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Whereas there are some studies presenting the effects of argumentation on science knowledge development, there is still a need for research discovering the interrelationship between knowledge and argumentation. The purpose of this research was to investigate a possible relationship between students?? engagement in argumentation and their conceptual knowledge. A case study design was carried out for this research. The participants of the study were tenth graders studying in an urban all-girls school. There were 5 argumentations promoted in different contexts which were embedded through the dynamics chapter, for a 10-week period. Some of the conclusions drawn from the study are as follows: First, students?? quantity and quality of arguments improve through time as they get more involved with argumentation. Second, students?? knowledge does not improve instantly when they are involved with argumentation activities, that is, knowledge development in an argumentation process takes time. Third, students?? prior knowledge affects their participation in argumentation. Last, there are some patterns that indicate the relationship between argumentation and knowledge. However, students?? arguments and their knowledge do not develop at the same time.  相似文献   

Addressing midcareer transition in post-socialist Macedonia, this work sought to provide practical help to participants through a range of techniques. Four themes are identified as important options for transitioners. Enthusiasm for ??entrepreneurship?? is tempered by a lack of funds and ??portfolio careers?? are also viewed with caution. ??Employment in a small firm?? provides participants with cause for optimism, although the link between lifelong learning and ??employability?? is not clear to them. Career support for Macedonians experiencing midcareer transition is valued.  相似文献   

School choice in China is a parent-initiated bottom-up movement characterised by the payment of a substantial ??choice fee?? to the desired school, and parents?? positional competition through the use of cultural, social and economic capital, before and during the school choice process. This study demonstrates that Chinese middle class parents?? cultural capital and their efforts to help their children to accumulate cultural capital through after-school activities greatly increase their positional advantage in the competitive school admission process in China. The Chinese practice of acquiring cultural capital outside the family has to some extent extended the development of Bourdieu??s cultural reproduction theory. The widespread practice of such actions by middle class families clearly illustrates how cultural capital can be used to maintain social stratification by perpetuating educational inequalities that lead to unequal life opportunities for differently schooled people.  相似文献   

David Almond and Dave McKean??s The Savage is a hybrid prose and graphic novel which tells the story of one young man??s maturation through literacy. The protagonist learns to deal with the death of his father and his own ??savage?? self by writing a graphic novel. This article reads The Savage in the context of earlier, ??Northern?? literacy narratives??particularly Tony Harrison??s poem ??Them & [uz]?? and Barry Hines?? Kes??through the discourse of neoliberalism and the notion of the reluctant boy reader. It is suggested that Almond and McKean are influenced by currently dominant ideologies of gender and literacy.  相似文献   

B. Sury  R. Thangadurai 《Resonance》2012,17(9):855-883
Ramanujan??s story has been well-chronicled and it is well-known that generations of mathematicians in India have been inspired by it. However, not much has been written about the period immediately following Ramanujan??s. Two of the most famous Indian mathematicians of this period are Sarvadaman Chowla and S S Pillai. We journey through some of the very interesting and illuminating correspondences between Chowla and Pillai. We also attempt to convey some of the beauty and depth of their mathematical work.  相似文献   

Lucy Rai 《Higher Education》2012,64(2):267-284
This paper will consider the significance of emotion in assessment through reflective or experiential writing in the context of professional practice-based learning. It is based on a 12?month study conducted with undergraduate social work students undertaking what are referred to as ??reflective writing?? assessments. This form of assessment is a requirement in social work education and commonly used elsewhere in professional programmes of study in higher education such as nursing, business studies and education. Drawing on text orientated interviews with students and tutors this paper explores some of the challenges of both producing and assessing reflective writing. Drawing on debates relating to the assessment of reflective writing (Boud in Soc work Educ 18(2):121?C132, 1999) and the benefits of experimental or ??risky?? writing (Berman 2001), the paper offers some strategies for recognising and managing emotion arising from the inclusion of reflective writing professional education. In particular, it will explore the benefits of creating a space for dialogue which can recognise social, educational and historical factors, which influence individual students?? writing practices.  相似文献   

This laboratory study deals with the hydraulic jump properties for an artificially roughened bed with wedge-shaped baffle blocks. The experiments were conducted for both smooth and rough beds with a Froude number in the range of 3.06??F 1??10.95 and a relative bed roughness ranging 0.22??K R??1.4. The data from this study were compared with those of rectangular baffle blocks. New experimental formulae were developed for determining the sequent depth ratio and the hydraulic jump length in terms of the inflow Froude number and relative bed roughness. Bélanger??s jump equation of a rectangular channel was extended to account for the implications of the bed shear stress coefficient attributable to channel bed roughness. It was found that, in comparison with the smooth bed, the wedge-shaped bed roughness reduced the sequent depth of the hydraulic jump by approximately 16.5% to 30% and the hydraulic jump length by approximately 30% to 53%.  相似文献   

Research in science education suggests that teachers?? beliefs are linked to the use of inquiry-based instruction; teachers holding a constructivist belief are more likely to engage in student-centered activities in the classroom. However, there is currently little research on the ways in which teachers?? beliefs change over time, and in particular, the relationship between instructional activities in teacher education programs and their impact on teachers?? beliefs. We examined shifts in secondary preservice teachers?? belief orientations as they progressed through a science methods course. We found that overall many of the preservice teachers progressed in their orientation beliefs from a teacher-centered orientation to more student-centered orientation. We characterized four trajectories of change or clusters that describe how preservice teachers?? beliefs changed over the course of the semester (15?weeks). We also describe the different ways in which preservice teachers reacted to specific instructional activities, and how those activities influenced their belief orientation. In particular, we found that preservice teachers in a cluster that exhibited a particular trajectory (progression or regression toward/away from student-centered belief orientation) reacted differently to some activities compared to preservice teachers in some other clusters. We discuss these shifts as reflecting changes in priorities of beliefs within belief systems. We argue that teacher educators need to think carefully about the interplay of these beliefs when designing activities so that they can respond (i.e., to a reversal in beliefs) during the course rather than waiting until the end.  相似文献   

A growing body of research and policy focused on ??older workers?? is attempting to address perceived concerns that older workers?? skills are declining, along with their participation in employment and in employment-related learning opportunities. The discussion here seeks to contribute to this research. Its focus is the learning of older professional workers, about comparatively little has been published. The article presents research conducted in Canada involving 60 personal interviews with older Certified Management Accountants (CMAs). This qualitative study was designed to understand older professionals?? participation in learning through their reports not only of when, how and why they participated in specific learning activities, but also through their stories of practice and work, their understandings of knowledge, and how they view themselves as knowers and as knowledge workers. The findings showed that older CMA professionals appeared to position themselves deliberately as knowers, performing particular knowledge orientations aligned with their work priorities, and to resent external provisions for and assessments of their ??learning??. Four orientations appeared most prominently, which are here described as ??consolidating??, ??outreaching??, ??re-positioning??, and ??disengaging??. The concluding section argues that far from withdrawing from learning, these older professionals are particularly strategic in what, when and how they engage. In fact most are astute in employing diverse strategies and resources in knowledge development, according to the knowledge orientation they adopt in their practice. These understandings may suggest ways to more effectively recognise and support older professionals?? learning in organizations and professional associations.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to bridge informal and formal learning by leveraging on affordance structures associated with informal environments to help learners develop social, cognitive, and metacognitive dispositions that can be applied to learning in classrooms. Most studies focus on either learning in formal or informal contexts, but this study seeks to link the two. The paper proposes three tenets to augment de-contextualized learning in schools by putting back the: (a) tacit, (b) social-collective, and (c) informal. This paper seeks to advance the argument for a consideration of how formal learning might be made more authentic by leveraging the affordances of informal learning. Two case examples are illustrated. The first case shows learners operating in a virtual environment in which??through the collaborative manipulation of terrain??adopt the epistemic frame of geomorphologists. The case seeks to illustrate how the tacit and social-collective dimensions from the virtual environment might be incorporated as part of the formal geography curriculum. In the second case, interactions between members of a school bowling team highlight the contextualized and authentic metacognitive demands placed on learners/bowlers, and how these demands are re-contextualized??through metacognitive brokering??to the formal curriculum. Productive linkages are made between informal and formal learnings and anchored through learners?? authentic experiences.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a microanalysis of a specialized STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) high school teacher??s experience of self-initiated science inquiry curriculum reform. We examine the meanings of these two constructs: inquiry curriculum and curriculum change through the process lens of interactions, actions, and interpretations. Symbolic interactionism is the theoretical framework we used to frame our analysis of how this teacher, Darren Daley (a pseudonym) and various stakeholders purposefully and strategically engaged in ??face-work?? and act out lines of actions to advocate or oppose curriculum change. Symbols are used in this world of face-to-face encounters to communicate, imply, and assert, meanings through socially flexible and adjustable processes. We scrutinize how Daley (un)consciously engaged all of these to defend his decisions, actions, and outcomes and ??look?? to others as doing inquiry reform. The meanings of such work are not intrinsically driven or reactions to psychological and extraneous factors and forces, but emergent through interactions. The data collection methods include interviews with Daley, school administrators, students, and parents, lesson observations in Daley??s class, and gathering of school website pages, brochures, and curriculum materials. We represent data in narratives describing storied history, voices, interactions, anecdotal accounts from individuals?? experiences, and interpretations. The analysis and findings illuminate the nature of teacher agency??how it is reclaimed, sustained, reinforced, contested, exercised, and modified in more nuanced ways, hence offering an alternative lens to theorizing and empirically analyzing this construct.  相似文献   

We believe that finding out how students think about certain topics that are covered in science classes should not be ??the end of the story?? but the starting point for planning lessons and designing materials. From this perspective, the research study presented here is intended to explore secondary school (15?C18?year old) students?? preconceptions of sound attenuation, and of the properties and internal structure of materials. Specifically, we analysed students?? explanations for the fact that some materials attenuate sound more than others. This study was conducted within a particular scenario, in which 72 students participated in laboratory sessions aimed at developing students?? understanding of the nature, propagation and attenuation of sound. From the analysis of students?? explanations, we could identify some conceptions of sound attenuation in materials (e.g. as a result of hindering the entrance of sound, or as a result of capturing sound). The results of this study also indicate that the role of properties of a material and the role of the internal structure that students associate with its acoustic behaviour depend on their conceptions of sound attenuation. We used these results as support for the design of a research-based teaching/learning sequence on the Acoustic Properties of Materials, which is intended to facilitate students?? overcoming the specific conceptual difficulties identified in this research study and promote students?? development of conceptual models of sound attenuation.  相似文献   

Through a case study of Québec??s general and vocational colleges (cégeps), this article analyzes the role that institutions play in internationalizing the in-service training they provide to their teachers, and explains how partnerships with educational institutions in developing countries contribute to this process. Data from a questionnaire completed by 39 cégeps show that cégeps sustain internationalized in-service teacher training through teacher mobility, international cooperation, and training activities. Teacher mobility and international cooperation support efforts to establish partnerships with foreign institutions. The relationships that cégeps have with developing countries are changing: international cooperation, associated with a ??selling?? relationship, is decreasing, while teacher mobility, associated with a ??gelling?? approach, is increasing. Finally, the consistency between cégep activities and the government??s strategies is explained by considering the community of interest composed of cégeps, the government of Québec, and Cégep International.  相似文献   

There are currently both scientific and public debates surrounding Darwinism. In the scientific debate, the details of evolution are in dispute, but not the central thesis of Darwin??s theory; in the public debate, Darwinism itself is questioned. I concentrate on the public debate because of its direct impact on education in the United States. Some critics of Darwin advocate the teaching of intelligent design theory along with Darwin??s theory, and others seek to eliminate even the mention of evolution from science classes altogether. Many of these critics base their objections on the claim that non-living matter cannot give rise to living matter. After considering some of the various meanings assigned to ??vitalism?? over the years, I argue that a considerable portion of Darwin deniers support a literal version of vitalism that is not scientifically respectable. Their position seems to be that since life cannot arise naturally, Darwin??s theory accomplishes nothing: If it can only account for life forms changing from one to another (even this is disputed by some) but not how life arose in the first place, what??s the point? I argue that there is every reason to believe that living and non-living matter differ only in degree, not in kind, and that all conversation about Darwinism should start with the assumption that abiogenesis is possible unless or until compelling evidence of its impossibility is presented. That is, I advocate a position that the burden of proof lies with those who claim ??Life only comes from life.?? Until that case is made, little weight should be given to their position.  相似文献   

This study compared modeling skills and knowledge structures of four groups as seen in their understanding of air quality. The four groups were: experts (atmospheric scientists), intermediates (upper-level graduate students in a different field), advanced novices (talented 11th and 12th graders), and novices (10th graders). It was found that when the levels of modeling skills were measured, for most skills there was a gradual increase across the spectrum from the novices to the advanced novices to the intermediates to the experts. The study found the experts used model-based reasoning, the intermediates and advanced novices used relation-based reasoning, and the novices used phenomena-based reasoning to anticipate conclusions. The experts and intermediates used more bi-variable relationships in experimental design and anticipated conclusions, but used more multiple-variable relationships in identifying relationships. By contrast, the advanced novices and novices mostly used bi-variable relationships in all modeling skills. Based on these findings, we suggest design principles for model-based teaching and learning such as designing learning activities to encourage model-based reasoning, scaffolding one??s modeling with multiple representations, testing models in authentic situations, and nurturing domain-specific knowledge during modeling.  相似文献   

Genes are often described by biologists using metaphors derived from computational science: they are thought of as carriers of information, as being the equivalent of ??blueprints?? for the construction of organisms. Likewise, cells are often characterized as ??factories?? and organisms themselves become analogous to machines. Accordingly, when the human genome project was initially announced, the promise was that we would soon know how a human being is made, just as we know how to make airplanes and buildings. Importantly, modern proponents of Intelligent Design, the latest version of creationism, have exploited biologists?? use of the language of information and blueprints to make their spurious case, based on pseudoscientific concepts such as ??irreducible complexity?? and on flawed analogies between living cells and mechanical factories. However, the living organism = machine analogy was criticized already by David Hume in his Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. In line with Hume??s criticism, over the past several years a more nuanced and accurate understanding of what genes are and how they operate has emerged, ironically in part from the work of computational scientists who take biology, and in particular developmental biology, more seriously than some biologists seem to do. In this article we connect Hume??s original criticism of the living organism = machine analogy with the modern ID movement, and illustrate how the use of misleading and outdated metaphors in science can play into the hands of pseudoscientists. Thus, we argue that dropping the blueprint and similar metaphors will improve both the science of biology and its understanding by the general public.  相似文献   

In this article, Gene Fellner reviews Mark Zuss??s recently published The practice of theoretical curiosity (2012) and provides a synopsis of the book??s structure. These two sections are followed by a metalogue in which Mark Zuss, Welsey Pitts, and Fellner discuss curiosity and the conundrum of establishing limits beyond which curiosity should not roam. This is a central theme of Zuss??s book, and it is of particular significance today as curiosity, driven by developments in technoscience and transgenics, transforms nature and we who are part of it. Influenced by Merleau-Ponty??s phenomenological lens, Zuss discusses how our knowing the world through our senses is entering an uncertain future mediated by curiosity??s reach into everyday life.  相似文献   

This paper interprets Wilhelm von Humboldt??s travelogue of his voyage to the Basque country (??Die Vasken??) as an empirical study on human development (??Bildung??) that applies an ethnographic research approach. Against the background of Humboldt??s comparative anthropological considerations the paper focuses on the underlying theory and methodology as well as on the results in Humboldt??s study of the Basques. It will be shown that in ??Die Vasken?? Humboldt directs his attention at anthropological questions on character building (??Charakterbildung??) through applying his anthropological method which combines empirical research with philosophical speculation. The analysis of the results of Humboldt??s study of the Basques demonstrates that Humboldt succeeds in developing his anthropological theory of ??Bildung?? in such a way that he can apply his new insights later in practice in the reform of the Prussian educational system. Finally, a critical reflection about the results of ??Die Vasken?? points out a central methodological and at the same time educational problem in ethnographic research on ??Bildung??. With this interpretation of Humboldt??s study of the Basques the paper provides a historical reflection about theory and methodology in educational anthropology that offers still important insights for actual ethnographic research in the field of education.  相似文献   

Household engagement in a child??s education is a complex process; depending on the culture and the context, it may be revealed through a variety of behaviours. Using data from one district in rural Gujarat, India, four indicators of a household??s educational engagement were employed to investigate the relationship between household literacy levels and the household??s engagement in the education of its child members. The findings on educational engagement were also compared across households with different wealth and income levels. Uniformly, indicators of household literacy levels were found to be more important in understanding a household??s educational engagement than a household??s wealth and income levels.  相似文献   

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