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截止一九八一年一月一日,苏联的总人口为26,660万人,其中接受各种教育的人口约1亿多。苏联的学前保育教养机关,分常设性和季节性两种,据统计全国共有117,584所,常设性学前保育教养机关共容纳1,400万学前儿童,季节性保育教养机关接纳470万学前儿童。另外,苏联城市儿童的入园率为50%,农村儿童占25%。  相似文献   

赵君陶担任院长的战时儿童保育会直属第三保育院,是随着抗日战争的爆发,在出现大批难童的背景下孕育而生的,是充满爱与责任、集收容与教养为一体的机构。赵君陶担任了教师、慈母和女工三位一体的角色,创造性地提出了教养结合、保育相兼的保育工作方针。在当时的工作中,赵君陶注重教育形式和内容的统一,采用因人施教的教育方法,实现了通过保育工作使每个儿童成为创造未来幸福社会一分子的保育目标。  相似文献   

略述少数民族家庭的抚幼传统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
少数民族家庭教育主要承担了对幼儿教育的重任,传统谚语和格言、胎教意识与保胎习俗、婴幼儿保育条件与保育方式,以及对婴幼儿的教养态度和教育方式等,对日后儿童的成长教育有着重要的影响  相似文献   

依法办教育是一个国家文明进步的标志。1976年朝鲜最高人民会议第六次会议上通过的《儿童保育教养法》,使朝鲜的托幼工作在教育性质、儿童的培养目标、托幼教育机构的任务、保育教养内容及师资要求、设备提供、管理运作等方面都得到了法律上的保证;同时,也使全国人民从思想上明确了自己对于“国家之王”——孩子们所应尽的义务,从而在实际工作中扎扎实实地发展学前教育。  相似文献   

自1946年3月8日朝鲜在平壤创建第一个婴幼儿保育教养设施一“3.8”托儿所以来,经过半个世纪的发展、改革、完善,目前,朝鲜已有托儿所36000余个、幼儿园24000余个,有350万婴幼儿和学龄前儿童在这里接受由国家社会负担的免费的保育教养和一年制学前义务教育。随着女性的就业率不断增加,对托儿所、幼儿园的需求不仅在数量上、而且在质量上以及类别上都提出了更高要求,为此,朝鲜政府动员整个社会和广大群众关注保育教养设施的建设与发展,除因地制宜地、具有特色地建设不同类型的托儿所、幼儿园之外,在物资保障、食品供应、财政支援、…  相似文献   

朝鲜政府一贯重视儿童和儿童的教育事业。把儿童称为“国家之王”,是“世世代代干革命的我国革命事业的接班人”。把托儿所、幼儿园阶段的教育,视为“教育人的第一道工序”,是关系到革命前途的重大事业。在1976年4月颁布的《儿童保育教养法》中规定:很好地抚养和正确地教育儿童,是关系到革命前途的一项责任重大的工  相似文献   

祖父母教养与孙子女情绪适应关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究选取了1026名小学三年儿童及其祖辈进行调查,考察祖父母教养与儿童情绪适应的关系。结果表明,祖父母对儿童所实施的教养类型因祖父母的性别、年龄及其与儿童血缘关系的不同而不同,祖母更多的是对儿童采取指导型和溺爱型的教养方式;祖父更多的是对儿童采取忽视型和专制型的教养方式。母系祖父母更多的是对儿童采取溺爱型和忽视型教养方式,父系祖父母更多的是采用专制型的教养方式。祖父母教养中的养育因子可以显著负向预测儿童的孤独感;祖父母教养中的心理压力因子可以显著正向预测儿童的孤独和抑郁倾向。  相似文献   

去年十月,我有幸作为中国幼儿艺术教育访问团的一员,到友好邻邦朝鲜参观访问了十余天,感触颇多。“孩子是国家之王”朝鲜人把孩子称作国家之王,为了确保这“王”的地位,国家在1976年4月第五届最高人民会议上通过了《朝鲜民主主义人民共和国儿童保育教养法》。  相似文献   

中国古代儿童保育思想中有诸多值得现代借鉴的合理成分,主要包括:关爱儿童成长的慈幼观念,注重外象内感的胎教理论,注重惜爱有度的保育态度和重视体育锻炼的儿童保健观。古代保育思想为现代保育工作提供了新的启示:家庭保育应秉承惜爱有度的养护态度,幼儿园应加强其保育工作的科学性和示范性,政府应加强儿童保育工作的管理。  相似文献   

特殊儿童的生活满意度普遍低于正常儿童。家庭教养和社会公众支持作为儿童社会系统的两个重要组成部分,对特殊儿童生活的满意度具有显著的影响。特殊机构福利组织教养可以弥补家庭教养的弊端,并且提高社会公众支持水平。要提高特殊儿童的生活满意度,特殊儿童的教养方式应由家庭教养向社会福利机构教养转变。  相似文献   

受西方儿童观的影响,儿童文学观的价值取向也经历了一个从忽视儿童到发现儿童的过程,在儿童被“发现”之后,又经历了从成人“俯视”儿童、成人单向传递转变为成人与儿童平等对话交流、儿童自主建构的阶段。因此,当前我国儿童文学教育也应有新的定位和策略:儿童文学教学既要彰显其文学性,也要突出其儿童性;合理选择学习内容;确立双向建构的教学策略。  相似文献   

梁启超是中国教育史上最早关注儿童教育的教育家之一,他在反思、批判中国传统儿童教育的同时,积极吸收西方先进的儿童教育理念,形成了自己的幼学教育思想。他重视幼学教育、严格教师质量,并且创新幼教方法,这些思想对于现代儿童启蒙教育具有深刻的启发意义。  相似文献   

Young children rely on their parents for making decisions about their child care experiences. Parents' child care arrangements are affected by the information they gather, their values and childrearing beliefs, their knowledge of child care quality, and the extent to which they are satisfied with their child care choices. Parents' decisions about child care are also influenced by ecological correlates, such as child age, maternal education and hours of employment, family ethnicity and income, and state and federal child care policies. This review addresses each of these elements and their role in parents' child care arrangements and concludes with recommendations for honoring parents' child care ideals through better child care quality information and higher professional standards for child care providers.  相似文献   

Young children rely on their parents for making decisions about their child care experiences. Parents' child care arrangements are affected by the information they gather, their values and childrearing beliefs, their knowledge of child care quality, and the extent to which they are satisfied with their child care choices. Parents' decisions about child care are also influenced by ecological correlates, such as child age, maternal education and hours of employment, family ethnicity and income, and state and federal child care policies. This review addresses each of these elements and their role in parents' child care arrangements and concludes with recommendations for honoring parents' child care ideals through better child care quality information and higher professional standards for child care providers.  相似文献   


The historiography of child guidance has focused primarily on the United States, where it first developed before travelling across the English-speaking world. The rapid expansion of child guidance in the interwar years was enabled by private philanthropy, which provided fellowships to foreign professionals to study in the United States. This article focuses upon the transnational transfer of child guidance, the dynamic psychology on which it was based, and the accompanying psychopathologisation of child-rearing culture to a non-English speaking country, the Netherlands. First, it discusses the development of child guidance and the reception of dynamic psychology in the United States and Britain. Next, it analyses the transfer to the Netherlands. It turns out that the Dutch did not copy the American model, but adapted it to fit their conditions and created a more diverse child guidance landscape, in which educational psychology played a less important role than child psychiatry.  相似文献   

Comprehensive reviews of child death are increasingly conducted throughout the world, although limited information is available about how this information is systematically used to prevent future deaths. To address this need, we used cases from 2005 to 2009 in the U.S. National Child Death Review Case Reporting System to compare child and offender characteristics and to link that information with actions taken or recommended by review teams. Child, caretaker, and offender characteristics, and outcomes were compared to team responses, and findings were compared to published case series. Among 49,947 child deaths from 23 states entered into the Case Reporting System during the study period, there were 2,285 cases in which child maltreatment caused or contributed to fatality. Over one-half had neglect identified as the maltreatment, and 30% had abusive head trauma. Several child and offender characteristics were associated with specific maltreatment subtypes, and child death review teams recommended and/or planned several activities in their communities. Case characteristics were similar to those published in other reports of child maltreatment deaths. Teams implemented 109 actions or strategies after their review, and we found that aggregating information from child death reviews offers important insights into understanding and preventing future deaths. The National Child Death Review Case Reporting System contains information about a large population which confirms and expands our knowledge about child maltreatment deaths and which can be used by communities for future action.  相似文献   

The types of contingency experiences infants and young children are typically exposed to are examined with a focus on the implications for early childhood intervention with young children who have developmental disabilities and delays. Studies of response-contingent child learning, the manner in which contingencies are not under direct child control, and child/caregiver reciprocal contingencies, are reviewed in terms of how they influence child learning and development. Results indicate that the different types of contingencies all positively influence child behavior. Implications for practice are described in terms of contingency-rich everyday child learning activities, child response-contingent learning in the context of those activities, and caregiver contingent responsiveness as an instructional strategy for supporting child contingency learning.  相似文献   

This paper explores the determinants of child labour vis-à-vis child schooling. It further examines the influence of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) which are engaged in social labelling, on the incidence of child labour and schooling trade-off. The empirical results show that the probability of child schooling increases as well as child labour decreases if a carpet firm has adopted a labelling scheme. It can also be shown that labelling NGOs have a significant positive influence on sending the ex-child labourers to school.  相似文献   

Contemporary Western views of the child and of childhood call for a historical inquiry into the ontological and epistemological preunderstandings from which these views have arisen. From the ancient mythological motif of the divine child to the perspectives of Freud and Piaget, this study traces the philosophical images of the young child in Western thought. Given special attention is the image of “holy childhood,” which views the young child as possessed of a psycho-spiritual unity that is often translated into a goal of adult development. This notion of the young child as exemplar for adults was carried into the secularized West of the Enlightenment by the latter's mirror image, the Romantic Movement. Although Enlightenment thinking tends to dominate the modern world view, both traditions—En-lightenment and Romance-still live in tension in contemporary images of the young child.  相似文献   

Despite Minnesota's reputation for quality child care, recent changes in legislation and the impact of changing needs have raised concerns about the quality of child care available in the state. This paper presents an overview of Minnesota's current child care system including structural indicators of program quality such as licensing standards, staff wages, turnover, educational level, and program accreditation. The current situation is characterized by high levels of staff turnover, low wages, low levels of program accreditation, and increasing numbers of variances for child care licenses, all of which are disadvantageous to providing high quality child care to Minnesota's children. Efforts to decrease turnover through higher salaries and increase staff educational levels through tuition vouchers are explored. We find that there are a number of ways in which states can support quality child care, but stricter licensing standards are not likely to be sufficient by themselves.  相似文献   

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