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教师效能评价,是对教师行为是否具有有效性进行的评价.国内外学者提出了很多用于理解和评价教师效能的评价模型,如教师效能三元模型、区分性教师效能评价模型、多重评价模型和增值评价模型等.这些模型有着各自的优势,同时也存在诸多局限.本文对上述四种评价模型进行了详细介绍及优缺点分析,为建立更科学公正的教师效能评价体系提供了参考.  相似文献   

随着教育评价改革的稳步推进与逐渐深入,教师增值评价对反映学生真实进步和教师实际教学效能、激励教师成长及助推学校变革的重要性日益凸显。教师增值评价的理念从早期的保障评价客观、服务绩效管理,转变为促进教育公平、引导师生全面发展。教师增值评价的建模方法从基于线性回归的简单预测分析、基于方差分析的混合效应分析,逐步发展到融合机器学习的智能算法分析。教师增值评价的实践模式主要分为基于学业成绩的教师个人评价、基于学生素养的教师集体评价以及基于终身发展的全体师生评价。教师增值评价的未来发展趋向包括多元模式、指标融合、数据互联、模型优化、智能平台5个方面。  相似文献   

作为教育评价发展的一个重要领域,增值评价已经在多个国家广泛使用.通过对国内外增值评价项目及增值模型发展的研究发现,共有八类增值模型.根据模型适用的数据结构,分为单学科单群组连续两次测试成绩的模型和多学科多群组两次以上测试成绩的模型.研究结果表明,模型在教师持续效能的假设、适用的数据类型、控制变量的加入、缺失数据分析、学生天资的考虑及分析软件的使用方面有差异,这些差异影响了模型的推广和应用.另外,测试分数的质量、分数等值、控制变量的选择与信效度、数据库的建设都是确保模型准确估计的重要条件.  相似文献   

本文采用国际比较和批判性分析的视角,以教师增值评价为抓手,借鉴美国增值评价的理论和实践探索经验,批判性审思教师增值评价的本质特性、技术边界、应用限度、融合趋势、实施条件等问题,多方位探寻增值评价在中国教育评价体系中的价值路向、技术路向、应用路向、发展路向和实践路向。分析发现,教师增值评价具有以学生成绩增幅结果为依据诊断教师贡献度、以学生成绩增长的因果效应表征狭义“教师效能”、以增值模型为核心技术测度“增值”、以特定年级学科教师为适评对象等本质特征和局限,因此,在充分肯定和最大化发挥其循证导向和技术优势的同时,要避免对其价值的过分夸大和泛化。增值模型在信效度和统计偏误等技术层面依然存在激烈争议和未解难题,应针对性开展国际前沿技术探索,以破立并举的原则实现本土化技术突破与创新。美国教师增值评价政策演进和大量实证研究证明,增值评价结果服务高利害决策存在较高风险,应强化其诊断功能。增值评价与多元评价方法的融合趋势成为国际共识,应以价值多元化为导向,以利益相关主体的多元协商为原则,构建增值评价与多元化测评方法及多样化证据的系统性融合机制。增值评价从理论走向实践,须逐步在全国学生学业成就及进步程度...  相似文献   

利用区域教育质量监控所获得的数据与信息,对区域内各学校的效能进行细致科学的增值评价,不仅有利于从整体上提高教育质量,而且有利于促进教育均衡发展。运用国际上通用的学校效能评价建模方法——多水平模型,对武汉市H区25所中学的学生在初中三年的考试成绩进行了增值分析,并对学校内各个班级以及各个学科教师的增值进行了排名,有效识别出在促进学生进步方面高效能的班级和教师。  相似文献   

教育公平已成为众多教育研究者和政策制定者关注的焦点,增值评价由于其较好地解决了教育公平问题,正日益成为国际教育评价的热点。美国是教师效能增值评价使用最为广泛的国家之一,本文围绕美国教师增值评价的理论研究和实践运用,展现美国教师效能增值评价所取得的显著教育成果,为我国教育评价的改进提供参考建议。  相似文献   

学校评价在教育评价体系中处于核心地位,它直接影响着对教师评价和学生评价的原则以及学校的发展方向。运用增值评价学校效能是当前学校评价研究的重要内容。对河北省保定市普通高中学校效能进行实证研究结果表明60%~80%的高考成绩校际差距都不是学校本身所导致的,在提高学生进步幅度方面,不同学校间存在明显差异。增值评价结果与高考分数评价结果存在较大差异;学校效能在不同学科间没有显著差异;学校对不同学生群体的效能无差异。学校效能的增值评价对于创新学校评价体系具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

教师培养项目(TPP)评价是当代美国助推中小学教师质量提升的重要举措,如何对近2000个TPP项目实施科学评价是关涉美国基础教育质量优劣的关键因素之一。当代美国TPP项目评价的大致运作框架是:在评价原则上关注多样性、多主体与多标准;在评价方式上立足实际、关注全程、分类推进,在评价框架上强调全面性与全程性兼顾。美国TPP项目评价的总体特点不仅注重全面全程性与重点性的结合,而且也突出发展性与效能性。科学推进TPP项目评价是美国当代职前教师教育管理的特点与优势之一。  相似文献   

教师教学方式转变的效能问题是新课程改革以来要求促进教师教学方式转变之后涌现出来的一个根本性、基础性和深层次问题。教师教学方式转变的效能是指师生秉承素质教育精神,并依凭自身的专业技能和学习能力而有效达成教育教学目标和学习目标的程度。它涵括了目标维度、效率维度和质量维度。实行增值评价方法可以真实、科学、全面地反映出教师教学工作业绩和学生学业成就的进步幅度,进而促进教育教学质量的提升。  相似文献   

中小学教师评价是美国当前的一个重要教育话题。高质量的有效教学是提高学生成绩的关键,但目前美国许多学校正在采用的教师评价方式不能甄别出教师间效能的差异。目前有两种主要的改革模式:增值模式和基于标准的评价模式。联邦政府启动大量资金,优先分配给那些愿意改革旧的评价体系、建立新的评价机制的州。联邦政府的这些新政策激励各州建立一种能够鉴别、提高教师效能的全面综合的教师评价体系。  相似文献   

In this study researchers examined the effectiveness of one of the largest teacher education programs located within the largest research-intensive universities within the US. They did this using a value-added model as per current federal educational policy imperatives to assess the measurable effects of teacher education programs on their teacher graduates’ students’ learning and achievement as compared to other teacher education programs. Correlational and group comparisons revealed little to no relationship between value-added scores and teacher education program regardless of subject area or position on the value-added scale. These findings are discussed within the context of several very important data and methodological challenges researchers also made transparent, as also likely common across many efforts to evaluate teacher education programs using value-added approaches. Such transparency and clarity might assist in the creation of more informed value-added practices (and more informed educational policies) surrounding teacher education accountability.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以后,问责制逐步在美国的教师教育中开展起来,这为教师培养的质量提供了保障。到目前为止,美国教师教育问责制先后经历了三种表现形态:基于审核或认证标准的教师教育、未来教师在教师执照考试中的表现、未来教师对儿童学术成就的影响。从这三种形态中可以清晰地看出其两次转型:从输入到输出、从教师到儿童。  相似文献   

Research on teacher productivity, as well as recently developed accountability systems for teachers, relies on “value-added” models to estimate the impact of teachers on student performance. We consider six value-added models that encompass most commonly estimated specifications. We test many of the central assumptions required to derive each of the value-added models from an underlying structural cumulative achievement model and reject nearly all of them. While some of the six popular models produce similar estimates, other specifications yield estimates of teacher productivity and other key parameters that are considerably different.  相似文献   

长期以来在美国公立学校占统治地位的单一工资制近些年来受到了许多批评,随着“增值评估”的出现,影响绩效工资实施的技术障碍似已不复存在,绩效工资制度改革在美国一些地区的公立学校中正深入开展,以激励教师与提高学生成绩为宗旨的绩效工资已经成为美国全面教育改革的重要组成部分。典型案例包括罗蒙内计划、米尔肯家庭基金会的教师提升项目、田纳西州查塔努加的教师奖励方案等。改革目前虽遭受很大的阻力,但受到了两党的支持,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   


This article outlines criteria of acceptability for teacher assessments (credibility, dependability, fairness), the major dimensions of teacher assessment (attributes, behaviours, knowledge), details the methods used by the United States National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, and places a major emphasis on assessment schemes based on teacher effects on the students (value-added models, achievement, quality of learning, and normative reference points). Given that the majority of teachers are acceptably proficient, the major argument for teacher assessment should be to identify and promote excellence, to guide professional development programmes, and to demonstrate to the education/school communities that excellence is present, fostered, and esteemed.  相似文献   

Our intention in this article is to present one institution's efforts to take on program assessment and respond to calls for accountability. To do so, the teacher education program simultaneously sought to address the narrowly defined measures called for by policy makers and politicians, while at the same time broadening and expanding outcomes (such as student learning) and the missions, themes, and values of the teacher education program. The following describes the accountability movement in teacher education and then offers the lessons learned within one program developing a system of assessment within teacher education.  相似文献   

Using statewide data from Florida, we analyze the impact of both pre-service and in-service training on the ability of teachers to promote academic achievement among students with disabilities. We find students with disabilities whose teacher is certified in special education have greater achievement in both math and reading than similar students whose teacher is not special-education certified. However, students without disabilities experience slightly lower achievement when taught by a special-education certified teacher. In-service professional development has no effect on the value-added of teachers in special education courses, but non-disabled students whose regular education teachers received special education training exhibit modestly higher achievement. Similarly, the gain in effectiveness associated with teacher experience is greater for teachers of regular education courses than for teachers of special education courses. Teachers with advanced degrees are more effective in boosting the math achievement of students with disabilities than are those with only a baccalaureate degree.  相似文献   

美国高等教育增值评价模式的兴起与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提升本科教育质量、回应社会问责,一种重新回归学生本位,关注学生成长和发展,评测高等教育为学生带来影响的增值评价运动正在美国大学兴起。增值评价主要测量学生从进入大学到毕业期间所发生的变化,目前可运用直接法、间接法、事后法三种方法来测量。学生的增值是学校教育质量的根本体现,增值评价改变了大学以往过多以"输入"为标准、以经验判断为主要依据的评价模式,构建起了以学习者为中心,以可显现证据为基础,以教育过程、学生学习结果为核心的一套新的教育质量评价体系,是对以往高等教育评估模式的超越,也是美国大学回归大学之道的根本体现。  相似文献   

Leon  Jody  Sue 《Assessing Writing》2008,13(1):45-60
This paper is an examination of statewide district writing achievement gain data from the Nebraska Statewide Writing Assessment system and implications for statewide assessment writing models. The writing assessment program is used to gain compliance with the United States No Child Left Behind Law (NCLB), a federal effort to influence school district assessment and accountability. While the research literature is mixed with some viewing statewide writing assessment as narrowing writing curriculum and “standardizing” writing, others point out that it facilitates sharing between teachers to improve writing and teachers are empowered by their participation in the process.Nebraska's Statewide Writing Assessment, based on the six-trait model, has strong support from teachers regarding their perception of the assessment in supporting teaching practices and student success. Examination of achievement gain data revealed gains in 4th, 8th, and 11th grades in the average number of students rated proficient from one administration of the assessment to the next.Implications for educational practice, recommendations for future research, and relevant related issues (NCLB concerns and measurement issues) are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the value and feasibility of carrying out evaluation research on teacher development and uses as points of reference the author's experiences in two countries, Sri Lanka and Mexico. In Sri Lanka, an evaluation study was designed to understand the effectiveness and costs of teacher development at the elementary level linking teacher preparation with classroom practice and student achievement. The study also evaluated costs and analyzed the possible impact of the results for future policy. The study in Mexico illustrates the challenges of doing evaluation research in an environment dominated by a central state and teacher union politics, and where systemic empirical research on teacher development has been rare. It constituted an initial attempt at looking at the content and the anticipated effects across different approaches to teacher development in Mexico. New calls for greater accountability and better understanding of the reach and limitations of general education worldwide are prompting systems to examine teacher development program effectiveness. In this analytical article, the author discusses strategies and possibilities in the emerging field of teacher development program evaluation.  相似文献   

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