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进入新世纪,伴随江苏经济社会的快速发展。我省职业教育抢抓机遇,乘势而上。以发展促建设.以发展赢市场。“十五”期间,全省中职招生规模以年均7万人的速度递增,到2004年,实现了招生数比2001年翻一番。2005年,我省进一步挖掘潜力,加快发展,使中等职业学校招生规模达到51.6万人,比2004年增加近6万人。增幅12.5%,中等职业教育招生占高中阶段教育的比例达49.7%,基本实现了全省职教招生50万人和普职招生大体相当的目标。全省初中升学率达到89.6%。  相似文献   

2004年,我省认真贯彻落实全国职业教育工作会议精神,进一步深化职业教育改革,大胆进行办学体制、机制和教育教学模式的改革创新。在全社会各方面的共同努力下,今年全省中职招生工作有望取得新的突破。据省中招办统计,截至9月18日,全省普通中专招收新生4.22万人,职业高巾招收新生9.67万人.技工学校招收新生3.2万人,比2003年同期都有不同程度的增长。全省今年中职招生2137万人.比2003年招生16.77万人净增4.6万人.增幅为27.43%。  相似文献   

2006年,我省初中毕业生升学率达93.5%,高中阶段教育毛入学率达76.7%。其中,中等职业教育招生达55.5万人,比2005年增加4万人。中等职业教育招生近十年来首次超过普通高中,全省职普比达到53:47。在优化高中阶段教育结构、促进职业教育协调发展方面,我省的主要做法是:  相似文献   

2005年,教育部给我省提出的中职指导性招生计划是37万,比2004年扩招10万,占全国扩招总数的1/10。中等职业学校实际完成招生39.8万人.其中职业高中招生18.1万人,中专招生17.2万人.技工学校招生4.5万人。目前,全省中等职业学校在校生数达到91.6万人。  相似文献   

2002年全国职教工作会议以来,我省职业教育在教育部的大力支持下。省委、省政府强力推进.广大职教工作者抢抓机遇、奋力拚搏、扎实工作。实现了连续三年的跨越式发展。2004年.全省中等职业学校招生26.08万人.比2001年增加14.02万人.增幅116%.中职招生占高中阶段比例达到39.3%:高等职业教育迅速崛起.高职高专学校招生10.58万人.占省属高校招生总数的61.94%。全省职业教育形成贴近地方经济、与普通教育共同发展的新格局。我们的主要做法:  相似文献   

为进一步推动职业教育发展,省教育厅要求扩大招生规模,加强就业指导,并制订资助贫困家庭学生的"星光工程"。我省今年计划招生31万人,比2004年增加5万人,增长28%。省教育厅要求通过深化改革,多形式、多渠道落实今年的招生任务。一是把公办学校资源盘活,通过改革扩大招生规模。全省500所中职学校,如果按每校扩招100人计算,就是5万人,省级以上重点学校今年扩招不能少于200人。二是实行连锁办  相似文献   

大力发展职业教育,是教育工作的三大战略任务之一。2006年,福州市认真贯彻落实国务院《关于大力发展职业教育的决定》和全国职业教育工作会议精神,进一步采取有力措施,加快发展职业教育,实现了年初提出的我市职业教育在办学规模、校企合作、实训基地建设、职业培训、“双师型”教师队伍建设等五个方面要取得新突破的目标。2006年中职学校共招生4.1万人,比2005年增加9000人,高中阶段普职比从2005年的58.7:41.3调整到53:47,达到省教育厅确定的发展目标。高职院校共招生近万人,比上年增加3000人。现将福州市职业教育工作情况总结如下。  相似文献   

努力扩大中职招生规模,是贯彻落实全国职教会精神的重大举措,是落实科学发展观、加快中职教育发展的重要途径,是促进高中阶段教育协调发展的必然选择。2006年是中职扩招的第二年,也是中职扩招的关键年。在省委、省政府的领导和教育部的指导下。我省职业教育工作坚持“狠抓招生、就业两个关键,积极推进机制、体制创新,努力实现‘农村职教规模发展’、‘城市学校质量提高’两个突破”的指导思想,以努力扩大中职招生规模为突破口,超额完成了教育部下达给我省的中职招生任务,推动了我省中等职业教育又快又好的发展。2006年,我省中职招生57.89万人。比教育部下达给我省55.5万人的招生任务增加2.39万人,比我省上年中职招生增加7.19万人。我省中职扩招采取的主要措施如下:  相似文献   

安徽 入选理由:全省职业教育实现了连续三年的跨越式发展。2004年,全省中等职业学校招生26.08万人,比2001年增加14.02万人,增幅116%。高等职业教育迅速崛起,高职高专学校招生10.58万人,占省属高校招生总数的61.94%。全省职业教育形成贴近地方经济、与普通教育共同发展的新格局。  相似文献   

当前,我国职业教育正步入黄金发展时期,教育部周济部长提出2006年全国中职教育要在2005年扩招100万人的基础上再扩招100万人。省教育厅黄国泰厅长提出2006年海南中职招生要比2005年增长20%,形势喜人,形势逼人。作为农业职业教育特色的农科类专业怎样才能健康发展?我们认为,当前形势下中等农业职业教育要在激烈的竞争中求生存、求发展,必须走创新发展、品牌发展和协调发展之路。  相似文献   

The paper is based on empirical material collected in connection with the research project ‘Way of life in the family parental awareness of parenthood, and children’s social development’. The sample consisted of 212 families with both parents and a six-year-old child. It was relatively homogeneous with regard to the educational background of the parents. Comparisons were made between groups of families which differed with regard to (1) symmetry in the division of labour, (2) socialization of children to work, and (3) the relative significance of work vs. family life to the parents. Symmetry in the division of labour was strongly reflected in the family time consumption patterns and their common interests. The parents active role as instigators of common activity was also related to both time consumption and interests. The particular characteristics of work-centred families were described. The wife’s employment status and the nature of her work was associated with the family was of life, while the husband’s work was less important in this respect. Interpretations were made in terms of the trend of changes in the division of labour in the family and children’s socialization to work.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the educational program at the two‐year college is to facilitate the upward social, economic and educational mobility of its students. Therefore, the speech program should be consonant with that purpose. To achieve that purpose under Open Admissions in the City University of New York seems increasingly to require remediation of the students’ communication skills in English. Oral language skills make a preferred vehicle for introducing remediation in all the communication skills. Beyond that, the student should learn those skills important to his everyday situations: interpersonal and small group.  相似文献   

学生工作是关系到学生健康成长的重要环节.作为系秘书,如何协助系领导,把学生工作做好做实,为学生的成长成才服务,至关重要.  相似文献   

学生工作是关系到学生健康成长的重要环节。作为系秘书,如何协助系领导,把学生工作做好做实,为学生的成长成才服务,至关重要。  相似文献   

Little work on the significance and implications of decision-making has been undertaken since that led by Hodkinson in the 1990s, and the experiences of young people on vocational programmes and their reasons for undertaking them remain under-theorised and poorly understood. Drawing on two narratives from a study exploring young people’s motivations for undertaking vocational programmes, this article explores the relationship between their positioning in fields and career decision-making. The article argues that social positioning is significant in its relationship to decision-making, to the way in which young people perceive and construct their careers and to the influence of serendipity on their transitions. Drawing on a range of international studies, the article explores the implications of these findings in terms of young people’s future engagement with the global labour market, giving consideration to (dissonant) perceptions of vocational education and training as contributing to economic growth whilst addressing issues of social exclusion and promoting social justice.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of drug use on entry into the labor force and subsequent socioeconomic achievement, we estimated duration models of the time elapsed since first leaving school to the first fulltime civilian job and jobs held at ages 24–25 and 28–29. The duration models show inconsistent drug effects: women who use illicit drugs other than marijuana delay entry into the labor force while men who use alcohol daily experience a somewhat more rapid entry. Blacks and those with a lower level of educational attainment enter the labor force more slowly than non-blacks and those with higher educational levels. The more important determinants of occupational outcomes at entry and later points in the work career are the human capital variables, i.e. educational attainment and experience. Duration of time since leaving school to first job has a statistically significant and negative impact on earnings, which increases over time for men but not for women. Being black is consistently associated with higher earnings among women. Holding constant other determinants of socioeconomic achievement, such as family background factors, marital status, race, and participation in different activities and roles during high school, effects of drug use among men and women and across earnings and prestige of the job are weak and inconsistent. The only statistically significant effect is the positive impact of marijuana use on males’ earnings at age 29. The findings lead us to conclude that drug use has only minor impact on occupational achievement in early adulthood.  相似文献   

The paper questions the link that policy‐makers assume exists between qualifications and access to employment in the creative and cultural (C&C) sector. It identifies how labour market conditions in the C&C sector undermine this assumption and how the UK’s policy formation process inhibits education and training (E&T) actors from countering these labour market conditions. It demonstrates how non‐government agencies (‘intermediary organizations’) are creating new spaces to assist aspiring entrants to develop the requisite forms of ‘vocational practice’, ‘social capital’ and ‘moebius strip’ (i.e., entrepreneurial) expertise to enter and succeed in the sector. It concludes by identifying a number of: (a) new principles for the governance of E&T at the national level; (b) pedagogic strategies to facilitate ‘horizontal’ transitions into and within the C&C sector; and (c) skill formation issues for all E&T stakeholders to address.  相似文献   

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