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《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):255-281
This article focuses on the need to include ethnographic-based approaches in the writing assessments of culturally and linguistically diverse populations. The inclusion of such approaches can help teachers gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of learning for all students and realize how students' social and cultural lives mingle with the assessment process and with their academic learning. In Part 1 of the article, I describe an investigation of the assessment of students' informative essays using a single-method, holistic approach. English teachers rated essays written by eight ethnically diverse fifth- and sixth-grade students using an array of rhetorical and linguistic measures - including overall quality, coherence, sentence-level mechanics, and use of an organizational structure. Findings indicate that, within this paradigm of assessment, culturally and linguistically diverse students may be penalized for preferring rhetorical patterns that differ from the mainstream academic patterns rewarded in schools. In Part 2, I describe an investigation of the assessment of the same eight students' informal informative essays using a multifaceted approach, including ethnographic techniques and micro- and macrolevel text analyses. Findings suggest that the multifaceted approach provided a more accurate picture of the students' expository language resources. In the final section, I demonstrate how the ethnographic-based techniques provide illustrative evaluation data useful for forging a fit among the language resources and functions of writing for culturally and linguistically diverse students and their assessment and instructional needs.  相似文献   

We examined the effectiveness of the Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) model of writing instruction with a self-determination training component for middle school-age students with emotional and behavioral disorders. We randomly assigned students to experimental or comparison treatments during which special education teachers provided the intervention. Students in the experimental groups received instruction on how to plan and write persuasive essays, were trained on self-determination skills, and were taught how to use persuasive writing to self-advocate. Students in the comparison condition received writing instruction with the established school writing curriculum. Instruction for both groups lasted 33 days, four days a week during 30-minute sessions. Experimental students significantly outperformed comparison students at posttest in all the persuasive essay-writing components assessed, in their ability to recall the parts of a persuasive essay, in the self-efficacy measure, and on self-determination knowledge. Experimental students were able to maintain gains in almost all writing measures and were able to generalize to content areas, although comparison students slightly increased in number of words. Student and teacher interviews revealed an overall satisfaction with SRSD procedures and the results.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of presenting a choice of writing tasks on the quality of essays produced by 11th-grade students. The effects of task choice were examined for interactions with the gender and race of students. Fifteen writing tasks, designed to elicit persuasive essays, were administered to 34,200 students in Georgia. Approximately half the students received an assigned task, whereas the other half were presented a choice of two tasks. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted using four domain scores as the dependent variables assessing writing quality and four independent variables (gender, race, writing tasks, and choice condition). The student characteristics of gender and race and the writing task variable had a significant effect in the MANOVA and all four univariate analyses. Female students wrote essays of higher quality than male students and White students wrote essays of higher quality than Black students. The choice condition had no substantive effect on the quality of essays. The writing task variable had a significant interaction with the other independent variables.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of cognitive strategy instruction in writing with adult literacy learners. Three middle-aged African-American adults participating in adult education with the goal of passing the GED received tutoring in a strategy for planning, writing, and revising persuasive essays along with self-regulation strategies. The study used a multiple-baseline design across participants with multiple probes. All the adults made consistent gains from baseline to posttest in the quality and organization of their essays. Mean gains in overall quality from baseline to posttest for the three students were 2.7, 1.9, and 1.7 on a 7-point scale. Percentage of non-overlapping data (PND) was 100% for text structure organization and 89% for quality. The results demonstrate that strategy instruction, which has had positive effects with school-age students, has potential for adult literacy learners as well.  相似文献   

Taking a stance and supporting it are intrinsic acts in expository/argumentative essays. One question of interest to English teachers is how to improve the development and expression of support arguments in students' essays. This paper offers an answer by examining students' stance‐support strategies in informal argument, and identifying the associated lexico‐grammatical features that they use and do not use to realise those strategies. The paper will show how research findings on students' argument practices and use of language resources in an informal context can inform the process of deciding what thinking skills and language forms to teach in composition classes.  相似文献   

New students face the challenge of making a smooth transition between school and university, and with regards to academic practice, there are often gaps between student expectations and university requirements. This study supports the use of the plagiarism detection service Turnitin to give students instant feedback on essays to help improve academic literacy. A student cohort (n = 76) submitted draft essays to Turnitin and received instruction on how to interpret the ‘originality report’ themselves for feedback. The impact of this self‐service approach was analysed by comparing the writing quality and incidence of plagiarism in draft and final essays, and comparing the results to a previous cohort (n = 80) who had not used Turnitin formatively. Student and staff perceptions were explored by interview and questionnaire. Using Turnitin formatively was viewed positively by staff and students, and although the incidence of plagiarism did not reduce because of a worsening of referencing and citation skills, the approach encouraged students to develop their writing. To conclude, students were positive of their experience of using Turnitin. Further work is required to understand how to use the self‐service approach more effectively to improve referencing and citation, and narrow the gap between student expectations and university standards.  相似文献   

Summarization and persuasive writing are important in postsecondary education and often require the use of source text. However, students entering college with low literacy skills often find this type of writing difficult. The present study compared predictors of performance on text-based summarization and persuasive writing in a sample of low-skilled adult students enrolled in college developmental education courses. The predictors were general reading and writing ability, self-efficacy, and teacher judgments. Both genre-specific and general dependent variables were used. A series of hierarchical regressions modeling participants’ writing skills found that writing ability and self-efficacy were predictive of the proportion of functional elements in the persuasive essays, reading ability predicted the proportion of main ideas from source text in the summaries, and teacher judgments were predictive of vocabulary usage. General reading and writing skills predicted written summarization and persuasive writing differently; the data showed relationships between general reading comprehension and text-based summarization on one hand, and between general writing skills and persuasive essay writing on the other.  相似文献   

There has been little research into how children use language play in writing. The unprompted language play of 36 children was investigated through their writing of a short advertisement. The sample comprised three attainment sub-groups from a larger repeat-design study of persuasive writing in the 9–11 age-range. The writing was analysed using qualitative methods derived from relevant linguistic literature. Extensive use of language play was evident, as well as stylistic differences between the sub-groups. The findings indicate how teaching and learning might be enhanced from more conscious use of children’s propensity for manipulating the forms, meanings and uses of language.  相似文献   

Rubrics can be used to give students targeted feedback on their writing and, therefore, teachers should be able to use them as a type of formative assessment to guide writing instruction. This article describes an exploratory study of how three teachers provided instruction for fourth, fifth, and seventh graders with learning disabilities and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in using a technology-based graphic organizer (TBGO) to compose persuasive essays. Given professional development inclusive of online modules, long-range plans, and virtually facilitated professional learning communities, the teachers used a digital dashboard to (a) monitor students’ writing progress with a genre-specific analytic rubric, (b) target a specific instructional skill, and (c) document their instructional decision(s). The article illustrates how educators can effectively use genre-specific writing rubrics in practice to make data-driven decisions about student writing.  相似文献   

Lack of knowledge in the conventional use of vocabulary and multiword patterns in one's respective field of expertise causes Taiwanese students to produce academic writing that is markedly “non-nativelike.” This is because Taiwanese students are first and foremost second language readers and often have difficulty “picking up on” the regularly encountered language patterns found in scholarly texts. As one step in determining a solution to this problem, this article reports on a pilot implementation encouraging graduate Taiwanese students for whom English is a foreign language to use self-editing techniques in their own field-specific academic writing by use of a corpus tool. Classroom interviews, draft comparisons, and individual stimulated recall interviews showed a difference in acceptance and success after using the corpus tool (StringNet Navigator) as an aid to self-editing academic English writing. The corpus tool's functions, results of its use by industrial management graduate students for self-editing academic writing, and pedagogical implications are described.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of revising goals focused on content and audience awareness on the persuasive writing of fifth- and eighth-grade students. Students were randomly assigned to three different goal conditions: a general goal; a goal to improve content; and a goal to improve content and communication with an audience. Final drafts of essays were scored for elements of persuasive discourse relevant to content and audience and for overall persuasiveness. Students in the audience goal group were more likely than both other groups to consider opposing positions and rebut them. Students in both the content and audience goal groups wrote essays that were more persuasive than essays by students in the general goal group. The results also indicate that eighth-grade students wrote more persuasively than fifth-grade students and that girls wrote more persuasively than boys.  相似文献   

This study reports on the effects of the Pathway Project, a professional development intervention aimed at supporting the academic language development of English Learners (ELs). Using a subset of data collected during a multi-site cluster randomized controlled trial involving nine middle and six high schools in an urban, low-income school district over 3 years, this study examines how the Pathway Project intervention impacted ELs’ abilities to analyze literature, use academic words, and include commentary in their essays. A total of 103 English teachers were stratified by school and grade and randomly assigned to the intervention or control group. Each year, Pathway teachers participated in 46 hours of training and learned how to apply a cognitive strategies approach to literacy instruction in order to help students understand, interpret, and write analytical essays about themes in literature. Through a textual analysis of 300 randomly sampled pre- and 300 post-intervention essays collected from 1,640 mainstreamed secondary ELs (820 experimental and 820 control), this study examined the ways in which the intervention impacted the writing outcomes of secondary ELs. A univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the students’ literary analysis and the use of commentary in their essays with the number of years in the treatment condition as the independent variable revealed significant effects of the intervention on the afore-mentioned posttest measures, with students who received 2 years of the intervention outperforming those who received only 1 year of the intervention.  相似文献   

Although prior research has identified general procedural and qualitative differences between word-processed and pen and paper writing, little attention has been directed toward identifying how these differences relate to the prior word processing experiences of individual students. Additionally, few researchers have addressed the issue of fairness when discussing the use of word processors in writing assessment. This study investigates this relationship by comparing essays composed with pen and paper for a direct writing assessment to those composed with a word processor by students having different levels of experience with using word processors for writing.We observed differences between the two composition media similar to differences observed in previous studies of word-processed writing. That is, our results show that, overall, word-processed essays are neater and longer than were pen and paper essays. Word-processed essays also have a more formal tone and a weaker voice than their pen and paper counterparts. No composition medium differences were observed for the number of mechanical errors.In terms of how word processor experience interacts with writing quality, we found that word processors use neither improved nor worsen the quality of essays produced by students who have medium to high levels of experience using computers for writing. On the other hand, the word processor essays produced by students with a low level of experience writing with computers were scored, on a six-point scale, almost an entire point lower than those produced with pen and paper by these same students. Groups with high and medium levels of experience with word processors wrote slightly more words with a word processor than with pen and paper. On the other hand, the group with a low level of experience with using computers for writing wrote over 100 words fewer on word processors than with pen and paper. As for the number of simple sentences, groups with high and medium levels of comfort and experience with computers for writing wrote fewer simple sentences with a word processor than with pen and paper, while the group with a low level of comfort and experience with computers for writing wrote more simple sentences with word processors than with pen and paper. There were no group by media interactions for the number of mechanical errors.  相似文献   

本讨论了大学生学写汉语专业论怎样才能敏感地发现自己所需要的语言材料及献材料,从语言教学实践中讨论如何利用语言事实材料进行研究,如何对语料进行艺术的锤炼,如何根据语言材料来调整章的思路,从而构成一篇汉语论。本还强调了引用材料要注意真实可靠。章最后有个结语,表明材料对形成论的作用之外的作用。  相似文献   

文章针对新建本科院校英语专业毕业论文在选题、内容结构、文献资料及实践性论文四个方面现状及存在问题进行调查与梳理,毕业论文存在的问题客观上是由于新建本科院校师生科研能力较为薄弱,办学经费不足,教改相对滞后,主观上是管理层及师生对毕业论文重视度不够,建议在教师教研科研能力,学生语言综合运用能力,毕业论文监控与管理以及实践性论文环节上进一步加强提高。  相似文献   

大学生英语写作水平一直难以得到提高,原因之一是学生的读者意识薄弱。而元话语是将作者和读者有效联系的方法。本研究选取了34篇大学英语本科生英语作文为研究样本,分析了高低分作文的元话语使用差异。结果显示,高低分作文在作文字数、元话语使用的数量、比例、种类上都存在差异。而两组中的元话语比例的排序存在相似之处。研究表明,高分组使用的元话语类型和范围都优于低分组,但是整体而言,中国学生的读者意识不强,英语写作教师需要在课堂上进行有针对性的元话语教学。  相似文献   

There does not appear to be consensus on how to optimally match students during the peer feedback process: with same-ability peers (homogeneously) or different-ability peers (heterogeneously). In fact, there appears to be no empirical evidence that either homogeneous or heterogeneous student matching has any direct effect on writing performance. The current study addressed this issue in the context of an academic writing task. Adopting a quasi-experimental design, 94 undergraduate students were matched in 47 homogeneous or heterogeneous reciprocal dyads, and provided anonymous, formative peer feedback on each other’s draft essays. The relations between students’ individual ability or dyad composition, feedback quality and writing performance were investigated. Neither individual ability nor dyad composition directly related to writing performance. Also, feedback quality did not depend on students’ individual ability or dyad composition, although trends in the data suggest that high-ability reviewers provided more content-related feedback. Finally, peer feedback quality was not related to writing performance, and authors of varying ability levels benefited to a similar extent from peer feedback on different aspects of the text. The results are discussed in relation to their implications for the instructional design of academic writing assignments that incorporate peer feedback.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the quality assurance issues of a national English writing assessment in Chinese higher education. Specifically, using generalizability theory and rater interviews, this study examined how the current scoring policy of the TEM-4 (Test for English Majors – Band 4, a high-stakes national standardized EFL assessment in China) writing could impact its score variability and reliability. Eighteen argumentative essays written by nine English major undergraduate students were selected as the writing samples. Ten TEM-4 raters were first invited to use the authentic TEM-4 writing scoring rubric to score these essays holistically and analytically (with time intervals in between). They were then interviewed for their views on how the current scoring policy of the TEM-4 writing assessment could affect its overall quality. The quantitative generalizability theory results of this study suggested that the current scoring policy would not yield acceptable reliability coefficients. The qualitative results supported the generalizability theory findings. Policy implications for quality improvement of the TEM-4 writing assessment in China are discussed.  相似文献   

The Web has become a vast and appealing source of information for undergraduate students writing academic papers. While some online resources are comparable in quality to the materials housed in a library, newly accessible, Web-specific genres, such as interest groups, often undermine traditional expectations of scholarly authority, rigor, and objectivity. Since many of these genres harbor hidden agendas, their impact is often manipulative. Giving the illusion of rigor, they can present challenges for novice undergraduate second language writers who are unfamiliar with North American academic guidelines, yet few studies have examined the impact of such sites on their writing. In order to assess this influence, unconventional, opinion-supporting Web citations in argumentative essays from 70 undergraduate ESL students were isolated and evaluated. Findings revealed that the students who cited unconventional sources appeared to be unaware of their ideological agendas. Additionally, viewing such sources as objective, they used them to support their own viewpoints.  相似文献   

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