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从威尔逊的民族自决思想看美国的政治扩张   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
民族自决思想初见于威尔逊政府的菲律宾政策,成形于对墨西哥革命干涉时期,正式提出于1917年,是美国为实现由外延式领土扩张向内涵式经济政治扩张而推行新民主外交的产物。威尔逊政府1918年后企图借助民族自决解决战后殖民地问题,扩张美国的政治制度,但是遭到了失败。事实证明,民族自决是门罗主义在二十世纪初为适应美国政治扩张需要而作的一次引申。  相似文献   

始于1914年的第一次世界大战到1916年底交战双方依然势均力敌难分难解。但到了1917年,一直保持“中立”的美国却改变了立场,直接参加协约国方面对同盟国的作战。美国为何会改变“中立”立场呢?一、密电事件1917年3月1日,美国总统威尔逊公布了一份德国外交大臣发给德驻墨西哥公使的密电,这份密  相似文献   

1918年1月8日,第一次世界大战硝烟未尽,美国总统威尔逮在国会两院发表了“十四点和平纳领”的演说,其中关于民族自决和弱小国家权利的诺言,使中国知识界为之振奋。1919年1月,威尔逊订自出席巴黎和会,更加鼓舞了知识界对美国及和会的信心。中国人希望在和会上运用“民族自决”的原则解决山东问题。然而,威尔逊在最后关头放弃了他的原则。笔者试就山东问题的由来、和会前后期威尔逊总统对山东问题的不同态度来分析威尔逊放弃“民族自决”原则的原因。  相似文献   

国内威尔逊理想主义外交研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国学者自威尔逊总统任职期间就开始关注威尔逊外交 ,但研究工作的起步是在新中国诞生后 ,90年代以后开始走向深入。关于威尔逊的国际政治思想 ,史学界和国际关系理论学界一般认为是美国国家现实利益和扩张目标的反映 ,但也有部分学者强调 ,不能简单地把威尔逊外交与美国现实主义政策等同起来。我国学者对威尔逊政府的欧洲政策、远东政策、拉丁美洲政策和战后世界秩序的重建等问题都进行了比较深入的研究  相似文献   

自1913年伍德罗·威尔逊就任美国第28届总统以来,威尔逊主义的思想理论基础逐渐成熟.威尔逊主要是把自杰斐逊以来的美国传统思想加以归纳,形成了以美国利益至上的"拯救世界"为目标的意识形态,并以此作为对外政策的基础.威尔逊主义对以后美国历代领导人的外交政策产生了重要的影响.  相似文献   

同学们可能知道人们常用“山姆大叔”来指代美国,那么世界头号强国美国为什么要用一个普通人的名字来作为一个国家的象征呢?这其实缘干一个非常偶然的结果。很久以前,在美国有一个叫山姆的普通老百姓,他为了生计而勤奋地劳作。他以卖肉为生。在1812年时,山姆是美军的供货商,主要向纽约基地和新泽西基地供应用木桶包装好的肉(当时都是用木桶装)。山姆·威尔逊  相似文献   

刘徽 《现代教学》2010,(12):77-79
本书作者肯尼斯·G·威尔逊曾荣获1982年诺贝尔物理学奖,此后他开始关注美国中小学教育改革,并成为美国教育改革的重要领导人之一。在《全是赢家的学校》一书中,威尔逊深刻分析了美国教育的现状和问题,比较并借鉴了科技和工业的发展模式,提出教育改革应该是一个持续不断的重新规划,一个集愿景规划和创新机制为一体的过程,并且根据自己的教育理想描绘了未来的学校图景。  相似文献   

墨西哥“非法移民”是美国非法移民的主体。它根源于19世纪中期美国对墨西哥大片领土的占领,在发展过程中经历了三次大的浪潮。墨西哥“非法移民”对美国的发展做出了贡献,也带来了一些社会问题。在国内反非法移民的呼声下,美国政府多次出台控制非法移民的政策,墨西哥“非法移民”仍屡禁不止。增加对墨西哥的经济援助,帮助墨西哥发展经济,才是美国解决“非法移民”问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

阿遥 《家长》2013,(5):26-27
周末,在电视上看到一则有关西班牙足球运动员比利亚的报道。比利亚是西班牙国家男子足球队的主力前锋。在2010年南非世界杯上,他曾连续四次比赛共进五球,排名射手榜榜首,不仅为西班牙队夺冠助了一臂之力,个人还获得了银靴奖。据说,比利亚从三四岁开始就对足球产生了浓厚的兴趣,而父亲也一直非常支持他。有一次,小比利亚在街头踢球,不小心将右腿摔折了,从那以后,  相似文献   

187法案和1996年非法移民改革和移民责任法是90年代初、中期美国非法移民问题,特别是墨西哥非法移民问题激化以及由此而起的反移民情绪的结果,标志着美国新移民时代的到来.这两部移民法打乱了墨西哥移民的生活,给他们带来了重大影响.墨西哥移民在美国的的生活更加艰难了,同时他们为了改善境遇,归化率提高了.但是两部移民法阻挡非法移民的作用是有限的.特别是当美国的政客们为了政治目的不得不拉拢日益壮大的墨西哥移民团体.  相似文献   

在任职期内,美国总统威尔逊总结了以往美国外交中民主、自由等传统思想,形成了建立在美国利益基础上、以"拯救世界"为目标的"理想主义"思想。作为资产阶级的政治家,他必然要维护美国的国家利益和资本主义制度的稳定。在一定条件下,威尔逊可以实现他的"理想主义",在伪善的面具下,反对英法委托日本出兵西伯利亚,主张不干涉俄国内政;但当外部形势的发展已经严重威胁到美国的国家利益时,威尔逊已经顾及不了那些"道义"上的理由,伙同日本出兵干涉俄国苏维埃政权,为美国谋取最大的利益。这是由他的阶级本质决定的。  相似文献   

This research paper examines the narrative accounts of the academic Spanish‐language development of four preservice bilingual education teachers of different backgrounds, including Mexican‐American, white (non‐Hispanic), Mexican immigrant, and the U.S.–Mexico border Hispanic. The purpose of the study is to discover the kinds of educational forces which may impede bilingual education teachers' development of academic Spanish, look at their own perceptions of their Spanish‐language proficiency, and consider how student learning might be influenced. The stories illustrate how few meaningful educational opportunities prospective teachers have to develop academic Spanish‐language proficiency. They also demonstrate how sociocultural context may impede Spanish‐language development. In short, the paper addresses the need for dramatic social and educational changes if bilingual education teachers in the U.S. are to fulfill one of the basic tenets of bilingual education: the provision of native‐language instruction.  相似文献   

In this study 18 Mexican teachers of English as a foreign language in Guanajuato, Mexico were asked for their professional opinion about the teaching of English to Mexican immigrant students in the U.S. Teachers responded to a questionnaire that asked about attitudes toward the U.S. educational system, ways to support Mexican immigrant students, advice for American teachers, and Mexican students’ motivation for learning English. Respondents averaged 4 years of teaching English at various levels ranging from elementary to university. Half of the teachers had received some K-12 education in the U.S. Respondents held generally positive views regarding the U.S. educational system, but felt American teachers could do a better job in teaching Mexican immigrant students. They offered numerous linguistic and culturally responsive suggestions for improving upon the learning of English and the academic performance of immigrant students.  相似文献   

《庄园》是美国当代女作家凯瑟琳·安·波特墨西哥短篇小说的终结之作,也是她墨西哥理想幻灭的最佳代表。波特以墨西哥印第安村落上的封建制庄园为例证,展示了墨西哥土著印第安农民的悲惨处境。在上世纪初墨西哥伪革命完结的大背景下,墨西哥土著印第安既要臣服于国内西班牙贵族的封建统治,又要忍受着外来白人殖民者的压迫。波特笔下所刻画的这片封建庄园即是墨西哥土著印第安人悲惨境遇的一幅缩略图。  相似文献   

举债发展是发展中国家经济发展过程中普遍存在的现象,拉丁美洲国家表现尤为突出。墨西哥在私有化改革道路上走在拉美国家的前列。墨西哥私有化改革是在拉美经济领域私有化改革大潮下进行的,墨西哥的私有化改革运动是在债务危机发生以后开展起来的,它是墨西哥经济领域改革的一个重要方面。外债是困扰墨西哥经济发展的一块绊脚石,私有化改革作为债权国向债务国开出的一剂"良方",对墨西哥经济发展的恢复作用值得商榷。  相似文献   

Transnational migration increasingly impacts economically disadvantaged and culturally marginalized students. Over the last decade, an unprecedented number of Mexican nationals living in the United States have returned to Mexico. Their children may face cultural and linguistic barriers in their ancestral country. This group of students is particularly important to American educators since they may eventually return to the United States. This article reports on the results of a qualitative study of experiences of 12 U.S.-born children of Mexican nationals who are currently living in Mexico. Through a series of semistructured interviews and activities, we learned about the children’s varied experiences. Included are recommendations for greater collaboration between U.S. and Mexican educators.  相似文献   

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) substantially lowered the trade barrier between Mexico and the United States. I study the effect of American industries’ increased competition against Mexican imports on educational attainment at the postsecondary level. Using the commuting-zone-by-state level variations in the protection against import competition, I find evidence for a substantial increase in both enrollment and degree acquisition in public two- year colleges as a result of lowered tariffs on manufactured goods from Mexico. Educational attainment at four-year colleges, in the contrary, does not respond to NAFTA in a statistically meaningful manner.  相似文献   

Latin American audiences living in their countries of origin are poorly understood as museum learners due to the scarcity of research in this field. Through a case study approach, I investigate and report on the ways of learning of 20 Mexican family groups. In particular, I examine the influence of the Mexican sociocultural context on the participant family members’ learning outcomes from a Mexican science museum. Conducted in Universum Museo de las Ciencias, a science museum located in Mexico City, this research study is based on the premise that understanding the role of the sociocultural elements of learning is essential to understanding the nature of learning in museums. The cognitive and social outcomes of the participants are discussed in the light of the sociocultural elements that define Mexicans as museum learners.  相似文献   


Discussion about values education has begun to dominate the educational policy agenda in a number of countries over the last 5 years. Of particular relevance are questions on what to teach, how and why. This discussion seems to be more prominent among those countries undergoing vigorous political, economic and social change. In the last few years, Mexico has intensified its active search for democracy and invigorated its march toward modernisation. Both of these intentions have proven to have important influences on the values the Mexican state and educational policy makers see as necessary to be transmitted via education. Simultaneously, Mexican identity, which has evolved relatively consonant with the aims of a centralised and hierarchical state and in line with the principles of the 1910 Revolution, is being continuously challenged by internal as well as external forces. In this article we describe a study designed to understand the approaches to Mexico's values education as a particular instance of a larger comparative project to explore values education in a globally dynamic context. After describing Mexico's political economy, we present the current policy and approaches to values education in general and in the regions included in the Mexican study in particular. We present the findings from a survey to policy makers and educational élites and show regional differences and similarities. We discuss findings from other country contexts to contrast them with the Mexican findings in selected areas. We conclude with a discussion on how this study may help initiate a policy dialogue on values education in Mexico.  相似文献   

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