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This article discusses the inter-relationship between popular knowledge and academic knowledge in the context of mathematics education. The author, based on her field research with groups from the Brazilian Landless People's Movement, analysed the political dimensions of an education project which seeks to investigate the traditions, practices and mathematical concepts of a subordinated social group. She then goes on to analyse the pedagogical work which was developed in order for the group to be able to interpret and decode its knowledge; to acquire the knowledge produced by academic mathematics; and to establish comparisons between its knowledge and academic knowledge, thus being able to analyse the power relations involved in the use of both these kinds of knowledge.  相似文献   


This article explores how social movement co-governance of public education offers an alternative to neoliberal educational models. The Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (MST) is one of the largest social movements in Latin America. We describe one of the many schools that the MST co-governs, the Itinerant School Paths of Knowledge (Caminhos do Saber), located in an occupied encampment in the state of Paraná. We analyze three of the most unique pedagogical innovations in the school: the teacher’s incorporation of ‘portions of reality’ into classroom teaching, the student work collectives, and the participatory student evaluation process. Although these pedagogies are seemingly mundane changes to everyday school practice, we argue that they represent a challenge to the neoliberal educational model being implemented globally. These movement pedagogies are likely to continue, despite recent conservative attacks, and they offer several concrete lessons for how to effectively contest neoliberal educational practices in other global contexts.  相似文献   

Social movements have initiated both academic programs and disciplines. I present ethnographic data that I gathered during 17 months of fieldwork with the Brazilian Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) in southeastern Pará, Brazil, to explore the MST’s role in creating agroecological education opportunities. My analysis highlights three factors in southeastern Pará that initiate environmental education opportunities. First, activist professors are key players, serving as mediators between the state and social movements. Second, recurring events incubate environmental educational institutions and degree programs. Third, by collaborating with institutionalized education, movements are able to develop their own radical educational spaces. These three factors result in a gradual anti-neoliberal transformation in southeastern Pará’s rural educational opportunities. I develop a theoretical perspective of the political ecology of education to understand the relations between these three factors and educational change. By drawing attention to the educational politics of scale, I help advance theories of environmental education in a neoliberal age.  相似文献   

论多元文化教育的发展与面临的困境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
多元文化主义和多元文化教育起源于上个世纪60年代美国的民权运动;美国和加拿大的多元文化教育有相似的理念和目标,但是在发展过程中所遭遇到的问题和困境又各不相同,是多元文化教育发展的缩影;近年来,在全球化、现代化浪潮下,多元文化的社会共识基础、文化多元与国家的核心价值、文化多元的保存与少数民族社会流动等一系列的问题困扰着多元文化教育的发展,多元文化教育面临困境。  相似文献   

晚清时期,外国资本主义借助国家强力进入中国。与列强的不断冲突使清政府越来越感觉到新式人才的缺乏,发展新式教育逐步成为社会精英和国家的共识。戊戌变法和新政时期,国家的教育政策发生重要转变,由精英教育转变为国民教育。教育政策的转变客观上使国家成为国民教育的积极推动者和办学主体。作为办学主体的国家使用了抽收捐税等各种手段筹措教育经费,这些手段激起了民众的反抗。这可以看作是国家推动社会转型过程中的一种伴生现象。总的说来,晚清的教育转型还是比较成功的。  相似文献   

推动美国民族高等教育发展的动力有四种:一是黑人民权运动,这是争取教育平等权利的民众动力;二是教会对民族高等教育的支持,这是民族高等教育的原始动力;三是各种基金会,这是民族高等教育的经济动力之一;四是联邦和州政府的立法和财政拨款,这是美国民族高等教育发展的行政动力。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,美国高等教育正值发展的黄金时期,但大学校园里却孕育着反叛的情绪,在越南战争和种族问题的激发下,大学生们用各种各样的反抗形式表达对美国社会政治、文化和教育体制的不满,学生运动推动了高等教育体制的改革,促进了校园里多元文化浪潮的兴起,也促使大学思考其自身与政府和社会的关系。  相似文献   

五四运动,声势浩大的始由北京学生掀起,进而波及全国阶层,形成群众爱国运动。商人在这场运动中发挥了不可忽视的作用。本文选取以响应北京学生五四游行最热烈的上海一地,考查了上海商人介入运动的全过程,分析了其所起的作用,以及商人作为一个社会阶层在国家政治生活中所独具的特征。文章认为对商人在五四运动中所起积极方面的作用,固然不能忽略。但亦不能加以夸大。  相似文献   

在洋务运动时期创办的新式学堂,客观上顺应了中国教育近代化发展的潮流,极大地突破了传统教育的藩篱,在中国教育史上留下不可磨灭的印记。通过对洋务运动时期新式学堂创办、发展、特点及作用的分析,可以给我国当前的教育改革提供宝贵的经验和教训,使我国的教育改革更能体现新时代的要求,给我国经济的发展,社会的和谐,起到强大的促进作用!  相似文献   

校园反叛——美国20世纪60年代的学生运动与高等教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪60年代,美国高等教育正值发展的黄金时期,但大学校园里却孕育着反叛的情绪,在越南战争和种族问题的激发下,大学生们用各种各样的反抗形式表达对美国社会政治、文化和教育体制的不满,学生运动推动了高等教育体制的改革,促进了校园里多元文化浪潮的兴起,也促使大学思考其自身与政府和社会的关系。  相似文献   

本研究通过建立基于本科教育区域结构、政治、经济、文化、科技和人口六大因素的联立方程来测量我国研究生教育区域结构外部协调性,同时运用系统动力学的计量方法,预测我国研究生教育区域结构外部协调性的发展趋势,最后构建基于观测样本的统计控制图对不协调程度进行判别。实证研究结果表明:2009年我国研究生教育显著超前于区域经济社会发展的省市有北京、四川、陕西、甘肃、贵州和云南;研究生教育显著滞后于区域经济社会发展的省市有天津、浙江、江西、山东、河南、上海、广东和河北;其他省市未出现显著的不协调状态。从长期来看,我国研究生教育区域结构整体外部协调性将收敛于协调状态。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to offer insight to administrators and human resource professionals at Traditionally White Institutions (TWIs) about developing action plans that provide meaningful support to Black administrators and faculty who are coping with racial trauma. Operationalizing tenets of Critical Race Methodology (CRM), the counter-narratives presented here are drawn from 15 years of unpublished professional and personal communication created by an individual Black faculty and administrator. The lectures, conference presentations, commencement addresses and other ephemera trace the development of battlements and emotional battle scars over the early years of one scholar-activist’s career at TWIs. The calamitous aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is considered in this context both as metaphor and collective psychic wound. As such, it illuminates other instances of vicarious trauma, foreshadows the Movement for Black Lives, and provides a devastating illustration of administrative unpreparedness. Revealing the ramifications of racial trauma can serve to help others who suffer to feel less alone and can provide stakeholders in higher education with valuable knowledge for the sake not only of recruitment and retention, but institutional transformation.  相似文献   

A review of research on US Catholic education reveals that race is not treated as an important area of analysis like class and gender. Black Catholics are rarely studied in education let alone mainstream writings. This article examines the social and educational history of blacks in the US Catholic Church and the dual reality of inclusion and exclusion within a Church and its schools. This paper focuses on the intersection of the Church and Black Catholic schools as enduring institutions of opportunity for Black families and their communities. This paper unearths the shared values, assumptions and beliefs about African American Catholics quest for literacy. The article uses Black Theology as a frame to explain how the intersections of culture, history and religion influence meaning and educational decision-making. African Americans pursued Catholic education for two reasons. First, they sought to be educated which both advanced their individual freedom but vastly improved their community’s economic, social, and political standing. Second, they inserted their own unique cultural and social experiences into Catholic schools which espoused service and academic excellence. Black Catholic schools well-defined values and academic excellence is still viewed by African Americans as places of hope and opportunity for students of color.  相似文献   

通过对新村运动的起源、过程和作用的分析,本文发现,韩国新村运动的本质是教育,而非目前普遍流行的经济之说.作者认为,韩国新村运动作为一场思想教育运动,它对我国的社会主义新农村建设也具有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   

This article begins with a discussion of the implications of CONFINTEA VI having been organised in Brazil ?C the author uses the term ??Brazilian effect?? ?C and the role of social movements challenging neoliberalism. Next, drawing from the experience of Latin America, this paper analyses the counter-hegemonic practice of the new social movements. The concluding section highlights the dilemmas faced by UNESCO in trying to create a democratic and efficient process of policy-making and institutional service in adult education in the nation-states. Furthermore, the proposal of popular education portrayed by the new social movements is described as a tool for empowerment. CONFINTEA VI??s recommendation of moving from rhetoric to action in adult education programmes, practices and policies demands that we take the agendas of the new social movements in the post-neoliberalism era seriously.  相似文献   

To date, very few studies have explored the incidence of motor impairment amongst children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (social, emotional and mental health (SEMH); formerly SEBD in England). Following research that suggests an increase in motor difficulties in young children and adolescents with SEMH difficulties, this study compares profiles of motor ability using the Movement ABC-2 assessment in children attending a specialist SEMH primary school with a typically developing comparison group and children with a diagnosis of developmental coordination disorder. We report an increased prevalence of borderline or clinically significant motor impairment amongst children with SEMH difficulties compared to the comparison group, with 44% of the SEMH special school sample falling within these ranges. We suggest that bearing in mind the increased likelihood for motor impairment is important in SEMH education, as it has likely impact on classroom functioning and ability and motivation to take part in socially and academically relevant activities.  相似文献   

The concept of teacher education (TE) for social justice has limited exploration contexts of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, preservice teachers of color, and physical education teacher education (PETE). To address this lacuna, I sought to explore how social justice manifested within a historically Black PETE program. Using the ethnographic methods of interviews, observations, and artifact analysis, this article emphasizes one of many major themes that emerged from the larger ethnography—caring. Undergirded by a framework of analysis that viewed teaching and learning as highly contextual and social justice as multifaceted, the results of this study indicated that caring is a form of TE for social justice, and that although teacher educators expressed care, it was part of a larger institutional ethos of care.  相似文献   

The negative consequences of school desegregation on Black families, educators, and communities in the US are well documented in education research today. The purpose of this article is to examine the experiential knowledge and wisdom of practice of former Black school superintendents who attended all Black segregated schools and led desegregated school districts. Using critical race theory as a methodological and analytical framework, I seek to advance our understanding of how the positive aspects of valued segregated schools can improve Black education today. Findings include Black superintendent reflections of and calls to action concerning separate and unequal schooling contexts according to the following constituencies: the Black community, the Black parent, the Black teacher, and the Black student. Building on the participant directives for political engagement and community-based activism, I conclude with a discussion about transforming Black education through a political race project aimed to resist educational inequities, advance racial justice, and promote social change in education.  相似文献   

素质教育是一项社会系统工程,单靠学校或教师教育,解决不了实施过程中诸多客观问题,必须有赖于政府统筹协调。政府在促进素质教育发展方面还需要设计和执行更多有效的措施。  相似文献   

作为提高社区全体成员素质与生活质量的社区教育,由于其教育形式的多样性和教育内容的丰富性,需要社区全体成员的支持。社区教育资源的协调统筹是一项关系社区教育成败与走向的关键问题。在协调与统筹的过程中必须遵循互惠互利、公益性和自愿的原则,并注意把学校的作用发挥好,把社会力量办学的积极性调动起来。  相似文献   

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