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In light of the increasing importance of citizen-centricity in public services, one approach technologically advanced public organizations take is to integrate proactivity into their services. Scholars agree with the potential for proactivity in public services and study some aspects of the topic, and some publications deal with the concept of proactivity itself. However, opinions regarding the characteristics of proactive public services diverge in both research and practice, and despite—or maybe because of—the growing body of research, the literature still lacks conceptual clarity. We address this issue by developing a taxonomy for proactive public services using Nickerson, Varshney, and Muntermann's (2013) taxonomy-development method. Using eight empirical and conceptual iterations that draw on a structured literature review, two semi-structured interviews, investigation of 67 real-world objects, and an evaluation with nine potential users, we propose a taxonomy of eight dimensions and 23 characteristics. The outcome of this work enriches scientific knowledge about digital government by detailing the concept of a proactive public service and serving as a basis for further research. Moreover, practitioners can be inspired by the 23 characteristics of proactive public services to identify possible next steps in the design of their services, such as determining which proactive public services are feasible and in what form. In addition to the taxonomy, our collection of 67 practical examples of proactive public services from a variety of countries contributes to digital government research and practice.  相似文献   

Digital transformation approaches outside the public sector are changing citizens' expectations of governments' ability to deliver high-value, real-time digital services. In response to the changing expectations and triggered by supranational agreements, governments are changing their mode of operation to improve public service delivery, be more efficient and effective in their designs, and achieve objectives such as increased transparency, interoperability, or citizen satisfaction. However, beyond the availability of consultancy reports, there is little systematic insight into the way that public administrators themselves are currently defining digital transformation in their own day-to-day practices, how they are approaching digital transformation projects, and what their expected outcomes are. We provide an empirically-based definition of digital transformation derived from expert interviews and develop a conceptual framework with reasons for, processes to, and expected outcomes of digital transformation in the public sector.  相似文献   

As GovTech solutions are steadily entering the public sector, they have yet to find their way into the mainstream literature. GovTech refers to socio-technical solutions – that are developed and operated by private organisations – intertwined with public sector components for facilitating processes in the public sector. GovTech solutions promise a superior customer journey for citizens and businesses compared to current government portals and front desks. GovTech solutions can be a blessing in disguise for governments struggling in their digital transformation journey, carrying the burden of public service innovation and replacing legacy systems with modern GovTech solutions. Yet, there are also concerns that GovTech solutions are a Trojan horse, exploiting the lack of technical knowledge at public agencies and shifting decision-making power from public agencies to market parties, thereby undermining digital sovereignty and public values. This paper develops a research agenda for GovTech based on a conceptual framework. This framework reveals four interrelated design areas for GovTech: institutional, governance, technical and human-centred design. Governments can employ the conceptual framework to further align and develop their strategies by focussing on GovTech governance, referring to the ability to manage the various interdependencies between the four design areas.  相似文献   

Public administrations are investing in the digital transformation of their citizen-oriented services and internal administrative processes. They are using co-production approaches and include different types of stakeholders into these transformative processes to increase service quality and generate public value. In this study, we investigate how these co-production approaches are implemented in both digital strategy formulation and implementation in Denmark. We identify four different types of public value: citizen, economic, administrative and societal public value.  相似文献   

社会组织参与图书馆公共服务供给对于满足公众文化需求、消除数字鸿沟和完善政府文化供给具有重要价值。为此,必须要创新社会组织参与图书馆公共服务供给的模式,着力构建政策参与、资源动员、项目合作、志愿服务和社区自助等多种模式。社会组织在图书馆公共文化服务供给方面具有独特优势,但由于受多种因素约束和自身特点所限,社会组织应该主要提供图书馆基础服务和个性化服务,这是社会组织参与图书馆公共服务供给的边界和限度。  相似文献   

文章以顺德图书馆为例,分析过去数字资源服务存在的问题,总结当前数字资源服务的创新实践,就今后数字资源服务需要解决的问题进行探讨,并提出作为顺德地区公共数字服务的一个重要的组成部分,顺德图书馆不仅要在服务广度上让所有的市民受惠,也要与其他公共服务机构联合起来,提供全方位的公共数字文化服务。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]网络和数字化技术的快速发展不仅改变了公共图书馆的服务方式和内容载体,也改变了数字移民使用公共图书馆的方式。然而,现有文献在数字移民使用公共图书馆服务的需求和障碍方面的研究尚不充分,为本研究的开展提供了机会。[方法/过程]利用定性→定量的混合性研究方法,按照"发现问题→分析问题→解决问题"的路径,对数字移民使用公共图书馆服务存在的障碍、需求开展研究,进而提出应对模式。[结果/结论]研究结果表明目前数字移民存在的障碍更多来自于个人心理、态度等方面;其需求主要包括基础环境和设备、社群诉求、学习培训、数字产品使用、馆员服务及规章制度等。研究从4个着力点搭建公共图书馆联动服务模式,以期为公共图书馆服务的理论研究和实践活动提供借鉴,并为数字移民信息素养的培育提供新视角。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]界定个人数字数据的范畴与价值,分析个人数字数据的主要类型、存储方式和面临风险,探讨以图书馆为依托的个人数字数据存档与管理的服务模式,以期为我国图书馆在移动互联网时代开展私人定制的个人信息服务提供思路与借鉴。[方法/过程]综合应用网站调研法和案例分析法,以较早开展个人数字数据存档和管理服务、具有较大社会影响的美国国会图书馆、美国坎贝尔郡公共图书馆、大英图书馆以及加拿大国家图书馆和档案馆等为例,深入调查和剖析这些图书馆在个人数字数据存档与管理方面的服务方式和服务特点。[结果/结论]我国图书馆可依托其公益性服务机构的定位,凭借自身多年来在数字信息资源的组织、存储、管理与服务方面的优势经验,结合不同用户群体、不同私隐级别、不同数据类型的个人数字数据的特点,在服务对象、服务内容、服务方式和维护管理等方面开展更具个性化的、嵌入式的个人数字数据的存档与管理服务。  相似文献   

Several governments are actively encouraging their administrations to deliver public services exclusively through digital channels. This strategy consists of putting in place a series of complex and specific actions that bring into play numerous actors, to ensure that users are willing to accept digital channels and that weaker users are not disadvantaged. Although this strategy is being increasingly adopted in various countries, scholars have scarcely begun to explore its logic. This research explores how to define a service delivery strategy that forces users to adopt digital channels. Four in-depth case studies have been conducted on Italian local governments that started delivering their non-educational school services through digital channels alone. We found that a mandatory service delivery strategy is feasible when the starting point is to understand the users' characteristics, skills and behaviours and, as a consequence, whether they perceive the service as complex and/or ambiguous. With this in mind, public organisations can select the proper mix of channels for each category of users and combine their change in approach with behavioural-type interventions, i.e. by creating the right conditions to modify the users' behaviour.  相似文献   

Closings have led some to suggest that news libraries are in crisis and require significant changes. In an effort to provide better service, some news libraries assign news librarians, or researchers, to editorial teams, increasing their visibility among the reporters they serve. Other organizations maintain centralized research services, focusing instead on expanding their influence as a team. This article describes a study of four news organizations, two that have adopted the integrated team model and two that provide centralized information services exclusively. Although only minor differences are observed based upon the organizational model in place, there is some evidence that news researchers who are proactive and integrated within the organizational function are more valued by these journalists.  相似文献   

This study analyzes over 4500 chat interactions to understand how proactivity and research context affect use of proactive chat. Quantitative and qualitative analyses show patrons ask questions that are both more complex and more likely to relate to a research need when proactively approached in research databases. The availability of proactive chat in databases results in a greater frequency and greater proportion of research related questions. Results suggest that proactive chat in databases represents an important area for expanding library reference services.  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆发展现状及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国公共图书馆星罗棋布、遍及城乡,以行政区域的居民财产税为主要经费支撑。因此,美国公众普遍具有利用图书馆的意识,图书馆普遍具有强烈的服务意识。美国公共图书馆的服务重心随着社会需求适时转变,而且图书馆服务以满足读者需要为改进标尺,体现出规范化、标准化、人性化、个性化等特征。我国公共图书馆应借鉴美国公共图书馆发展的经验,深化图书馆服务,加强馆员队伍建设,实现公共图书馆设置的普遍化。  相似文献   

E-Government projects are currently service oriented, focusing on the implementation and diffusion of digital public services through one-stop points of access for citizens. E-Government strategic plans are political, directed at cost and time minimization during the execution of public services, and they do not take into account citizen needs or public administration operating procedures. Although these plans have led to the development of projects that have succeeded in cost and time savings for both citizens and public administration, surveys conducted around the world show that users evaluate digital public services and do not hesitate to return to traditional methods rather than using digital channels to transact with the public administration again; neither would they recommend the use of digital services to others. This article presents collaborative and participatory tools and methods designed to exploit the knowledge and experience of public servants in the improvement and execution of custom and non-automated public services. Collaborative tools can succeed in the development of real one-stop shops for e-Government, while on the other hand they can encourage both citizens and civil servants to participate in the e-Government era.  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the critical factors for evaluating the public value of e-government in Sri Lanka from the perspective of the delivery of public services and the efficiency of public organizations. To fulfill these aims of the study, a conceptual framework is developed based on a comprehensive review of the related literature by considering the delivery of public services and the efficiency of public organizations. With the collected survey data from Sri Lanka, the conceptual framework is empirically tested and validated by performing a confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modeling. The study shows that the delivery of quality information and services, user-orientation of information and services, efficiency and responsiveness of public organizations, and contributions of public organizations to the environmental sustainability are the critical factors for evaluating the public value of e-government in Sri Lanka. As the first study in examining the critical factors for evaluating the public value of e-government in Sri Lanka, the findings of the study would be of practical significance to the continuous development of e-government in Sri Lanka and other countries in the world.  相似文献   

Industry advocates argue that by tailoring services and commercial solicitations to match media users’ personal interests, data-driven marketing benefits both consumers and businesses. This article shows, however, that advertisers and marketers who are taking up ideas and techniques from behavioral economics tell their clients a very different story about the aims and use of digital marketing and consumer surveillance. Listening in on this discourse demonstrates that some digital marketers conceptualize their own practices as forms of social control, appropriating concepts from behavioral economics to identify consumers’ cognitive and affective biases and target their vulnerabilities. Behavioral economics recognizes that economic decisions are not simply dictated by rational self-interest; rather, such choices depend on cognitive heuristics and habits, and can be manipulated through the design of “choice architecture.” This article discusses implications of the behavioral turn in data-driven marketing for critical advertising scholars, public advocates, and regulators.  相似文献   

This article investigates how the emergence of broadband Internet connectivity as an essential utility has influenced the development of public policies that aim to promote universal access to basic communications services in Canada. We utilize quantitative Natural Language Processing (NLP)/content analysis techniques to map the evolution of conceptual emphasis by stakeholders in their formal submissions to the telecom regulator along a series of public proceedings between 2009 and 2016. The analysis documents that the growing essentiality of broadband Internet access as an enabler of social and economic activities made its quality and affordability questions with broad economic and policy relevance that cross the traditional conceptualization of universal access in terms of the rural-urban digital divide. The case study offers a novel explanation for reliance on formal public consultation processes in administrative law in terms of policy innovation: Opening communication channels with the public can be valuable for enabling policymakers legitimize regulatory adjustments necessitated by technological change.  相似文献   

图书馆网站作为用户服务和形象展示的平台,传达图书馆的社会责任。以国内19个城市公共图书馆网站为调查对象,具体分析图书馆社会责任的主题类型、实践对象、实践载体和网站呈现方式。针对图书馆社会责任问题提出建议:图书馆应坚持责任理念与社会实践相结合,立足文献、服务和用户3种资源,并以技术推动图书馆网站创新。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(95-96):81-98

As digital and chat reference services become established as another way to do business, many libraries juggle the delivery of consortial and local virtual reference services. Balancing services without overtaxing staff and resources presents a number of challenges. How, for example, do libraries staff more than one chat reference service in addition to traditional services? Or more critically, how are subject specialists used to their greatest advantage in a multi-type library service? This article explores the benefits and issues of offering service at the statewide and local level based on OSU's experience and describes how OSU responded to these issues.  相似文献   

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