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奥运之前,CSM媒介研究发布了《媒介与奥运传播研究报告》,其中指出,“媒介态体育”战为人们参与现实体育的主要渠道,其中电视依然是观众的首选媒体。奥运之后,回顾奥运期间收视变化,电视传播的作用得到了清晰的印证。无论在奥运主办和协办城市,还是主要的大中城市,乃至全国市场,奥运赛事和报道都带来了大幅的收视提升,成为观众关注奥运最直接的体现。  相似文献   

大陆报纸媒介奥运报道建构下的台湾议题,已成为大陆媒介大型赛事报道中不可或缺的报道内容,起到了让大陆民众走进台湾,了解台湾体育及其社会发展的传播功效。本研究梳理了《人民日报》(及其海外版)1984—2012年奥运会期间有关台湾议题方面的报道,指出大陆媒介建构下的台湾形象呈现出:友善、多元、体育与政治议题时常交叉、通过奥运报道促进两岸和平、共享中华荣耀的传播图景。建议大陆媒介在今后的国际大型赛事报道中进一步挖掘和扩宽台湾体育报道的内容和质量,加大图片报道和体育人物、事件的报道深度,使更加全面、鲜活的台湾形象呈现在大陆受众面前,为搭建海峡两岸民众的相互认知发挥更加显著的作用。  相似文献   

媒介融合背景下,体育新闻APP呈现出其特有传播特点和报道优势。运用文献资料法和内容分析法,以懂球帝、新浪体育、体坛+三个体育新闻APP为研究对象,探究媒介融合手段在体育新闻APP中的应用,以及媒介融合背景下体育新闻APP的报道优势。  相似文献   

谷桂林 《青年记者》2008,(10):77-78
媒介融合的内核就是媒介之间相互借鉴对方的传播方式,丰富媒介形态,拓宽信息传播的渠道,旨在整合传播技术和功能,进而实现传播效果的最大化。在媒介融合时代,广播电台借助新媒体建立广播网,拓展报道方式和丰富节目样态,克服了广播媒介的传播局限性,实现了传播功能的延伸。在2008年的雪灾报道中,中央人民广播电台与中国广播网,紧紧围绕大局,共享新闻资源,这种“台网一体”的媒介运作模式在报道突发事件中发挥着多层次的传播功能。  相似文献   

随着经济和社会的发展,媒介技术不断创新,推动了新闻报道模式的变化,也导致了传播方式的变革。媒介融合日益成为人们在媒介传播中的焦点实践,形成了媒介内容整合的信息消费、网络整合、媒介平台整合;此外,媒体的融合促进了媒体市场的结合,对传统电视新闻的报道和传播产生了巨大的影响,也让我们对媒介新生态下新闻报道的发展方向产生思考。  相似文献   

媒介融合给生态传播的发展带来生机与活力,生态传播在媒介融合趋势下显现出新的特点和传播形式的多样化.本文基于媒介融合的背景下,分析生态传播发展的现状,探讨生态传播发展的新模式,提出生态传播实现可持续发展的路径.  相似文献   

为全面梳理中央电视台奥运报道与传播的成果与经验,深入探讨电视媒体进行国内国际重大体育完整活动报道的传播规律,2008年9月20日,由中央电视台体育节目中心、中国电视艺术家协会、国家体育总局宣传司、央视索福瑞媒介研究有限公司、中央电视台总编室研究处、本刊编辑部等单位主办的,由中国电视艺术家协会中央电视台分会、央视体育推广有限公司承办的"奥运电视报道与传播高层论坛"在北京京都信苑饭店举办.  相似文献   

后疫情时代,某些媒介奥运传播实践陷入了伦理迷思之中,表现为技术嵌入下的人本偏离、利益追逐下的传播失范、地缘政治的非理性投射、奥运精神的娱乐化消解.重塑"以人为本"的人文价值主线、"义利并举"的传播实践观念,体现与人类命运共同体相一致的共济伦理取向,完善奥运传播的"制度伦理",有助于奥运传播伦理守正的传承与发展.  相似文献   

李晓鹏  范静涵 《中国记者》2023,(10):101-107
<正>本文认为,当下媒介深度融合、技术形态迭代升级的同时也发生传播范式的融合:新闻传播从原有传统媒体时代偏重理性传播朝着情感传播方向深度融合发展。情感作为新闻传播中的重要因素,旨在创新报道,与受众“重建连接”,形成情感共鸣的互信亲密关系。“用户意识”成为一条主线,以期建立人际联系。媒体与用户之间的连接,是媒体与人之间的“连接”,情感传播发挥关键性作用,这是融媒体深度发展道路中极为重要的问题,也是全媒体传播体系建设过程中的关键指引。本文提出,融媒体传播注重情感传播,但并非与理性传播相对立,而是在媒介技术进步的支持下,形成共存互补的共融范式。  相似文献   

高芳 《中国记者》2021,(2):113-116
当下,在互联网不断发展的背景下,主题报道的传播方式发生了变化,从早期的依托报纸、电视等传统媒体,再到如今网络媒体客户端;从单纯的文字、音像、影像到如今H5、短视频等新兴表现方式频现。主题报道在不同阶段,以不同媒介传播,取得不同的传播效果。融媒体时代,主题报道要想满足受众的需要,取得最大化的传播效果,就必须以"媒介融合、内容融合"的创新理念,去打造爆款产品。本文以平潭融媒体中心在主题报道中的探索与实践为例,浅谈如何打造爆款产品。  相似文献   

黄若涛 《新闻界》2008,(6):83-85
本文从北京奥运会新闻宣传工作的实践出发.就奥运媒体服务工作和媒介引导工作中的经验与特色进行了分析。  相似文献   

中国2008年新闻政策的变化主要是:推进政府信息公开建设;对传统媒体实行管理与开放并重的新闻政策;对以网络为代表的新媒体给予高度重视和扶持,同时适应国际社会对版权保护的要求,加强版权管理;保障外国媒体和记者采访自由和信息传播自由。  相似文献   

An examination of the framing of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games in the online version of The New York Times finds that news coverage tended to follow usual news practices, which are usually connected with daily news coverage but not with mega events such as the Olympic Games. Ordinary news practices, which dominate this coverage, tend to lead to conflict-oriented news and snapshots of reality with usually little context. In this case, the coverage of the Athens Olympics primarily focused on the issues security and readiness related to Olympic venues.  相似文献   

冯霞 《新闻界》2008,(2):79-80
本文认为,北京奥运文化传播作为一种文化传播、媒介变迁与文明演进的共时性过程,它实质上是一种透过传播认知体育文化、认知社会发展和人自身的过程,具有跨文化传播和数字媒介传播等性质。北京奥运文化传播对提升中国文化影响力,塑造和平崛起的中国国家形象产生着重要而积极的影响。  相似文献   


Digital platforms such as search engines and social media have become major gateways to news. Algorithms are used to deliver news that is consistent with consumers’ preferences and individuals share news through their online social networks. This networked environment has resulted in growing uncertainty about online information which has had an impact on news industries globally. While it is well established that perceptions of trust in news found on social media or via search engines are lower than traditional news media, there has been less discussion about the impact of social media use on perceptions of trust in the news media more broadly. This study fills that gap by examining the influence of social media as news sources and pathways to news on perceptions of the level of news trust at a country level. A secondary data analysis of a 26-country survey in 2016 and 2019 was conducted. The analysis revealed an increase in social media use for accessing news resulted in a decline in trust in news media generally across the globe. Higher levels of general mistrust in news were related to an increased use of sharing of news. This paper argues the use of social media for news is closely linked to the increase in news mistrust, which is likely to continue to rise as the number of people using social media to access news continues to grow.  相似文献   

The growing reliance on social media as news platforms may lead to more passive news consumption but also offers greater potential for engaging in news. This study investigates the role of engagement with news content on Facebook and Twitter between news exposure and current events knowledge. An online survey (= 400) tests the relationships between social media news seeking, incidental exposure to news on social media, engagement in shared news content, cognitive elaboration, and current events knowledge. The results show that both active seeking of and incidental exposure to news on both sites are linked to engagement, which is linked to greater cognitive elaboration about the content. Furthermore, engagement mediates the relationship between both types of news exposure and cognitive elaboration. However, engagement and elaboration are not related to knowledge. These results indicate that the key role of social media in news content is not knowledge gain but the ability to engage users who may be passively receiving news on these sites. This study extends the cognitive mediation model of learning from the news in the context of current social media, with updated news consumption norms such as engagement with news on these sites, and incidental news exposure.  相似文献   


Venture capital funding is an increasingly common yet understudied management model in the rapidly changing market of news media. Drawing on scholarship in media management and entrepreneurship, this study applies a community ecology framework to analyze the relationship between venture capital funding and digital news media firms. In doing so, this work explores the interaction between legacy news media firms and new entrants as they struggle for scarce resources and seek to grow in the face of rapid change. A dataset tracking funding activity of legacy and startup news media firms is used to analyze resource allocation within the digital news media ecosystem. Results of the analyses provide insights for news media management by furthering understanding regarding venture capital funding models and the generative mechanisms that help drive growth. Specifically, findings highlight the importance of cross-sector engagement and the tension between firm age and position for growth in the digital news media ecosystem.  相似文献   

This article explores perceptions of news credibility for television, newspapers, and online news. A survey was administered to a randomly selected sample of residents in Austin, Texas, to assess people's attitudes toward these 3 media channels. Contingent factors that might influence news credibility perceptions, such as media use and interpersonal discussion of news, were incorporated into the analysis. Findings suggest that people are generally skeptical of news emanating from all 3 media channels but do rate newspapers with the highest credibility, followed by online news and television news, respectively. Furthermore, opinions about news credibility seem to be correlated across media outlets. The data also show a moderate negative linkage between interpersonal discussion of news and perceptions of media credibility for television news but not for newspapers. When controlling for basic demographics, a positive correlation was found between interpersonal communication and online news credibility. Finally, a marginal association was noted between media use and public perceptions of credibility across all 3 media channels.  相似文献   

Social media have opened up new possibilities for news engagement, and one of the important possibilities is news curation, which is defined as the reconstructing, reformulating, repurposing, reframing and sharing of news through social media. Focusing on this news curation concept, this study extends the Cognitive Mediation Model and the Communication Mediation Model (O-S-R-O-R) to the social media context. Drawing on a national survey of 1,135 South Korean adults, the present study finds that news elaboration and news curation are positively related to political knowledge and mediate the association between social media use for news and political knowledge.  相似文献   

Drawing on a national survey of 1,157 South Korean adults, the present study finds that social media use for political news is positively associated with knowledge about political issues, but not with knowledge about political processes. Professional media use for political news is significantly associated with both political issue knowledge and political process knowledge. The impact of social media for news on political issue knowledge increases with the additive role of professional media news use. This study also finds that political talk strengthens the positive association between social media use for news and political issue knowledge.  相似文献   

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