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尼尔是20世纪英国的自由主义教育家.在夏山学校的教育实践过程中,尼尔发展并完善了其自由主义教育思想.尼尔对自由主义教育内涵的探讨可从"生命"与"自由"两个要素进行解读:性善与爱、自发向善和情感与理智并重是尼尔对于"生命"的基本认识,而自由即摒弃权威和自由并非放任构成了尼尔对于"自由"涵义的理解.若把握这些要义,则有助于深入、准确地把握尼尔自由主义教育思想的精髓.  相似文献   

尼尔自由教育思想的主要特色包括五个方面的内容,即以"让学校适应学生,而不是让学生适应学校"为办学宗旨,以"培养自由快乐的人"为教育目的,以"给学生权利,让学生民主自治"为管理方式,探索适当的教学方式,培养学生的创新精神,关注"性"教育,引导学生健康发展。他的自由教育思想对我国"问题儿童"的教育产生了诸多有益的启示。  相似文献   

刘徽 《现代教学》2007,(9):61-63
尼尔是20世纪最伟大的教育实践家之一,也是誉满全球的夏山学校的创始人。夏山学校是尼尔干1921年在英国的里斯顿萨佛克所创立的一所实验性质的小学及初中寄宿学校,是现代教育史上最著名的学校之一,被誉为“最富人性化的快乐学校”。夏山最核心的办学理念是让孩子们自由发展。尼尔认为:“让学校适应学生,而不是让学生适应学校。”他用60年的时间,在夏山学校实践了这个突破传统教育观念的理想。在《夏山学校》一书中,尼尔如实地记录了夏山学校的办学理念、具体做法以及经验教训。[编者按]  相似文献   

“问题学生”是学校教育不可忽视的重点对象,从心理咨询与治疗的一些视角来认识“问题学生”,会有一些新的认识:“问题”是学生人生发展所必需的,“问题学生”的标准是发展的,“问题学生”自身也是有潜力的,“问题学生”有自己独特的主观世界。而在传统的基于已有“理论假设”而进行的教育转化也存在一定的不足:“理论假设”是理解普遍性问题的;“理论假设”实施者的过分效忠;改变学生,以适应已有理论假设。基于“问题学生”主观框架的转化思路为:调整转化过程,以适应问题学生的资源;调适转化关系;调适转化,使之适应问题学生的改变理论。  相似文献   

教育家尼尔较早地认识到情感教育的重要性,并坚信孩子的天性是善良的,用爱和赞许肯定孩子,充分发挥学生的天赋,鼓励学生追求幸福,寻找兴趣,自由快乐地成长,培养学生的健全人格。当今中国学校教育,过于注重书本知识,忽视情感的沟通与交流。探究尼尔情感教育实践对我国当前中小学实施情感教育具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

夏山学校是尼尔将自由主义教育思想运用于"问题儿童"康复探索的重要园地。在自由主义教育"爱"、"民主"与"自由"观念的指引下,夏山学校形成了别具特色的教育方式,实现了尼尔还"问题儿童"以健康生活的教育追求。  相似文献   

英国教育家尼尔以“激进”著称的教育理念建立在其自由主义教育哲学基础之上。尼尔秉承卢梭的自然主义教育观,相信儿童善良的天性和主动的求知欲,主张以关爱的态度帮助儿童自由发展,而不是以成人世界的观念去改造儿童。他重视人生的幸福更甚于书本知识的灌输。在其创办的夏山学校中,民主的学校管理与平等的师生关系是最显著的特色。他的教育思...  相似文献   

英国夏山学校以“让学校适应学生”为宗旨,坚持不懈地对学生进行自由教育及学生自治的实验,在世界教育实验史留下了精彩的篇章。本文试图对这一独特的教育实验进行梳理,并阐述其对当代教育的影响与启示。  相似文献   

吴婵 《中国教师》2012,(14):78-80
<正>"对于是否上课,学生们拥有完全的自由。他们可以选择上课,也可以选择不上课,如果愿意,他们甚至可以完全不上课……"对于习惯了当今教育体制的人们而言,可能不会相信世界上竟然存在着这种令人难以置信的学校。而这样的学校并非是天方夜谭,它真真切切地存在着。夏山学校(Summerhill School)的创办者尼尔(A.S.Neill)和他的第一任妻子从最开始就认为:"应该让学校来适应孩子,而不是让孩子去适应学校,因为自由发展才是教育的终极理想。"1921年夏山学校创立于英国萨福克郡(Suffolk)的一个小镇莱斯顿镇(Leiston),是一所私立的寄宿制学校。学校规模不大,最初只有几十个学生,时至今日也只接纳百余名学生。但它却是进步主义民主教育的典  相似文献   

英国夏山学校以“让学校适应学生”为宗旨,坚持不懈地对学生进行自由教育及学生自治的实验,在世界教育实验史留下了精彩的篇章。本文试图对这一独特的教育实验进行梳理,并阐述其对当代教育的影响与启示。  相似文献   

This paper explores distance education as social practice by drawing on theories of communication and sociolinguistics. Language is fundamental to all social situations including open and distance educational contexts. It is through language that teachers construct texts which indicate student learning intentions; and it is through language that students reconstruct these intended meanings and give expression to them.

The paper argues that success as an open or distance education teacher or student is dependent on expertise in the linguistic demands of the educational context. Though some of these demands are common with traditional forms of education, open and distance contexts add another level of complexity. In particular, the paper advocates a consideration of discourses as fundamental.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary school pre-service teachers’ understanding of photosynthesis and to examine if a refutational text can support understanding of photosynthesis better than a non-refutational text. A total of 91 elementary school pre-service teachers read either a refutational or a non-refutational text concerning photosynthesis and then answered open-ended questions. Our results indicate that there are critical problems associated with student teachers learning about the process of photosynthesis, even after it has been systematically taught in teacher education. However, the results positively indicate that refutational science texts seem to foster effective conceptual change among student teachers. The results interestingly showed that students who read a refutational text improved their systemic and factual understanding of photosynthesis more than did those who read a non-refutational text. Especially students who had naïve prior understanding regarding photosynthesis benefitted more from a refutational text. Thus, a refutational text may act as an effective facilitator of conceptual change. These results have implications for teacher education, where conceptual mastery of the most important science phenomena, such as photosynthesis, should be achieved. A refutational text is an easy and effective way to support conceptual change in higher education. Thus, this study highlights the importance of domain-specific science education in teacher programmes.  相似文献   

张华 《现代教育论丛》2007,(6):78-83,86
开展生本教育下的大语文教学的实践与研究,有必要在思想观念上有个整体的认识和把握。为此,笔者参照生本教育理论,考查语文教育的历史和现状,做出了一些分析和思考,提出了生本教育下的大语文教学的思想框架,概括成为"一二三四五",即一个目标的把握、两个理论的结合、三个观念的运用、四个课堂的构建和五个关系的处理。  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of the demand for higher education   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
This article analyses the plans of a sample of 7425 secondary school children in Greece regarding their demand for further education. A set of family, personal, geographical and school characteristics are related by means of multivariate analysis to the pupil's decision to continue or not his/her studies and to the particular institution of higher education he/she aspired entry. The maximum likelihood estimates of the yes-no pupil decision indicate the dominance of school grade as a key variable affecting plans for further study. An educational production function revealed in turn that it is mainly parents' education that relates to scholastic achievement. The article also contains empirical estimates of the relative strength of several family and school factors affecting self-selection which may make the results useful to policy makers who attempt to influence the social demand for post-secondary education.  相似文献   

This article reports on an investigation of student teachers’ learning about education for sustainable development (ESD). Phenomenographic data were collected using open proformas and interviews from student geography teachers taking the University of Oxford Post‐Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in 2003–2004. The data analysis focuses on what the cohort of student teachers perceived as their learning about ESD and the sources that contribute to it. Extracts from the data illustrate their conceptions of subject matter, regarding the relevance of sustainable development for school students, its complex and contested meanings, and the challenges it presents for learning and learners. Data on conceptions of pedagogy illustrate their depth of learning about the relationship between ESD subject matter and approaches and strategies in teaching and learning, and features of pedagogy that illustrate interactive teaching strategies. Various school and university‐based sources were identified by the student teachers as leading to specific aspects of learning about ESD, although many of the accounts illustrate a combination of sources. Implications of the findings for teacher education and research in ESD are also discussed.  相似文献   

从陶行知"生活即教育"的内涵看当前幼儿园教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“生活即教育”是陶行知教育理论的基本命题之一,反映出其对于生活和教育关系问题的认识。本文通过对“生活即教育”内涵的探讨,阐明了其与“社会即学校”以及“教学做合一”两个命题之间的关系,分析了当前幼儿园教育实践中普遍存在的问题,从而提出了以幼儿的生活作为教育的基础和坚持活动原则的观点。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to reconsider and explore the ontoepistemology of student engagement in higher education as part of a democratic education, going beyond neo-liberal groundings. This is urgent as the concept of student engagement seems to be taken for granted and used uncritically in higher education. In addition, higher education is affected by, and under pressure from, different global and societal forces, which raises questions about the purpose of education. In our exploration, we mainly draw on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and his co-writers Felix Guattari and Claire Parnet, but also Karen Barad and writers who are inspired by these theories. We present four arguments on which we elaborate: (1) Rethinking power relations, (2) Questioning linearity and how to use goals, (3) Appreciating pedagogical relationships as multiple voices and becoming-multiple-others, and (4) Considering assemblages, rhizomes and lines in student engagement. These arguments open up, as we argue, the possibility of rhizomatic thinking about learning in higher education where multiplicities, otherness and the unpredictable are appreciated. In addition, we regard the exploration of assemblages that are intercorporeal, affective and entangled as something powerful when reconsidering student engagement as part of democratic education.  相似文献   

In this article our focus is on the persistent gendered divisions in educational routes of young people who choose a vocational path after compulsory education in Finland. We analyse how gendered subjectivities are constructed within the practices of educational and vocational guidance and within student cultures in the comprehensive school, as well as the way in which young people process understandings of themselves and their expectations during and after vocational education. In addition, we explore young people's ways to negotiate with disciplinary practices of the educational system. The paper draws on three ethnographic studies, and on feminist post-structural and materialist theories, intertwined with contextualised ethnographic perspectives. Our analysis reveals some patterns that might work as obstacles in the process towards reducing gender segregation in education and the labour market. We suggest that whilst gendered choices are sometimes taken for granted, gender dichotomy is often emphasised even if young people choose ‘differently’.  相似文献   

Concern is increasingly being expressed about the teaching of higher order thinking skills in schools and the levels of understanding of scientific concepts by students. Metaphors for the improvement of science education have included science as exploration and science as process skills for experimentation. As a result of a series of studies on how children relate evidence to their theories or beliefs, Kuhn (1993a) has suggested that changing the metaphor to science as argument may be a fruitful way to increase the development of higher order thinking skills and understanding in science instruction. This report is of a case study into the coordination of evidence and theories by a grade 7 primary school student. This student was not able to coordinate these elements in a way that would enable her to rationally consider evidence in relation to her theories. It appeared that the thinking skills associated with science as argument were similar for her in different domains of knowledge and context. Specializations: science learning, scientific reasoning, learning environments, science teacher education. Specializations: cognition, reasoning in science and mathermatics.  相似文献   

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