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社会性别话语的历史印记从来都是标明两性之间的不平等,而教育存在迎合并建构这样的性别话语。运用教育社会学的研究视角,分析教育中的话语性别偏见现象,反映隐藏在教育中的性别不平等问题。由于教育的性别不平等将会对女性的未来发展造成消极影响;所以在后现代主义思潮的启示下,学校教育应该重视性别教育,做到"因性施教",提高教师性别意识,努力创造性别公平的学习环境,促进两性的身心健康与全面发展。  相似文献   

Some feminists have argued that a woman's class position should be determined by her own employment and work history, whereas Goldthorpe has argued that the family is the basic unit in class analysis, with the husband's occupation determining the class position of all family members, including the wife's. Goldthorpe denies that this position is an example of gender bias, claiming that class and gender inequality are separate issues. This paper argues that gender and class inequality are strongly interconnected, by virtue of the importance of the work in child‐rearing carried out by the wife‐mother and its effects on the child's scholastic achievements and life chances. It shows that within‐family processes are more important than class position in affecting children's scholastic achievements. It further argues that children's family environments are affected by the biographies of both parents. The institutional separation of the family, schooling and the work‐place means that there will be great variability in the biographies of parents who are in the same ‘class position’ by virtue of their occupations. The notion of a single indicator of ‘class position’ therefore seems inappropriate, and too static for the complex institutional relationships involved.  相似文献   

This paper argues that Paul Willis's latest article is important in highlighting unemployment as a major form of inequality but that, just as in Learning to Labour, Willis's orientation is a male one and that this has the effect of marginalising and misrepresenting the interests of women. The paper further suggests that some of Willis's recommendations are somewhat anachronistic and also too class oriented. While we believe that class should be central to any analysis of unemployment, we would stress that gender and ‘race’ should also be central. Willis, we argue, has made an attempt to broaden his analysis but this has been largely unsuccessful. The paper concludes with a critique of some of Willis's terminology.  相似文献   

In a recent paper on gender inequality in higher education Buchman and DiPrete (2006) assume that the decrease in the gender gap in college completion in the US can partly be explained by changes in the allocation of familial resources in favour of women. However, they do not test this hypothesis empirically. In this paper I examine the effects of sibling sex composition on the graduation of women in more detail by analysing data from the German Life History Study. I assume that resources are the key issue to explaining the effects of sibling configuration on educational attainment. Tertiary education is a good case for testing sex composition effects due to the unequal distribution of resources between and within families, because the direct costs and opportunity costs of higher education are relatively high compared to those of earlier educational decisions. Accordingly, I expect that working class daughters are most likely to be disadvantaged if they are raised with brothers. The empirical results show that in fact, not the presence of a brother as such hinders educational attainment of sisters, but older brothers have a negative influence on their sisters chances of graduation. In accordance to the hypothesis, this effect is stronger for university graduation than for graduation at Fachhochschule. For social class differences in sibling effects it turns out that working class daughters are particularly less likely to graduate compared to service class daughters if there are older brothers in the family.  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of only‐child status on girls’ education indicate that the only‐child policy has had an unintended consequence of engendering a child‐centered culture with a strong belief and shared interest among the urban community in educating the only‐child regardless of the child’s sex. As the distribution of education by sex is frequently argued to be a key determinant for gender inequality, this finding seems to carry an unquestioned message that gender equality has been largely achieved for the only‐child generation. So far, however, few studies have examined parental gender‐specific expectations for their only children as an important factor in preparing boys and girls for their different school and social experiences. Based on data collected through semi‐structured interviews with 20 families in north China, this paper explores parental gender‐specific expectations of their only‐children. Parents’ SES is also considered in order to see how class may interact with gender in parents’ expectations for boys and girls as only‐children. The study reveals patterns of differences in parental expectations based on gender, and to a lesser degree, class. The author argues that it would be over‐optimistic to believe that only‐child status and the equally high academic aspirations parents hold for boys and girls have done away with all the deep‐rooted factors against gender equality in Chinese society. Drawing on Bourdieu’s social theory, the author discusses the implications of the findings and provides suggestions for policy efforts and further research.  相似文献   

The problem of education‐based discrimination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the research, theory and policy literature on race, class and gender discrimination in education is extensive, the problem of education‐based discrimination itself has been widely overlooked. Indeed, the dominant ideologies of meritocracy and human capital (into which we are inculcated throughout our lives by schools, media and the state) proclaim that higher levels of education are and should be linked with greater reward. In a world where education is regularly invoked to legitimate inequality, it can appear nonsensical even to raise concern about education‐based discrimination as a matter of social injustice. We need, however, to challenge those who have taught us not to see what has essentially become an elephant in our living room. Otherwise, we will find ourselves unable ever to use our public systems of education for universal emancipation and empowerment.  相似文献   

This study, set in a New Zealand Business School, takes an integrative view of the university as an ‘inequality regime’ Acker, J. (2006b Acker, J. (2006a). The gender regime of Swedish banks. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 22 (2), 195209. doi: 10.1016/j.scaman.2006.10.004[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Inequality regimes: Gender, class and race in organizations. Gender and Society, 20(4), 441–464 including all types of women staff: academic women in permanent positions, academics on casual contracts and administrative staff. This approach contrasts with most studies of gender in higher education, which focus on academics, and often on the most senior academic roles. The business school, too, is under-researched in the literature of gender and higher education and we argue that these institutions constitute a particularly ‘chilly climate’ for women. The project discussed here was designed as participatory action research, but we found both participation and action difficult to accomplish. We reflect on how these difficulties resonate with the wider problem of confronting gender inequality in a ‘chilly climate’, and ask why further change is hard. We collected primary data from focus group interviews and a survey, and critically reflected on the process of data collection. Secondary data, including university reports and policies and national legislation, were also collected as part of the context of the School inequality regime. We analysed our data using Acker's categories: the ‘visibility of inequality’, the ‘legitimacy of inequality’ and ‘mechanisms of control and compliance’. We found barriers to change both within and beyond the Business School itself. These included the low organisational priority given to gender equality, which in turn reflected a weak external regulatory environment. At the same time we found a lack of solidarity between women within the School, which we attributed partly to class-based differences. Organisational activism is difficult in this context, where gender inequality is both invisible and legitimated, reflecting a post-feminist mood of ‘gender fatigue’.  相似文献   

Gender representation in the public sector schools textbooks of Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines gender biases in school textbooks after a decade long effort by the ministry of education (MoE) Pakistan and international organisation (IOs) to eliminate all forms of gender inequality in education. The intention underpinning these initiatives was to nurture a view of gender equality based consciousness through the introduction of more positive gendered images into school textbooks in Pakistan. However, the study discussed in this paper discovered that schools textbooks are still embedded with gender-biased messages and stereotypical representations of male and females. Gender biases in 24 textbooks (Urdu, English and Social Studies) from class 1 to 8 were analysed with the help of a qualitative content analysis approach. The paper draws attention to the insouciant approach taken by the MoE and IOs towards the goal of gender equality. The study found that, despite the prevailing claims of achievements, the new textbooks are ideologically invested – and contribute to the perpetuation of gender inequality. In this context, the gender blindness of the curriculum designers and textbook authors is a matter of serious concern.  相似文献   

In order to highlight the gender dimension of groupwork I undertook a piece of research in an inner city primary school. My aim was to discover how the group dynamic is affected by altering the gender composition. Consequently I set up a research project in which two groups of primary aged children, one mixed sex, the other girls only, worked on an identical craft, design and technology task. My research findings illuminate the contradictions, complexities and paradox with which issues of gender in the primary school are riven. The findings support the view that the impact of gender on girls is not uniform and consistent across boundaries of race and class but that the three categories are inextricably interwoven. Race and class make significant contributions to any discourse on inequality and although my research is purportedly about gender, the evidence revealed a need for far more investigation into the ways in which gender intersects with race and class.  相似文献   

This paper examines the sociological implications of sport as a male preserve. Sport is a gendered cultural form that has been dominated by men and masculinity. The effects of this domination upon broader patterns of social relations have been misrepresented in much of the literature on sport and gender, where sport is often conceptualized as a static fact, rather than as a dynamic social practice. Analysis of sport as social practice directs attention to the manner in which sport gives meaning to broader patterns of social relations. In the case of gender relations, sport as a male preserve has contributed to the oppression of women through the objectification and dornination of their physicality and sexuality. A feminist alternative to sport as a male preserve challenges gender inequality by challenging sexual stereotypes and patriarchal control of women's bodies.  相似文献   

“农村妇女”一词具有两层含义:一是地域概念,一是性别概念。就农村妇女而言,其处于“农村”和“妇女”这一双重不利境地。农村妇女的教育地位体现了公共资源和家庭资源的性别和地域配置,也是农村妇女整体能力提升的一大基础和发展的潜力所在。笔者从性别比较和城乡地域比较入手,以“结构”作为主要分析路径,探讨了当今农村妇女教育地位及变化的内在逻辑。改革开放以来,浙江农村妇女的文化程度有了较大的提高;社会和家庭在教育资源配置上的“性别不平等”倾向不断弱化;家庭对子女的教育投资已更多地成为一种家庭发展策略而不仅仅是基于“重男轻女”观念的一种行为。但两性相比,妇女所获得的教育资源和机会仍少于男子,并且,教育资源配置和机会获得中的城乡不平等更甚于性别不平等,农村妇女教育问题在更大程度上是“三农”问题,而不仅仅是性剐问题  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(5-6):134-151
As a result of massification of higher education and the quest for competitiveness, the Taiwanese government has adopted a series of higher education reforms since the late 1990s. While the low birthrate has become a potential threat, recent developments in higher education policies such as the Program for Developing First-Class Universities and Top Research Centers, the Incentives for Teaching Excellences, and the new Multiple Examination Program have had considerable effects on students of different gender and socioeconomic classes. Even though the expansion in higher education has enabled many students to enter universities, inequality remains, as students from different socioeconomic backgrounds are distributed to different types/ranks of universities. Students from the lower socioeconomic class are mostly concentrated in private or vocational (science and technology) universities, while students from well-off families have better chances to enter elite universities. Moreover, the gender segregation in different fields of study has not been improved as a result of the aforementioned massification. Female students are still concentrated in the humanities and social sciences and encounter more difficulties in finding jobs upon graduation. Consequently, these graduates' salaries tend to be much lower compared with their counterparts in science and technology fields. The study further argues that class and gender are actually intertwined and should not be examined separately. In addition, issues such as race and disability need to be closely examined, as the number of students with mothers from Southeast Asia and Mainland China has been significantly increasing in Taiwan these days.  相似文献   

社会支持在社会转型的背景下出现了许多新变化。传统的以血缘为核心、家庭为纽带呈"差序格局"分布的私人性支持和以"单位制"为载体的国家支持体系相结合的支持系统在社会中的作用逐渐式微。中国出现了贫困女性化现象,而就业是解决贫困问题的最终手段。再就业培训是城市贫困女性接受社会支持的重要方面。应将培训视为积极的社会政策,将贫困女性视为一种人力资本,培训是提升贫困女性社会资本的投资。目前培训中存在着机会不平等、性别不平等、培训达不到预期目的等问题。为此,应建立就业培训信息网络,提高培训质量,形成社会化的培训网络,使城市贫困女性从被动接受社会保障津贴者转变为通过劳动获得收入的社会参与者。  相似文献   

Gender issues in education are not simply a woman's problem. They constitute a more general problem of theorising about the nature and processes of education. Where studies advocate the eradication of inequality via education it is most often teachers who are seen as the crucial agents of change. Despite this recognition, surprisingly little attention has been paid to preparing teachers for taking on such a task. This paper considers, firstly, how and why teacher education in England and Wales largely fails to provide a framework or ethos conducive to the inclusion of a gender perspective. Secondly the paper examines some of the ways feminists are responding, arguing that despite institutional and informal resistance, good anti‐sexist work in teacher education is happening and should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

This article analyzes both the current situation regarding education inequality in China, and its formation mechanisms. Policies promoting education have lead to remarkable progress in educational attainment, and also effectively decreased educational inequality. However, substantial inequalities in educational attainment remain, even though sustainable progress has been realized. Decomposition results using the Gini coefficient and Shapley value approach based on regression analysis indicate that the greatest contributing factors to educational inequality involve the urban–rural and social stratification divisions. Moreover, the household register system which divides city and country, as well as increasing income inequality is deepening institutional barriers and stratum differentiation. Though gender and regional gaps have been reduced significantly, the population residing in economically disadvantaged areas, especially females, still warrants social concern. In addition, age related decomposition results indicate that increasing educational attainment for the young plays a key role in reducing education inequality. At last, we argue that more educational investment should be allocated to disadvantaged groups and lower income groups; especially eliminating some institutional barriers such as the hukou system, unequal distribution of good quality educational resources, and so on.  相似文献   

This paper considers how urban, ethnically diverse working class girls’ constructions of femininities mediate and shape their dis/engagement with education and schooling. We discuss how girls generated a sense of identity value/worth through practices such as ‘speaking my mind’—which prioritized notions of agency and visibility and resisted the symbolic violences associated with living social inequality. However, we argue that this strategy was inherently paradoxical because it countered dominant discourses of the normative (middle class) female pupil and hence resulted in drawing girls into conflict with schools—a position that many girls came to ‘regret’. We illustrate how the girls’ attempts at resistance and transgression were constrained by gender‐ and class‐based discourses around moral worth, as girls struggled to be recognized as ‘good underneath’ and attempted to ‘change’ over the course of the project and their final year/s of schooling (to ‘become good’). This process, we suggest, illustrates the implication of reflexivity in the production of gendered and classed identities and inequalities, and illuminates how an internalization of multiple discourses of authority and surveillance of the self is integral to the production of the working class female educational subject.  相似文献   

By integrating individual and contextual approaches, the present study examines gender differences in appointment to leadership positions in schools in three different educational sectors in Israel. Based on a sample of 10,733 Israeli high school teachers in two Jewish educational sectors and one Arab educational sector, we performed a set of multinomial logistic regressions. The main findings indicate that gender has an independent influence on the probability of entering various leadership positions in schools, even after controlling for personal characteristics and teaching fields. However, the patterns and the extent of gender inequality differ between the three sectors. The findings are interpreted in accordance with the glass ceiling and the queuing model approaches. We conclude that gender inequality is context bound and should be analyzed from this point of view.  相似文献   

性别平等是人们关注已久的话题,倡导性别公平不仅应该关注男女两性生理性别上的平等,而且应该关注两性社会性别上的平等。生理性别是先天的,社会性别却是后天的,是文化赋予的。文章通过对俐侎人的生育习俗进行分析,发现"男女有别"、"男尊女卑"的现象从婴儿刚出生就开始体现。当地的生育观和社会性别观是由于文化使然导致的,从而制约了女童的发展。承认差异,关注弱势群体,突破传统文化的枷锁是实现两性平等的必经之路。  相似文献   

This article argues that postfeminist influences on the multiple and interconnected narratives of fairy tales, both real and imagined, provide fertile ground from which to consider ideologies related to race, class, gender, and sexuality. It reports on a research the purpose of which was to engage students in a critical exploration of ideologies relating to race, class, gender, and sexuality through classroom discussions of the contradictory discourses surrounding the ‘real’ fairy tale of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and two recent fairy tale animations that supposedly promote empowered princesses. The findings show that a postfeminist lens provides an effective means through which to explore with students the ideologies of gender, race, class, and sexuality, and suggest the need for an intersectional approach and a generational perspective toward considerations of systems of inequality.  相似文献   

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