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学生的法律地位是教育法学研究的基本理论问题,也是我国教育法治进程中的重大实践问题。学生的权利与义务是学生法律地位的体现。基于现行教育法律关于学生权利义务的规定,可将学生的法律地位归纳概括为民法上的特殊民事主体和行政法上的特殊行政相对人。但当前学生受教育权的可诉性、程序性、公正性不足,有必要将受教育权的救济纳入行政司法审查的范围,对学生权利进行全面救济,并兼顾实体权利与程序权利,依法保障学生受教育权的实现。  相似文献   

明晰公立高校教师的法律地位,是国家教育行政部门管理监督高校教师、配置高校教师权利义务的前提和基础,也是构建我国高等教育法律体系的重要一环。当前,国家教育行政部门已经将公立中小学教师定性为“国家公职人员”,但却未明确公立高校教师的法律地位。通过考察公立高校教师法律地位的域外理论变迁及国内学说演变,发现高校教师兼具公权与私权双重性质,即一方面需要接受国家的管理,代表国家履行教育职能,另一方面还承担着学术创新的重要职能。为此,我国可借鉴美国公立高校教师的“公务雇员”属性,来定义公立高校教师法律地位,并借此对公立高校教师的权利义务、法律责任等进行重构。  相似文献   

Doctoring the knowledge worker   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In this paper I examine the impact of the new ‘knowledge economy’ on contemporary doctoral education. I argue that the knowledge economy promotes a view of knowledge and knowledge workers that fundamentally challenges the idea of a university as a community of autonomous scholars transmitting and adding to society's ‘stock of knowledge’. The paper examines and then dismisses the proposition that professional doctorates are the principal vehicle through which ‘working knowledge’ is incorporated into doctoral education. While professional doctorates may have been tactically useful for universities, there are broader transformations in doctoral education that transcend the professional doctorate/Ph.D. distinction. I argue that as doctoral education adopts the practices of ‘self’ pertinent to the knowledge economy, the ‘subject’ of doctoral education shifts from that of the ‘autonomous student’ to that of the ‘enterprising self’.  相似文献   

尽管未成年学生监护人是教育法律关系中的直接利益相关者与不可或缺的角色,但是教育基本法却并未给予其应有的关注与地位。未成年学生监护人的教育权具有权利与义务二重属性,在强调监护人教育权义务属性的同时不能忽视其权利属性。相对国家教育权(主要透过学校教育来实现)而言,监护人教育权无疑居于从属性地位,但不能因此而漠视监护人的教育权。近些年来,监护人教育权意识的不断提升以及某些具体“抗争”,开始让学校教育有些无所适从。教育法规应对监护人教育权与国家教育权、学校教育权的边界作进一步明晰。  相似文献   


The paper aims to analyse how pupils’ equal educational opportunities are warranted. We focus on how regulations of adapted education and the right to special needs education provide school leaders’ and teachers’ room for discretionary decision-making, how it is interpreted and how discretionary power is justified. The paper draws on findings from an interdisciplinary study (education and law) on the transformation of legal standards into professional actions in schools. This paper employs interview data from three compulsory schools (grades 1–10), legal documents, and public reports, and the analysis is guided by a conceptual distinction between structural and epistemic aspects of discretion. Based on our findings, we question whether the discretionary space regarding special needs education gives too many opportunities for action and, hence, weakens pupils’ legal rights. Under the guise of a common school, there is a risk that pupils’ special needs are made invisible.  相似文献   

在高校人才竞争加剧的背景下,受行政管制与市场调节两种制度逻辑彼此嵌套的影响,高校教师聘约义务的约定日趋多元、复杂和严苛,由此产生的法律争议不断增多。当前,法院的司法裁判倾向于支持高校聘约义务设定的自主权,而缺乏对教师择业自由和职业安全等合法权益的法律保障。公立高校教师人事争议案件中权利导向的缺失,源于劳动、人事关系“并轨”背景下法院对教师聘用合同法律性质的认知偏差。忽视学术职业的特殊性与公益性事业法人的公共属性,简单机械地适用劳动法领域的原理和法律技术,暗合了学术评价的“五唯”取向以及高校人事管理的“行政化”,不利于教师权利的法律救济。应以控权论为基本立场,增强高校聘用制改革的权利导向。通过高校内部治理的变革与司法审查立场的转变,进一步强化教师聘用合同作为特殊劳动合同的“特殊性”。  相似文献   

推进境外高校独立办学立法是重大教育改革于法有据的必然要求,是支持跨境教育新业态健康发展的法治保障,也是推进跨境教育治理现代化的必由之路。海南自由贸易港应尽快制定境外高校独立办学的专门管理法规,以区域性跨境教育先行先试,进而辐射更大区域、更大范围乃至带动全国教育领域改革开放的协同发展。境外高校独立办学立法的主要原则是教育主权原则、教育公益性原则、高校独立办学原则和透明原则。立法的重点是厘定独立办学机构的法律地位,明确其法律权利和义务,规范其审批程序,加强政府部门对独立办学行为的监管和不当行为的责任追究,实现境外高校独立办学法治化、规范化。  相似文献   

国家对受教育权的实现负有法律义务.国家的义务既是"积极的",又是"消极的".国家的义务主要分为尊重的义务、保护的义务和实现的义务.受教育权的最低核心义务与资源的可用性无关.国家在教育上的核心义务可以划分为:教育的可获得性方面的义务、教育的可进入性方面的义务、教育的可接受性方面的义务以及教育的可适应性方面的义务.  相似文献   

This paper explores the rising presence of transnational corporations (TNCs) in education and their mobilisation of global corporate social discourses to legitimise their private authority in education. The rising presence of TNCs is explored in the paper in two parts. First, through a taxonomy of global corporate social engagement (GCSE) activities and second, through a case study of the World Economic Forum’s corporate citizenship initiatives as a new form of ‘market’ multilateralism in education. Lastly, I critique the GCSE efforts of TNCs working in education and discuss the implications of their seemingly ‘to do good’ activities.  相似文献   

日本国立大学法律地位之变更   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
日本国立大学法人化是日本高等教育领域的一项重要改革,给包括公立、私立大学在内的整个高等教育系统都带来了深远影响.本文从法理学的角度分析了日本国立大学法人化的核心问题--国立大学法律地位的变更及其由法律地位变更所带来的权利、义务的变化.  相似文献   

论高校学生管理权的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高校学生管理权法律规制是高校管理法治化的必然选择。这就要求从建立完备的高校学生管理法律制度,完善法律对学生管理权的规定等方面做好学生管理法治化建设。然而,目前的学生管理还存在着权利观念淡漠、制约机制软弱等问题,严重影响了学生受教育权以及其他合法权利的实现,因此,应当明确学生权利,建立尊重学生权益的管理机制。  相似文献   

创业是具有时代意义的法律活动,其不仅需要国家政策上的扶持,也要求保障公民创业权的实现。在权利属性上,通过分析就业权、工作权和劳动权等与创业权相似的权利类型,可知其具有积极权利和消极权利的双重属性。在权利构成上,借鉴阿列克西的三要素权利构成理论,对创业权的主体、客体和义务对象等进行规范建构。在保障路径上,根据创业权的双重属性和义务对象,运用国家义务理论,理清保障其实现的国家尊重、保护和给付义务。在实现形式上,制定《创业促进法》,以突破创业权保障在法律形式上的瓶颈。  相似文献   

国外企业与大学建立合作关系的创新及启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
科学技术的飞速发展正促进着社会的变革,企业的变革压力以及高等教育在时代发展中的不适应性推动企业亲自承担起教育的责任,也改变着企业与高等教育的关系。本文主要阐述和分析发达国家企业与高等教育正在创建的各种新型的合作伙伴关系,为促进我国高等教育的发展,促进企业有效地开展继续教育以及建立与高等教育的新型合作关系提供参考。  相似文献   

This article investigates discourses of intercultural education, taking as its starting point two ‘encounters’ in 2010 with contrasting aims and expectations of intercultural education. One is the launch of the 2010 Global Monitoring Report, where intercultural education is viewed as a means of overcoming marginalisation and promoting inclusion, and the other is in a rural Amazonian community context, where intercultural education serves to actively compound processes of exclusion. The article examines these discourses of intercultural education, locating them socially, culturally, politically and historically, and draws distinctions between educational analyses of diversity that emphasise identity and difference and those that prioritise interculturalism. It exposes complex and intersecting dynamics of social change and political contestation in the Amazonian ‘encounter’, which question the viability of globalised (technical-adaptive) strategies for inclusion of people whose intercultural lives are characterised by abjection and marginalisation.  相似文献   


In Germany the tradition of university autonomy goes back to Humboldt's reform rather than the privileged corporations of the middle ages. Humboldt's concept of the university is still fertile as a model and a method for today's universities. The social significance of science in the modern world, increased expenditure on higher education, and the academisation of a growing number of professions seem to undermine the traditional legitimation of university autonomy. On the other hand good new reasons for autonomy can be derived precisely from scepticism with regard to a naive belief in the progress of science and to an all‐too‐narrow professionalisation of university education. The ever closer interconnection between ‘academic’ and ‘public’ functions of the universities has led to the replacement of the traditional ‘dualistic administrative structure’ by a ‘unified'one under a rector/president. The dualism of functions has, however, reappeared in the distinction between ‘legal’ and ‘more extended’ supervision by ministers. For the future a more precise distinction between global regulations legitimately claimed by the state and self‐government within the framework thus set should be aimed at.  相似文献   


Fossil fuel corporations play a significant role in promoting their interests in schools and other educational institutions, a practice that has recently been labelled as ‘petro-pedagogy.’ But this role goes beyond the production of the pro-petroleum and anti-science corporate propaganda that tends to attract the most critical attention. In this article, I present a case study of the involvement of BP, one of the world’s largest fossil fuel corporations, in primary and secondary education in the United Kingdom. As practiced by BP, petro-pedagogy constitutes a core part of a corporate education reform network that, for the past decade, has focused on promoting a neoliberal model of STEM education in schools around the world. This model, based on corporate and capitalist interests, poses a significant threat to our collective efforts to tackle the global climate crisis.  相似文献   

后劳动合同法时代,应将大学生就业协议制度置于实现社会权、保障民生、促进和谐的理念下反思和重构。就业协议定性为附期限的劳动合同,具有法理正当性和劳动合同法规则依据。现行就业协议制度建立在计划经济的就业体制之上,以劳动关系的行政控制为特征,实现社会稳定,体现国家本位;但无法适应市场经济条件下劳动关系市场化、契约化、法治化的要求,将加剧经济和社会的断裂,悖离民生,不利于社会和谐。人们应从理念更新、主体改造、权利义务设计、责任机制和救济机制设计等方面重构就业协议法律制度。  相似文献   

拾得人是否应该享有报酬请求权,各国规定不一,我国物权法中也没有拾得人报酬请求权的规定,导致拾得人和遗失人权利义务上的失衡。成本、收益作为经济学的核心内容,同样也能作为分析法律的工具,对拾得制度中拾得人和遗失人的行为的经济学分析,在比较成本和收益的基础上,为了达到均衡双方利益,构建拾得人报酬请求权制度实有必要。同时,法律制度设置本身,也存在着是否经济的考量,仅以较高的道德标准来设置法律是不符合经济学原理的,也难以实现立法的预期收益,科学合理地分配权利和义务才能实现法律收益的最大化。  相似文献   

高校环境法律素质教育是我国环境教育的重要组成部分。以共生进化理论和替代转换理论为基础,着重分析我国高校环境法律素质教育存在的主要问题,提出必须尽快完善环境法律知识教育、突出环境法律意识教育、重视环境法律行为教育等对策,以此帮助大学生正确认识人与自然之间的关系,并正确行使环境权利,认真履行环境义务。  相似文献   

The question ‘What is a graduate?’ is under scrutiny from Government, employers and the higher education community itself. There are two current approaches—one originating within the philosophy of higher education, one emerging from the demands of employers and the focus on ‘core skills’—which might appear to have something to offer to the debate but which when first examined seem hard to reconcile and both of them difficult to translate into ‘threshold standards’. However, more detailed examination suggests the possibility of a new synthesis which could, if supported by further research and action by the Higher Education community collectively, answer the question to the satisfaction of all stakeholders whilst preserving essential academic autonomy.  相似文献   

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