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人才在经济社会发展中起着重要的作用。娄底要实现“后发赶超”的目标,必须重视人才建设及人才培养。实施娄底人才培养、“后发赶超”战略的可行性分析。  相似文献   

垫江教育实施的“后发先至”发展战略,即落后地区充分发挥后发优势。积极借鉴吸取先进地区的成熟经验,在应对危机中弯道赶超.在抢抓机遇中后发争先.从而实现后发快进、跨越发展的方略。“后发先至”的跨越发展.不仅是线性跨越.更是立体跨越。  相似文献   

发展经济学的繁荣及后发国家技术赶超的成功实践,使后发技术赶超成为研究的热点和焦点。笔者梳理了国外关于后发技术赶超的研究,并简要对其进行评述。  相似文献   

发展经济学的繁荣及后发国家技术赶超的成功实践,使后发技术赶超成为研究的热点和焦点.笔者梳理了国外关于后发技术赶超的研究,并简要对其进行评述.  相似文献   

教师是教育事业的第一资源,更是人才之本.能否建设一支素质良好、结构合理、流动有序、相对稳定的教师队伍,对于实施"科教兴国、人才强市"战略至关重要.目前,教师的人才流动呈现出一种无序竞争和某些不合理的状态,直接影响着"与时俱进,后发赶超"战略的实施.  相似文献   

"十八大"报告提出实施创新驱动发展战略。文章对创新驱动进行了理论分析,对两个经济学函数上的描述作了说明,回顾了创新新驱动在国际经济发展中的作用和影响。在此基础上,结合安顺实际,认为安顺实施创新驱动战略应从制度创新、机制创新、科技创新、文化创新着手,并以此助推安顺后发赶超。  相似文献   

文章分析了邵阳旅游后发赶超的环境条件、发展基础与动力,针对邵阳旅游赶超的具体情况,提出科学制定赶超目标,打造邵阳旅游发展增长极,合理分工多点突破,创新产品价值等邵阳旅游后发赶超重要路径。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立以来特别是改革开放以来,贵州省的工业化发展取得了巨大成就。反思贵州工业化发展道路及模式的选择的基本经验是:工业发展必须与国家发展战略相契合,工业发展应符合贵州省地方实际,工业发展应轻重工业协调发展。“不怕困难、艰苦奋斗、攻坚克难、永不退缩”的贵州精神,是贵州实现“后发赶超”工业化发展的精神动力。当前,贵州“工业强省”战略的实施,为贵州新型工业化发展提供了方向。  相似文献   

怀化从自身特点和现实基础出发建设生态城镇群,是实现后发赶超的必由之路。本文从整合城镇空间、优化产业布局、放大生态优势等方面对怀化建设鹤中洪芷生态城镇群进行了战略思考,并提出了具体的措施建议。  相似文献   

邓小平所带领实施的赶超战略在改革开放新时期得到了顺利推进,其主要原因就在于:以热爱祖国、热爱人民、热爱党、热爱社会主义为荣,邓小平对实施赶超战略具有强烈的紧迫感和高度的历史使命感;倡导以实事求是为荣,邓小平正确分析国情认定赶超起点,科学规划了赶超步骤;以"三个有利于"为荣,始终强调以经济建设为中心,坚持改革开放,搞市场经济,使实现赶超战略有了新的举措;崇尚教育和科学,尊重知识和人才,高度重视科技和教育工作,邓小平寻找到了赶超战略的新重点。  相似文献   

The claim that writing facilitates students’ learning, although widely accepted, has little support from empirical research. A possible explanation for the lack of empirical evidence is that writing-to-learn research has disregarded that students use different writing strategies. The purpose of the present experimental study is to test whether it is effective to adapt writing-to-learn tasks to different writing strategies when teaching literature. A course “Learning to write argumentative texts about literature” was developed in two different versions: one adapted to a planning writing strategy, the other to a revising writing strategy. Participants were 113 tenth-grade high school students in the Netherlands. Our hypothesis is an adaptation hypothesis: we expect that the more a student will use a planning writing strategy, the more the student will profit from the lessons in the planning condition, and that the more a student uses a revising writing strategy, the more beneficial the revising condition will be. However, results show that for improving literary interpretation skill, a course adapted to the planning writing strategy is more effective for almost all students.  相似文献   

Hirose  Hitoshi 《Reading and writing》1998,10(3-5):375-394
From the perspective of the strategy-based judgment, the present paper researched the process by which the reading of a Chinese character (kanji) is identified as On (reading borrowed from Chinese) or Kun (native Japanese reading). In these experiments, questionnaires containing a list of Chinese characters and their associated readings were printed, and subjects were asked to judge whether the reading given was On or Kun. Subjects were also asked to state the degree of confidence they felt in making this judgment. In Experiment 1, the survey consisted of characters which have only an On-reading. The correct rate and degree-of-confidence judgments from this test suggest that in deciding whether a reading is On or Kun, the strategy employed is If the reading for a character which occurs independently has concrete meaning, it is a Kun-reading; if the reading does not have concrete meaning, it is an On-reading. In Experiment 2, the questionnaire was made up of characters with multiple readings, both On and Kun. From the results of this latter experiment, it would appear that the strategy employed when a character has multiple readings is to reserve judgment regarding the On- or Kun-reading until after the various possible readings have been compared with one another. In addition, the results of these experiments suggest that the strategy employed differs depending on the number of readings that can be assigned to each character. When only one reading is possible, subjects make a judgment directly, but when multiple readings exist for a given character the subjects first compare the possible readings and make inferences; only when this process is complete do they apply a strategy to identify a reading as On or Kun.  相似文献   

电子出版物是现代通讯技术、网络技术和多媒体技术相结合的产物.它同传统的印刷型文献相比有许多优点,同时也具有一定的弊端.因此,图书馆在进行文献采访时, 须注重采访策略的选择.  相似文献   

The challenge of reading across disciplines is often not a matter of word recognition or general comprehension instruction; it is a matter of understanding how ideas are represented in the language and conventions of that discipline. In this article we describe a strategy for foregrounding the disciplines in the design and implementation of text-dependent questions in content area courses in order to accomplish a dual focus on content and discourse when using discipline-specific texts.  相似文献   

This article briefly reviews the strategic, metacognitive, and knowledge components of good strategy use. Five principles of teaching that follow from this good strategy user model are illustrated by examples from arithmetic instruction. Practitioners are advised: (a) to teach strategies; (b) to teach knowledge about when, where, and how to use strategies; (c) to teach general knowledge about factors; that promote strategy functioning; (d) to teach relevant nonstrategic knowledge; and (e) to have students practice components of good strategy use and the coordination of components. The good strategy user model for math instruction is compared to Polya's conception of how to teach problem solving.  相似文献   

Irony,Silence, and Time: Frederick Douglass on the Fifth of July   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frederick Douglass's oration, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" is a rhetorical masterwork of irony. It illustrates a strategy for enlisting the liberatory potential inherent in the detached and multiple perspective of irony without allowing that detachment to culminate in political impotence. The speech accomplishes this through opening before its audience the expansive visual and temporal spaces in which irony thrives, then collapsing those spaces so irony cannot be sustained. The speech therefore exemplifies a kairotic management of irony's scopic attitude, emphasizing for its audience the importance of seeing when irony is appropriate and when it is not.  相似文献   

讨价还价的博弈分析及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从经济学的角度运用博弈论的方法可以对买东西讨价还价的情形进行分析。对销售者来说,给商品定高价是其占优战略(dominantstrategy),消费者也意识到这一点,所以在买东西时一定会选择讨价还价。但是讨价还价对于购销双方来说都是一件费时费力的事情,造成不必要的效率损耗,实际上陷入一种囚徒困境。如果销售者合理运用超市经营、结伙购买、批量购买、实行会员制度等对策,就可以帮助自己解脱消费者讨价还价困境。  相似文献   

Growing interest in fully Bayesian item response models begs the question: To what extent can model parameter posterior draws enhance existing practices? One practice that has traditionally relied on model parameter point estimates but may be improved by using posterior draws is the development of a common metric for two independently calibrated test forms. Before parameter estimates from independently calibrated forms can be compared, at least one form's estimates must be adjusted such that both forms share a common metric. Because this adjustment is estimated, there is a propagation of error effect when it is applied. This effect is typically ignored, which leads to overconfidence in the adjusted estimates; yet, when model parameter posterior draws are available, it may be accounted for with a simple sampling strategy. In this paper, it is shown using simulated data that the proposed sampling strategy results in adjusted posteriors with superior coverage properties than those obtained using traditional point‐estimate‐based methods.  相似文献   

交际策略-提高英语口语教学的一剂良方   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
交际策略在英语口语教学中起着重要作用,因为它是英语交际能力的重要组成部分。本文对交际策略进行了定义和分类,分析了学生使用交际策略的情况以及影响交际策略实施的因素,并对教师如何培养学生的交际策略作了探讨。  相似文献   

When teachers gesture during instruction, children retain and generalize what they are taught (Goldin-Meadow, 2014). But why does gesture have such a powerful effect on learning? Previous research shows that children learn most from a math lesson when teachers present one problem-solving strategy in speech while simultaneously presenting a different, but complementary, strategy in gesture (Singer & Goldin-Meadow, 2005). One possibility is that gesture is powerful in this context because it presents information simultaneously with speech. Alternatively, gesture may be effective simply because it involves the body, in which case the timing of information presented in speech and gesture may be less important for learning. Here we find evidence for the importance of simultaneity: 3rd grade children retain and generalize what they learn from a math lesson better when given instruction containing simultaneous speech and gesture than when given instruction containing sequential speech and gesture. Interpreting these results in the context of theories of multimodal learning, we find that gesture capitalizes on its synchrony with speech to promote learning that lasts and can be generalized.  相似文献   

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