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俄国东正教会对沙皇政权依附关系的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10世纪末叶,东正教从拜占廷帝国传入基辅罗斯,后来又传播到罗斯全境,成了罗斯国家的国教。从拜占廷传入罗斯国家的东正教,最初是依附于君上坦丁堡牧首公署的。15世纪中叶以后随着俄罗斯国家力量的强大,它又直接依附于沙皇政府,成为沙皇俄国封建统治的驯服工具。本文就东正教传入俄国及其所处地位的变化过程作一分析,以就正于学界同好。一、东正教传入基辅罗斯在接受东正教以前,东斯拉夫人是信奉多神教的。东正教传入罗斯地区有个历史过程。  相似文献   

在世界文明体系中,基辅罗斯选择东正教的历史往往被置于拜占庭文明光环之下,而忽视了此过程中的主动性因素。长期扩张过程中的实力汇聚及在与拜占庭贸易和战争关系中的实力呈现,是基辅罗斯主动性选择的基础,主要表现是基辅罗斯从多种宗教并存的情况下选择东正教并使之日渐罗斯化,同时,在这一过程中始终伴随着基辅罗斯统治者维持社会稳定、统一和扩张的需要。  相似文献   

基辅罗斯的兴衰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基辅罗斯的兴衰曹维安一、基辅罗斯国家的建立基辅罗斯是由诺曼人建立的、以东斯拉夫人为主体的国家。像西欧的日耳曼人一样,从公元6世纪初起,东欧的斯拉夫人也加入了民族大迁徙的行列,向拜占廷帝国进攻。战争持续了一百多年,最后拜占廷联合多瑙河中游的阿瓦尔人才打...  相似文献   

基辅罗斯史前史新探[苏]雷巴科夫著侯忠武译1.罗斯(按学术术语,系基辅罗斯)国家的形成,是在前此两三千年间在斯拉夫人土地上经历过的长期的,多种多样的潜在过程的结果。遗憾的是,对俄罗斯国家产生的一些主要概念所研究和考察的不是这些深刻过程本身,而只是到9...  相似文献   

九世纪在东欧出现的以基辅为中心的古罗斯国家,不但包括许多东斯拉夫人的部落,也包括一些非斯拉夫人的部落,如维西人、楚得人、瓦兰吉亚人等。一关于基辅罗斯国家如何形成的问题,最早的说法是所谓“诺曼起源论”,主张基辅罗斯国家是通过诺曼人的征服形成的。这个学说是十八世纪在俄国充任官吏的德国人T.S.贝耶(Bayer),G.F.米勒(Muller),A.L.施洛塞(schlozer)等提出的。贝耶于1926年出版《俄罗斯的起源》,此书是最早研究基辅罗斯国家形成的著作;这些德国学者主要是根  相似文献   

11-12世纪,拜占廷国内外危机加剧,为应付本国危机,加强了对基辅罗斯外交和宗教控制,尤其在宗教方面,基辅罗斯成为拜占廷直接管辖下的一个省级都主教区,与拜占廷国内其它省级都主教区并列。基辅罗斯分裂成若干小公国,也给拜占廷插手本国内政提供机会。两国传统的商业贸易因商路被切断而日益衰落。  相似文献   

俄罗斯独特的法律文化深受拜占庭东正教的影响。东正教与天主教、新教并称为基督教的三大派系,10世纪末传入罗斯并被立为国教。它不仅是一种宗教价值标准,也是文明的重要组成部分。在影响俄罗斯法律发展的诸多要素中,东正教的影响不仅触及制度层面,也触及于价值层面。20世纪80年代末苏联东正教复兴,在国家转轨的过程中显示出巨大的力量,对现代俄罗斯法治国家的实践发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

俄罗斯古称基辅罗斯或罗斯,我国自清朝康熙年问根据蒙古人的读音“斡罗斯”翻译成“俄罗斯”,一直沿用至今。基辅罗斯是谁建立的?是诺曼人还是斯拉夫人?在俄罗斯历史上,这个问题长期以来在学术界和思想界存在着争议。从18世纪开始,争论中提出的每一种观点无不与民族情感、阶级立场和特定的政治背景相关联。  相似文献   

俞天颖 《科技文萃》2005,(9):152-155
斯人已逝,基业长存.根据天主教教义,教皇是位居耶稣十二大弟子之首的圣徒彼得的后继者,因此对整个天主教会拥有信仰、道德、纪律和行政上的最高权力,这就是所谓的教皇至上.无上的权力和终身任职(只有异端罪可以罢黜)使这个职位具有极大的吸引力.再者,教皇可以借助各地教会势力影响欧洲封建国家的政治,因此这一职位的空缺,又会引起中世纪欧洲各大君主国的重视,谁都希望寻找一个亲近自己的新人就位.凡此种种,1000多年来围绕新教皇选举的明争暗斗几乎从未停歇.  相似文献   

天主教是基督教的三大教派之一,它有一套等级森严的教阶制度。教皇自称是“基督在世的代表,”对世界天主教会拥有最高的管理权。他由世界各地的枢机主教《也称红衣主教》选举产生,任职终身。枢机主教由教皇任命,担任罗马教廷和各国教会的重要职务。天主教势力较大的国家中有首席主教,作为该国天主教的首脑。其他神职人员有:“祝圣”总主教,负责监督各级神职人员行使职权和批准主  相似文献   

拜占廷帝国末期,为换取西方的军事援助,拜占廷皇帝多次向罗马教皇提出东西方教会合并。但由于拜占廷与西方存在着严重的宗教矛盾和民族矛盾,加上教皇权威下降等因素,东西方教会合并难以付诸实践。同时,在教会合并问题上的分歧还加剧了拜占廷帝国内部的社会分化。  相似文献   

由于英语词汇的多义性,《英国文学通史》的一个编著者把英国诗人“蒲柏”当成了罗马“教皇”,结果铸成大错。究其原因,在于编著者对词汇的多义性、符号的多指性认识不足。因此,充分了解词汇的多义性,充分利用词汇、语法等多方面的知识是避免误译的有效途径。  相似文献   


This article examines the 2013 apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium by Pope Francis in terms of its significance for addressing LGBT?+?issues in Catholic learning environments. Using the 10 capabilities necessary for human flourishing as outlined by Martha Nussbaum in her capability approach to civil society and questions of social justice, I argue that the implications of Evangelii Gaudium for Catholic learning environments are significant and provide necessary guidance for addressing LGBT?+?social justice issues where these issues have often been ignored or insufficiently addressed. In Evangelii Gaudium Pope Francis is challenging the global community of Catholics to consider what kind of society the Church is producing, and I argue that a capabilities approach provides a fruitful way in which to consider and respond to this challenge. Although written with Catholicism in mind, the challenges presented by Pope Francis are pertinent for consideration by other faith communities and educators more generally.  相似文献   

12世纪中期以来,西欧各地天主教异端如火如荼的传播,严重挑战罗马教廷的统治权威,更成为教皇英诺森三世实现教权至上理想的巨大障碍,酝酿已久的阿尔比圣战终于在1209年秋季拉开帷幕。法国南部奥克西坦错综复杂的领地关系、分散的政治权力,使得各方领主都觊觎这里的领土,这场圣战随即演变为一场领地争夺战,战争的神圣光环泯灭在世俗争夺与血腥屠戮中。阿尔比十字军开启欧洲历史上大规模宗教迫害的先例,掀开西欧历史悲剧性的一页。战争彻底改变了法国南部的政治格局,尽管表面上看,天主教会巩固了地位,强化了统治。但战争导致的法国对南部地区的实际控制,从根本上削弱了教会的影响。教皇在处理宗教纠纷中对法国王权的依赖,最终导致阿维农之囚的悲剧。  相似文献   


Regardless of what method is chosen for formal religious education, the fundamental principle of all catechetical activity in the Catholic Church is fidelity to the Word of God and the concrete needs of the faithful. This article will argue, however, that fidelity to the Word of God falls short of the requirements of the Catholic Church in the three religious education curriculum schemes that dominate current religious education in Australia and England and Wales. Utilising a set of ‘best practice’ principles drawn from documents of the Catholic Church and developed by the author in an unpublished doctoral thesis this article identifies and describes practices which misrepresent and distort Scripture. In its own terms, good hermeneutics should be a priority for Catholic religious education. This article reveals significant hermeneutical problems with prominent Catholic religious education programmes in three countries.  相似文献   

17~18世纪中国的外交政策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
17~18世纪中国与英国、俄国、荷兰、葡萄牙、基督教和罗马教皇、亚洲邻国都有较密切的关系。中国当时外交政策的特点是:捍卫中国的国家主权和领土完整;不对任何外国进行侵略扩张;抗击任何外国对中国的侵略;维护中国的政治经济体制和法律原则;和世界各国建立柔远睦邻的友好关系。这一外交政策在当时的世界上独放异彩。与对外侵略扩张的西方殖民主义国家的外交比较,中国外交有进步性,也有落后性。  相似文献   

Roman Catholic schools represent an important sector in Hong Kong's education system, both in terms of number and historical significance. As in many colonies in other periods of history, the Roman Catholic Church, in addition to other Christian Churches, had a partnership relationship with the colonial government in the provision of education in Hong Kong. Was there any change in this relationship during the political transition to 1997? Did the prospective return of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China (PRC) affect Catholic educational policies? This article examines these two questions in relation to the experience of other places in the world and in relation to the special nature of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, namely its link with the Vatican and its relations with China where Church schools no longer exist.  相似文献   

The initial focus of this research centred on a study of the extent to which government legislation and action since 1965 has threatened or eroded the Catholic Church's influence over its schools within the maintained sector [1]. However, it became clear that this focus was based on the assumption that the Catholic Church in England and Wales had a clear set of educational principles which were not only distinct from those of the state but involved different policy outcomes. Moreover, during the course of the study, evidence emerged which indicated that the Church had not given as much attention to the principles underlying its educational policy as it had to the maintenance and numerical expansion of the schools themselves. It was also realised that the nature of Catholic education cannot be determined solely by examining the Church's official documents. Whilst official Church pronouncements indicate what Catholic education ought to be, they may not correspond to a reality of what a particular Catholic community has made of Catholic education. Therefore, this paper examines some of the beliefs and attitudes of a sample of Catholics involved in Catholic schooling.  相似文献   

顺治康熙年间,天主教陆续传入东北。雍正乾隆年间清朝政府把天主教归入邪教,严厉禁止。第二次鸦片战争以后,西方列强攫取了中国内地传教权,从此教案不断,其中"还堂"纠纷往往成为导火索。本文所述牛庄"还堂案",是同期全国众多"还堂案"中比较典型的一个,通过对此案的梳理和分析,我们会对第二次鸦片战争前后天主教传入东北的情况和特点有个大略的认识。  相似文献   

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