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近年来,口语报告分析法已成为研究被试认知过程的主要研究方法之一。本文是通过口语报告分析法来展示儿童推理过程中的心理模型的建构情况,借以研究分析儿童推理时的认知策略,同时对心理模型理论进行了检验。  相似文献   

口语报告是了解人类认知过程的重要方法。口语报告方法又称为出声思考方法,它能使被试的思维过程外部语言化,研究者以此可以直接研究人类复杂的信息加工过程。笔者介绍了口语报告方法的使用程序和国内外的有关口语报告方法的应用研究,分析了口语报告方法的发展趋势以及应用前景。  相似文献   

基于《中国英语能力等级量表》(以下简称《量表》)构建英语阅读推理认知诊断测评模型,使用在线英语阅读推理试卷和G-DINA模型对1 083名学生的英语阅读推理能力进行诊断分析,生成个性化成绩报告。结果表明:基于《量表》构建的主旨推理、时间推理、词汇推理、前提-结论推理、因果推理和回指推理6个阅读推理技能,经验证是有效、可靠的;所构建的英语阅读推理认知诊断模型拟合较好,诊断信度较高;个性化成绩报告直观、翔实地呈现了被试阅读推理能力的优势与不足,对学生后期补救学习具有指导意义。对《量表》修订及应用的启示是:1)细化阅读推理描述语的概念界定;2)平衡针对不同体裁文本的阅读推理描述语的类型和数量;3)使用文本难度分析工具衡量阅读材料难度。  相似文献   

口语报告法是通过分析研究对象对自己心理活动的口头陈述,收集有关数据资料的一种方法。口语报告法的适用范围广泛,尤其是在心理和教育科学的研究中,口语报告法特别适合于研究被试认知活动的实际过程和特点。本文将对口语报告法的三种形式,即自我报告、自我观察和自我启示进行对比并指出口语报告法在理解语言学习和语言运用策略方面做出的贡献,以及如何适当地运用这些方法。  相似文献   

有关口语报告法效度的几个争议问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管口语报告法在当前心理学、教育学以及认知科学的研究中被广泛使用,但关于其效度的争议依然存在。这些争议主要包括:第一,口语报告的准确性,即口语报告能否准确地反映我们的思维内容?第二,口语报告的完整性,即搜集到的口语报告能否为我们了解被试的认知过程提供足够的信息?第三,口语报告的反应性,即口语报告是否会影响思维的正常进程?文章对这些问题进行了较为深入的分析和思考,并指出了对口语报告法进行研究的几个新趋势。  相似文献   

化学计算的六种解题思路(续2)北京市第35中学周大可第五种比较推理法比较,就是确定物质之间同、异关系的思维过程。推理是由一个或几个已知判断推出新判断的思维形式。比较推理法正是在比其相同较其相异的思维过程中,推理判断得出新结论的解题方法。比较推理法有以...  相似文献   

一、运用分析复习法,提升逻辑推理思维能力 分析复习法是从事物或现象的成因切入,然后推理其原理和规律,即运用归因分析、定性分析、定量分析等,将基础知识转化为基本技能。此法贴近高三学生由具体(感知)-抽象(概括)-实际(应用)的认知思维过程。以气候专题为例,包括归因分析-定性分析-定量分析-应用等思维过程。  相似文献   

关于解决化学平衡问题的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本根据在化学教学中设计的“口语报告问题任务”,采用出声思维的个案研究方法,并利用问题行为图技术进行个案分析-对中学学科教学专家和新手(中学生)解决中学化学平衡问题的思维过程进行实证研究。研究表明,教学专家和新手解决中学化学平衡问题的思维过程存在着明显的差异,产生这种差异的根本原因是教学专家和新手知识的结构化程度不同以及反省认知水平的不同。  相似文献   

推理悬疑小说是一种情节符码占主导地位的理性小说,在这类小说体裁中试推法贯穿于创作与阅读思维过程的始终,从而形成一种开放的意义空间。试推法是皮尔斯原创性提出的,这种推理方式拓展了人类的知识,也最契合符号学开放意义的精神。开放的意义,被符号学家艾柯比喻为“迷宫”,而艾柯本人创作的系列推理悬疑小说正是这种典型的“迷宫”小说。以艾柯的推理小说为例,分析试推法形成的三种迷宫类型,既有助于分析推理悬疑小说的体裁特征,又有助于理解逻辑符号学的基础理论。  相似文献   

OPI是目前世界范围内公认信度和效度最高的口语能力评价体系,其最大特色在于将交际性原则贯彻于真实会话过程,刺激被试完成不同难度的语言输出任务。借鉴OPI高度结构化的测试流程、测试员的角色定位以及全面的语言能力评估标准,对于摆脱传统教学理念和方法束缚,探究新的汉语口语教学模式具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a componential analysis of items comprising Sections A and C of Form Z of the reading comprehension portions of the California Achievement Tests (CAT) (Tiegs & Clark, 1963). A set of problem components or attributes characterizing the test items in terms of manifest content, psychologically salient features, and processing demands was developed, including methods for their quantification. The contributions of these components to task difficulty were then evaluated using linear regression methodology. Item difficulty indices were transformations of the familiar proportion-correct item score, obtained from data gathered during the spring of 1989 from 158 deaf examinees. Variation in the item difficulty values was substantially accounted for in terms of a small number of predictor variables (R2 greater than or equal to .90). Implications of the results for construct validity and interpretation of test scores are discussed.  相似文献   

This work examines the hypothesis that the arrangement of items according to increasing difficulty is the real source of what is considered the item-position effect. A confusion of the 2 effects is possible because in achievement measures the items are arranged according to their difficulty. Two item subsets of Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), one following the original item order, and the other one including randomly ordered items, were applied to a sample of 266 students. Confirmatory factor analysis models including representations of both the item-position effect and a possible effect due to increasing item difficulty were compared. The results provided evidence for both effects. Furthermore, they indicated a substantial relation between the item-position effects of the 2 APM subsets, whereas no relation was found for item difficulty. This indicates that the item-position effect stands on its own and is not due to increasing item difficulty.  相似文献   

The contribution of perceptual processes to the correlation between measures of sustained attention and intelligence was investigated in considering computerized and paper–pencil tests of sustained attention. Perceptual processes were represented by tasks demanding signal detection and stimulus discrimination. A total of 117 participants completed two attention tests, as well as two tests that required signal detection and stimulus discrimination. Intelligence was measured by means of Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) and Berliner Intelligenzstruktur-Test (BIS). Structural equation modeling showed that intelligence was best predicted by one independent latent variable, which included loadings of sustained attention, speed of signal detection, and of stimulus discrimination. The investigation of the structure of prediction revealed speed of stimulus discrimination and genuine sustained attention as major predictors of intelligence.  相似文献   

Martin Johnson 《Literacy》2004,38(2):90-96
This study follows from a previous study into children's attitudes to writing test stimulus features. In that study the views of 192 English eleven‐year‐olds were surveyed using a questionnaire. The survey found that the children were mainly influenced by features that they felt contributed to task difficulty. A qualitative study was designed in order to investigate children's views in more depth. Stimuli were constructed containing various features that children in the earlier study had suggested contributed to task difficulty. The children's ideas relating to the stimuli were elicited using a modified version of Kelly's repertory grid technique.  相似文献   

口语表达能力是中国学生一直久攻不下的难题.通过教学,帮助学生提高用英语进行交际的能力是摆在广大英语教师面前的一个迫切需要解决的课题.英语口语教学可以从神经生物学的角度分析情感在外语学习过程中的作用和影响,从神经语言学的角度具体分析影响英语口语表达的因素,并以此为基础进行以需求为目的分层次的英语口语教学.  相似文献   

通过分析高职院校英语口语教学的特点,笔者提出采用情景剧表演这一教学模式能更好地提高学生英语口语水平,并详举情景剧表演的四个环节以及其优点。  相似文献   

职业教育中试卷分析的过程及效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过试卷分析,能够客观地反映教师“教”和学生“学”的水平和效果,并可以帮助教师和学生发现教学活动中的问题所在,不断提高教学质量。本文按照试卷分析的各项指标,从考试成绩、试卷的难度、区分度等多方面对试卷进行分析,并在分析的结果上提出了职业教育中的一些教学反思和建议。  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of curriculum on technical features within curriculum-based measurement in reading. Curriculum was defined as the difficulty of material and the basal series from which students read. Technical features were the criterion validity and developmental growth rates associated with the measurement. Ninety-one students took a commercial, widely used test of reading comprehension and read orally for 1 minute from each of 19 passages, one from each grade level within two reading series. Correlations between the oral reading samples and the test of reading comprehension were similar across difficulty levels and across series. Developmental growth rates also remained strong regardless of difficulty level and series.  相似文献   

利用Lyapunov方法对R—C电路进行稳定性分析,结果表明该系统是稳定的,同时也表明Lyapunov方法对分析线性定常系统的稳定性是很方便和有效的.  相似文献   

上海市普通高中将从2010年开始,首次实行高中地理学业水平考试。面对考试成绩的比较,是恢复传统的讲授式教学,还是坚持新课程“改变学习方式”的理念,成为摆在地理教师面前的一个课题。文章力图通过对新教材处理方法的再思考,寻找到其中的平衡点。通过对教材特点的剖析,对教材内容进行诸如补充、删减、分解、重组、转换等方面的变通处理,把握教学重点、难点,真正实现灵活运用教材。  相似文献   

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