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山东大学历史文化学院谭必勇副教授新作《中外公共档案馆发展路径比较及对策研究》2019年8月由中国社会科学出版社出版发行,该书系作者主持的2013年国家社科基金青年项目"中外公共档案馆发展路径比较及对策研究"(项目编号:13CTQ054)最终研究成果。全书除导论外,共分5章,凡28.8万字。  相似文献   

清代学者段玉裁对古今字的运用,不仅有理论上的详细说明,还有丰富的实践例证。他重视古今异字现象,并深入分析了古今字的用字现象。段玉裁对古今字的关系、古今字的产生等研究成果,主要集中在其《经韵楼集》和《说文解字注》的一些单篇论文中。  相似文献   

我室对中文医学期刊采用分类号与刊名字顺、年代相结合的方法进行排架。第一步,根据《中图法期刊分类表》的医学类目,对期刊进行分类,一般分到2、3级类目。第二步,采用“四角号码”取号法,取刊名前四字的各字的左上角号为刊次号。如:《~5中~2华~4内~2科杂志》,《~3实~7用~2外~2科学》,它们的索  相似文献   

卞吉 《编辑学报》2004,16(1):50-50
《中国期刊年鉴》是一部全面反映我国期刊行业年度静态信息和最新发展动态的连续出版物 ,是国内具有实用性和史存价值的期刊类大型文献。 2 0 0 3年底出版的《年鉴》 ( 2 0 0 2 /2 0 0 3 ) ,主要反映了 2 0 0 2年 6月至 2 0 0 3年 6月我国期刊出版的状况和前瞻。该卷《年鉴》的“期刊研究成果”栏中除保留了上一卷的“期刊研究论文索引”外 ,新增加了“期刊研究论文观点选摘”。“选摘”收录了 2 0 0 2年 6月至 2 0 0 3年 6月出版的 2 0种期刊发表的85篇论文 ,每篇浓缩成 70 0字左右的短文。这些文章基本上反映了该年度我国有关期刊编辑出版…  相似文献   

从古籍数字化研究与实践的角度,论述集外字处理的必要性。结合古籍数字化的实践,将现有的集外字处理方法归纳为替换法、造字法和描述法,并分别讨论了这些方法的特点。以《文渊阁四库全书》电子版项目和国家图书馆数字方志项目为实例,提出集外字处理方案及其评价方法。  相似文献   

本文阐述了作者提出并在公司的产品中已经成功使用的,一种达到印刷制版质量要求的汉字字根组合生成外字的技术。该技术成功地解决了外字在文本输入、显示、排版、输出(低、中、高不同分辨率)、传输、复制、电子出版物、保存、检索等种种技术问题,并成功地进行了商品化,在公司的产品:四通易排系统和四通OA排版卡等产品中已成功地使用两年多,广泛地受到了用户欢迎。本文还指出该组合字形技术对汉字等开放型大字符集,面临外字难题具有根本性的意义,是一种具有中国特色、较彻底地排除外字困扰的实用技术,这是对“不断扩充字符集编码来解决集外字”的一种新挑战,新创意,新途径。对曾经提出同类方法但不能解决高档文字输出质量和不能独立储存、传输等技术方案作了突破性的发展,使外字生成与适用高质量印刷制版、适应高质量字形的电子出版物、高质量文本传输达到了实用水平。  相似文献   

某报1月8日在B2版刊发题为“中国瑞典合作研发4G”的报道,在这不足千字的报道中,13次提到3G、4G、TD—SCDMA(简称TD)、LTE/TDD等缩写的英文专业词汇。  相似文献   

对外宣传品——顾名思义,是让海外、国外的宣传对象了解我们情况的宣传制品。它包括各种广播电视宣传片、画册、折页等等。由于是面向海外受众,我们制作外宣品时,首先要考虑的应该是“外”字。但是,我们的一些地区一些同志这几年在制作外宣品时,自觉不自觉地却忽视了这个“外”字,  相似文献   

网络词汇的语义生成是词内理据与词外理据共同作用的结果,新兴网络词语"雷"字也不例外。从词内理据和词外理据两个层面来探讨"雷"字的语义生成模式,不仅能够对"雷"字新的语义作出更科学、更本质的诠释,而且也能够给网络词汇的研究提供一种新思路。  相似文献   

表外字能不能写成繁体字?这是许多编辑在文稿编辑加工中经常遇到的问题. 所谓表外字,是指国务院2013年6月5日公布的《通用规范汉字表》以外的字,即8 105个汉字以外的字.所谓能不能写成繁体字,实际上是说表外字的偏旁是否可以不进行类推简化. 关于这一点,《通用规范汉字表》没有明确说明,而字表课题组在《(通用规范汉字表)...  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探讨链接分析法在国内网站实证研究中的应用情况,并对有关研究取得的进展和存在的不足进行分析。[方法/过程]结合定量分析法与定性分析法,从研究目的、研究对象、研究指标、研究工具、研究方法、研究结论及研究建议7个角度对以往研究进行多方位的分析。[结果/结论]研究发现:有关研究发展迅速,并呈现出一定的特征,诸如研究目的一般为1-2个,内容以评价网站影响力和分析网站现状为主;研究对象范围不断扩大,对一些新型网站的关注度有所提升,但仍以大学网站、企业网站和政府网站为主等。与此同时,部分研究也存在一些不足,诸如研究方法大多重复、研究指标设置创新性不足、研究工具性能仍存在局限等。基于上述发现,从研究目的、研究对象等7个方面提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

This article presents the concept of electronic record as articulated by the first phase of the InterPARES (International research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems) Project (1999-2001) and discusses it in light of the findings of the second phase of the Project (2002-2006). While InterPARES 1 focused on records produced and/or maintained in databases and document management systems, InterPARES 2 examined records produced and/or maintained in interactive, experiential and dynamic environments. The authors describe the characteristics of these environments and of the entities found in them in the course of case studies conducted on systems used for carrying out artistic, scientific and e-government activities, and propose the new concept of record that InterPARES 2 is eleborating, which expands on that formulated by InterPARES 1. The authors would like to thank InterPARES 2 research assistant Randy Preston for his careful editing and constructive criticisms. Some of his suggestions have been incorporated in the text of this article.  相似文献   

This essay presents a methodological approach, ethnographic facilitation (EF), through which applied communication scholars (1) employ ethnographic practices to develop a rich, nuanced understanding of communication within and constitutive of groups, organizations, and/or communities; (2) intervene into communicative practices using group facilitation processes to promote change or development for the group, organization, community, and/or its members; and (3) report their findings to scholarly and relevant practitioner communities. The essay explains how EF draws on, yet differs from, and extends related methodological approaches, such as ethnography, critical ethnography, discourse tracing, and participatory action research, and integrates traditional facilitation practices with ethnography. Implications of the methodology are discussed regarding site selection, researcher conduct and relationships, techniques used to describe and facilitate communication, facilitation assessment, and dissemination of research findings. To illustrate the principles that inform this methodology, examples are included from a case study conducted with a church leadership team.  相似文献   

An increasingly data-intensive research environment has highlighted the need for greater research transparency to facilitate integrity and trust in open science and in the conduct of research more widely. The initial findings of faculty researchers' behaviors and practices toward research transparency, using the research data lifecycle as a grounding framework are reported. Four focus group sessions were conducted with faculty researchers in different disciplines, including natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, and different transparency practices were captured using the researchers' own language. Four generic transparency components were identified: action verb, object, task, and stage in the research lifecycle. The inter-relationships between specific transparency components were visualized using network visualizations. The network visualizations suggest that the lifecycle stages of Process/Visualize/Analyze and Publish/Preserve/Archive are key points for transparency, where ‘data’ play a critical role demonstrated by the multiple node-edge relationships. Based on the findings, a conceptual model, termed the Tasks-Toward-Transparency (T3) Model, was developed. This model may inform researcher practices and support research stakeholders whose role is to articulate and deliver transparency advocacy, policy, training programs, and services.  相似文献   

This article presents the concept of electronic record as articulated by the first phase of the InterPARES (International research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems) Project (1999–2001) and discusses it in light of the findings of the second phase of the Project (2002–2006). While InterPARES 1 focused on records produced and/or maintained in databases and document management systems, InterPARES 2 examined records produced and/or maintained in interactive, experiential and dynamic environments. The authors describe the characteristics of these environments and of the entities found in them in the course of case studies conducted on systems used for carrying out artistic, scientific and e-government activities, and propose the new concept of record that InterPARES 2 is eleborating, which expands on that formulated by InterPARES 1.The authors would like to thank InterPARES 2 research assistant Randy Preston for his careful editing and constructive criticisms. Some of his suggestions have been incorporated in the text of this article.  相似文献   


Academic interest in what has been termed “infotainment” has grown considerably since the term was coined in the 1980s. Today, the burgeoning field of infotainment research has become an important interdisciplinary field of study producing numerous political, cultural, and social insights. Nevertheless, infotainment remains highly contested, multifaceted, and incoherent, both as a term and a field of study. Preliminary attempts have been made to give greater conceptual clarity and standardization to the term, although their success has been limited, leaving difficulties in analyzing and comparing findings in a unified manner. In this review essay I outline the findings from a comprehensive literature review by delineating three mains trajectories of infotainment research: (1) research on soft news programming; (2) research on traditional news media; and (3) research on media systems and global infotainment. To conclude, I offer three suggestions for future infotainment research, arguing that scholars should attempt to achieve standardization and conceptual clarity within, rather than across research trajectories, that political theory should be more explicitly incorporated into the literature for the purposes of standardizing methods and clarifying normative debates, and that research should also focus on the synergies between contemporary trends in political campaign/communications strategies and trends in infotainment.  相似文献   

This experimental study assessed the effectiveness of fundraising messages. Based on recent findings regarding the effects of message framing and evidence, effective fundraising messages should combine abstract, statistical information with a negative message frame and anecdotal evidence with a positive message frame. In addition, building on research into social dilemmas, it was hypothesized that information about charity goal attainment (e.g., the contributions of others) should increase donation intentions. The hypotheses were tested in a 2 (goal attainment: yes/no)×2 (framing: positive/negative)×2 (evidence: statistical/anecdotal) factorial design. Abstract information was more effective when combined with a negatively framed message, whereas anecdotal information was more effective when combined with a positive frame. In addition, donation intentions were higher for messages that addressed charity goal attainment issues.  相似文献   

While research training often takes place during every day practice, for the majority of library and information professionals, essential training will have been received as part of the dissertation element of their degree. However, there is a danger that important dissertation study findings are not disseminated if, for example, the student has moved onto a new job. The Health Information and Libraries Journal seek to address this research/practice gap with the introduction of a new feature 'Dissertations into Practice' specifically tasked with providing a safe and structured environment for students to disseminate their dissertation project findings.  相似文献   

国内外消费者健康信息学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
[目的/意义] 旨在梳理医学信息学的分支——消费者健康信息学(CHI)领域的研究文献和研究进展,发现该领域的研究弱点与空白点。[方法/过程] 采用文本编码的方式,从CHI的范畴界定、健康信息生命周期中的典型阶段考察文献中的研究问题、变量关系等。[结果/结论] 从研究对象涉及到的技术、消费者、使命、目标、任务、学科属性等角度分别综述其界定,并提炼出一个较有解释力的内涵;依据文章界定的CHI内涵,依次梳理消费者健康信息需求、搜寻、获取、接受、利用和评价的具体表现和影响因素等。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]由于科研履历提供了其他数据源所没有的丰富而且独特的信息,情报学研究者正越来越意识到它的重要性,并借助科研履历数据在多个领域开展了成果丰硕的各类研究.科研履历正逐步被看作是情报分析与研究的重要数据来源.[方法/过程]采用宏微观和横纵向的两维分析方法,对近20年以科研履历数据作为主要数据源的学术研究文献进行调研与梳理.[结果/结论]提出履历数据至少可以被应用到科研人员的职业成长、人才流动与科研合作、研究群体的特征分析以及科研项目、政策、建制的评估等4个领域的情报研究中.专家库带来的大量结构化履历数据以及以履历数据为枢纽形成的数据链,将推动情报学研究向纵深化发展.  相似文献   

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