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谭铁军 《成人教育》2006,(12):50-51
建设我国学习型社会,重点和难点都在农村。现阶段,创建我国学习型农村应采取有效对策,着力解决终身学习理念的树立、管理机构的设置、法律法规的制定、保障机制的建立、学习资源的开发、学习型组织的建设、实施方略的确立等难点问题。  相似文献   

学习型社会与农村成人继续教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,农业和农村经济结构调整以及农业产业化经营进程的逐步深入与农民素质不高的矛盾日益突出,已成为制约农业、农村经济、农村社会发展的重要因素。加快农村学习型社会建设,迅速提高广大农民的综合素质和劳动技能,是发展农村经济、提高农民生活水平的现实需要,也是全面建设小康社会的必然要求。建设以终身教育和社会全员参与为标志的学习型社会重点在农村、难点也在农村,没有农民的学习参与,就不可能形成真正的学习型社会。一、农村成人继续教育是学习型社会的推动力现阶段我国农村仍存在着不同程度的贫困现象。造成这种状况的原因是多方…  相似文献   

建设学习型社会是我国未来10年教育改革发展的重大战略目标,建设学习型社会的实践,归根结底要落实于各类学习型组织建设。倡导终身学习、加强组织学习是建设学习型组织、形成学习型社会的关键。调查结果表明,创建农村学习型组织培育了全民学习的社会氛围,促进了社会主义新农村建设。农村学习型社会建设是一个循序渐进的过程,需要强化组织领导,突出农村党员干部、致富带头人、经济合作组织等重点群体;深化载体建设,广泛开展社区教育,做到学有其所;优化网络构建,建好“江苏学习在线”网站,服务全民学习。  相似文献   

学习型社会与农村成人继续教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,农业和农村经济结构调整以及农业产业化经营进程的逐步深入与农民素质不高的矛盾日益突出,已成为制约农业、农村经济、农村社会发展的重要因素。加快农村学习型社会建设,迅速提高广大农民的综合素质和劳动技能,是发展农村经济、提高农民生活水平的现实需要,也是全面建设小康社会的必然要求。建设以终身教育和社会全员参与为标志的学习型社会重点在农村、难点也在农村,没有农民的学习参与,就不可能形成真正的学习型社会。  相似文献   

建设农村学习型社区,是我国城镇化建设的需要,是加强农村精神文明建设的需要,是解决“三农”问题的根本措施。结合我国农村实际,提出构建农村学习型社区的目标、载体、内容及推进农村学习型社区建设的保障机制。  相似文献   

当前在建设学习型社会的大背景下,我国农村学习型组织发展速度迅速,数量众多,同时也暴露出这样那样的问题。学习型农村专业合作经济组织是我国农村最受欢迎、最具发展前景的一种农村学习型组织类型,具有"协会领头,自愿加入"、"技术支撑,服务为本"、"团队学习,共同提高"等特征。学习型农村专业合作经济组织的发展壮大,需要政府引导和政策推动,同时远程教育机构以其得天独厚的优势,大有可为。  相似文献   

"形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展",这是我们党提出的全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标之一.实现这一目标,必须跨越农村地区这一步.我国大部分人口在农村,只有广大农村地区形成学习型社会,才有希望形成全国的学习型社会.形成农村地区的学习型社会,就在于发展农村基础教育,通过农村基础教育提高劳动者素质,使人口资源变为人力资源.  相似文献   

“形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展”,这是我们党提出的全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标之一:实现这一目标,必须跨越农村地区这一步。我国大部分人口在农村,只有广大农村地区形成学习型社会,才有希望形成全国的学习型社会。形成农村地区的学习型社会,就在于发展农村基础教育,通过农村基础教育提高劳动者素质,使人口资源变为人力资源。  相似文献   

建国以来,中国农村发展经历了三个阶段的改革发展,从建国后的恢复型农村建设,改革开放后农业市场化建设时期,到21世纪初至今的社会主义新农村建设时期.通过追溯农村的发展历史可以发现社会主义新农村呼唤新的农村发展模式,而建设学习型农村是我国农村发展的必然选择.学习型农村是农村的全体成员为了共同的愿景而全身心的投入,并有持续增长学习力的农村,是通过学习创造自我,扩大创造未来正能量的农村.  相似文献   

社会主义新农村建设呼唤新的农村发展模式,而建设学习型农村是我国农村发展的自觉选择。构建学习型农村要求在制度体系的保障下培养高素质新型农民,建设有持续发展力的新型农村。构建学习型农村对于我国构建学习型社会,保障农民基本权利和实现农业第二次飞跃具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This article draws on work undertaken as part of the Economic and Social Research Council's Learning Society Programme. The project from which data are drawn, entitled 'The Meaning of the Learning Society for Adults with Learning Difficulties', focused on lifelong learning opportunities available to people with learning difficulties and experiences of these services. The article begins by examining theories of late modernity, their use by feminist and disability studies theorists and their relationship to ideas of a learning society. Subsequently, using case study material, it is argued that the identities of people with learning difficulties are not chosen freely from a range of options but are socially ascribed. The status of learning difficulties is used as a dominant category to justify deprivation of basic political and economic rights. In addition, the lives of people with learning difficulties are structured by gender and class, and these intersect with the category of learning difficulties. For both women and men, the advantages of middle-class social and economic capital are overridden by the negative category of learning difficulties. In relation to gender, men with learning difficulties are more likely to receive post-school training, but in inappropriate areas of the labour market. Their domestic needs are also likely to be attended to by others, but in the absence of employment, they find themselves without any valued social role. Women with learning difficulties are also likely to be excluded from the labour market, but are more likely to be involved in reciprocal, albeit limited, social relationships. It is concluded that postmodernist theories are inadequate to describe the structuring of the lives of people with learning difficulties.  相似文献   


There has been much attention given to the needs of students with learning disabilities in Australian schools in recent years. The needs and experiences of university students with learning disabilities have received less attention. This article reports on the results of a small study of students who identified as having a range of difficulties with learning at one Australian university. Eight students across a range of discipline areas and year levels were asked about the nature of their difficulties, the kinds of adjustments they receive and their effectiveness, and for their suggestions about how these adjustments could be improved. The results pointed to the need for university lecturers to better understand the kinds of learning difficulties experienced by such students. Such an understanding can assist lecturers in knowing how to adjust their teaching and learning practices so these students can more fully participate and be successful in their university studies.  相似文献   

多媒体技术是帮助学习困难儿童弥补各种学业困难的主要方法之一.国外的研究表明,有多种技术可用于学习困难儿童的学习干预,其中关键技术有CAI程序、文语转换、语音识别和概念地图等.国外的研究与实践,给我国开展相关研究提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

辅助技术是帮助学习困难儿童弥补各种学业困难的主要方法之一。国外研究表明,写作困难儿童接受多媒体计算机辅助教学训练后,其写作过程中的各个环节都能得到明显改善,写作成绩显著提高。用于干预写作困难的关键技术有语音识别和概念地图等。国外的研究与实践,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

This systematic review explores test anxiety in children and young people (CYP) with learning difficulties. Research has found that students with learning difficulties experience higher levels of anxiety about school compared to peers without learning difficulties. One area of school that has had little research is test anxiety, therefore further exploration is needed. Nine papers resulted from the systematic search. It was found that CYP with learning difficulties can experience test anxiety. There are a variety of internal and external factors which have an interactional relationship with test anxiety. A model was developed to illustrate these factors including characteristics of tests, perceptions of support, self-belief and cognition and learning skills. This can be used to explore potential reasons for test anxiety in CYP with learning difficulties and to provide subsequent support.  相似文献   

真正达到课堂教学的理想效果,促进全体学生的发展,还要揭开"学困生"这个"结"。对职校计算机"学困生"的成因作深入探究,并提出转化"学困生"的一些有效性策略。教师对学困生怀着真诚的爱,充分尊重、信任学困生,善于发掘学困生的闪光点,持之以恒、常抓不懈,就能找到启迪学困生心灵的金钥匙,使他们不断进步,成为健康、蓬勃发展的一代新人。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the use of computer technology as a medium to teach personal safety skills to young people with severe learning difficulties. The authors, working from the Psychology Department of Glasgow Caledonian University, present two main areas which they considered when designing teaching materials for these pupils. Firstly, pupils with severe learning difficulties may not understand the appropriate language for sexual issues. Materials based on the ability to speak, listen, read or write will not produce a deep level of understanding about the topic. Secondly, pupils with severe learning difficulties may find acting out a situation through role play difficult. The authors describe their use of computer technology as a possible solution to these areas and illustrate the personal experiences of educators following this novel use of multimedia.  相似文献   

The Australian Curriculum identified seven General Capabilities, including numeracy, to be embedded in all learning areas. However, it has been left to individual schools to manage this. Whilst there is a growing body of literature about pedagogies that embed numeracy in various learning areas, there are few studies from the management perspective. A social constructivist perspective and a multiple case study approach were used to explore the actions of school managers and mathematics teachers in three Queensland secondary schools, in order to investigate how they meet the Australian Curriculum requirement to embed numeracy throughout the curriculum. The study found a lack of coordinated cross-curricular approaches to numeracy in any of the schools studied. It illustrates the difficulties that arise when teachers do not share the Australian Curriculum cross-curricular vision of numeracy. Schools and curriculum authorities have not acknowledged the challenges for teachers in implementing cross-curricular numeracy, which include: limited understanding of numeracy; a lack of commitment; and inadequate skills. Successful embedding of numeracy in all learning areas requires: the commitment and support of school leaders, a review of school curriculum documents and pedagogical practices, professional development of teachers, and adequate funding to support these activities.  相似文献   

Due to misconceptions about the challenges of language learning, foreign languages classrooms have not always been accessible spaces for all learners. This article seeks to address the needs of students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in the foreign languages classroom and challenge the notion that this group of students cannot or should not learn languages. Current research tends to focus on specific learning difficulties in language learning, but little research considers the language learning experiences of children with SEND more broadly. Accordingly, this article delineates the advantages of language learning for learners with SEND, drawing on emerging research that shows that second language acquisition is not only possible but positive for many learners with additional needs. It then considers some of the specific challenges that SEND learners may face in the foreign languages classroom before outlining key strategies to facilitate inclusion among this diverse group of learners.

Key points

  • Learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) should not routinely be removed from the foreign languages classroom, but instead should be provided with opportunities to thrive within it. This article discusses the unique importance of foreign language learning for learners with SEND.
  • Research evidence suggests that learning new languages is, on the whole, possible—and perhaps hugely beneficial—for children with developmental differences and learning difficulties, but will depend on the circumstances and profile of the individual child.
  • The article explores some specific challenges that students with different additional needs might encounter in their foreign languages education, based on the four areas of need outlined in the SEND Code of Practice: communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; and sensory or physical needs.
  • To conclude, the article presents a range of key strategies that foreign languages teachers might implement in the classroom to support learners with different special educational needs and disabilities.

Alison Bishop and Phyllis Jones both work in the School of Education at Northumbria University where they teach on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Phyllis Jones specialises in disability issues and Alison Bishop focuses on early years education. For the project described in this paper, they combined their areas of expertise, devising a small–scale research project to explore the experiences of a group of early years science specialist student teachers as they took part in workshops with a group of early years children with severe and profound learning difficulties. The research explores the changing attitudes and perceptions of the students with regard to the learning and teaching of science with young children. It becomes clear that there is a realization for many students that science can make a significant contribution to the education of children with severe and profound learning difficulties in the early years. The authors also discuss the need for training to equip the students to meet the challenges and rewards of working with children with severe and profound learning difficulties in their future teaching careers.  相似文献   

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