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Following is the text of a report compiled by the U. S. Office of Education at the request of the Education Subcommittee of the U. S. Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. It can be found in U. S. Congress, 90th, 1st session, Senate, Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Subcommittee on Education, Education Legislation, 1967, Hearings, Part (Wash., D. C: Government Printing Office, 1967), pp. 1070‐1077.  相似文献   

For a number of years experts who knew both England and the United States tended to claim that the teachers' organizations of England, notably the National Union of Teachers (NUT), were more effective in influencing educational policy than were American national teachers' organizations such as the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). The increasingly militant posture assumed by the National Education Association beginning in the 1960s has altered the comparison somewhat but has not changed the basic point that the NUT is able to exert greater influence on educational policy.  相似文献   

Although Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a matter of global importance, the requirements and needs of people differ according to their regional circumstances. (Not only) in Germany—in keeping with the increasingly international focus of “output” evaluations—one dominant educational debate has centred on effective ways of mapping and understanding pupils’ competencies. This article provides a Model of Competence for ESD in the formal education sector. This model aims to inform the organisation of teaching and to help assess the learning outcomes of pupils who have received instruction in issues relating to ESD. The competence model was developed and extended in connection with two German federal state innovation programmes which aimed to implement the concept of ESD in schools across the country.  相似文献   

The principal opportunities awaiting the Trump administration in K–12 education are only loosely related to the candidate’s campaign comments about advancing school choice and reducing the federal Education Department. Recent passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act signals that Congress will be loath to re-open the major federal K-12 programs for amendment. Bright opportunities away in connection with the Perkins Act, special education and the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), as well as various domains--beginning with the Office for Civil Rights--that beg for strategic deregulation.  相似文献   

This article reviews aspects of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that support collaborative decision making in planning for individual student needs. The U.S. Office of Special Education Programs(OSEP) has funded several areas to provide a framework for collaboration. Findings from the Beacons Projects and other OSEP-supported projects are discussed within the context of IDEA's focus on collaboration.  相似文献   

Between 1880 and 1920 the way science was taught in American High Schools changed dramatically. The old “lecture/demonstration” method, where information was presented to essentially passive students, was replaced by the “laboratory” method, where students performed their own experiments in specially constructed student laboratories. National leadership in education was generally weak during this period, and the new method required significant investments by the schools, but within a few decades American science education was rapidly and completely transformed. Previous studies of this fundamental change have concentrated on the activities of organizations like the NEA, the Bureau of Education and a few major universities, but the way in which these groups were able to effect actual changes in classroom practice is not completely clear. This article attempts to broaden the existing narrative by integrating the rich and largely ignored material culture of science education—such things as textbooks, lab manuals, student notebooks, science teaching instruments and scientific instrument catalogs. Surprisingly, much of this story can be seen in changes to the depiction of a single, venerable and otherwise unremarkable teaching instrument: the inclined plane.  相似文献   

The United States Congress has mandated that state and educational agencies make available to all handicapped children a free appropriate education. The purpose of this legislation has been primarily to protect the rights of handicapped children and their parents. The present paper discusses identification and evaluation guidelines that have been promulgated under the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. Procedures for Individual Education Programs that are in accordance with federal legislation are delineated. To satisfy federal mandates concerning the placement of handicapped children, public school systems are required to utilize a least restrictive environment, whereby complete segregation of handicapped from nonhandicapped children is prohibited. In further accordance with this legislation, either the parent or public agency may initiate a hearing for the purpose of challenging the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child.  相似文献   

The importance of vocational education has long been recognized in meeting society's need for trained workers. Since the early 1960s there has been a gradual shift in emphasis of federal vocational education priorities from specific programs (e.g., agriculture) to special populations, such as minorities, women, disadvantaged or handicapped individuals, and individuals with limited English‐speaking proficiency (Ohanneson, 1982). The Vocational Education Act Amendments of 1976 reinforced this emphasis by requiring that follow‐up information be collected, not just by the vocational discipline but by special population groups as well (U.S. 94th Congress, 1976). Subsequent vocational education legislation places emphasis on providing vocational education to all individuals who can benefit from such training (U.S. 98th Congress, 1984; U.S. 101st Congress, 1990).  相似文献   

Conclusion Though many appropriate questions on which research needs to be done have been raised in this report, there is still one significant point which must be kept in mind: The conduct of the research itself must conform to acceptable procedures for educational research. A major concern in this whole field, but especially in the specific area of media research, has been that of such matters as the appropriateness and efficiency of the research techniques, instrumentation, and statistical procedures. Of the various activities that have been under way to upgrade research one of the more promising is a book prepared by A. A. Lumsdaine and others. Entitled Experimental Research on Educational Media: A Guidebook, it will be published soon by the U. S. Office of Education. Publications of this type should help greatly to promote the development of good researchable questions, improved procedures for studying a problem, and the postulating of tenable and generalizable conclusions. Wesley C. Meierhenry was chairman of the group of researchers who assembled at NEA headquarters in Washington to take stock of research in the educational uses of the newer media and to identify areas requiring further or initial investigations. The recommendations they drafted are presented here as edited by Dr. Meierhenry and with his linking comments.  相似文献   

This paper takes up the question of the way in which ‘the problem with educational Research’ is represented. It takes as its point of departure two recent views on ‘the Problem’ — one expressed by an educational journalist and one presented by the Australian Council of Deans of Education. It locates these within a larger frame of international debate about educational research and its problems and considers how these arise out of particular dispositions towards educational research and, by extension towards, education itself.  相似文献   

The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the U.S. Senate began a series of hearings in 1990 that uncovered an alarming pattern of waste, fraud, and abuse in the Title IV federal student aid programs. To create a stronger and more coordinated evaluation of institutions desiring to participate in these programs, Congress enacted the new Program Integrity Triad, which significantly increases the gatekeep‐ing functions of each member of the triad and establishes a specific set of responsibilities for accrediting agencies, the states, and the Secretary of Education. Under this program, states are directed to set up agencies known as State Postsecondary Review Entities (SPRE) to assist the U.S. Department of Education in reviewing institutions of higher education referred by the Secretary to determine continued participation in federal financial aid programs. The diverse ways in which students use community colleges will make it difficult, at best, to apply the quantifiable standards for withdrawal, graduation, and placement rates established by the SPRE program. The result could have serious implications for community colleges and their continued participation in Title IV federal student aid programs.  相似文献   

Summary The argument is advanced in this paper that the pattern of educational investigation wherein comparisons are made between so-called “ experimental” and “ conventional” instructional procedures tends to be defective on three counts: the criteria are often inappropriate or contaminated; the assumptions of homogeneity within and independence between “ experimental” and “ control” conditions are met only when these conditions are very grossly conceived; and the results reflect masking and cancellation effects, thereby revealing relatively little about what transpires in an instructional setting. The Instructional Gestalt is proposed as a methodological framework for educational research focusing upon the interactive nature of learner, instructor, and environmental and course variables constituting the instructional setting. Data generated by explorations within this framework can lead to the formulation of hypotheses which, if subsequently supported empirically, can become principles for inclusion in a theory of classroom learning. The nature of investigations proceeding from the Instructional Gestalt framework was clarified by presentation and discussion of an illustrative study. Since this illustration was only a representation in miniature of the larger investigation, the generalizations about teaching-learning suggested by it are of limited scope and subject to change. Nevertheless, these generalizations do indicate the kinds of hypotheses resulting from studies within the Instructional Gestalt framework. This paper summarizes the rationale underlying research on the Instructional Gestalt proceeding under a grant from the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Portions of this rationale have been presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association in 1961 and 1962.  相似文献   

Conclusion The reluctance to change on the part of educators and school systems represents a paradoxical situation. Teaching and learning consists of trying to bring about behavior changes, and the purpose of education is to develop individuals who are adaptive and creative. Therefore, the effort of the teacher and the major purpose of the educational enterprise is to bring about planned change in the individual. Why persons who are committed to this objective for all of the pupils for whom they have responsibility should reject or be neutral to planned change in their own practices as teachers is a gnawing and perplexing question. The preparation of this paper was supported by a contract with the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, under the provisions of Title VH-B of the National Defense Education Act. The publicationMedia and Educational Innovation, upon which this paper is based, is available for $2 from the University of Nebraska Extension Division, Nebraska Hall #511, Lincoln.  相似文献   

This study examined the operationalization of one of the key reforms initiated by the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (U.S. Congress, 1975) and continued through the 2004 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (U.S. Congress, 2004)--namely, nondiscriminatory assessment. The original and current specifications in federal law require that tests be selected and administered so as not to be racially, culturally, or sexually discriminatory. The specific dimensions studied here pertain to the nondiscriminatory diagnosis of learning disabilities (LD) in English learners. A checklist of legal and professional guidelines for making assessments of English learners was used to evaluate 19 psychological reports made on English learners as part of the assessment process for special education eligibility in a small, urban elementary school district in California. The results of this study present a fairly compelling profile of how the writers of psychological reports--school psychologists--do not use extant legal or professional guidelines for making nondiscriminatory assessments of bilingual children.  相似文献   

Conclusion Identify standards, align curricula, support technology—these are the three strategies that bring clarity to the process. As technology changes, the standards, curricula and support must change. ACTIVStudio, interactive whiteboards and cyber diaries are not just buzzwords — they are the new language of technology. The Citadel School of Education is paying attention — making sense of the challenge of keeping current technology in educational leadership programs. She is a former teacher and school administrator and currently teaches graduate courses, including microcomputers and school management, to aspiring administrators. Ms. Alice B. Hambright, a former public school teacher.  相似文献   

Besides “inclusion” meaning incorporation within the education system, there is also “inclusion” signifying the incorporation of knowledge, two distinct processes which went hand-in-hand to start with but which, as education systems expanded, have begun to drift apart. While the population as a whole, including the more deprived sectors, has improved its educational level over past decades, in more recent times there has been little to show for the considerable efforts made. It is as if the process had reached a ceiling, owing to practices of educational marginalization that are so embedded that they perpetually recreate themselves. The education system has lost its bearings because a new approach is needed with the emergence of the information and communication society, which implies a new definition of knowledge, cut off from its origins. The idea of “including” must also be a key notion in relation to the search for a fairer, more democratic society. This implies developing a number of viewpoints or fundamental attitudes when we consider inclusive education. There is the ideological/political point of view—which means developing the ideal of justice and democracy within the framework of education as a right; the epistemological aspect—which entails supporting the new educational approach in the very latest developments of the theory of complexity; the pedagogical aspect—which entails adopting the advances made in the new learning sciences in order to develop a new “technology of educational production” (didactics) that will guarantee the entire population’s ability to reason; and the institutional point of view—which requires reviewing the notion of a “school system” and incorporating other institutional spaces by considering the whole of society as offering potential “learning environments”.
Inés AguerrondoEmail:

Inés Aguerrondo   (Argentina) Sociologist. Lecturer, Universidad de San Andrés and Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Former Under-Secretary of Programming at the Ministry of Culture and Education (1993–1999) in charge of substantive aspects of educational changes in Argentina. For 30 years she worked as a technical adviser at the Ministry’s Educational Planning Unit. She has been a consultant for many international organizations (including OAS, OREALC, IDB and OECD-CERI), while engaging in writing many books and articles. Currently, she is a consultant-researcher for UNESCO-IIEP in Buenos Aires.  相似文献   

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