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The United States Department of Labor predicts the demand in healthcare sector careers to soar as patient demographics continue to change with the aging population of adults (Henderson, 2012). To meet this demand, community colleges will continue to play a vital role in the education of healthcare occupations, as nearly 60% of all healthcare workers are educated in these institutions. Furthermore, student demographics within community colleges are becoming more ethnically diverse. The dramatic changes in population and labor force composition suggest a more robust approach be taken when teaching professionalism skills. In order to promote student completion rates and recognize the evolving changes within the healthcare system, a health and public safety division within a large community college surveyed its faculty members and their clinical affiliates to determine what professional skills should be taught within an entry-level healthcare course. This brief paper describes the survey findings and implications for the development of a future healthcare professionalism course.  相似文献   

With one of the world’s most comprehensive universal healthcare systems, medical tourism in Costa Rica has increased significantly over the past few decades. American tourists save up to 80 % of comparative costs for procedures, from heart surgery to root canal treatment. Although many Costa Rican healthcare professionals receive training in North America or Europe, there can be differences when compared to the same professionals in foreign countries. This paper examines the educational and role differences between counselors in the United States and Costa Rica. Implications for tourists in need of psychotherapeutic services while abroad or counseling professionals seeking foreign work experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

二战后的美国,成为世界上的头号强国,拥有无与伦比的军事经济实力。战后世界秩序的重建都是在美国一手主导下建立起来的。此时的美国人很乐意把自己比喻为新的罗马,认为美国是世界和平的保障,世界将进入“美国治下的和平”时期。虽然其中美国也经历了低潮期,但是总体上美国一直是世界头号强国。美国的外交政策始终体现着“美国治下的和平”的梦想。认真分析“美国治下的和平”的内容、策略及发展趋势具有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,拉美爆发了有史以来最大的一场债务危机。这场危机持续时问特别长,涉及范围特别广,债务数额特别大,对世界金融体系造成了巨大的冲击。作为西方金融中心和支柱的美国对这场危机给予了充分的关注,分别提出了解决债务危机的“贝克计划”和“布雷迪计划”。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop an Internet-based self-directed training program for Australian healthcare workers to facilitate learning and competence in delivery of a proven intervention for caregivers of people with dementia: The New York University Caregiver Intervention (NYUCI). The NYUCI is a nonpharmacological, multicomponent intervention for spousal caregivers. It is aimed at maintaining well-being by increasing social support and decreasing family discord, thereby delaying or avoiding nursing home placement of the person with dementia. Training in the NYUCI in the United States has, until now, been conducted in person to trainee practitioners. The Internet-based intervention was developed simultaneously for trainees in the U.S. and Australia. In Australia, due to population geography, community healthcare workers, who provide support to older adult caregivers of people with dementia, live and work in many regional and rural areas. Therefore, it was especially important to have online training available to make it possible to realize the health and economic benefits of using an existing evidence-based intervention. This study aimed to transfer knowledge of training in, and delivery of, the NYUCI for an Australian context and consumers. This article details the considerations given to contextual differences and to learners’ skillset differences in translating the NYUCI for Australia.  相似文献   

在任职期内,美国总统威尔逊总结了以往美国外交中民主、自由等传统思想,形成了建立在美国利益基础上、以"拯救世界"为目标的"理想主义"思想。作为资产阶级的政治家,他必然要维护美国的国家利益和资本主义制度的稳定。在一定条件下,威尔逊可以实现他的"理想主义",在伪善的面具下,反对英法委托日本出兵西伯利亚,主张不干涉俄国内政;但当外部形势的发展已经严重威胁到美国的国家利益时,威尔逊已经顾及不了那些"道义"上的理由,伙同日本出兵干涉俄国苏维埃政权,为美国谋取最大的利益。这是由他的阶级本质决定的。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,美国中小学在进行大规模"小班化"教育改革的同时,也在进行学校"小型化"改革的研究与尝试。美国中小学"小型化"改革的经验与具体做法对我国中小学改革具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

冷战期间,美国利用自己的经济优势,积极加强对波兰的经济外交,有意识地促使波兰形成对它的经济依赖。接着,通过“联系”政策,使波兰逐渐在经济、文化、政治方面发生美国所希望的变化。“联系”政策的运用,是冷战期间美国得以实现在波兰的外交战略目标的一个重要策略。  相似文献   

从“通识教育”视野看高等职业教育发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"通识教育"来源于古希腊,重新复兴是在80年代的美国.从西方思想史脉络和文明进程来看"通识教育",它是作为传承宗法文化与城邦精神的重要渠道.当我国高等教育进入大众化后,如何保证教学质量成为焦点.众多的学者对不同角度看待"通识教育",一致认为通过"通识教育"与高职教育之间的张力可以推动高职教育的发展.  相似文献   

美国当代著名女作家乔伊斯·卡罗尔·奥茨对美国"迷路的孩子们"所倾注的关心和同情,以及对他们精神蜕变的社会原因的探索,具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

美国的“社会——情感教育”及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情感教育在美国20世纪六七十年代兴盛发达的基础上,进一步突破发展为内涵更丰富的“社会——情感教育”,其核心内容是培养反思能力、灵活解决问题能力、创造性学习能力,创设安全并能进行积极反应的生活、学习环境,建立学校-家庭-社区间的合作共同体。美国情感教育向“社会-情感教育”的发展转化,对我国情感教育的未来发展具有积极的启示意义。  相似文献   

“委任统治制”与“国际托管制度”之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一战结束后,美国针对殖民地问题提出了"委任统治制"的方案。二战时期,面对新的全球局势,美国又提出了"国际托管制度"的方案。委任制和托管制代表了美国处理殖民地问题的两种模式。通过分析比较这两种方案的异同,我们不但可以认识美国外交政策的特点和实质,同时也可以认识世界殖民主义的性质和机制,也有助于我们深刻地透析和洞察美国广阔和深厚的非殖民化思想传统,更好地从整体上把握和研究美国外交。  相似文献   

Disparities in health and healthcare are a major concern in the United States and worldwide. Approaches to alleviate these disparities must be multifaceted and should include initiatives that touch upon the diverse areas that influence the healthcare system. Developing a strong biomedical workforce with an awareness of the issues concerning health disparities is crucial for addressing this issue. Establishing undergraduate health disparities courses that are accessible to undergraduate students in the life sciences is necessary to increase students’ understanding and awareness of these issues and motivate them to address these disparities during their careers. The majority of universities do not include courses related to health disparities in their curricula, and only a few universities manage them from their life sciences departments. The figures are especially low for minority-serving institutions, which serve students from communities disproportionally affected by health disparities. Universities should consider several possible approaches to infuse their undergraduate curricula with health disparities courses or activities. Eliminating health disparities will require efforts from diverse stakeholders. Undergraduate institutions can play an important role in developing an aware biomedical workforce and helping to close the gap in health outcomes.  相似文献   

习惯上,人们把波德莱尔看成是一个"审丑"的诗人,其实他对美有着自己独特的理解和追求。在《恶之花》中,有许多诗人对自然歌咏的诗句,仔细分析,我们会理解波德莱尔的美学追求,明白他心中的"自然"是怎样的一种境界,从而也就更能读懂他诗的真谛。波德莱尔所钟情的"自然",实际上是他对未知世界"美"的探寻,因为在他看来,此岸世界的"美",已不能引起人们的"惊奇"与"颤栗",必须到未知的世界去寻找和发现"惊奇"。  相似文献   

响应联合国和十六大提出的“学习型社会”号召,认为编辑要树立终身学习观来提高自身素质,并指出编辑终身继续学习的学习目的、方法、途径,最后强调社会有责任提供条件促进编辑终身继续学习。  相似文献   

走向多元--英国高校分类与定位的发展历程   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
历史上,英国高等教育可分"大学"与"非大学"两种类型共11种院校.1992年,34所多科技术学院以及部分其他学院升格为大学,完成了英国高等教育二元制向一元制的变迁.在英国高校"趋同"大伞下,今天英国呈现出了800多年高等教育历史上从来没有过的多元模式.借鉴英国高校分类的多样性、自主性、流动性和发展性,我们必须用一种动态的眼光来看待中国高校的"分类与定位"问题.  相似文献   

In the United States public concern about foster care drift is widespread. "Drift" means lengthy placement away from the natural family, without a clear goal to return the child or find some other permanent home. Concern is focused on the negative effect of lengthy foster care on the psychological health of the child, and also on the increasing cost of such placement. Recently, the federal government, in response to extensive testimony about these issues, passed landmark legislation designed to reduce foster care drift, the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Funding Act of 1980. Thus the government has now become a leader in child welfare planning. The law requires a reporting and tracking system so that no child already in placement becomes "lost in the system." In addition, all proposed foster placements are now hedged with requirements that there be clear purposes and goals to be achieved by such placements. In effect placements must be defended, tracked, and reviewed periodically. The new requirements pose a rebuke to the professions serving children which have failed to stem the increase in foster care, and to control and place a time limit on such interventions in the family. Federal leadership has created a political climate in child welfare planning. The regulations issued to implement the law in the Carter presidency differ from those of the current administration. The current policy of the government of the United States is to provide protection of the family from excessive foster care placements by child welfare agencies. This is support for greater autonomy for the family, a more conservative approach.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


Community advisory boards (CABs) have been used to improve research outcomes involving specific communities and populations, including older adults. There is potential to synergize the use of CABs to encompass both research activities and the education of healthcare professionals to help meet increasing demands for a geriatric healthcare workforce in aging populations worldwide. We describe the development and process outcomes of a CAB that synergizes geriatric research and education of students in an allied health profession (occupational therapy). Implementation costs from June 2017–June 2019 were recorded. In-depth interviews were conducted with CAB participants, who were community-dwelling older adults living in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Interview data were analyzed using a constant comparison method based on a grounded theory approach. Themes were derived regarding barriers, facilitators, and benefits of CAB participation for older adults. Fourteen older adults (aged 65 and over) were initially recruited. The total direct cost of CAB implementation was 4050 United States Dollars over two years. Barriers to CAB participation for older adults included unexpected schedule conflicts due to illness and lack of understanding of the research process, while facilitators included accessible meeting spaces, staff support, flexible participation options, and financial support (e.g., transportation). Perceived benefits of CAB participation included gains in social capital, more positive views of research, and social connectedness. Key lessons learned are described and can be used to inform a novel approach to developing and implementing CABs to improve outcomes of geriatric research and education.  相似文献   

抗战胜利前后,中共认真考虑使中国成为沟通美苏之“桥梁”。美出于使中国成为“大国”政策,一度曾积极调处国共矛盾。但“大国”的实质是反苏反共之“屏障”,所扶核心只能是国民党,即使明知其必将为中国革命所推翻。面对“推翻”现实,美虽推出“灵活”政策,寻求与中共建立某种“承认”关系的可能,但囿于其顽固的意识形态,终不愿断绝与台湾的外交关系,并终将中共推向与苏结盟的“一边倒”轨道,尽管这是一个历史合力的作用结果。  相似文献   

美国在“二十一条”交涉中的态度,学术界专文论述的很少。而在当时,北京政府又有意联美制日,因此尚未参加一战的美国,对中日“二十一条”交涉的态度就显得非常重要。本文从美国对中日“二十一条”交涉中态度变化情况、原因及对中日两国的影响三个方面,作一个历史考察。  相似文献   

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