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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
A:The weather is getting w arm,isn tit,LiH ua?李华,天气变暖了,是吗?B:Y es,I think so.对,是这样。A:The winter of this year is bitter-ly cold!今年的冬季特别寒冷!B:W ell,I do agree with you.是的,我同意你的看法。A:W hich season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?B:Ilike spring and sum m er.The daysare long and the nights are short.我喜欢春季与夏季。那时,日长夜短。A:I don tlike autum n and winter.The sun rises late and sets early.我不喜欢秋季与冬季,那时,日出晚,日落早。B:Its a fine day,isn tit…  相似文献   

Oh,the sky and the sea are beautiful tonight.The sky and the sea are blue and very bright!痧There are stars in the sky. There iS an island in the sea. There is a moon in the sky and it is shining over me. Oh,the sky and the sea are beautiful tonight. The sky and the sea are blue and very bright!函Tonight the moonlight is shining on the waves in the sea- Oh,no! A wave is rising and falling over me! Oh,the sky and the sea are beautiful tonight. The sky and the sea are blue and very bright!奋…  相似文献   

If you are on duty todayA:Stand up!B:Good morning,class!A:(and all the students)Good morning,teacher!B:Sit down,please.Who is on duty today?A:I am.  相似文献   

根据图画内容补全下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:W hats under the bed?B:There are.A:are they?B:They are m ine.2.A:W here is the bag?B:Its the.A:Is it?B:N o,itisn tm ine.Its his.3.A :W hats he doing? B :H e is . 4.A :H ow m any cats are there in her hands? B : . 5.A :W hich are LiH ua and Y iLa in? B :They are in Class O ne. A :W hich row are they in? B :They re in . 6.A :W hat are they doing? B :They re watching . A :A re they the sam e row? B : , .7.A :W here is the book? B :Its t…  相似文献   

1 my fingers are all thumbs笨手笨脚A:Hi,Jenny can you come and lend me a hand? B:Sure.What is it? A:I can't tie up the ribbon round the parcel.You know my fingers are all thumbs. B:OK.Let me help you. A:喂,珍妮!你能过来帮我一下吗? B:当然可以。什么事? A:你知道我笨手笨脚的,怎么也不能把绸带绑在包裹上。  相似文献   

What is pink?A rose is pinkBy the fountain’s brink.What is red?A poppy’s redIn its barley bed.What is blue?The sky is blueWhere the clouds float thro’.What is white?A swan is whiteSailing in the light.What is yellow?Pears are yellow,Rich and ripe and m…  相似文献   

Color crossword     
Across 4. What color are violets?8. Look how the grass andleaves are!9. This is the color of sown.10. Penguins are white and .Across4. What color are violets?8. Look how the grass andleaves are!9. This is the color of sown.10. Penguins are white and .Languagetips 语言贴士Violet ['vai!lit] n. 紫罗兰Penguin ['pe"gwin] n. 企鹅 Down1. The sunflower is bright .2. This color is also a name of afruit.3. Many bears are this color.5. The sky is as as youreyes.6. Look at the fire engine.7. This is…  相似文献   

一沁 《英语辅导》2016,(5):58-59
Waiter and Customer A customer ordered a cup of coffee in a restaurant.He found a fly in the coffee,so he called the waiter. Customer:How do I drink this coffee! Waiter:Don't you know how to drink coffee? Customer:Waiter,see,there is a fly in my coffee. Waiter:Oh,yes sir.You are right! There is a fly in your coffee.  相似文献   

<正>教学过程Step 1. Leading-in(略)Step 2. Pre-reading1.Look and say T:What’s in the jungle?S1:There are some birds.T:How many birds are there?S1:There are five birds.T:Yes. Two birds and three chicks.T:How is the jungle?S2:It’s big and nice.S3:The jungle is beautiful.The grass is green and the sky is blue.T:How are the animals?S4:They are very happy.  相似文献   

A Happy Saturday     
It's a fine Saturday morning. The sky is blue and the sun is bright. Today my parents are free, and I don't go to school. So we go to the park together. There are many people in the park. Look! Some boys are playing games some girls are flying kites. A …  相似文献   

At nightfall, the clouds are colorful: red, yellow, purple and golden. I lie on a couch and enjoy the clouds. Look! A cloud is coming. It looks like a white rabbit. There is a basket in its left hand. It is putting a big mushroom into its basket.  相似文献   

The Weather Report Sandy:it 1 Saturday tomorrow.What 2 ? Sue:let’s ask Mum. Mother:We’re going to the seaside.We 3 in the sea. Sue:Hooray(好哇)! Father:Let’s 4 the weather report first. 5 the television 6 ,Sue. Television: Here is the weather report 7 .It 8 in the north and it’s going to 9 in the south. Sandy:Oh! Sue:No. Mother:Never mind, 10 . Father:We can go to the cinema instead (代替). ( )1.A. can be B.is C.is going to be D.are ( )2.A.are you going to do B.do you do C.are…  相似文献   

What is pink? A rose is pink. By the fountain's brink.What is blue?The sky is blue. Where the clouds float thro.What is white? A swan is white. Sailing in the light.What is yellow? Pears are yellow. Rice,ripe and mello.What is green?The grass is green.With small flowers between.  相似文献   

Children’s Day is June 1st. The day is for every child, it is the happiest day for the children _________________________ (世界各地).They can _____(跳舞), _____(唱歌), __________ (玩游戏) and go to the_____(动物园). Dear friends, what are you going to do and where are you going? 小飞象: Hello! What are you doing? : We’re rehearsing a play(排练话剧) for Children’sDay. : Yes. It’s very interesting. Do you have any plans? 小飞象: Oh! I’m practicing a song for that day. Happy Party 儿童…  相似文献   

A Joke     
Two women,the dog owners,are arguing about whose dog is smarter…The first woman: My dog is so smart,every morning he waits for the paper boy to come around and then he takes the newspaper to me.The second woman:I know.The first woman:How?The second woman:My dog told me.A Joke!山东@段惠彬…  相似文献   

A Hi,boys and girls.Have a look at Zig Zag’s Clothes Shop.We have black and blue hats for $15.The blue sweater is $33 and the red sweater is $30.The yellow shorts are also $30 and the green shorts are on sale for $25!  相似文献   

How much is it?【情景对话】A:Good morning!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a radio.Can you give me the blue one to have a look?A:Here you are.I think this is a nice one.B:How much is it?A:It’s 200 yuan.  相似文献   

Mr Li:When it thunders,we see thelightning first,then hear the thunder.Why?Tony:Because our eyes are beforeears.李老师:打雷时我们总是先看到闪电,后听到雷声。这是为什么?托尼:因为我们的眼睛在前,耳朵在后啊!Miss Zhang:Look at the two birds.One is a swallow,and the other is asparrow.Who can tell us which is which?Mary:The swallow is beside thesparrow and the sparrow is beside theswallow.张老师:瞧这两只鸟,一只是燕子,另一只是麻雀。谁能告诉大家哪只是燕子,哪只是麻雀?玛丽:麻雀旁边的是燕子,燕子旁边的…  相似文献   

Lady First A teacher asked her class:"Is the sen- tence'The ox and the cow are in the fields'correct?" Most of the children said:"Yes,it is all right!" And only one little boy said:"No,it is not correct.The lady must be mentioned first."  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=dentist;B=patient)A:Hello,I'm Dr.Johnson.Please have a seat.How can I help you?B:I think the growth of my wisdom tooth is affecting the neighbouringtooth,and I'm feeling a lot of discomfort.A:When does the pain occUr?Is it only when you are eating or practi-  相似文献   

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