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论元代道教典籍的抄写与刊刻——以仙传和宫观山志为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元代道教典籍数量众多,仅收入《道藏》的道教仙传和宫观山志就有30多种。尽管印刷技术得到长足发展,手抄的道教典籍仍然存在。元代道教典籍的刊刻可以分为两种情况,一是《道藏》本道教典籍的刊刻,一是单行本道教典籍的刊刻。  相似文献   

李柯 《档案》2024,(1):42-48
程太虚身为唐代著名女冠谢自然之师,在中国道教史上却留墨不多,其原因复杂多面,与底本文献来源不一、转录讹误及利用名道宣扬道教学说等关系甚大。即便如此,其人其事之影响仍不可小觑。道业上,除了传道谢自然、韩自明等信徒,其人还创立南岷山道教,并广施道法造福一方,对巴蜀区域道教文化的传播产生了不小的影响。文学上,除了其自身创作十多首仙道诗外,后世因其人、其事而创作的诗歌亦多达十几首,对中国文学尤其中国仙道文学的发展作出了极大贡献。  相似文献   

《道教灵验记》是一部典型的道教文学作品。现留存的十五卷本和《云笈七签》六卷本存在一定差异,而且后者有部分作品是他人增补,非杜光庭原作。《云笈》本可辑补佚文,并可以借此窥探全本《道教灵验记》的原貌。《道教灵验记》成书于杜光庭乞游成都以后、依仕王蜀之前的隐居期间,并非一般以为的前蜀时期。基于此,其成书背景和编撰目的也与《王氏神仙传》、《墉城集仙录》等仙道类作品有所不同。另外, 《道教灵验记》文辞优美,叙事婉转,具有很高的文学价值。  相似文献   

孙岩 《兰台世界》2016,(7):87-89
宋代诗人陆游在多重因素作用下,接受了道教思想并产生了道教信仰。这种道教思想对其仙道诗文的创作产生了深刻影响,并展现出了一个有别于人们通常观念的更加鲜活的陆游形象。  相似文献   

洪应明与《菜根谭》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国浩如烟海的传统文化典籍中,有一本书至今还放射出智慧的光芒,四百年来,它被多次翻刻,广泛流传,经久不衰,甚至远播海外。这本书就是明朝万历年间供应明撰写的《菜根谭》。洪应明,字自诚,号还初道人,《明史》无传,其它书似乎也未提及。其生平事迹,只有从他自己的著作以及别人为他的著作所作的题记、序跋来加以考证了。洪应明的著作,留传至今的,除了《菜根谭》,还有《仙佛奇踪》四卷,《四库全书总目》著录云:《仙佛奇踪》四卷,明洪应明撰。应明字自诚,号还初道人,其里贯未详,是编成于万历士寅。前二卷记仙事,后二卷…  相似文献   

明初,出于政治宣传的需要,张三丰的"神仙"形象被皇家建构起来。明代中期的嘉靖初年,伪托"冷谦"画、"张三丰"跋的《蓬莱仙奕图》在江南横空出世,该画表现的是"蓬莱"与"仙奕"等道教意象明显的神仙题材,且冷、张二人均被附着了新的"仙化"传说。此伪本图、跋在明代中后期江南社会的流传过程中,更进一步强化了张三丰的形象建构和"仙化"观念的传播,并催生了多个"仇英"的摹本。《蓬莱仙奕图》与多个摹本的存在又进一步影响了世间凡人可成仙的观念,最终在万历八年发生的由诸多著名文人(以王世贞、王锡爵为代表)参与的昙阳子"仙化"事件中达到高潮,并直接影响明代末年多部画史乃至《明史》的修撰。本文意在通过对一件作伪的画跋产生的时代背景和其流传过程的考察,揭示隐藏在作品背后的道教史、观念史和文化史,最终探讨艺术史的价值,即图像作为非文献的证据,具备呈现文献所不能呈现之历史的特殊价值。  相似文献   

《太平广记》西王母与东王公神话的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《穆天子传》重见天日的轰动效应及其神话化,反衬出西王母、东王公神话相对衰落。随后道教将西王母、东王公纳入其创世神话之中,遂使西王母、东王公逐步复兴。五代隋唐以来道教南北支的融合最终使西王母、东王公的神格、神通实现了全面提升。  相似文献   

《列仙传》是一部道教辅教之作,也是一部重要的早期志怪小说。考证其成书时代,对于认识神仙志怪小说的形成背景和发展序列,理解魏晋游仙文学高潮的兴起,都具有积极的意义。本文试图从文献学的角度,通过对《楚辞》王注、《汉书》古注和《文选》古注引用《仙传》情况的考辨,重新判断其成书时  相似文献   

<穆天子传>重见天日的轰动效应及其神话化,反衬出西王母、东王公神话相对衰落.随后道教将西王母、东王公纳入其创世神话之中,遂使西王母、东王公逐步复兴.五代隋唐以来道教南北支的融合最终使西王母、东王公的神格、神通实现了全面提升.  相似文献   

邓伯超 《大观周刊》2013,(8):19-19,27
《仙鹅骨笛传》一文描写了仙鹅是天鹅转变成鸵鸟仙女和牛娃生活的一段传奇,用虚构的形式把鸵鸟仙女敢于面对人生敢于同抵挡爱情势力作坚决的斗争.表达了作者对鸵鸟仙女的奉献精神和聪明伶俐赞扬。  相似文献   

This content analysis of home pages from 365 randomly selected FM station Web sites examined how the industry is using the Web to deliver content. Results show three types of information are most prevalent: details about station events, disk jockey biographies, and contact information for the station. This is significantly different from the type of content listeners have said they desire in previous survey research. However, differences in the presence of station promotional content can be predicted based on expected differences in the demographics and psychographics of the station's target audience.  相似文献   

Medicine and literature: a section in a medical university library   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Objectives: In 2007, the Alberto Malliani Medical Library of the Università degli Studi in Milan decided to order some novels for its students. The library purchased 24 titles written by famous authors and planned to add others in the future. The proposal for this action was made by a professor, with whom the library had previously co‐operated in organising meetings for students. This article summarises the results of this experiment over 4 years, from its conception, to determine whether any positive outcome has resulted, including how library users welcomed this addition to the library and evaluation of its economic sustainability. Results: Data from July 2007 to December 2010 are presented in terms of the initial purchases, costs, and volume of lending for this section of the library; in addition, readers’ preferences are examined. Conclusions: A university medical library can act as a stimulus to its students’ new or renewed interest in literature, assuming that the novels, biographies, and short stories can contribute positively to the training of medical students. Therefore, setting up a special section can be useful, even though the costs of this section must be limited. A questionnaire could be the method of gathering information about users’ assessment.  相似文献   

The University of Nebraska State Museum (UNSM) is creating multimedia outreach kits on the research of women scientists. The collaborative effort has included Nebraska Educational Telecommunications, curricula developers, biographers, graphic designers, and evaluators. The goal of the project is to increase the number of girls interested in pursuing careers in science, and to this end, women scientists are presented as role models. Wonderwise kits target students in grades four through six through student-centered, inquiry-based activities, specimens and tools, videos of the scientists working in the field, resource-based CD-ROMs, and short biographies of the scientists. This project presents a model of how museums can collaborate with schools to improve science education on a statewide basis.  相似文献   

The Navigate the Net column will be under new joint editorship beginning with volume 29, issue number 1, 2010. In this column, the new editors look back at the past 15 years and discuss the purpose of the column and changes that have taken place in the way medical librarians use and relate to the Internet. The contributions of the previous editors are recognized and the purpose and future direction of the column are discussed. Brief biographies of the new editors are also included.  相似文献   

Offering a separate, popular reading collection can be a valuable public service in academic libraries. Popular reading is also known as leisure reading, recreational reading, and reading for pleasure. These phrases are synonyms for an interest in reading bestsellers, mysteries, romance novels, biographies, graphic novels, humor, self-help, or popular nonfiction, among other literature categories. This article examines the survey data of popular reading collections in the public universities of three southeastern states. It also discusses the popular reading collection at the author's library, also located at a southeastern public university, and analyzes the data from both circulation records and a survey of more than 100 patrons who used the collection during the fall 2008 semester.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 在规范化和重构中国科研人员ORCID履历的基础上,深入分析中国科研人员的国际流动趋势及特点,为国家人才政策的制订提供实证依据。[方法/过程] 充分利用科学文献的作者关联信息,采用数据挖掘方法实现中国科研人员个人履历的重构,并从地理区域分布、流动模式、时间趋势和流动效益等视角,深入地讨论他们的国际流动趋势。[结果/结论] 随着中国科技创新水平的提升,中国人才流动模式逐渐呈现多元化趋势。中国与"一带一路"沿线国家形成人才环流态势,近5年人才回流趋势显著,中国迎来留学生回国就业的高潮。但整体上看,中国人才流失的现象依然严重,对优质人才的吸引力较弱,主要表现为中国科研人员的引进和流失数量失衡,人才内外交流的质量存在一定提升空间。  相似文献   

颜光敏、颜光猷、颜光敩系同胞三兄弟,世称"曲阜三颜",是清初杰出的颜氏家族代表人物。该文介绍了曲阜师范大学图书馆为了研究清代历史、文学史和文献学史的需要,如何整理出版"三颜"的诗文创作,又如何利用信史、列传、家乘及墓志铭等材料对作家本人及其作品予以深入细致的研究考证,为读者提供参考。  相似文献   


Courses: Intercultural Communication, Interracial Communication, Gender and Communication, Introduction to Communication Course (within a unit on culture), and any courses encouraging critical analyses of power.

Objectives: This activity will: illuminate the ways in which everyday performances of privilege and resulting oppressions connect with symbolic, individual, and institutional ideologies and actions; identify the ways in which individuals who are marginalized and oppressed may internalize and/or resist dominant ideologies and actions through such performances of privilege; recognize how individual biographies play into our everyday communication and performances with/of power; encourage intersectional analyses of identity, context, and performances of/with power; and develop communication tools for disrupting and speaking back to oppressive performances of privilege.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect on the use of library materials of various possible changes in library policy on circulation rules, for example, or on the buying of duplicate copies, one must estimate the potential demand for the material, not just the actual use under existing policy. Although the concept of the potential demand, for a book, for instance, is a rather vague one, this paper shows how it can be defined and evaluated in terms of the more definite and more easily measurable quantities of yearly circulation rate and mean loan period for borrowed books. The estimates are statistical ones, the average demand per book, the probability that a book that circulates m times a year has a demand, etc. Graphs and tables are given that show how these quantites can be evaluated once one knows the mean per-book circulation and the mean length of time a book is out of the library per circulation, for a portion of the library that is fairly homogenous in regard to use (such as all science books, or all biographies). The analysis is then used to show how one can, by the use of the tables and graphs, estimate how much a change in the allowed length of loan period will change the average per-book circulation, or what the quantitative effect would be if duplicate copies were bought for all books that circulated more than m times, as well as other measures of library utility that depend on demand rather than directly on past circulation.  相似文献   

《清代学者象传》是中国国家博物馆馆藏书画特色藏品,记录了清代主要学者肖像及传记,是了解清代学者形象的重要文献。关于这套画册的缘起与生成、选录与编纂的标准、画成之后的刊印和发行、传播与影响等,在学术界未能引起足够的关注。本文即在梳理时人与后人文献的基础上,尽可能厘清叶衍兰、叶恭绰等人编著《清代学者象传》的来龙去脉。《清代学者象传》是迄今为止了解清代学术最为完备的图像资源。以图证史,该图册也是研究清代学术演变的第一手资料,因此,从文献学和传播学角度对其展开探讨也就尤为必要。  相似文献   

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