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ANGUS DUFF 《教育心理学》2003,23(2):123-139
This investigation: first, examines some psychometric properties of the scores obtained on a 30 item short form of the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (RASI) using samples of postgraduate management (MBA) students (n=75); second, examines the relationship between scores on the three dimensions of the RASI and background variables of age, gender and prior educational experience; third, tests for any relationship between the background variables and academic performance as measured by four distinct types of assessment; and fourth, examines the relationship between scores on the three dimensions of the RASI and academic performance. No previous published work has examined the approaches to learning of postgraduate business students. Key findings include: the instrument has satisfactory psychometric properties; and scores obtained on the RASI using samples of MBA students are good predictors of academic performance in continuous assessment tasks but poor predictors of performance in examinations and oral presentations.  相似文献   

Using data provided by graduates from 128 MBA programs, we examined the extent to which age, gender, and ethnicity predicted student perceptions of the MBA experience. We found that women and minorities were more likely to see program costs and the availability of financial support as significant factors in their program enrollment decisions than were Caucasian males. The most consistent predictor of students’ perceptions of their educational experience was whether the MBA program was full time or part time, with full‐time programs generally perceived more favorably. Our findings suggest that because diversity measures of age, gender, and ethnicity were not consistent predictors across the different perception areas, at minimum, MBA programs presently do not consistently inhibit diversity. However, given the increasing percentage of women and minorities that comprise the undergraduate population, maintaining the present path in program accessibility may create enrollment problems for MBA programs perhaps in the very near future. Therefore, we conclude with a discussion of the changing demographics in higher education and their potential implications for MBA programs and suggestions for how MBA programs might respond.  相似文献   

The MBA has always aroused controversy in the UK. The background to this and some explanations are presented, together with an analysis of what is perceived by some to be a crisis for MBA provision. Whilst the number of programmes has expanded, demand, particularly for full-time programmes, has weakened due in part to the recent recession. The paper offers explanations of these adjustments and some evidence that the MBA is gradually becoming a standard qualification for senior management. It is argued that what appears a crisis is an overdue adjustment of expectations. Graduation salary premia have declined as the supply of places and graduates has increased. As a consequence, most schools will experience pressures to reduce experience requirements and real fee levels. Increased customer price-consciousness will result in a greater focus on costs for business schools and their faculty. A brief history of the origins and evolution of the MBA in the USA and UK is provided, with an emphasis on the importance of the revised US model of the early 1960s for the subsequent success and upward drift of the MBA. A number of tensions and challenges in MBA provision are identified.  相似文献   

Panel data on MBA graduates is used in an attempt to empirically distinguish between human capital and signaling models of education. The existence of employment observations prior to MBA enrollment allows for the control of unobserved ability or selection into MBA programs (through the use of individual fixed effects). In addition, variation in the amount of pre-MBA work experience allows for a test to distinguish between the models. In particular, a predominant signaling view is shown to predict smaller returns to the degree, the more pre-MBA work experience one has (controlling for total experience). Additionally, a unique feature of the data is that respondents were asked to report skills or abilities gained through their schooling, allowing us to determine the extent to which these purported skills are valued in the labor market. The combined evidence suggests that while human capital accumulation may contribute to the returns to an MBA, the majority of the returns is derived from the signaling/screening function of the degree.  相似文献   

本文介绍了远程MBA教育在美洲、欧洲及亚太地区的发展过程及经验,及其带给我们的启示与思考。  相似文献   

章对英国的MBA教学及其发展过程进行了系统的研究,并对英美两国的MBA教学思想,课程设置和教学方法进行了比较,为在我国施行MBA教学提供了借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Many graduate business programs encourage, and even require, postbaccalaureate work experience as a criterion for program admission. In this research we use data from the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 to examine the extent to which MBA students actually experience a hiatus in their educational careers, and whether their work/education profiles differ from those of other graduate students in the United States. We also address whether this emphasis on educational discontinuity in the formal sense has any effect on how the student progresses through the MBA program. Our results suggest that interrupting school between the BA and MBA leads to a higher likelihood of part-time enrollment, and a consequent lower probability of completing the degree program in a timely fashion.  相似文献   

An earlier paper in this journal has discussed segmentation of the MBA student market, according to demographic criteria, based upon experience at the University of Western Australia. This follow-up paper uses the Western Australia market and particularly the University of Western Australia as a case example of the Australian MBA market. The paper provides an overview of current Australian MBA market conditions and discusses the history, competitive environment, structure, admission policy, tuition and financial aid of the University of Western Australia's MBA program.  相似文献   

Online MBA programs have seen a rapid rise in student enrollments in recent years and institutions of higher education have keen interests in offering quality online MBA programs to meet the demands. The present study reports the results of a case study in which over 100 students enrolled in a top-ranked online MBA program were interviewed and surveyed to investigate their perceptions of the benefits and challenges in online learning and their suggestions for improving the quality of the online MBA program. It was found that virtual teaming was a major factor that influenced the students' online learning experience; they viewed virtual teaming experiences as valuable for preparing them for the increasingly global business environment; at the same time, it also served as a key challenge to their learning in the online environment. Students' suggestions for improving the quality of online MBA program are discussed as well.  相似文献   

In 1992, the writer presented a core MBA subject about strategic management which used experiential learning as the major educational strategy, at an Australian university. At the start and end of the subject, students were surveyed about their preferences for the applied/theoretical orientation and the lecturer/student locus for the subject. This paper's aim is to explore how those preferences changed and why, using quantitative and qualitative information provided by the students. Generally speaking, the subject was well received and matched students’ expectations and ideals on the two dimensions. Moreover, their preferences for experiential learning grew as their experience of it increased through the semester. The experiential methods of case analyses and role plays were especially useful in explaining these preferences. However, the students apparently consider their management development to be more multi‐faceted than the two dimensions would indicate, involving various structures and forms of involvement within a context that is realistic to them. Implications for team learning and learning about experiential learning are developed.  相似文献   

The traditional core Masters in Business Administration (MBA) curriculum consists of a broad range of courses that can be considered as a whole, or divided into qualitative and quantitative courses. Regression models were developed with “QualGPA” and “QuantGPA” as response variables, and gender, pre‐MBA academic indicators, and personality factors (measured by the RightPath6® profile) as the explanatory variables. Results may provide pedagogical insight for faculty teaching increasingly diverse MBA classes. Additionally, there are recruitment implications for those hiring MBA graduates, as well as implications for MBA students in decisions regarding MBA concentrations and subsequent career choices. While gender alone was not a significant variable in any model, gender–personality interactions were significant. Across both course categories, performance tended to be higher for students who were more “Detached” than “Compassionate,” with the exception of females in quantitative courses. Additionally, “Extraversion” and “Reactiveness” significantly enhanced performance among males in qualitative courses, and “Conscientiousness” had a strong positive performance effect among females in quantitative courses.  相似文献   

Concept mapping was used to tap the conceptual disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge of seven biology and six geography teachers with short or long teaching experience. Based on five knowledge structure dimensions, the results were that (1) the disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge of teachers of both biology and geography is quite unsatisfactory; (2) the two types of knowledge did not improve with experience and the latter slightly deteriorated; and (3) the teachers mastered their disciplinary knowledge better than their pedagogical knowledge. The results are discussed in relation to the nature of the instructional activities and the different status of the disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge in teaching.  相似文献   

This paper examines the factors influencing theyield — the proportion of accepted applicants that confirm their intention to attend — in the admissions process for the MBA program of the school of management at a large metropolitan university. A stochastic model of a student's MBA program choice decision is presented. Using the resulting logistic probability model, the authors examine the impact of student traits (both aptitude-related and non-aptitude-related) and program characteristics, known to admissions officials, on the probability of confirmation. The results of the analysis provide a basis for measuring the dimensions of the market for educational services this MBA program provides, suggest a strategic response to this market, and offer a way to measure the profitability of various strategic response options. In particular, the results demonstrate that financial aid awards can increase dramatically the probability of confirmation and that confirmation probabilities are affected significantly by non-aptitude-related student characteristics.  相似文献   

This teaching brief describes an experiential project used in a graduate Principles of Management course for nonbusiness undergraduate students. Groups of four to six first-year MBA students interviewed a seasoned manager online twice over the 8-week course and discussed the applications of course material. Project subtopics included an introduction to management, strategic management, ethics and social responsibility, innovation and change management, international business, organizational structure, authority and job design, human resource management, leadership, and communication, operations management, and business analytics. Students completed a group report and an individual reflection on their experience. Over 92% of graduate students in the class indicated that the project was a positive learning activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between students' prior work experience and subsequent success during the first year in an MBA program. We present a rationale for the use of work experience as a selection criterion (based on the training-readiness literature) but also present another argument (based on the career-stage literature) that counters the prevailing view about the appropriateness of this selection standard. Using data from a unique sample of 230 MBA students and controlling for such factors as the type of undergraduate program attended, undergraduate GPA, and total score on the Graduate Management Admission Test, prior work experience was found to account for only a small proportion of the variance in first-semester grades and was found to be unrelated to academic performance in the second semester. Taking these results and other existing empirical studies into account, there is little support for the view that previous work experience (as assessed by typical admission procedures) leads to higher levels of academic achievement. Implications for admissions policy, hiring companies, and those considering graduate study in business are discussed.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study of a management learning experience by distance education analyses participants' changing conceptions and practices of management using the notions of professional empowerment, integration, odysseys and personal transformation. The study reveals the nature, extent and processes of professional empowerment and personal transformation. It also attempts to illuminate the contribution that the MBA program by distance education and ongoing workplace experience made to the processes of empowerment and perspective transformation. MBA participants are seen to be negotiating different stages of the empowerment/ transformation process. Different stages are seen to demand different empowerment/ transformative strategies, and to contain different forms of barriers to professional empowerment. The sobering possibility of participants experiencing professional disempowerment is highlighted in the study.  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育核心的内容就是建立以学生为主体、以教师为主导、以学生自主学习为中心的教学模式.它具有开放性、灵活性和现代性的特点.如何在工商管理专业课程教学中体现开放教育的这一理念是本文探索的主题.作者主要就自己的工作实践中的一些做法和体会加以归纳和总结,以期与同行们共同交流并有所提高.  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育核心的内容就是建立以学生为主体、以教师为主导、以学生自主学习为中心的教学模式.它具有开放性、灵活性和现代性的特点。如何在工商管理专业课程教学中体现开放教育的这一理念是本文探索的主题。作者主要就自己的工作实践中的一些做法和体会加以归纳和总结,以期与同行们共同交流并有所提高。  相似文献   

China is a growing market for the provision of transnational programs. However, there are many challenges associated with providing good—quality learning opportunities while ensuring cost‐effectiveness, particularly in bilingual programs. This paper describes the experience of business academics teaching a postgraduate MBA program in Mandarin to students located in China. The academics found that their attempts to provide an effective teaching/learning environment while teaching through translators led to many additional challenges, including increased rigidity of teaching processes and difficulties in monitoring learning outcomes. The paper identifies some ways in which staff teaching transnationally might be supported, while also suggesting that teaching across a language divide needs to be carefully considered before universities venture into this complex educational setting.  相似文献   

Factors associated with education, social status, health, and psychological makeup are indicators of life experience and are also associated with quality of life in old age. Do these factors also contribute to a longer life? Data from the Berlin Aging Study (BASE; see Baltes/Mayer 1999), a locally representative sample of men and women aged 70 to 100+, are examined to determine whether status on these dimensions of life experience 1) differs between individuals in the early phase of old age (young old) and individuals who have survived beyond the average life expectancy of this birthcohort (age 85 plus, the so-called Fourth Age), and 2) predicts survival during old age. After controls for age and gender, health, occupational status and psychological functioning predicted survival. In general, long-lived individuals in present cohorts of the Fourth Age compared with those in the Third Age have lower education, lower occupational status at retirement, poorer health status, and lower levels of psychological functioning. Future studies should address the effects of various dimensions of life experience in different phases of the life course to determine the paths through which experience influences individual differences in the rate of aging and age at death in old age.  相似文献   

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