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A new direction?     
Digital literacy is now defined as a key area of competence in the new national curriculum for schools in Norway. For policy makers the terms ‘information society’ and ‘knowledge society’ has been used to argue for implementing new technologies in education, and for improving learning. These views have been highly problematic, partly because they do not take into consideration how new technologies are used by young people, or how schools work as social practices. This article will focus on how we conceptualize a student perspective in schools related to the use of digital technologies. Combining an increased focus on digital literacy in school curricula with an increased focus on student participation challenges our conception of the school-aged learner. In discussing these issues I will draw on results from a number of school-based ICT projects that I have been involved in since 1998.  相似文献   

现代信息技术的发展必将改变学校组织形态。美国一直在积极探索基于现代信息技术支持的学校可能的组织形态,虚拟高中是其中一种,近几年呈现蓬勃发展之势。虚拟高中倡导个性化、自主性、便利性的学习,并采取弹性的注册入学制度、分类的学分制管理、开放的课程设置,以确保高质量的教育教学。重视资格认证、重视对学生的管理支持与辅导、重视学校和家庭的沟通以及便利的信息技术支持是虚拟高中办学过程中的关键要素。  相似文献   

新课程改革之后,教学模式由传统的以教师为主体的模式向以学生为主体的模式退步转变。信息技术课作为初中的必修课,在新课程改革中运用何种教学模式,来更好地完成信息技术教育教学是摆在初中信息技术教师面前的一道课题。本文提出在新课改下,初中信息技术的教学模式应当立足更好的培养学生自主学习的能力,以适应信息技术的飞速发展。  相似文献   

The paper explores pedagogies of surveillance and counter pedagogies of radical democracy and co-operative practice and their implications for continuing professional development (CPD). Teachers have had to respond to an increasing naturalisation of surveillance in schools. However, this naturalisation can be countered by drawing upon the emergent development of the co-operative education movement in the UK. I argue that critical to developing effective pedagogies of radical democracy and co-operation is the formation of a “public space” of discussion and debate about courses of action. This will be illustrated through research drawn from a co-operative school and its use of information technologies. Although the intentions are to improve standards of learning, the hidden curriculum implicit in the use of the technologies can lead to “supersurveillance.” Teachers, I argue, have a critical role in the deconstruction of the naturalisation of supersurveillance and both pre-service and CPD urgently need to address this.  相似文献   

随着信息技术课程成为全国中小学的必修科目,加快"信息技术课程教师的培养与培训工作,使教师能够适应新课程改革"已成为国家赋予高师院校教育技术学专业的重要使命。为适应新形势下基础教育信息技术学科改革需求,笔者对安徽省部分中小学校长与一线教师进行访谈与调查,以求准确把握中小学一线信息技术学科现状和信息技术人才的需求状况与能力要求,并及时了解教育技术学专业培养信息技术人才所存在的问题,在此基础上,有针对性地分析了"顺应时代需求、加快专业建设"的应对策略。  相似文献   

新时代下,信息技术是初中教育教学体系中必不可少的一门课程。教师通过初中信息技术课堂教学,可以帮助学生更好地掌握各种基础的信息技术理论知识与操作方法,进而为后期学生更好地发展奠定基础。基于此,本文重点对初中信息技术高效课堂的构建进行了详细分析,旨在提升初中信息技术课堂教学效率,促进学生的长远发展,以供参考。  相似文献   

长阳县职教中心开展的德育收视课程开发活动,是中职学校德育课程领域的开创性改革活动,它使单调的文本变成丰富多彩的视频、枯燥地说教变成引人入胜地赏析、学生陌生的课程内容变成学生熟悉的甚至是生成的课程内容、"校墙内"的教育变成"融入世界"的教育、课程资源突破瓶颈束缚跃上海量资源平台。中职学校进行德育收视课程开发,有利于提高德育实效性、增强对德育规律的适应性、丰富校园文化生活并实现校企文化互动。  相似文献   

The implementation of technology as a formal subject – either separate or integrated – in school curricula is a relatively recent phenomenon with most studies confined to Western or developed countries and little known about non-Western contexts. In this study we sought to gain an understanding of primary teachers' and curriculum development officers' perceptions of technology and technology education for a small island nation in the South Pacific. Participants' views were ascertained by means of semi-structured interviews including the use of picture card prompts used by Rennie and Jarvis (1995). The study reveals that the participants hold a rather limited view of technology and technology education. The participants see technology as consisting of a variety of artifacts and skills (including in some cases indigenous artifacts and cultural practices), but the predominant view was technology consists of modern, new, foreign, artifacts especially those associated with information and communication technologies. The participants view technology education as learning about how to use technological artifacts. Personal experiences including pre- and in-service teacher training and encounters with technological artifacts were the main influences on their views of technology and technology education. These findings suggest that primary science teachers will need pre-service training in order to implement a curriculum that provides a comprehensive understanding of technology.  相似文献   

The new Social Studies curriculum recently introduced in Alberta proposes to encourage students to affirm their place as citizens in a democratic society. Grounded in Biesta’s (2007) argument that regardless of a Program of Studies’ best stated goals and intentions, if a school is not structured democratically the chances of the program being successful are limited. In this article, I question what makes a school democratic as opposed to undemocratic by proposing that the new curriculum is grounded in a representational view of knowledge which leads to a document that is overly conceptualized and presents a view of citizenship as one that can be achieved rather than one that is practiced (Biesta & Lawy, 2006). I argue that it is the representational curriculum and the public school’s organizational structure with its emphasis on duties and responsibilities and the virtual absence of freedom and rights that make these schools fundamentally undemocratic places. In order to pursue this line of inquiry, I juxtapose schools in the public system with a private school which claims to be a participative democracy. This juxtaposition revealed that a school that gives students freedom first and trusts that they will act responsibly with it, is more likely to lead to a citizenship that is practiced rather than one that is simply achieved. While it is not the intention of this paper, to recommend that all schools adopt the model of the private school in this study, it does help us understand why Biesta (2007) is not overly optimistic regarding schools being able to achieve a citizenship that is practiced as opposed to one that is achieved.  相似文献   

校本课程开发是一种以学校为基地进行课程开发的课程开发策略。职业教育校本课程开发是对国家课程和地方课程的有效补充,是由学校、教师、行业及其他相关机构共同参与的一项活动。能有效地激发教师专业技能的提升,彰显办学特色,更好地贴近行业的需要。我们在职业教育校本课程开发中应鼓励多种开发渠道的探索和尝试,在实践中开发出有利于我国职业教育和地区经济发展的校本课程。  相似文献   

在中小学信息技术课程全面改革的背景下,创客教育已成为信息技术课程改革发展的一个新趋势。当前,国内中小学创客教育普遍存在课程体系缺乏、教材短缺、课程单一及考评机制不健全等问题。为此,根据创客情境学习理论的教育思想,以宁波市中小学创客教育为例,归纳总结宁波市中小学创客教育重比赛轻教学的特点,并提出打造规范化的课程体系、开发标准化的课程教材、设计多样化的教学活动和构建多元化的评价机制等方面建议。  相似文献   

Can education for sustainable development (ESD) policies help to create a more sustainable society? In the article I argue that contemporary secondary school curriculum policies relating to ESD are rhetorical devices that will achieve little towards resolving global problems. I suggest that the conceptualization of SD is itself fundamentally flawed and inevitably restricts the scope of possible policy solutions. I analyse three ESD curriculum policy texts to reveal their concealments, silences and blocks to enquiry, demonstrating how their rhetorical forms make them readily assimilable into dominant economic discourse. I then introduce a recent UK Government Report explaining the failure in implementing ESD policies in the school curriculum and I expose how this analysis is a further demonstration of the problems in the prevailing policy perspective. In conclusion, I propose a new direction for progress in curriculum policy regarding sustainability.  相似文献   


In this article, we investigate the use of multimedia information and communication technologies (ICTs) in integrated arts projects in two secondary schools. The ways in which teachers and students make sense of the technologies in relation to the dominant discourses of education/technology policy and educational research are explored before considering the implications for curriculum and teacher development. The ICT in the word contrad(ICT)ions is emphasised to represent the ways in which teachers and students' use of multimedia exposes and makes visible problematic issues in relation to literacy, school subjects and pedagogy.  相似文献   

学校信息技术与课程整合的影响因素与推进策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校信息技术与课程整合受多个因素的影响,文章首先通过文献计量学方法,初步确定影响因素,然后运用解释结构模型法来构建影响学校信息技术与课程整合因素的结构模型,接着通过实证数据统计分析,对学校信息技术与课程整合影响因素与学校整合之间的关系进行偏相关分析法,最后提出了学校信息技术与课程整合的推进策略。  相似文献   

中小学创客教育生态系统的构建与培育对促进中小学创客教育发展具有重要意义。当前我国中小学创客教育系统还是一个不能独立运行的弱系统,还不能有效发挥其价值。与传统中小学教育相比,创客教育更加关注校园文化建设、课程设计与教学活动安排、新技术应用、教与学的评价等,然而我国中小学在校园文化、行政、制度等方面还存在突出问题,限制了创客教育的发展。要彻底解决这些问题必须从校园文化建设上进行突破,只有在浓厚的校园创新文化氛围的基础上才能建成以创客教育活动为主题、以自主探究为方式、以信息技术为手段、以发展性评价为导向的中小学创客教育生态系统,才能促进中小学创新教育的发展。  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》为我们展示了中小学音乐教育一系列崭新的价值观念和教育理念。高师音乐教育专业是培养未来中小学音乐教师的工作母机,教育理念、课程结构、课程教学模式等与中小学音乐教育改革的成败休戚相关。在中小学音乐教育正在发生重大变革的关键时刻,高师音乐教育专业应以中小学音乐教育为立足点,以《标准》为依据,在教育理念、课程结构、课程教学模式等方面进行调整,以适应新时期中小学音乐教育的需要。  相似文献   

苏保 《天津教育》2021,(11):60-61
近年来,我国在科学技术上取得了不错的成绩,尤其是互联网信息技术。当代中学生获取知识、新闻的方法因此变得多样化。中学教师应据新课改要求,实行素质教育,培养学生创新创造精神以及动手实践的能力。本文主要对新媒体在中学思想政治教育的现状提出相应的看法和建议。  相似文献   

中澳两国普通高中技术课程设置比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普通高中技术课程以提高学生的技术素养为目标,其课程设置因课程理念、教学方式的不同而有所差异。对中国和澳大利亚普通高中技术课程目标、开设年限、课程内容等方面加以比较分析,有利于优化课程设置,推动中国普通高中通用技术课程的进一步发展。  相似文献   

将地方民俗文化作为中小学地方特色课程,是基础教育新课程改革和地方经济与社会发展的需要。它既有利于形成地方教育和学校特色,促进学生全面发展,又有利于地方民俗文化的传承与创新。合肥市各级教育主管部门要充分认识到地方民俗文化资源的教育价值,积极利用合肥地方民俗文化资源开发中小学地方课程与校本课程,充分发挥地方民俗文化资源的育人功能。  相似文献   

根据对比较集中在南疆中小学从教的我院毕业生的问卷调查,了解中小学推行新课改,实践教学的重视情况、大学开展的实践教学适应基础教育教学的情况、新课改实施以来我院师范毕业生对高师教育中的实践教学的体会和反思,并对此进行了统计与分析,旨在及时、充分反映我院师范生走出大学校门,走进中小学课堂的适应情况,为有关部门和教师提供相关的参考,提高我院的办学水平。  相似文献   

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