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目的:观察CoQ10补充对青少年运动员血浆抗氧化系统的影响.方法:24名进行耐力训练的男性青少年游泳运动员按有氧运动能力单盲随机分为Q组及P组,分别补充CoQ10 100mg/d或安慰剂28d.结果:(1)补充后Q组血浆CoQ10浓度显著增高,且显著高于P组;(2)恒定负荷运动后受试者的总体血浆CoQ10浓度较运动前显著降低;(3)补充后Q组安静血乳酸浓度的升高程度显著低于P组;(4)补充后Q组安静状态的血浆MDA水平无显著改变,且显著低于P组;(5)补充后Q组运动后即刻较安静状态血浆SOD活性的增加程度显著低于P组;(6)补充后安静状态下Q组血浆GPX活性的提高程度显著低于P组;(7)补充前后Q组与P组血浆CAT活性变化无组间差异.结论:急性耐力运动中机体对血浆CoQ10的需求增加;CoQ10补充可降低进行大强度耐力训练的青少年游泳运动员的脂质过氧化程度并能改善机能状态;CoQ10补充在急、慢性运动状态下协同不同抗氧化酶发挥抗氧化作用.  相似文献   

我们采取详细询问及有关临床检查(妇科肛指、血液、心电图等)相结合的方法,对浙江省体训一大队已有月经来潮的女运动员共135名进行了调查分析。她们的年龄13-27岁,平均19.1岁。其中16岁以上112名,占83%。运动年限为半年至13年。运动项目分成球类(篮、排、乒、羽)、耐力(田径、游泳)、技巧(技巧、武术、体操)、脑力(棋类)四组。调查分析结果,其简要结论如下: 1.女运动员月经不调有较高发病率,占总人数57.78%。子宫位置不正及大小改变占51.86%,应引起注意。可能与训练有关。其中以周期紊乱、痛经较多见,属功能月经调节机制失常。  相似文献   

对河北省体育局自行运动管理中心的5名一级和12名集训自行车运动员进行安静心电图测试,探索不同运动水平自行车运动员的安静心电图特征。结果显示:一级自行车运动员平均安静心率为50.8±9.42次/min,集训运动员平均安静心率为59.8±4.12次/min,不同运动水平运动员之间心率具有显著性差异;整体窦性心动过缓发生率为59%,一级水平运动员心动过缓发生率为80%,集训水平运动员心动过缓发生率为50%,二者具有显著性差异。与正常人ECG判断标准相比运动员心电图QRS波群电压增高、心率降低、QTc值增大、ST段抬高,其他指标均在正常人指标范围内。自行车运动员上述心电图特点是运动员心脏的生理适应,是良好心力储备的表现。自行车运动员的心电图异常改变主要有:QT间期异常(长QT间期、QT间期)5例,占29.4%,2例心室预激,2例电轴右偏。所以需要加强运动员的心电图监控,医务监督。  相似文献   

心电图的改变是运动员机体的机能状态和疲劳的表现,有明显的项目特征。对参加2000年全国男子拳击冠军赛的56名优秀拳击运动员的心电图进行了分析,结果显示:运动员组心电图异常者33例(不包括窦性心动过缓和左室高电压),占全部调查对象的58.93%,低于对照组;运动员组窦性心动过缓、左室高电压、不完全右树枝传导阻滞的发生率分别为87.5%、51.78%、7.14%,高于对照组的43.78%、18.34%、0.54%,两组间比较有非常显著性差异(P<0.005);拳击运动员的上述指标也高于冰雪运动员、举重运动员和游泳运动员[11]。拳击运动员的平均安静心率为(48.24±9.06)beat/min,低于对照组(P<0.005),而窦性心律不齐的发生率接近对照组,说明拳击运动员心血管功能强大的适应能力,这是训练有素的运动员心力储备良好的表现和运动水平提高的标志。  相似文献   

运动员中特别是从事耐力性项目的,在心电图上电压增高并符合左室肥大的发生率很高,但也有不少运动员心电图上没有发现电压增高的现象。为了探讨运动员中左室肥厚的实际发生率以及与运动项目的关系,我们应用超声心功图左室重量计算法直接测量耐力性项目和非耐力性项目的运动员的左室重量,并与年龄和体表面积相接近的青年人进行比较,同时观察心电图电压增高与左室重量的关系,以探讨超声心动图左室重量计算法在判断  相似文献   

运动员心电图的特点及其诊断   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运动员心电图的特点及其诊断王大安运动员心电图与一般健康人的心电图有些差别,如在运动员心电图中容易出现心动过速,窦性心律不齐,窦性心动过缓,P—R间期延长,P波电压较低,R波及T波电压增高,以及S—T段向上移位等等。作为运动队的医务监督和有关科研人员...  相似文献   

(一)男子优秀体操运动员的形态和素质特点 1.个小体壮,胸粗臀小,肌肉发达从反映形态的总体特征的指标中看到,成年优秀组与一般组和非运动员组相比; (1)身高:优秀组为162.2±6.0厘米,比一般组矮1.5%,比非运动员组矮5.0%。 (2)体重:优秀组为58.4±4.2公斤,比一般组重1.6%,比非运动员组轻0.2%。  相似文献   

跳远的4个环节是环环相扣的,但高中训练中很少强调助跑准确性。本文运用文献资料法、实地考察法、实验法和数理统计法对太谷中学田径跳跃组男生起跳技术进行详细分析,得出以下结论:(1)影响跳远运动员准确性起跳技术的因素有助跑技术、运动员体能储备和运动员克服外界干扰的心理因素;(2)踏标记训练法可以有效提升跳远运动员起跳准确性,从而提高运动员跳远成绩;(3)普通训练法大幅提升了运动员的速度素质,但对提高起跳准确性和跳远成绩没有踏标记训练法效果好。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料、录像观察、数理统计等研究方法,并结合2022-2024周期男子竞技体操评分规则,对第51届世界体操锦标赛双杠项目决赛八名运动员的成套动作编排、使用特征进行分析,探讨巴黎奥运周期双杠项目的发展趋势,为我国男子双杠项目备战巴黎奥运会提供参考。研究结果:(1)Ⅰ类动作使用率仅次于Ⅲ类,Ⅱ组动作仍不受运动员青睐;(2)成套动作难度组别以D组和E组为主,呈现出“高难度、集中化”的发展趋势;(3)第Ⅱ、Ⅲ动作组别的E组和G组动作集中在开始部分;(4)动作类型复杂、空间位移变化大的Ⅰ和Ⅲ组动作则编排在中间部分;(5)下法前主要选择Ⅰ组的倒立类动作。  相似文献   

本文从:(一)乒乓球运动员进行速度训练的意义;(二)速度素质的表现形式与乒乓球运动的关系;(三)速度素质练习的方法、手段;(四)乒乓球运动员速度训练的安排;(五)乒乓球运动员速度训练中应注意的事项五个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the peak torque, functional torque ratios, and torque curve profile of the shoulder rotators in overhead athletes with impingement symptoms so as to examine possible alterations in response to sports training and shoulder pain. Twenty-one overhead athletes with impingement symptoms were compared with 25 overhead athletes and 21 non-athletes, none of whom were symptomatic for impingement. The participants performed five maximal isokinetic concentric and eccentric contractions of medial and lateral shoulder rotations at 1.57 rad · s(-1) and 3.14 rad · s(-1). Isokinetic peak torque was used to calculate the eccentric lateral rotation-to-concentric medial rotation and the eccentric medial rotation-to-concentric lateral rotation ratios. An analysis of the torque curve profiles was also carried out. The eccentric lateral rotation-to-concentric medial rotation torque ratio of asymptomatic athletes was lower than that of non-athletes at both test velocities. The concentric medial rotation isokinetic peak torque of the asymptomatic athletes, at 3.14 rad · s(-1), was greater than that of the non-athletes, and the peak appeared to occur earlier in the movement for athletes than non-athletes. These findings suggest that there may be adaptations to shoulder function in response to throwing practice. The eccentric medial rotation-to-concentric lateral rotation torque ratio was altered neither by the practice of university-level overhead sports nor impingement symptoms.  相似文献   


The present study investigated the role of chronic sport participation in the modulation of vigilance and inhibitory control. We also aimed to disentangle the relative contribution of different types of sport expertise and sport-related fitness to the exercise-cognition relationship. Three groups of young adults differing in their chronic sport expertise (externally-paced sports, n?=?22, self-paced sports, n?=?22, non-athletes, n?=?22) took part in the study. Participants completed a cardiovascular fitness test, a hand-eye coordination test and two different types of vigilance tasks: (1) Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) and (2) Oddball Task, which were designed to gain insight into the cognitive processes involved in sustaining attention over time and allocating selective attention by exerting inhibitory control, respectively. No differences were found in PVT performance between the two athlete groups and between self-paced sports athletes and non-athletes, whereas athletes from externally-paced sports outperformed non-athletes. Crucially, athletes from externally-paced sports also differed from those of self-paced sports and non-athletes in the Oddball task, showing less omission and commission errors. The sport expertise effect was independent of participant’s cardiovascular fitness while hand-eye coordination modulated vigilance and inhibitory control performance. Our findings add novel empirical evidence to the role of expertise in cognitively demanding sports as an important factor in the relationship between exercise and cognition.  相似文献   


In this study, we evaluated the peak torque, functional torque ratios, and torque curve profile of the shoulder rotators in overhead athletes with impingement symptoms so as to examine possible alterations in response to sports training and shoulder pain. Twenty-one overhead athletes with impingement symptoms were compared with 25 overhead athletes and 21 non-athletes, none of whom were symptomatic for impingement. The participants performed five maximal isokinetic concentric and eccentric contractions of medial and lateral shoulder rotations at 1.57 rad · s?1 and 3.14 rad · s?1. Isokinetic peak torque was used to calculate the eccentric lateral rotation-to-concentric medial rotation and the eccentric medial rotation-to-concentric lateral rotation ratios. An analysis of the torque curve profiles was also carried out. The eccentric lateral rotation-to-concentric medial rotation torque ratio of asymptomatic athletes was lower than that of non-athletes at both test velocities. The concentric medial rotation isokinetic peak torque of the asymptomatic athletes, at 3.14 rad · s?1, was greater than that of the non-athletes, and the peak appeared to occur earlier in the movement for athletes than non-athletes. These findings suggest that there may be adaptations to shoulder function in response to throwing practice. The eccentric medial rotation-to-concentric lateral rotation torque ratio was altered neither by the practice of university-level overhead sports nor impingement symptoms.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the anthropometric profiles of elite older triathletes participating in the 2009 Ironman Brazil and to compare their somatotype, anthropometric and body composition characteristics with those of elite young triathletes and older non-athletes. The sample consisted of 64 males, divided into three groups: (1) older triathletes (n = 17), (2) young triathletes (n = 24), and (3) older non-athletes (n = 23). Somatotype was analysed according to the Carter and Heath ( 1990 ) method. Body mass index, sum of four skinfolds, percentage body fat, body fat mass, and fat-free mass were also estimated. Older non-athletes had higher endomorphy, sum of four skinfolds, fat percentage, and body fat mass than the athletes. Older athletes who participated in the Ironman and elite young triathletes had higher fat-free mass than older non-athletes. Older triathletes and older non-athletes were considered mainly endomorphic mesomorphs and young triathletes mainly ectomorphic mesomorphs. The findings that characterize the anthropometric profile of athletes in this sports modality could be used as a reference.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to assess (a) the prevalence of disordered eating (DE) in elite female team sports players compared to non-athletes and (b) to compare DE prevalence in elite female players in basketball, volleyball and water polo. One hundred and seventy-five females were recruited (age 23.10?±?5.4, BMI 21.85?±?2.3?kg/m2), 53 were elite basketball players, 42 were elite volleyball players, 34 were elite water polo players and 46 were non-athletes. Participants completed the Eating Disorders Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and a physical activity questionnaire. The EDE-Q incorporates 36 statements which relate to the occurrence and frequency of key behaviours of eating disorders, under the following four subscales: Restraint, eating concern, shape concern and weight concern and a global score of disordered eating. No differences were found in the EDE-Q subscale score and global score between athletes and non-athletes. Only 6.2% of the total number of participants exhibited DE using the global score >2.3. Water polo players had significantly higher scores in the ‘eating concern’ subscale and in the frequency of key behavioural features of DE such as binge eating episodes and objective and subjective bulimic episodes, compared to volleyball and basketball players. In conclusion, team sport elite female players do not exhibit greater prevalence of DE compared to non-athletes. Water polo, a sport that emphasises leanness and control of body weight for international distinctions, is associated with a higher tendency to exhibit DE, when compared to other team sports.  相似文献   

We hypothesised that resiliency may protect adolescents against risky behaviours, and that both the practicing of sports, and gender are moderating variables in relationships between resiliency and risky behaviours. The study included 18-year-old pupils from a selection of secondary schools (n = 556). A total of 188 individuals practiced competitive sports and the remaining 368 participants were non-athletes. The participants were examined with the Resiliency Assessment Scale for Children and Adolescents (SPP-18) and with a survey containing questions and statements related to high-risk “experiments with adulthood”. Adolescent athletes showed higher levels of resiliency than their peers. The power of the “Determination and Persistence in Action” effect on “Alcohol” scale differed significantly between male athletes and male non-athletes. Only in the athletes groups were higher scores on this scale reflected by lower values on the “Drugs” scale. Moreover, it is possible to observe differences in undertaking risky behaviour between male and female athletes. The analysis of risky sexual behaviour suggests that sport is a risk factor for men, and a protective factor for women. These data suggest that consistent prophylactic and psycho-educative activities, with a special attention to differences between genders, should be provided to all the adolescents, irrespective of their sport performance levels.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between indicators of risk of disordered eating, body image and varied menstrual cycle lengths. Altogether, 151 female athletes were invited from 16 sports and 70 female non-athletic controls were recruited from a university lecture class. The participants completed several surveys, including demographics, menstrual cycle history, physical activity, Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ). Selected EDI subscales were summed to reflect eating disorder risk and body image. Menstrual cyclicity was based on self-reported cycle length for the last 6 months (normal cycles = 26-32 days, irregular cycles < or =26 or >32 days). Athletes overall had more irregular cycles (29.1%) than the non-athletes (15.7%) (P < 0.05). There were significant differences in scores for eating disorder risk, body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness, cognitive restraint (TFEQ) and disinhibition (TFEQ), only when athletes were divided based on menstrual cyclicity (i.e. irregularly cycling athletes had higher scores than athletes with normal menstrual cycle lengths). No differences in these scores were found between non-athletes with normal or irregular menstrual cycle lengths. In conclusion, irregularly short or long menstrual cycle length is associated with subtle indications of higher risk of disordered eating in female athletes.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between indicators of risk of disordered eating, body image and varied menstrual cycle lengths. Altogether, 151 female athletes were invited from 16 sports and 70 female non-athletic controls were recruited from a university lecture class. The participants completed several surveys, including demographics, menstrual cycle history, physical activity, Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ). Selected EDI subscales were summed to reflect eating disorder risk and body image. Menstrual cyclicity was based on self-reported cycle length for the last 6 months (normal cycles = 26–32 days, irregular cycles = <26 or >32 days). Athletes overall had more irregular cycles (29.1%) than the non-athletes (15.7%) (P < 0.05). There were significant differences in scores for eating disorder risk, body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness, cognitive restraint (TFEQ) and disinhibition (TFEQ), only when athletes were divided based on menstrual cyclicity (i.e. irregularly cycling athletes had higher scores than athletes with normal menstrual cycle lengths). No differences in these scores were found between non-athletes with normal or irregular menstrual cycle lengths. In conclusion, irregularly short or long menstrual cycle length is associated with subtle indications of higher risk of disordered eating in female athletes.  相似文献   

我国优秀赛艇运动员安静状态下心电图某些特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对41名国家赛艇队运动员安静状态下心电图进行分析,了解赛艇运动员心电图的某些特点,发现赛艇运动员在窦性心动过缓、心率不齐、房室传导阻滞、ST-T改变发生率较高。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate if the rs11091046 (A>C) polymorphism in AGTR2 gene is associated with athletic status in top-level athletes from Brazil. Since the AGTR2 gene is located on the X chromosome, the case-control association study was done separately for women and men. The female cohort was composed of 205 athletes and 241 non-athletes, and the male cohort was composed of 419 athletes and 490 non-athletes. We did not identify an association between the C-allele and the endurance phenotype. However, power athletes had a higher frequency of the A-allele. In women, A/A genotype was overrepresented in international-level power group compared with non-athletes or international-level endurance athletes (23.2% vs. 16.6% or 8.8%, respectively; p < 0.05). In men, the A-allele frequency observed in power athletes or international-level power athletes was statistically different from that observed in non-athletes (51.6% or 57.8% vs. 40.4%; p < 0.009). Furthermore, men sprinters with the A-allele showed significantly faster personal best times for the 100 m than those with the C-allele (10.56 ± 0.32 s vs. 10.93 ± 0.49 s; p < 0.02). In conclusion, it was found that the AGTR2 A-allele is a candidate genetic marker for top-level power athletes.  相似文献   

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