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Physical education is often justified within the curriculum as academic study, as a worthwhile activity on a par with other academic subjects on offer and easy to assess. Part of the problem has been that movement studies in physical education are looked upon as disembodied and disconnected from its central concerns which are associated with employing physical means to develop the whole person. But this, Merleau-Ponty would say, is to ignore the nature of experience and to consider the cognitive aspects of our perceptual experience in isolation from the personal meaning gained when looked at from the ‘inside’ or participatory perspective of the moving agent. In this sense, physical education has lost meaning for some students because our embodied relationship with the world is not an external or contemplative one. Phenomenology, according to Merleau-Ponty, is significant for physical education because it highlights what it is like to be embodied and recognises the role corporeal movement and embodiment plays in learning, in, by and through physical education. What makes this account educationally significant for physical education is that the whole person should benefit by the experience, as it includes an emphasis on all three educational domains (the psychomotor, the cognitive and the affective), rather than as separate physical and mental qualities that bear no relation to each other.  相似文献   

Arguments about learning commonly toss the buck back and forth between theory and practice, the pure and applied, the objective and subjective. Most such arguments have tried to find a reliable technical method to explain how we learn. Hermeneutics, with its roots both in sixteenth century theory of linguistic interpretation and modem phenomenological approaches to meaning, denies the claims of method ‐ rationalist or empiricist. It proposes instead to clarify the conditions in which practical understanding can take place. Unlike other approaches to learning, hermeneutics makes human language the core. It is in language that what I call in this paper the four major quadrants of understanding are realised. First, understanding is structured historically in the traditions, prejudices and institutional practices that come down to us. Secondly, understanding depends upon trying to find the unity in all the conditions that pertain to learning, in reconciling the whole with its parts. Third, hermeneutics reconceptualises the nature of practical application to emphasise the constitutive part played by individuals in modifying what is learned, such that to understand is to change as a person. Finally, understanding arises not from a solipsistic encounter between learner and material; it takes the form of a dialogue between a student and all those “others” who constitute the world of learning. In sum, both “cognitive” and “student‐centred” approaches to learning are transcended and fused in a wider horizon of understanding.  相似文献   

体验哲学认为语言具有体验性,强调意义不是来自与外在客观世界的对应,而是来源于人类的身体体验和社会体验。情感,作为人类经验的重要组成部分,是人体经验最中心、最普遍的方面之一。而人的抽象情感在很大程度上是通过建立在人体感知基础上的转喻表达。文章通过对汉语、英语中情感范畴"喜悦"的分析,指出两种语言对"喜悦"的认知都取决于人的生理和心理活动,说明汉语、英语中表达"喜悦"的转喻和隐转喻方式是建立在人们体验的基础上的。  相似文献   

《受戒》是汪曾祺创作中的标志性作品,作品中体现出来的温馨的情调,别样的风俗,纯美的世界展示出作家创作中的"乌托邦"情结,而这种情结又与作家的人生经历密切相关。文章通过对《受戒》中的"乌托邦"情结的体现与溯源达到对作家的解析。  相似文献   

Human-induced changes in planetary bio-geo-chemical processes have tipped earth into a newly-proposed geological epoch: the Anthropocene, which places moral and ethical demands on people regarding who should take responsibility for the well-being of people and planet, how, and why. Drawing generally on critical realist ontology, and more particularly on Roy Bhaskar’s concept of the person as a ‘four-planar social being’ living in the world as a laminated ontological whole, the article examines the dimensions of people’s ethico-moral engagement with the Anthropocene and considers what types of learning processes might enable people to understand, live in, and co-create this period known as ‘the Anthropocene’ in just, care-filled and—where necessary—transformative ways. The article points to the need for a radical re-orientation of education systems in the light of ethico-moral challenges that come to prominence in the Anthropocene, and argues for learning processes that nurture individual and collective moral agency through transformative, even transgressive, learning processes that are relational, humble, interdisciplinary, multi-perspectival, systemic, reality-congruent and contextually responsive.  相似文献   

具身认知强调认知是身体参与的认知,通过身体、环境、感知、心智的互动融合完成知识的表征。科技场馆借助实体场馆与先进信息技术的融合,构建了具身学习的场域。文章首先基于具身认知理论,在科技场馆的具身学习中融合三种环境(即物理环境、社会环境和心理环境)和三类具身(即实感具身、实境具身和离线具身),设计了科技场馆学习支架。随后,文章在“电流的磁效应”主题学习中开展了两轮迭代设计研究,验证科技场馆学习支架的应用效果。最后,文章形成了修正后的科技场馆学习支架,以提升学习者身体在场的行动参与感,帮助学习者身体体验的内化与经验建构,为学习者在科技场馆中的具身学习提供有效的学习支持。  相似文献   

I begin by appreciating the contributions in the volume that indirectly and directly address the questions: Why do gestures and embodiment matter to mathematics education, what has understanding of these achieved and what might they achieve? I argue, however, that understanding gestures can in general only play an important role in ‘grasping’ the meaning of mathematics if the whole object-orientated ‘activity’ is taken into account in our perspective, and give examples from my own work and from this Special Issue. Finally, I put forward the notion of a ‘threshold’ moment, where seeing and grasping at the nexus of two or more activities often seem to be critical to breakthroughs in learning.  相似文献   

论教师的生活体验写作与教师专业发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实现教师专业发展最重要的因素就是反思与学习。教师的生活体验写作是促成中小学教师进行有效的反思与学习的最重要的方式之一。教师的生活体验写作是一种自我存在的彰显、一种思维的训练、一种个人知识的管理、一种反思习惯的养成;教师的生活体验写作亦是一种教育科研的基本方式,这使“教师成为研究者”获得了其基本的现实性。生活体验写作是一种随机写作,要求教师保持对教育学世界的敏感性与亲切性,以质朴、简单、直接的语言及描述性语言呈现生活世界,要求教师在不断“重写”的过程中实现“描述”与“解释”的统一。通过生活体验写作,中小学教师将成为一个敏行的教育学实践者。  相似文献   

沉浸是一种将个人精力完全投注在某种活动上的心理状态,产生时会有高度的兴奋及充实感.沉浸体验会导致最佳学习效果.基于网络的英语学习易于让学生获得沉浸体验.将沉浸理论引入英语学习的研究,探讨网络环境下如何促进学生的沉浸体验以提高英语学习效果,意义重大.  相似文献   

This article examines the significance of how learning objects have come to be conceptualized and utilized, particularly in higher education. While many articles critique the term and its origins, an examination of the role metaphor plays in our conceptualization of ‘data’, ‘information’ and ‘learning objects’ helps us move beyond a fixation on the term to its promise and challenges. Although much has been written about how learning objects should be developed, accessed and stored, much less has been written about how they should be designed and used. This quest for understanding of the role learning objects will play in the future of learning leads to new strategies which encompass such issues as a reusability, knowledge management, efficient infrastructure design and innovative course design.  相似文献   

艺是用一种独特的暗喻形式来表现人类的生命体验和生命意志的。浅近地说,它是艺术家特有的情怀意趣、人格精神投注后的产儿,是一种个体生命意志的外化;而延伸到人类化的目标上看,则是作为从精神上掌握外在世界和人自身内在世界的方式。艺家及其他社会群体借此而追求并获得人生、宇宙中更为丰富的生存和生命意味,乃至绝对价值的东南。这可使人类的生命空间得到极大的扩展。扩展生命空间作为人类艺活动的重要指向,与人类的精神需求相默契。  相似文献   

虽然我们在使用词汇非物理义项时意识不到概念隐喻理论和体验哲学观在一词多义的形成过程中起着重要的作用,但体验哲学的心智体验性及认知无意识性表明:人类通过对客观世界的日常体验形成意象图示,帮助建立词汇字面意义与隐喻意义之间的联系。感官动词的语义和用法反映了人类的感觉运动系统对客观世界的直接体验,对其多义性深入分析后发现体验哲学及建立在此基础上的概念隐喻理论能有效地阐释感官动词的语义扩展。  相似文献   

尼采审美主义源于对叔本华哲学和古希腊哲学的独特体悟.其特点在于,从日神精神与酒神精神中寻求生命救赎之途.尼采认为,由日神精神和酒神精神衍生的悲剧艺术,在悲苦的现实世界面前建立了一个艺术的中间世界,从而缓解了人类的心理重荷,并为生命提供了经历、战胜痛苦的可能.尼采的审美主义是一把双刃剑,既体现了积极进取的人生态度,又有其唯心本质及空幻色彩.  相似文献   

立足于现实的人及其社会历史,拉布里奥拉对历史唯物主义做出了反实证主义的和历史主义的诠释。拉布里奥拉认为,现实的人及其社会生活是历史唯物主义的出发点。历史是一个整体,它以社会的形成过程和改造过程为基础。人通过自己的实践活动改造了自身,创造了人类历史及人为的环境。拉布里奥拉基本上把握住了马克思历史唯物主义的精神实质。他对历史唯物主义的理解在一定程度上超越了其同时代的其他马克思主义者,也为早期西方马克思主义的发展铺平了道路。  相似文献   

宦官专权的心理动因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宦官专权是我国古代政治制度中特有的一种历史现象,从政治体制的大框架下去研究和论述.已是众多论者述及颇多的。但是,却很少有人考虑到专制主义中央集权下君主的心理特征、宦官的生理特征和变态心理以及官僚士大夫的心理状态等所带来的导致宦官专权的心理性因素。实际上,专制主义中央集权制度为其提供了一个有利的生存环境,但宦官专权的原动力却来自宦官自身特殊的生理机制。以及由此而导致的心理变态。  相似文献   

校园“心理剧”是提升中学生心理素质的重要形式。通过心理剧的创作表演活动,不仅能够概括校园心理剧的活动规律,而且有利于洞察学生的内心世界、发展学生的各种能力和优化学生的心理品质,也是学校心理健康教育的重要载体。  相似文献   


Using researched perspectives of bodies and embodiment, alongside dramatic structures, where bodies are foregrounded, this article looks closely at bodies and embodiment inside of school settings. Specifically, it investigates a community in Southern Ontario and the perceived, affective, relational, and critical ways that study participants story their identities about their bodies. Findings suggest that body image itself (i.e. how youth perceive their bodies) and embodiment (i.e. how youth use their bodies for communication and learning) are vital but sometimes invisible topics in today’s school settings, where bodies are continually interpreted, admired, shamed, moved, rejected, and positioned. Though drama and other subjects like the arts focus on embodied ways of knowing and offer unique opportunities for learning, they can also hold unique challenges in school settings.  相似文献   

陈德云 《教育学报》2003,(10):46-49
别具风格的整体语言教室 ,是充满让学生使用语言的情景的特殊环境 ;与生活世界紧密相连的语言学习 ,使整体语言教学帮助学生通过课程去感知和理解自己的世界 ;英语教学与其他学科的统整 ,让语言作为一种媒介 ,一种载体 ,在利用语言探究其它学科知识的过程中 ,使语言技能得到发展  相似文献   


Information technologies such as television or computer games are often described as creating either a passive or an interactive experience. These polar alternatives can better be conceived of as direct experience on the one hand or vicarious experience on the other. Direct experience involves overt acts. Once an overt act is made, the physical world or the social world provides feedback about the consequences. Vicarious experience requires no overt response on the part of the person attending to the message.

It is the main thesis of this article that direct experience tends to be normative while vicarious experience permits individualistic psychological growth because vicarious experience is not under the control of cither social norms or the norms imposed by the realities of the physical world. If this is correct, a critical index of personality is the ratio of direct to vicarious experience. If the ratio is great, a person is likely to be adjusted to social norms. If the ratio is small, a person will probably be in conflict with social norms. Much of the recent history of the behaviour of young people can be interpreted using these principles. However, there are still many puzzling aspects in the changes in the behaviour patterns of young people over the last decade or so. The implications for instructional design using information technology will be discussed.  相似文献   

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