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本文对我国苔草属二柱苔草亚属Subgen.Vignea作了系统排列,并提出以下几点的看法:     1.二柱苔草亚属是苔草属中比较自然的一个类群,我国有48种、7亚种和1变种,隶属于16个 组。根据Takhtajan的世界植物区划,将它们分成4种成分,即:(1)环北方植物地区成分,占总数的 20.4%;(2)东亚植物地区成分,占总数的55.5%。实际上,只有4个分类群出现于中国-喜马拉雅森 林植物亚区,而其余的都均分布于中国-日本森林植物亚区,并且在这一亚区内有8个特有成分,占特 有成分总数的61.5%;显然,中国二柱苔草亚属在中国-日本森林植物亚区内的分化较其他地区更为强 烈;(3)伊朗—吐兰植物地区成分,占总数的16.7%;(4)印度支那植物地区成分和印度植物地区成 分,占总数的7.4%。     2.高节苔草C.thomsonii和云雾苔草C.nubigena类群是Subgen.Vignea中较为原始的种类, 它们为印度支那植物地区和印度植物地区成分。这样非但Subgen.Indocarex原始类群分布于东南亚 和马来西亚,而Subgea.Vignea的原始类群也分布于东南亚,这也是对Nelmes提出Carex起源于印度-马来西亚地区的一个佐证。  相似文献   

火红杜鹃亚组是杜鹃花属中常绿杜鹃亚属的一个较大的亚组,含27种、8亚种和24变种。本 文根据形态特征、种的亲缘关系和地理分布,将所有的种分为4个植物群,并讨论了它们的演化。其中最后的一群即植物群D在形态演化上有较为进化的特征。本亚组植物的现代分布中心在中国西南部的横断山区。  相似文献   

 本文根据近四十年来积累的丰富标本材料,对盾蕨属Neolepisorus Ching分   类的正确与否进行了研究。  本属从原来只有3个种的一个小属发展到今天的   11个种的中等属,有力地说明了我国植物资源的丰富,并从一个侧面反映了四   十年代以来我国植物分类学研完取得了巨大进展。  特别有意义的是,这个属的   许多种各自显示着形态变异的多样性,即一个种的叶型往往从正常的全缘单叶   能发展为各种不同程度的畸形分裂,对它们分类上的鉴定造成一定的困难,同  时,对他们的形态发生的研究也提供了一个新课题。  相似文献   

    本文用数值分类的关联分析方法对国产荚蒾属 Viburnum  所有72种的分布式样进行     了研究,旨在为中国植物区系分区的工作提供若干依据。中国荚蒾属的遗传变异中心是在中     南部而不在南部或西南部的事实强烈地暗示这是一个亚热带性质的属。  四川西南部是西部     特有成分最密集的地区。尽管横断山脉地区地形复杂,但那里只有几种荚蒾属植物。台湾的     种主要是亚热带性质的,而且大多数与大陆的种相同。这些种的分布式样展示我国台湾在区     系地理上与我国大陆或甚至日本有着比马来西亚地区更密切的亲缘关系。  本文总的结论大     体上与吴征镒教授关于中国种子植物区系的分区相符,但在某些次要方面有所不同。作者还    讨论了种的分布式样与自然地理、气候和植被的联系。  相似文献   

本文叙述了木蓝属系统研究的简史,对该属形态特征的演化趋势及属下分类进行系统   研究,根据植物习性、叶的特征、果实形态及含种子数,将国产木蓝属80种,1变种归纳为3亚   属,并将木蓝亚属分为14亚组,其中包括9个新亚组,对其中一些种类作了归并及处理,并编    写了分种检索表。  相似文献   

本文采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对茶藨子属Ribes L. 植物19种、2变种的花粉形态进行了观 察。根据本属植物的花粉,在内萌发孔周围有一外萌发孔,有别于广义的虎耳草科Saxifragaceae(s. lato各类群的特点,结合本属其它形态特征,作者支持将茶藨子属独立为科的意见。从观察材料看,可 将其归之为4个花粉类型:即醋栗型(Grossularia-type)、茶藨子型(Ribes-type)、拟醋栗型(Grossu- larioidestype)和单性花茶藨子型(Berisia-type),这正好与分类学家根据形态划分的4个亚属相吻合, 而且它们之间存在着密切的联系,是一个不可分割的自然群。据此,作者认为过去划分的亚属是合理的,醋栗类群不独立成属,似更自然。  相似文献   

 本文通过形态学和植物化学的比较研究探讨了鹅绒藤类群的分类等级问题。  化学资料表明,广义鹅绒藤属的地梢瓜组含有萝藦科中甚为独特的黄酮醇成分,而未检出普遍存在于这一类群的C21甾体化合物。  作者认为黄酮醇是新等级地梢瓜属的特征成分。  通过对狭义鹅绒藤属、白前属、地梢瓜属、隔山消属和杯冠藤属的分析,认为隔山消组和杯冠藤组也应恢复其属级地位。  相似文献   

论中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区乌头属植物地理分布特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
         本文对乌头属Aconitum L.植物分布区内各地区的分布作了分析,统计了各地区不     同等级分类群的频度,认为中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区是乌头属植物地理分布最大的频度中心、     多样性中心和特有种的分布中心。  文中还讨论了乌头属内的演化关系,以及本属与邻近属的     系统发育关系,发现在中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区既有许多原始类群,又有大量的进化类群,提出     了本亚区不但是本属植物原始类群的保存中心,而且是活跃的分化中心。产生上述结果的原因可能与喜马拉雅山脉的抬升以及本亚区复杂的自然条件有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

柑桔植物的数值分类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用系统聚类法和对应分析法对59份柑桔及其近缘植物枳和金柑三个属的分类群进行了数值 分类学研究。  结果表明,在栽培柑桔中,枸橼Citrus medica、柚Citrus grandis、宽皮柑桔Citrusreticulata是三大基本类型。  本文还对些种类的分类地位作了探讨。  相似文献   

中国薯蓣属花粉形态的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文作者对我国的薯蓣属Dioscorea L. 5组33种植物的花粉形态,用光学显微镜进行   了系统的观察,并用扫描电子显微镜观察了其中一些代表类型。本属花粉有二种类型,即单沟  型和双沟型。单沟型为原始型,双沟型则为进化类型。花粉资料支持了目前对该属分类的意见。  相似文献   

 As a genus Acronema was first proposed by Falconer, but it was only a nomen nudum.  The genus was effectively established by Edgeworth (1851) on the basis of a himalayan species, Acronema tenerum (Wall) Edgew. (= Sison tenerum Wall. 1828). Bentham & Hooker had placed the genus within Pimpinella in 1867.  C. B. Clarke followed the same treatment in the Flora of British India in 1879. The much detailed systematic work of the genus was done by H. Wolff in Engl.  Pflanzenreich (1927).       The chief distinguishing character of the genus lies in the acuminulate of filamen- tous apices of the petals.      At present the genus contains about 23 species chiefly in the himalayan regions and South-west China, many being found in Sichuan, Yunnan and eastern Xizang.       They are usually growing under the shade of forest, roadside and riverside at the altitude 2100—4800 meters.       In this paper 18 species and 2 varieties are presented, of which 5 species, 2 varieties and 1 combinations are considered as new and three arc first recorded fromChina.  相似文献   

本文对鬼灯檠属Rodgersia Gray的染色体数、花粉体积和纹饰、萼片数目、萼片脉序和脉型、萼片腹面毛被、花梗和花序轴毛被、叶的类型等关键性状进行了分析,确定了其进化顺序,依据性状的系统发生,绘制了鬼灯檠属的瓦格勒尔系统树;确认本属有5种和3变种,其中以R.podophylla为最原始,R.nepalensis为最进化,而R.aesculifolia,R.sambucifolia.和R.pinnata则居于两者之间。本属分两组Sect.Rodgersia,仅含R.podophylla Sect.Sambucifolia J.T.Pan,含R.aesculifolia,R.sambucifolia,R.pinnata,R.nepalensis。依据种的主要分布区,划本属植物为4个分布类型,即:日本—朝鲜间断分布,秦岭—大巴山分布,横断山分布和东喜马拉雅分布。笔者认为,本属的起源地在日本-朝鲜一带,横断山地区是其现代分布中心和分化中心;本属的散布路线是自日本—朝鲜,经秦岭—大巴山,通过横断山地区而进入东喜马拉雅,本属的起源时间,当在晚第三纪以前(晚白垩世至早第三纪)。此外,还报道了鬼灯檠属植物的花粉形态。  相似文献   

藁本属Ligusticum L.属伞形科Umbelliferae芹亚科Apioideae Drude阿米芹族Ammineae Koch。它在阿米芹族中,是一个较进化的类群,是介于阿米芹族与前胡族Peucedaneae DC.之间的一个过渡类型。藁本属全世界60余种。我国现知有34种,占该属种数的二分之一,其中28种及2个栽培变种为我国所特有。本文比较分析藁本属的形态学性状和孢粉学性状,以小总苞片及其相关特征作为该属次级划分的主要依据,将藁本属分为两个类群,并对该属的种类作了增补,对一些种的名称、分布作了补充修订。文中还记载了4个新种。喜马拉雅藁本L.elatum(Edgew.)C.B.Clarke和开展藁本L. thomsonii C. B. Clarke var.evolutior C. B.Clarke,系我国首次记录。  相似文献   

The morphological characters in the genus Orobanche were evaluated from the taxonomic point of view.  The author finds that the plants of this genus are relatively similar to each other in respect to characters of vegetative organs, fruits and seeds.  But the differences in the floral structures can be served as a basis for delimitating infrageneric taxa.   The seed coat of 18 species and pollen grains of  6 species were also examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM). They seem to have little significance for distinguishing species.       The result supports G. Beck’s (1930) division of the genus Orobanche into 4 sections, of which 2 occur in China, based on the characters of the inflorescence, bracteoles and calyx. The author considers that some characters, such as anther hairy or not, upper lip of corolla entire or not, lower lip longer or shorter than the upper one, the state of corolla-tube inflec-  tion and the hair type of filaments and plants, are important in distinguishing Chinese species.  A key to the species of Orobanche in China is given.       This genus consists of about 100 species, and is mostly confined to Eurasia, with over 60  species found in Caucasus and Middle Asia of USSR, where may be the mordern  distribu-  tional  centre.        Orobanche L. in China is represented by 23 species, 3 varieties and l forma. As shown in  Table 1, most species (12 species) are found in Xinjiang, which clearly shows a close floristic  relationship between this region and Middle Asia of USSR.  6 species are endemic to China,  of which 4 are confined to the Hengduan Mountains  (Yangtze-Mekong-Salwin divide).        The relationships between this genus and related ones of Orobanchaceae are also discussed.  The author holds the following opinions: the genus Phelypaea Desf. should be considered as a   member of Orobanche L. Sect. Gymnocaulis G. Beck,  the monotypic genus,   Necranthus A.   Gilli endemic to Turkey, is allied with Orobanche L. Sect.  Orobanche, the monotypic genus,   Platypholis Maxim, endemic to Bonin Is. of Japan, is far from Orobanche L. in relation and   should be regarded as a separate genus.        The 11 OTU’s, including all the sections of Orobanche L. and 7 genera of Orobanchaceae,   and 15 morphological characters were used in the  numerical  taxonomic treatment  to  test  the   above-mentioned  suggestions.   After standardization of characters, the correlation matrices were   computerized.  The correlation matrices were made to test the various clustering methods.   At    last the UPGMA clustering method was chosen and its result is shown in a phenogram.  The   result of numerical analysis is basically in accordance with the suggestions.  相似文献   

木兰科分类系统的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A new system of classification of Magnoliaceae proposed.  This paper deals mainly with taxonomy and phytogeography of the family Magnoliaceae on the basis of external morphology, wood anatomy and palynology.  Different  authors have had different ideas about the delimitation of genera of this family, their controversy being carried on through more than one hundred years (Table I).  Since I have been engaged in the work of the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, I have accumulated a considerable amount of information and material and have investigated the living plants at their natural localities, which enable me to find out the evolutionary tendencies and primitive morphological characters of various genera of the family.  According to the evolutionary tendencies of the characters and the geographical distribution of this family I propose a new system by dividing it into two subfamilies, Magnolioideae and Liriodendroideae Law (1979), two tribes, Magnolieae and Michelieae Law, four subtribes, Manglietiinae Law, Magnoliinae, Elmerrilliinae Law and Micheliinae, and fifteen genera (Fig. 1 ), a system which is different from those by J. D. Dandy (1964-1974) and the other authors.      The recent distribution and possible survival centre of Magnoliaceae. The members of Magnoliaceae are distributed chiefly in temperate and tropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere, ——Southeast Asia and southeast North America, but a few genera and species also occur in the Malay Archipelago and Brazil of the Southern Hemisphere. Forty species of 4 genera occur in America, among which one genus (Dugendiodendron) is endemic to the continent, while about 200 species of 14 genera occur in Southeast Asia, of which 12 genera are endemic.  In China there are about 110 species of 11 genera which mostly occur in Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan; 58 species and more than 9 genera occur in the mountainous districts of Yunnan.   Moreover,  one  genus (Manglietiastrum Law, 1979) and 19 species are endemic to this region.  The family in discussion is much limited to or interruptedly distributed in the mountainous regions of Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan.  The regions are found to have a great abundance of species, and the members of the relatively primitive taxa are also much more there than in the other regions of the world.      The major genera, Manglietia, Magnolia and Michelia, possess 160 out of a total of 240 species in the whole family.  Talauma has 40 species, while the other eleven genera each contain only 2 to 7 species, even with one monotypic genus.   These three major genera are sufficient for indicating the evolutionary tendency and geographical distribution of Magnoliaceae.  It is worthwhile discussing their morphological  characters  and distributional patterns as follows:      The members of Manglietia are all evergreen trees, with flowers terminal, anthers dehiscing introrsely, filaments very short and flat, ovules 4 or more per carpel.  This is considered as the most primitive genus in subtribe Manglietiinae.  Eighteen out of a total  of 35 species of the genus are distributed in the western, southwest to southeast Yunnan. Very primitive species, such as Manglietia hookeri, M. insignis  and M. mega- phylla, M. grandis, also occur in this region. They are distributed from Yunnan eastwards to Zhejiang and Fujian through central China, south China, with only one species (Manglietia microtricha) of the genus westwards to Xizang.  There are several species distributing southwards from northeast India to the Malay Archipelago (Fig. 7).      The members of Magnolia are evergreen and deciduous trees or shrubs, with flowers terminal, anthers dehiscing introrsely or laterally, ovules 2 per carpel, stipule adnate to the petiole.  The genus Magnolia is the most primitive in the subtribe Magnoliinae and is the largest genus of the family Magnoliaceae. Its deciduous species are distributed from Yunnan north-eastwards to Korea and Japan (Kurile N. 46’) through Central China, North China and westwards to Burma, the eastern Himalayas  and northeast India.  The evergreen species are distributed from northeast  Yunnan  (China)  to  the Malay Archipelago.  In China there are 23 species, of which 15 seem to be very primi- tive, e.g. Magnolia henryi, M. delavayi, M. officinalis and M. rostrata, which occur in Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan.      The members of Michelia are evergreen trees or shrubs, with flowers axillary, an- thers dehiscing laterally or sublaterally, gynoecium stipitate, carpels numerous or few. Michelia is considered to be the most primitive in the subtribe Micheliinae, and is to the second largest genus of the family.  About 23 out of a total of 50 species of this genus are very primitive, e.g. Michelia sphaerantha, M. lacei, M. champaca,  and  M. flavidiflora, which occur in Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan (the distributional center of the family under discussion)  and extend eastwards to Taiwan  of  China, southern Japan through central China, southwards to the Malay Archipelago through Indo-China. westwards to Xizang of China, and south-westwards to India and Sri Lanka (Fig. 7).      The members of Magnoliaceae are concentrated in Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan and radiate from there.  The farther away from the centre, the less members we are able to find, but the more advanced they are in morphology.  In this old geographical centre there are more primitive species, more  endemics  and  more monotypic genera. Thus it is reasonable to assume that the region of Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan, China, is not only the centre of recent distribution, but also the chief survival centreof Magnoliaceae in the world.  相似文献   

我国悬钩子属植物的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The genus Rubus is one of the largest genera in the Rosaceae, consisting of more than 750 species in many parts of the world, of which 194 species have been recorded in China.      In the present paper the Rubus is understood in its broad sense, including all the blackberries, dewberries and raspberries, comprising the woody and herbaceous kinds. So it is botanically a polymorphic, variable and very complicated group of plants. The detailed analysis and investigation of the evolutionary trends of the main organs in this genus have indicated the passage from shrubs to herbs in an evolutionary line, although there is no obvious discontinuity of morphological characters in various taxa. From a phylogenetic point of view, the Sect. Idaeobatus Focke is the most primitive group, characterized by its shrub habit armed with sharp prickles, aciculae or setae, stipules attached to the petioles, flowers hermaphrodite and often in terminal or axill- ary inflorescences, very rarely solitary, druplets separated from receptacles. Whereas the herbaceous Sect.  Chamaemorus L. is the most advanced group, which is usually unarmed, rarely with aciculae or setae, stipules free, flowers dieocious, solitary, dru- plets adhering to the receptacles and with high  chromosome numbers  (2n = 56). Basing upon the evolutionary tendency of morphological  features,  chromosome nu- mbers of certain species recorded in literature and the distribution patterns of species, a new systematic arrangement of Chinese Rubus has been suggested by the present authors. Focke in his well-known monograph divided the species of Rubus into  12 subgenera, while in the Flora of China 8 sections of Focke were adapted, but some im- portant revisions have been made in some taxa and Sect. Dalibarda Focke has been reduced to Sect.  Cylactis Focke.  In addition, the arrangement of sections is presented in a reverse order to those of Focke’s system.  The species of Rubus in  China are classified into 8 sections with 24 subsections (tab. 3) as follows: 1. Sect. Idaeobatus, emend. Yü et Lu(11 subsect. 83 sp.); 2. Sect. Lampobatus Focke (1 sp.); 3. Sect. Rubus (1 sp.); 4. Sect. Malachobatus Focke, emend. Yü et Lu (13 subsect. 85 sp.); 5. Sect. Dalibardastrus (Focke)Yü et Lu (10 sp.); 6. Sect. Chaemaebatus Focke (5 sp.); 7. Sect. Cylactis Focke, emend. Yü et Lu (8 sp.); 8. Sect. Chamaemorus Focke (1 sp.).      In respect to the geographical distribution the genus Rubus occurs throughout the world as shown in tab. 2, particularly abundant in the Northern Hemisphere, while the greatest concentration of species appears in North America and E. Asia.  Of the more than 750 species in the world, 470 or more species (64%) distributed in North America.  It is clearly showm that the center of distribution lies in North America at present time.  There are about 200 species recorded in E. Asia, of which the species in China (194) amount to 97% of the total number. By analysis of the distribution of species in China the great majority of them inhabit the southern parts of the Yangtze River where exist the greatest number of species and endemics,  especially in south- western parts of China, namely Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou (tab. 3. 4.).  It is in- teresting to note that the centre of distribution of Rubus in China ranges From north- western Yunnan to south-western Sichuan (tab. 5), where the genus also reaches its highest morphological diversity.       In this region the characteristics of floristic elements of Rubus can be summarized as follows: it is very rich in composition, contaning 6 sections and 94 species, about 66% of the total number of Chinese species; there are also various complex groups, including primitive, intermediate and advanced taxa of phylogenetic importance; the proportion of endemic plants is rather high, reaching 61 species, up to 44% of the total endemics in China.  It is noteworthy to note that the most primitive Subsect. Thyrsidaei (Focke) Yü et Lu, consisting of 9 endemic species, distributed in southern slopes of the Mts. Qin Ling and Taihang Shan (Fig. 4). From the above facts we may concluded that the south-western part of China is now not only the center of distribu- tion and differentiation of Rubus in China, but it may also be the center of origin ofthis genus.  相似文献   

中国委陵菜属植物研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本文对陕西、四川和河北的Paris 2种,Cardiocrinum giganteum, Smilacina 2种,Allium     2种,  Asparagus 2种,以及Convallaria majalis 的核型作了分析,其中Paris polyphylla var.     latifolia,  Smilacina henryi 和 Allium  ovalifolium 的染色体报道为第一次。  首次发现Perisverticillata 中四倍体细胞宗的存在。本文对Paris的核型、地理分布和分类作了分析讨论。  相似文献   

中国大节竹属的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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