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本文论述了从学校、家庭、社会三方面齐心协力共同做好中学生德育工作的途径。指出,学校是做好中学生德育工作的主要阵地,家庭则发挥着特殊作用,社会具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪的家庭预防对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
影响青少年犯罪的家庭因素主要有三个方面:家庭环境(包括家庭的软环境和硬环境)、家庭结构(主要是单亲家庭、再婚家庭和支离型家庭)和家庭功能(包括家庭的生产功能、消费功能和精神功能)。要预防青少年的犯罪,必须在增强青少年犯罪家庭预防观念和提高对家庭预防重要性的认识基础上,改善家庭环境.优化家庭结构.强化家庭功能。  相似文献   

作者从以下五个方面调查分析了青少年犯罪与家庭环境影响的关系:一、缺陷型家庭对青少年犯罪的影响;二、实惠型家庭对青少年犯罪的影响;三、溺爱型家庭对青少年犯罪的影响;四、粗暴型家庭对青少年犯罪的影响;五、家风不正型家庭对青少年犯罪的影响。  相似文献   

当代中国家庭秩序论纲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭秩序是基于现代明基础之上的良性的家庭人际关系,是家庭赖以存在并健康发展的规范体系。家庭秩序包括两性婚姻关系。家庭角色关系、家庭成员的权利和义务,家庭经济关系,家庭生活方式、家庭教育、家庭化、家庭道德等内容,建立当代新型的家庭秩序,需要家庭自身的营造、社会家庭之间的示范及互动作用,社会规范体系的运作。家庭秩序与社会秩序有相当的联系,家庭的建立、存在、发展状况,关系着社会的稳定和健康发展。  相似文献   

唐代庶民地主家庭来源主要有四类,一是自耕农力农出身。二是经商或者从事手工业等末业出身,三是官僚贵族转化而来,四是通过军功获得赐田。他们的社会地位比较特殊,从经济地位上来考虑。他们应该属于地主阶级家庭;但是从其法律地位上来考虑,他们却是“鳊户齐民”的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

从家庭系统理论的视角剖析农村陪读家庭亲子冲突问题,问题的根源在于家庭功能的失衡与家庭关系危机的连带、家庭成员慢性焦虑的传递与不平衡三角关系的形成、子代自我分化的需要与父代对子代的过度关注等三个方面。社会工作者可以借助家庭系统治疗模式,从关注家庭成员情感需要,提升家庭成员沟通能力;帮助家长自我成长,学会去三角化;建立接纳理解的家庭关系网络,重构健康家庭生态等三个方面指导农村陪读家庭化解亲子冲突问题。  相似文献   

本文从家庭文化资本、家庭经济资本和家庭社会资本三个方面梳理了不同背景家庭通过所拥有的家庭资本对儿童入学准备影响的相关研究成果.这些成果为进一步分析特定社会背景下不同背景家庭对儿童入学准备的影响等问题提供了理论支持.今后应加强关于家庭对儿童入学准备影响的本土化研究、生态学研究以及关于不同背景家庭影响儿童入学准备过程的质性研究.  相似文献   

本文从地下考古新发现、历史神话传说、古代家庭制度尤其是亲属制度等三个方面,深入研究了中国上古时期家庭形态的起源、演变与发展过程。  相似文献   

家庭在学前儿童道德教育中起着不可替代的重要作用。文章从学前儿童家庭道德教育的必要性、存在的问题及原因、对策三个方面来探讨学前儿童家庭道德教育,以期达到提高学前儿童家庭道德教育的效果。  相似文献   

家庭在儿童的成长过程中具有不可替代的作用,国家充当着为家庭赋权增能的角色,我国现有的公共托幼服务、亲职假、经济支持政策等儿童照护政策影响着家庭的生育意愿以及儿童和家庭的发展。社会、人口与家庭结构的变迁带来了新的儿童照护需求,当前我国儿童家庭照护面临儿童养育成本不断增加、家庭教育科学化需求不断提高、儿童养育和工作难以平衡、家庭内部性别平等议题突出以及婚姻和家庭的稳定性下降等挑战。从家庭视角出发,构建家庭友好的儿童照护服务、时间、经济政策支持体系对促进儿童和家庭的共同发展具有重要的现实意义。在家庭友好的儿童照护政策支持体系指导下,政策保障和服务将覆盖所有有儿童照护需求的家庭,为家庭赋权增能,缓解家庭照护儿童的压力,规避家庭在照护儿童中可能遇到的风险,促进家庭每个成员的可持续发展。  相似文献   

崇安刘氏家族是官宦世家和儒学世家,家族中的许多成员凭藉科举、荫补进入官场。刘氏家族以《春秋》学为家学,世代教授乡里。优渥的经济基础、良好的家训家法以及由世家背景而来的行政经验和儒学、文学素养使刘氏家族在有宋一代贤才辈出。正是这个源远流长、学殖丰厚的世家大族诞生了刘子翚这样的一代师儒。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of family on Thai students’ choices of international education. A qualitative phase indicated that influence from family can be slotted into one of five categories: finance, information, expectation, persuasion, and competition. The choices of international education can be classified into the decision to study abroad, choice of country, city, academic program, and of university. Subsequent quantitative analysis demonstrated that students from family with direct experience of study abroad are, themselves, subject to higher family expectation to study abroad than students from family without direct experience. The impact of social competition on students is more profound for those from Bangkok, than for those from other areas in Thailand. Furthermore, Thai students from households comprising nuclear family are more highly influenced by family than individuals from extended and alternative family households. The study has implications for marketing practices in higher education institutions, in particular those which market themselves to Thailand.  相似文献   

随着我国单亲家庭逐年增多,单亲家庭子女心理问题更为突出,这已经引起社会的广泛关注.单亲家庭子女缺少来自父母的情感温暖及理解,缺乏安全感及家庭的自豪感,同时存在孤僻、自卑的性格,容易形成极端性格.同时单亲家庭子女的心理健康总体水平较差,有较多的抑郁症状,并且存在更多的行为问题.为了减少单亲家庭子女心理问题的出现,应该采取积极的心理干预,培养其人格健康发展.  相似文献   

家庭暴力是困扰国内外妇女的重要问题之一,在家庭暴力中受到伤害最多的是妇女。为了防止妇女遭受家庭暴力,必须建立法律、社会、心理各层面的社会支持系统。文章阐述了妇女遭受家庭暴力的内涵,分析了妇女遭受家庭暴力的原因,并探讨了预防妇女遭受家庭暴力的对策。  相似文献   


The family is the fundamental unit in society and perhaps the oldest and most important of all human institutions. Several studies have indicated a positive correlation between strong, successful families and family participation in outdoor recreational activities. This paper addresses the role of structured outdoor recreation programming in family enrichment. Findings from two studies based in the United States are presented: one on the effect of a one-day family outdoor adventure program on parental and child perceptions of family functioning and the other from a qualitative inquiry into the meaning of family residential camping experiences. The first study collected both quantitative and qualitative data from 24 families who participated in an 8-hour outdoor adventure program. The second study utilized structured interviews with 11 families participating in a residential camp experience. Findings from both studies demonstrate that structured outdoor family recreation programming has a strong positive relationship with family strength. Furthermore, findings indicate that the type of outdoor adventure activities being used in the treatment of dysfunctional and maladaptive families is also effective in providing family enrichment experiences.  相似文献   

Most prior studies of family-peer linkages during the preschool years have asked how mothers' or fathers' parenting practices contribute to early social competence. However, recent evidence from studies of family group-level processes raise the possibility that coparenting and family group process may also influence early social competence. This study traces pathways between family group-level dynamics, preschoolers' family imagery, and peer behavior at nursery school, testing the hypothesis that children's perceptions of family anger and aggression provide a link (through mediation and other indirect connections) between family process and early peer behavior. 43 four-year-olds used a set of doll family figures to tell stories about happy, sad, mad and worried families, and participated in a puppet interview in which they answered questions about family activities and family anger. Children's projection of aggression into the doll family task and discomfort during the puppet interview were each related to both parent-child and family-level dynamics. Family-level variables were also associated with observed social behavior at preschool, with effects strongest for boys. Pathways linking low levels of support and mutuality in the coparenting relationship to problematic peer relationships were indirect and mediated rather than direct, with children's family representations playing an intermediary role. By contrast, there was a direct pathway linking the family's affective climate to positive peer behavior; children from families showing warm, positive relations among all family members displayed more positive and prosocial peer behavior at school. We propose that studies of early peer competence could benefit from a broadened definition of family process and from the inclusion of information about how preschoolers conceive of relationship dynamics within the family.  相似文献   

The family is the fundamental unit in society and perhaps the oldest and most important of all human institutions. Several studies have indicated a positive correlation between strong, successful families and family participation in outdoor recreational activities. This paper addresses the role of structured outdoor recreation programming in family enrichment. Findings from two studies based in the United States are presented: one on the effect of a one-day family outdoor adventure program on parental and child perceptions of family functioning and the other from a qualitative inquiry into the meaning of family residential camping experiences. The first study collected both quantitative and qualitative data from 24 families who participated in an 8-hour outdoor adventure program. The second study utilized structured interviews with 11 families participating in a residential camp experience. Findings from both studies demonstrate that structured outdoor family recreation programming has a strong positive relationship with family strength. Furthermore, findings indicate that the type of outdoor adventure activities being used in the treatment of dysfunctional and maladaptive families is also effective in providing family enrichment experiences.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,为应对少子化压力,日本基于福利多元主义的视角,对其传统的以国家提供为主、体现"家庭主义"特点的育儿支持体系进行了重大改革,逐步转为在政府引导下,由社区、市场、民间组织等多部门共同协作为家庭提供育儿支持,这有效地缓解了家庭育儿压力。当前我国家庭在育儿方面缺乏政府与社会的各方支持。借鉴日本的改革经验,我国应加强顶层设计,健全相关法律体系和机构部门;发挥市场作用,发展多样化托育服务,满足不同家庭的需求;推动社区及社会组织参与育儿服务,创建有利于育儿家庭的社会支持环境;重视家庭的不可替代作用,实现社会多元支持下的"再家庭化"。  相似文献   

采用NYLS《3—7岁儿童气质量表》对昆明市五华区大观幼儿园、二十幼儿园、碧江路幼儿园、师大附属幼儿园全体中班幼儿家长进行测查,随机抽取离异家庭和非离异家庭幼儿问卷各30份进行分析。结果显示离异家庭和非离异家庭幼儿在反应强度、适应度、趋避性、规律性维度存在显著差异,其它维度没有显著差异。表明:幼儿气质具有年龄的稳定性和持续性,同时受环境因素的影响可发生改变,家庭离异对幼儿气质的发展存在影响。  相似文献   

我国具有家庭教育的优良传统,从古至今,始终如一。良好的家庭教育能使人终生受益,而不良的家庭教育则能贻误终生。文章从社会学的学科视角入手,把家庭教育对未成年人社会化的影响置于社会变迁的背景下予以研究,探讨我国转型期间传统家庭教育向现代家庭教育转变过程中出现的新情况、新问题。  相似文献   

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