in-service physical sciences teachers at a diversity of schools in South Africa. Assessment items in a Pedagogy of Science Teaching Test (POSTT) were used to identify teachers’ science teaching orientations, and reasons for pedagogical choices were probed in interviews. The findings reveal remarkable differences between the orientations of teachers at disadvantaged township schools and teachers at more privileged suburban schools. We found that teachers at township schools have a strong ‘active direct’ teaching orientation overall, involving direct exposition of the science followed by confirmatory practical work, while teachers at suburban schools exhibit a guided inquiry orientation, with concepts being developed via a guided exploration phase. The study identified contextual factors such as class size, availability of resources, teacher competence and confidence, time constraints, student ability, school culture and parents’ expectations as influencing the methods adopted by teachers. In view of the recent imperative for inquiry-based learning in the new South African curriculum, this study affirms the context specificity of curriculum implementation (Bybee 1993) and suggests situational factors beyond the curriculum mandate that need to be addressed to achieve successful inquiry-based classroom instruction in science.  相似文献   

Schools that serve hearing-impaired students must exercise special care in selecting textbooks to support classroom instruction. This article outlines the procedures developed and used at Kendall Demonstration Elementary School at Gallaudet University to evaluate and select a social studies textbook series. These procedures should apply to other subjects as well, and are offered as a resource model for other schools. Specific suggestions are made for every step in the process, including conducting a needs assessment, locating potential materials, defining roles of committee members, developing evaluation criteria and more. Emphasis is placed on conducting a comprehensive, manageable, and ultimately effective textbook search that supports the school's curriculum and satisfies the needs of students and teachers.  相似文献   

日本文部科学省为适应社会经济变革、以学生"生存能力"为培养目标的教育改革以及培养教育领域高层次专门人才的要求,在各大学设立了教师教育研究生院。其教师培养课程体系的基本框架包括两部分,即确定以实践能力为核心的教师教育培养目标和由必修课程、学科领域的选修课程及学校现场的教育实习构成的研究生层次的教师教育课程体系。其借鉴意义在于,研究生层次的教师教育应以培养"实践能力"为目标,应强化实践性、应用性课程内容。  相似文献   

Traditional medical education methodologies have been dramatically impacted by the introduction of new teaching approaches over the past few decades. In particular, the “flipped classroom” format has drawn a great deal of attention. However, evidence regarding the effectiveness of the flipped model remains limited due to a lack of outcome‐based studies. In the present study, a pilot histology curriculum of the organ systems was implemented among 24 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) students in a flipped classroom format at Jinan University. As a control, another 87 TCM students followed a conventional histology curriculum. The academic performance of the two groups was compared. In addition, a questionnaire was administered to the flipped classroom group. The test scores for the flipped classroom participants were found to be significantly higher compared to non‐participants in the control group. These results suggest that students may benefit from using the flipped classroom format. Follow‐up questionnaires also revealed that most of the flipped classroom participants undertook relatively more earnest preparations before class and were actively involved in classroom learning activities. The teachers were also found to have more class time for leading discussions and delivering quizzes rather than repeating rote didactics. Consequently, the increased teaching and learning activities contributed to a better performance among the flipped classroom group. This pilot study suggests that a flipped classroom approach can be used to improve histology education among medical students. However, future studies employing randomization, larger numbers of students, and more precise tracking methods are needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn. Anat Sci Educ 10: 317–327. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

日本学校音乐教育发展脉络及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从历时性的角度,分析日本学校音乐教育的发展脉络及其特点,了解日本学校音乐教育发展概况,从中汲取借鉴某些对我国学校音乐教育改革发展有益的经验。日本中小学音乐课对音乐实践活动极为重视,在音乐课中始终贯穿着充分发挥学生个性发展的指导思想,重视团体主义意识的集体性音乐活动,高校音乐教育专业的课程设置充分体现了面向中小学音乐教育的方针,重视音乐教育类课程的开设,重视音乐教师职后进修。  相似文献   


This study examines how origami has been implemented, practised, and developed in the early childhood education of Japan over the past 140 years. Historically speaking, paper-folding has been part of Japanese symbolic art, craft culture, and religious ceremonial artefacts since paper and paper-folding techniques were first imported from China during the seventh century. By the eighteenth century, paper-folding provided a form of mass entertainment in Japanese society. During the 1870s, paper-folding was dramatically transformed into a pedagogical tool within Japanese kindergartens after Friedrich Froebel’s (1782–1852) kindergarten system and its curriculum was transferred to Japan from the West. “Papier-Falten” (paper-folding) comprised an element of Froebel’s Occupations – which was a series of handiwork activities – in his kindergarten curriculum, whereby various folding techniques and models were derived from European traditional paper-folding and introduced into a Japanese kindergarten curriculum that was associated with the concept of Froebel’s kindergarten. Particularly seen in early childhood education in Japan, what we now call origami developed as a new form of paper-folding. This gradually emerged through the marriage of Western (German) and Eastern (Japanese) paper-folding cultures. The study highlights the benefits and uniqueness of cultural transmission and transformation when developing origami in early childhood education in Japan.  相似文献   

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