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新教学大纲中要求学生能每分钟听懂约120个词汇,阅读速度为每分钟50—70个词,书写速度为每分钟10—12个词,较上一套教材要求高得多。在教学过程中,学生普遍感到困难的是记忆单词。为此,我在试用新教材的过程中,在如何提高学生的记忆力方面作了一些探索。  相似文献   

快速阅读是指读者带有某种目的、采用某种方式、用高于一般的速度而进行的阅读.近年来,阅读速度问题在我国已引起有关专家、外语教师的普遍重视.据悉,美国大学生平均阅读速度是每分钟250个单词,经过特殊训练后能达到450~550个单词.在公共英语教学实践中,笔者发现,学生中普遍存在的学习上的问题就是阅读技巧问题.从学生成绩看,在阅读理解上丢分的观象也较突出.因此,努力提高阅读技巧,掌握快速阅读的方法,是十分重要的.……  相似文献   

专业英语教学初探刘清武汉交通科技大学专业英语教学是在学生已掌握普通英语基础上的深化教学,学时数少,内容多。我校专业英语教学大纲(草案)要求学生通过专业英语的学习,能掌握1200个专业英语单词和惯用词组,阅读速度达到每分钟约70个词,翻译速度达到每小时...  相似文献   

公共英语教学中快速阅读能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速阅读是指读者带有某种目的、采用某种方式、用高于一般的速度而进行的阅读。近年来,阅读速度问题在我国已引起有关专家、外语教师的普遍重视。据悉,美国大学生平均阅读速度是每分钟250个单词,经过特殊训练后能达到450~550个单词。在公共英语教学实践中,笔者发现,学生中普遍存在的学习上的问题就是阅读技巧问题。从学生成绩看,在阅读理解上丢分的观象也较突出。因此,努力提高阅读技巧,掌握快速阅读的方法,是十分重要的。一、培养良好的快速阅读习惯要提高阅读速度,首先必须帮助学生克服阅读过程中的各种障碍,养成良好的阅读习惯。1.“瞬…  相似文献   

几年来,我们在高中年级如何培养学生快速阅读理解能力上进行了初步探索。我们的具体做法是:一、明确培养学生快速阅读理解能力的目的。阅读与我们的生活和学习有很大关系。学生在学习中要阅读很多东西,步入社会还有更多的阅读任务。如:看说明书、报刊、书信、广告、文件和各种材料等。尤其是在改革开放的今天,阅读显得尤为重要。它是获取最新信息的必要途径之一,也是有效地继承和利用人类知识的重要手段。依靠阅读所获得的信息要比听说快得多,多得多。因为阅读速度可以高出讲话速度的一倍甚至几倍。就英语来说,通常每分钟只能讲150个单词左右,而一般英美人的阅读速度都在每分钟250个单词左右,阅读速度快的甚至可以达到每分钟700多个单词。目前,我国在英语 MET 和 NMET 测试中,试题的阅读量很大,知识覆盖面较宽,如果阅读太慢,往往  相似文献   

一、传授速读技能,提高阅读速度 指导学生进行阅读时最好能采用“速度阅读”,即要求学生在限定的时间内读完一篇文章。国外许多专家认为,较易的阅读材料(指阅读时平均理解率达80%的材料)能使学生取得较理想的进步。因此,选用阅读材料时要考虑学生的程度,生词率最好控制在2%左右,理解正确率要达到80%,通过训练,阅读速度要达到每分钟150个单词以上。  相似文献   

英语快速阅读训练谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行快速阅读教学训练 ,即每次上课之前 ,教师在黑板上写出每间隔 10秒的一串数字 :0 ,10 ,2 0 ,30 ,4 0 ,50……这些数字写到哪里为止 ,视阅读文章的长短而定。例如 ,一篇共 50 0个单词的文章 ,估计最慢速度为每分钟 50个单词 ,就写到 10分钟为止。要求学生不在课前对课文和练习做任何准备。随着教师一声令下 ,全班同时开始阅读。教师要始终看着带秒针的钟表 ,每隔 10秒依次擦去黑板上的一个时间数字。当一学生读完全篇 ,抬头看黑板 ,黑板上剩下的第一个数字 ,就是该学生所花的时间。用阅读本篇短文的字数除以阅读所用的时间 ,就得出了每次…  相似文献   

在美国的小学课程表中,似乎找不到像我们中国这样以讲读章为主的阅读(讲读)课。美国小学的阅读教学就是让学生自己去阅读,每天有一个小时让学生进“阅读作业室”进行自主的阅读活动。这一个小时里,教师一般安排10—15分钟进行阅读指导,就称为“小型课”。其他时间主要用于学生自主阅读或小组合作阅读,以及阅读以后学生的交流。美国教师的小型课上些什么内容,这种课又是怎么上的呢?下面是我们从美国教师凯尔金斯(Lucy、Mccormick.C—alkins)写的《阅读教学的艺术》(The Art of Teaching Reading)一书中翻译的低年级和高年级小型课的两个课堂实录,通过这两堂实录一起来感受一下美国小学阅读教学中小型课的上法。  相似文献   

英语水平的高低取决于所掌握的词汇量的多少,词汇量的大小直接影响阅读能力和速度,也影响学生应用能力的培养,因此在大学生英语教学中应加可词汇教学,教师应帮助学生学习单词,记忆单词,巩固单词, 尽快地扩大学生的词汇量,提高阅读能力和速度。  相似文献   

阅读理解能力是高中英语教学听说读写四种技能中重点培养的一种语言技能。大纲对此作了明确规定:要求高中生能读懂与教材难易相当的文章;能以每分钟50-60个单词的速度,阅读生词不超过3%的有关人物传记、寓言故事、活动记述、社会文化、文史知识等内容的材料。  相似文献   

The mean reading rate of the average educated adult is about 250 words per minute. Perhaps the top 5 per cent read twice this fast. Slow readers read no better than fast ones. Slow reading is a bad habit, and a needless waste of time. Most educated adults, in a few weeks' time, could achieve rates of four to five hundred words per minute, in their ordinary reading, and do so without loss in comprehension. The reading rate of a given person varies, of course, with a number of conditions; but the person who reads a given selection rapidly tends to read other selections at a proportional rate. Readers tend to maintain their relative ranks as material and purpose vary.  相似文献   

The current study examined the relationship between oral reading fluency (ORF) and reading comprehension for students in second grade. A total of 84 participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions that involved reading a grade‐appropriate passage with either 0%, 10%, 20%, or 30% scrambled words and answering subsequent comprehension questions. The correlation coefficient between ORF and the number of comprehension questions correctly answered was r = .54. Receiver operating characteristics were then used to empirically derive a minimum ORF score necessary for comprehension, indicating that when these students read 63 words correct per minute they successfully comprehended what they read. Finally, the diagnostic accuracy of the derived criterion of 63 words read correctly per minute was tested and resulted in overall correct classification of .80. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Effects of a taped-words treatment on reading proficiency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an effort to increase reading proficiency, five 9th- and 10th-grade students with behavior disorders were instructed to read along with an audio type of vocabulary words recorded at 80 words per minute. Effects of the taped-words intervention on rate of reading vocabulary words as well as generalization effects of reading passages containing some of the same vocabulary words were assessed within a multiple baseline design. Results suggested significant effects due to practice. Minimal generalization from reading word lists to reading passages was demonstrated. The results of the present study are compared with similar investigations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine (1) the performance levels and the magnitude of performance difference between students with reading disabilities (RD) and skilled readers when reading a typical classroom text; (2) the hypothesis that students with RD have specific difficulty using context in such a way that reading fluency is affected; and (3) whether RD subtypes may be differentiated according to performance on contextual and context‐free reading tasks. Two groups of fourth graders (85 skilled readers and 24 students with RD) completed a standardized test of reading comprehension, read aloud a folktale, and read aloud the folktale's words in a randomly sequenced list. Performance was scored as correct rate and percentage correct. Based on the number of words per idea unit in the passage, we also estimated the rate at which reader groups encountered and processed text ideas. Compared to the RD group, skilled readers read three times more correct words per minute in context, and showed higher accuracy and rates on all measures. Both context and isolated word‐reading rates were highly sensitive to impairment. We found no evidence for RD subtypes based on these measures. Results illustrate differences in reading levels between the two groups, the temporal advantage skilled readers have in linking text ideas, how word reading differs as a function of task format and performance dimension, and how limited word‐identification skills (not comprehension) produce contextual reading difficulties for students with RD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the amount of time spent actively engaged in reading sounds, words, and connected text for students at‐risk for reading difficulties in the first formal grade of reading instruction, kindergarten. Observational data of 109 kindergarten students at high‐risk for later reading difficulties were collected during general education reading instruction across the school year. Findings revealed students read orally for just over 1 minute during their reading instruction with approximately equal time spent reading sounds, words, or connected text. Implications of these results for early reading instruction and intervention for students at‐risk for reading difficulties or disabilities are presented.  相似文献   

Reading depends on the speed of visual recognition and capacity of short-term memory. To understand a sentence, the mind must read it fast enough to capture it within the limits of the short-term memory. This means that children must attain a minimum speed of fairly accurate reading to understand a passage. Learning to read involves “tricking” the brain into perceiving groups of letters as coherent words. This is achieved most efficiently by pairing small units consistently with sounds rather than learning entire words. To link the letters with sounds, explicit and extensive practice is needed; the more complex the spelling of a language, the more practice is necessary. However, schools of low-income students often waste instructional time and lack reading resources, so students cannot get sufficient practice to automatize reading and may remain illiterate for years. Lack of reading fluency in the early grades creates inefficiencies that affect the entire educational system. Neurocognitive research on reading points to benchmarks and monitoring indicators. All students should attain reading speeds of 45–60 words per minute by the end of grade 2 and 120–150 words per minute for grades 6–8.  相似文献   

This seven-week study examined the effects of the Neurological Impress Method and Read Two Impress on reading comprehension, fluency, and students’ attitude toward reading. The 57 first-, second-, and third-grade students were randomly assigned to three conditions and were pre- and posttested on eight reading measures. Several 3 × 2 factorial analyses of variance revealed significant interaction effects on retell, comprehension questions, and the multidimensional fluency scale as well as time effects on words read correctly per minute and word recognition accuracy. Moreover, a comparison of mean difference effect sizes favored the treatment groups on all reading fluency and comprehension measures. The interventions, however, had little effect on students’ attitude toward reading. Practical implications and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The majority of naturalistic reading occurs within passages. Therefore, it is important to understand how reading in context affects the division of labor between semantic and orthographic processing. However, it is difficult to compare the cognitive processes elicited by reading in context and lists because of the perceptual differences that define them. In 2 experiments, undergraduate students read 72 different words divided across three conditions (context, semantic-list, and orthographic-list). Participants then completed a memory task that was used to estimate either the semantic processing (surprise recall; Experiment 1) or orthographic processing (word stem completion; Experiment 2) elicited during reading. In both experiments, memory performance for words read in context more closely resembled words read in the semantic-list condition and differed greatly from those read in the orthographic-list condition. We interpret these results as showing that contextual reading biases the division of labor toward semantic processing and away from orthographic processing.  相似文献   

梁一帆 《四川教育学院学报》2007,23(B10):136-139,153
基于相关文献资料以及在大学英语教学和课题研究中获得的第一手资料,讨论非英语专业大学生在英文阅读方面的问题。10项建议旨在改进大学英语阅读指导:选择恰当的阅读材料;避免用中文单词取代英文单词这类的练习;为阅读提供背景信息;让学生有目的地阅读;鼓励快读;讲授文章结构;训练基本的阅读技巧;开展以真实体验为基础的活动;提供讨论机会;鼓励进一步的文化专题学习。  相似文献   

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