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本文采用实验研究的方法,研究了标记对聋生句子意义整体理解水平的影响。结果表明:标记能够有效提高聋生对句子意义整体理解的水平。标记情况与句子长度之间存在着交互作用:在无标记的情况下,聋生对短句和中句的整体理解成绩最高;在有标记的情况下,聋生对中句意义的整体理解成绩最高。标记对长句的整体理解成绩提高幅度最大。无论是有标记还是无标记,聋生对长句的整体理解水平都是最低的。  相似文献   

正句子是表达完整意义的语言单位,是聋生交际、参与以健听人为主的社会活动所必须掌握的基本语言要素。依照汉语书面语的规范准则,聋生句子表达不通顺是一个较为普遍、突出的问题,也是聋生汉语运用的障碍。把握手语教学特点,是促进聋生汉语通顺表达的有效途径。一、聋生汉语句子表达不通顺的原因分析句子的运用涉及词汇和语法两方面。聋生在掌握汉语词汇和语法规则方面与健听人的差异是影响聋生汉语句子通顺表达的主要原因。  相似文献   

《全日制聋校义务教育语文课程标准》中指出:为适应和满足社会进步以及聋生自身发展的需要,聋校义务教育语文课程的改革,应坚持以人为本、面向未来,从培养聋生适应未来社会的能力,促进聋生的可持续发展出发。而提高聋生书面语表达能力,正是从聋生的实际出发。但目前我们的现状是很多聋生写的句子不通顺,看上去词不达意,让人看不懂。俗话说"拳不离手,曲不离口",要想提高聋生的写话能力,就要在平时加强聋生的笔谈训练,只有让他们多写句子,并且及时进行修改,久而久之,定能有助于他们掌握语法,写通顺句子。  相似文献   

具有良好的句子能力,是形成和发展聋生语言的基础,也是有效开展聋校语文篇章教学的前提。针对聋生的语言实际状况,以及其特有的学语特点,切实加强聋生对句意的理解、句式的掌握、句量的拓展以及朗读等能力的提升,逐步形成和发展聋生的句子能力,可为全面提高聋生语文的综合素养打下扎实基础。  相似文献   

句子教学是聋校语文教学中的重点,贯穿于语文教学的全过程。句子掌握的好与差直接影响聋生的语言表达能力和对语言文字的理解能力。由于听力所限,聋生不能自然地形成很好的语言习惯。大部分聋生为写句子犯愁,写出的句子既不完整、不生动,又缺乏情感。要彻底改变这种现状,必须从最基本的句子教学抓起。我在近几年聋校的低年级语文教学实践中,围绕句子教学进行了初步的探索。  相似文献   

于洋 《成才之路》2010,(31):25-25
由于听力所限,聋生的语言理解能力和语言表达能力与正常儿童相比,有着很大的差距。大部分聋生惧怕写作,他们写出的句子既不完整、不生动,又缺乏情感,而且语序颠倒,让人不知所云。要改变这种现状,必须从最基本的句子教学抓起,提高聋生的语言表达能力。  相似文献   

听觉通道缺失和使用手语对聋生时间空间隐喻的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过2个实验,考察听觉通道缺失和使用手语和对聋人时间空间隐喻的影响.实验1发现,聋人在动作水平上和视觉水平上都存在“左/过去,右/将来”的水平方向的时间空间隐喻:对表征过去的词或句子按左键反应和对表征将来的词或句子按右键反应的反应时更短;对表征过去的词或句子,呈现在左边错误率低,对表征将来的词或句子,呈现在右边错误率低.当材料呈现在右边时,出现呈现位置与反应方式的同侧优势效应.实验2发现,聋生无论在动作水平上还是在视觉水平上都不存在“上/过去,下/将来”的竖直方向的时间空间隐喻.整个研究表明,听觉通道缺失和使用手语并未影响聋生的时间的水平方向隐喻,却影响了时间的竖直方向隐喻的形成.  相似文献   

听力障碍学生理解上“以目代耳”,表达上“以手代口”的特点影响了聋生对外界信息获得的完整性、准确性。随着年级的升高,学习内容的深入,聋生的学习困难会越来越明显,学习的积极性也会随之下降。怎样从聋生的需要出发,构建新型课堂,提高聋生学习的积极性呢?本文将结合教学实践对以上问题进行探究。  相似文献   

提高低年级聋生的语言能力要遵循由易到难,由浅入深的原则,在课堂教学、生活实际中通过词语积累、句子训练、阅读教学等多种训练形式对学生进行说写训练,培养聋生说写的兴趣,让聋生勇于同健全人进行交流,为聋生回归主流打下基础。  相似文献   

听力障碍学生理解上“以目代耳”,表达上“以手代口”的特点影响了聋生对外界信息获得的完整性、准确性。随着年级的升高,学习内容的深入,聋生的学习困难会越来越明显,学习的积极性也会随之下降。怎样从聋生的需要出发,构建新型课堂,提高聋生学习的积极性呢?本文将结合教学实践对以上问题进行探究。  相似文献   

本研究通过启动技术比较了语言发展前全聋学生与听力正常学生在句子表征水平上的加工特点。结果表明:在限时实验条件下,语言发展前全聋学生与低于其3个年级的听力正常学生具有相同的句子表征加工模式,但加工效果与低于其3个年级的听力正常学生有差距。  相似文献   

Two comprehension studies were conducted with 46 deaf college students. In the first, 20 deaf college students representing higher and lower reading-ability levels were tested for correctly stating the main idea of a passage, answering content questions, indicating their understanding of the words and phrases, and recognizing a topically incongruent sentence embedded in the passage. The results suggest that deaf students profess a better understanding of what they read than they are able to demonstrate. The students' inability to identify a topically incongruent sentence in the passage further suggests a need for them to more carefully and accurately evaluate their understanding of what they are reading. A second study investigated the effect of strategy review instruction on deaf college students' comprehension of short reading passages. Students reading at a higher level showed improved comprehension on the posttraining passage, but students reading at a lower level did not. Similarly, the control group of deaf students comparable to the higher-level readers did not show improved comprehension.  相似文献   

Nonstandard grammatical forms are often present in the writing of deaf students that are rarely, if ever, seen in the writing of hearing students. With the implementation of Strategic and Interactive Writing Instruction (SIWI) in previous studies, students have demonstrated significant gains in high-level writing skills (e.g., text structure) but have also made gains with English grammar skills. This 1-year study expands on prior research by longitudinally examining the written language growth (i.e., writing length, sentence complexity, sentence awareness, and function words) of 29 deaf middle-school students. A repeated-measures analysis of variance with a between-subjects variable for literacy achievement level was used to examine gains over time and the intervention's efficacy when used with students of various literacy levels. Students, whether high or low achieving, demonstrated statistically significant gains with writing length, sentence complexity, and sentence awareness. Subordinate clauses were found to be an area of difficulty, and follow up strategies are suggested. An analysis of function word data, specifically prepositions and articles, revealed different patterns of written language growth by language group (e.g., American Sign Language users, oral students, users of English-based sign).  相似文献   

This research contrasted deaf and hearing students' interpretive knowledge of English sentences containing numeral quantifier phrases and indefinite noun phrases. A multiple-interpretation picture task methodology was used to assess 305 participants' judgments of the compatibility of sentence meanings with depicted discourse contexts. Participants' performance was assessed on the basis of hearing level (deaf, hearing) and grade level (middle school, high school, college). The deaf students were predicted to have differential access to specific sentence interpretations in accordance with the relative derivational complexity of the targeted sentence types. Hypotheses based on the pressures of derivational economy on acquisition were largely supported. The results also revealed that the deaf participants tended to overactivate pragmatic processes that yielded principled, though non-target, sentence interpretations. Collectively, the results not only contribute to the understanding of English acquisition under conditions of restricted access to spoken language input, they also suggest that pragmatic factors may play a broad role in influencing, and compromising, deaf students' reading comprehension and written expression.  相似文献   

Two groups of severely and profoundly deaf students aged 10 to 17 years were tested on their abilities to choose, from a set of four pictures, the one matching a sentence presented on videotape under 11 different communication conditions. The communication conditions involved individual and combined presentations of lipreading, listening, fingerspelling, and signed English. Severely deaf students scored higher than profoundly deaf students under all conditions except those that involved signed English, where the profoundly deaf group scored as high as the severely deaf group. All the students scored higher under conditions that involved audition, including lipreading plus audition, than under audition alone. The discussion of the results highlights methodological problems that made it difficult to interpret some previous studies in this area. Practical implications of the results for both oral education of the deaf and simultaneous communication are also discussed.  相似文献   

汉语手语语法研究   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
为了解释和分析聋人书面语使用中词汇量少、句子成分省略和颠倒、不使用修饰成分等语言现象。本研究在理论语法、教学语法和中介语法的指导下,把10个聋人手语故事分解为1757幅静止的手语照片、对比聋人的书面语提出了手势词语、表情词语、聋式词语、身体词语、口型词语等概念,指出聋人手语中聋式词语、表情词语、身体词语和口型词语缺失是造成聋人书面语言中词汇量少的主要原因。同时结合手语的句法特点对聋人书面语中的句子现象进行了解释。  相似文献   

中学聋生主观幸福感调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:(1)对生活满意感量表(SWLS)的测量学特征进行检验。(2)了解中学聋生主观幸福感的现状。方法:应用生活满意感量表(SWLS),对北京、沈阳、哈尔滨、长春、抚顺5个城市的441名中学聋生进行了团体施测。结果:(1)生活满意感量表(SWLS)在我国中学聋生的试用中,其内部一致性系数α=0.7647,表明量表具有很好的同质信度;具有非常好的重测信度,两次测验的相关系数为0.977;(2)SWLS具有较好的效标效度;(3)被试的性别、城乡及家庭完整性等因素对主观幸福感不存在显著影响;(4)年龄、年级和家庭收入方面存在显著差异。结论:(1)SWLS具有良好的信度和效度,可以用来测量中学聋生的主观幸福感。(2)69.7%中学聋生对生活基本满意或非常满意。年龄、年级和家庭收入对主观幸福感有统计学意义上的显著影响。  相似文献   

对于聋哑学生而言,有效使用视觉信息,可以弥补自身不足,促进知识学习。根据聋哑学生的认知特点,开展聋哑学生可视化教学,利用视觉语言将教学内容以直观的方式表达出来,可以提高聋哑学生的学习效率和效果。然而,目前的聋哑学生可视化教学多凭借个人教学经验,没有将教学设计思想融入进去。聋哑学生可视化教学设计中,需要阐释可视化教学的主要功能,构建可视化教学的基本流程,提出可视化教学的实施策略,分析可视化教学的资源支持。聋哑学生可视化教学需要在分析教学问题的基础上,针对聋哑学生认知特征开展实施,应用信息处理方法分析教学关系,通过针对性开发资源工具予以支持。  相似文献   

THE READING LEVELS of a population of 93 Spanish deaf students were examined. All study participants had prelingual profound hearing loss; their ages ranged from 9 to 20 years. All were enrolled in compulsory education during 2002-2003 in the Canary Islands (Spain). They were evaluated with sentence and text comprehension subtests from the Evaluation of Reading Processes of Primary Education Students, whose Spanish acronym is PROLEC (Cuetos, Rodríguez, & Ruano, 1996). A questionnaire on reading attitude was also used (Espín, 1987). Study results were consistent with those of previous research: Deaf students, at the end of their primary school education (mean age 13 years), have reading levels similar to or lower than the reading levels of hearing students at the onset of primary school education (mean age 7 years). These deaf students also have an indifferent attitude toward reading.  相似文献   

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