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This paper argues that case studies in innovation research at the level of the firm require an explicit model of how people think and act in organisations. The ‘socio-cognitive’ approach which is outlined here combines Weick's social psychological ideas with Teece's characterisation of the firm by its technological knowledge base. It is argued that a cognitive approach accommodates the tacit nature of technological knowledge well, and that artefacts can be considered as cognitive resources. A distinction is made between the social control of production technology (the firm) and of user technology (typically the market). This distinction is used as the basis for conceptualising technological innovation as the creation by individuals within the firm of ‘cognitive ensembles’ composed of cognitive elements drawn from both the technological base of the firm and market conceptions.This focus on the process by which innovation is generated within the firm leads to a brief discussion of previous work on the creative process and the relevance of the socio-cognitive approach to macro-level studies of technological change.  相似文献   

By introducing the concept of innovation regimes, the aim of this article is to show how the rapid pace of technological development in the telecom sector may be explained by the close links between the sector's own R&D and the creation of numerous innovations, many of which are radical. In contemporary innovation theory, a theoretical antinomy exists: Whereas, the creation of incremental innovations is variously explained in terms of «rational» responses to markets, dynamics of technological regimes, dominant design, etc., radical innovations, in contrast, are explained in terms of serendipity, chance or haphazard scientific discoveries. Evidence from analysis of innovations in the telecom sector suggests that innovation regimes have provided a capability of coordination, direction and leadership in the creation of many of the radical technological innovations that have emerged in the sector. Thus, one may claim that the strong innovation regimes and high R&D intensity of the telecom sector, at least until recently, have provided a capability of creating innovations on purpose — for a purpose. The policy implications of this contradict some of the assumptions on which the prevailing market-oriented R&D governance models and policies are based — and which are supported by contemporary innovation theories.  相似文献   

This paper redefines “frugal innovations”, particularly for physical products with relatively complex designs, by using a multidimensional framework that covers design, technological, and economic aspects of innovations, refining and broadening its initial definition as “low-cost innovations” for the unserved lower end of the mass market (ULM). By applying our framework, this paper clarifies and broadens the concept of frugal innovation. The applicability of this broadened concept is demonstrated by using this framework to illustrate two cases of radical frugal innovations in the automobile industry, Tata Motors Nano and Citroën 2CV, from an emerging country and an advanced country respectively.The study shows that frugal innovation may improve (rather than decrease) performance of the products deliverable to the ULM under extreme budget constraints by extensive architectural changes and creation of technological knowledge, that integral architectures may be adopted more frequently in frugal radical innovation of relatively complex products such as automobiles, and that such products may not be destructive for producers in the higher price segments.The study shows that the existing concepts of frugal innovation that emphasize “low cost/good enough” innovation of “simple products” need to be re-examined, because frugal innovation can also be treated as technological product innovation in the sense that it may improve the performance of relatively complex products deliverable through their architectural changes and creation of technological knowledge. This study shows that there is a domain of innovation policies and strategies activating frugal innovations that calls for integrative and strategic approaches, not only to R&D, but also to other value-adding functions of firms and industries.  相似文献   

汪明月  李颖明 《科研管理》2022,43(10):71-80
企业绿色技术创新是促进经济发展同环境污染尽早“脱钩”的有效措施,也是全面可持续发展目标实现的重要动力。企业不同类型绿色技术创新之间并非完全独立,处于不断升级的过程。借助642家工业企业调研数据对政府价格规制与企业绿色技术创新升级的关系展开实证研究,试图回答清楚在企业绿色技术创新动态演进过程中,政府价格型规制的作用节点和效果。研究结果表明,企业绿色技术创新升级路径是显著存在的,绿色工艺创新是中介变量,且间接路径所占的比重要大于直接路径。政府价格规制对企业绿色技术创新升级存在正向的调节作用,但是调节的作用节点仅存在于绿色工艺创新向绿色产品升级的过程中,且政府价格规制对绿色工艺创新与绿色产品创新关系的调节作用具有边界性。上述研究对于深入理解如何构建市场导向的绿色技术创新体系具有指导意义,也为提升环境治理能力贡献理论支撑。  相似文献   

陈晓红  于涛 《科学学研究》2013,31(4):585-595
在营销能力与市场绩效的关系研究中,引入中介变量技术创新,从技术创新的视角出发,为技术创新构建3个维度,研究营销能力通过技术创新对市场绩效的影响作用,并对我国340家中小上市企业进行实证分析。研究结果表明,营销能力对于市场绩效有显著影响,同时,营销能力会通过企业技术创新的2个维度(研发投入和技术投入)对市场绩效产生显著影响,然而专利对二者关系的中介作用并不显著。研究结果丰富了企业对营销能力的认识,为企业的技术创新和以后的发展策略都有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

曾德明  王媛  徐露允 《科研管理》2019,40(9):181-189
本文通过我国汽车产业200家企业1996~2010年专利、标准与企业性质的面板数据,采用负二项随机效应回归模型,实证分析了相关和非相关技术多元化与企业技术创新绩效之间的关系,并检验了技术标准化能力对二者间关系的影响。研究结果表明:相关技术多元化与企业技术创新绩效呈正相关,技术标准化能力显著负向调节二者之间的关系;非相关技术多元化与企业技术创新绩效呈倒U型关系,技术标准化能力显著正向调节非相关技术多元化与企业技术创新绩效之间的正向关系。研究结论丰富了技术多元化与创新绩效关系的研究,为我国企业构建合理的技术多元化战略提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

针对技术创新活动和承包商施工业务之间的溢出效应,讨论承包商开展技术创新活动时可能存在的两种路径选择:与技术创新市场的在位企业进行合作或竞合。基于建模和博弈论的分析表明:(1)在施工收入和技术创新存在正外部性的情况下,承包商会选择竞合的技术创新路径;(2)在承包商选择竞合路径的情况下,承包商能提供比在位企业更高的创新质量;(3)然而,承包商选择竞合路径存在降低技术创新市场整体创新质量的可能。根据研究结论,从更好推动重大工程创新活动所具有的创新驱动创业使命角度,提出建议。  相似文献   

   有关技术创新激励政策效应的研究对产业特征的关注还不充分,影响了对激励政策产业层面效应的深入理解。本文认为更为系统地重审技术创新激励政策的效应,有必要将产业市场竞争度与产业技术吸收能力同步纳入研究模型,因为它们分别影响产业创新主体的技术创新动机和技术创新能力。当产业市场竞争度与产业技术吸收能力都处于高水平时,技术创新激励政策对产业技术创新的正向效应最为明显。实证数据来自和五类使能技术的应用密切相关的16个制造业的2013—2017年的数据,包括R&D资本存量、全时人员当量、发明专利申请数、新产品开发项目数、新产品销售收入数据,和以DEA视窗方法计算得到的产业技术创新绩效数据,分析结果表明:产业技术吸收能力放大了税收优惠政策对技术创新绩效的正向作用;但是R&D补贴政策对于技术吸收能力低的产业有更高的正向效应;当技术市场竞争度高时,技术吸收力对税收优惠与R&D补贴的正向促进作用最高。本研究深化了对技术创新激励政策的作用机理的理解,并提示政策制定者需要充分重视产业的市场竞争度。  相似文献   

基于创新扩散理论,利用演化博弈方法建立市场机制和政府规制下低碳技术创新扩散的链式过程中创新提供者与潜在采纳者间的演化博弈模型,探讨二者间相互作用对宏观扩散的影响机制。理论研究和数值仿真结果表明,市场机制下将低碳技术创新的转移价格控制在一定范围内系统才能达到低碳技术创新成功扩散的理想状态;政府规制下对创新提供者和潜在采纳者实施补贴和减税政策对低碳技术创新扩散有显著正向作用,但采取惩罚措施易导致低碳技术创新扩散的失败。  相似文献   

黄新建  尤珊珊 《科研管理》2020,41(3):217-226
本文以2010-2017年间中国A股上市公司为样本,运用多元线性回归、Tobit模型、PSM模型研究股权激励计划中契约要素对技术创新、创新效率的影响。研究发现:严格的行权条件减少了创新投入、增加了创新产出、提高了创新效率;较长的激励有效期增加了创新投入及产出、提高了创新效率,但是随着时间的延长,激励作用越弱,到第3年激励作用消失;核心员工股权激励增加了创新投入及产出,而高管股权激励减少了创新投入及产出。研究结论为企业设计恰当的股权激励契约要素提供实证证据。  相似文献   

This paper deals with some methodological issues related to the recording and measurement of international transfers of technology by technological balances of payments. Because technology can circulate internationally under many guises, in the form of goods, services or scientific and technical information it is necessary to define the international transfer of technology, as part of the overall circulation of technology. Furthermore it appears that technological balances of payments include other components beside the technology payments linked to international transfers strictly speaking. But conversely there exist technology transfers which are not recorded at all. Section 2 of the article is devoted to definition and interpretation issues so as to ascertain to what extent technological balances of payments correspond to international transfers of technology. Section 3 examines how technology transfers, once recorded, are measured. Measurement problems cover three issues: the transfer price, the economic value of technology transferred and the national significance of the flows recorded. These issues are examined with reference to the technology market and the firm's behaviour at the international level. Special features of technology as an intangible asset explain the ways in which it is traded and particularly the extent of intra-firm transfers taking place inside the multinational enterprises: this may eventually be related to the “transactional approach” to the multinational enterprises. Recent trends in international technology payments as well as international direct investments are then examined. In conclusion, the article provides some recommendations concerning the possible improvement and interpretation of technological balance of payments as a partial indicator of the international diffusion of technology.  相似文献   

This article uses a carefully screened patent database in automobile emission control technologies and a detailed regulatory action analysis to examine firms’ innovation in response to U.S. technology-forcing auto emissions standards enacted between 1970 and 1998. The study finds that under the performance-based technology-forcing (PBTF) auto emissions regulations, both automakers and component suppliers innovated and introduced more advanced emission control technologies for automobile applications. The study also shows that stringent PBTF regulation temporarily induced domestic U.S. firms to become more innovative than foreign firms that operated in the local U.S. market during the early phase of the regulatory regime. Findings of this research strongly imply that government intervention in the form of technology-forcing regulation can drive firms to invest in technological innovation.  相似文献   

张岭 《科研管理》2020,41(8):95-104
科技企业面临较高的技术创新风险,良好的融资体系可以通过容忍并承担技术试错和商业探索的风险较好地支持技术创新。本文比较了股票市场股权融资与银行信贷债权融资对技术创新风险容忍度的差异,基于52个国家或地区跨国样本,采用面板计量模型实证检验了股权和债权融资对技术创新绩效的影响。研究发现,股权融资具有更高的风险容忍度更能提升企业家风险偏好,因而股权融资比债权融资更有利于支持技术创新;发达国家成熟股票市场比发展中国家新兴股票市场更能促进技术创新;股权融资无论经济上行期还是下行期都能更好的支持技术创新。在实证研究基础上,从提高融资体系风险容忍度、降低股权融资约束、健全风险补偿机制等方面提出了完善科技融资支持体系的对策建议。  相似文献   

着眼于区域经济发展,以地区高技术产业为研究对象,研究政府创新补贴对区域科技成果转化的影响。利用2010—2019年我国27个省份高技术产业省际面板数据,以市场竞争公平性作为门槛变量构建非线性面板门槛回归模型,对创新补贴与区域科技成果转化关系中的门槛效应进行实证考察。结果表明,创新补贴对区域科技成果转化具有显著的双重门槛效应:当市场竞争公平程度较高时,创新补贴对区域科技成果转化呈现出显著的正向影响,且随着地区市场竞争公平程度的减弱,这种正向影响逐渐削弱;当市场竞争公平程度继续降低并跨越第二门槛值时,创新补贴对区域科技成果转化的积极影响消失。基于此,提出建立健全政策组合机制、注重市场竞争公平性的门槛影响效应、充分利用技术溢出以及营造良好市场环境等,促进发挥政府创新补贴对科技成果转化促进效应的对策建议。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103798
This study adds to the product innovation literature by emphasizing the important yet understudied role of price distribution in shaping product demography (i.e. new product introductions and exits). While prior research has focused on market niches in the technological and geographic spaces in order to explain product demography, price space has received very limited attention despite the important role of price in the market. We posit that product dynamics are largely shaped by the existing price distribution. More specifically, we argue that local density in price space determines both the likelihood of existing products exiting the market and the rate of new products entering it. Analyzing product exit and entry in the U.S. workstation industry from 1980 to 1996, we find that while price density increases an existing product’s exit rate, new products are also more likely to enter the niches where the price density is high. We also draw attention to internal price density within multiproduct firms, analyzing a product’s price distance from the other products launched by the same firm. We find that this type of internal price density decreases both existing products’ exit rate and new products’ entry likelihood. Our emphasis on price space contributes to the literature on product innovation and demography.  相似文献   

技术创新与企业规模关系的形成与转化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以定向性技术创新和非定向性技术创新为核心概念,通过对企业规模与技术创新的倒U关系进行线性分拆,将"熊彼特假设"和倒U关系的争议在同一个分析框架内进行解说。并以中国工业企业1991-2005年的数据进行实证研究,实证结果不仅得到企业规模与技术创新的倒U关系结论,而且得到了定向性技术创新和非定向性技术创新与企业规模之间的几组线性关系。对实证结果的分析表明大企业的组织惯性对技术范式具有锁定效应,从而有利与企业的定向性技术创新,而竞争性的市场是使得小企业不断进行非定向性技术创新的主要动因,倒U关系则是企业规模对这两种技术创新影响的综合效应。  相似文献   

徐浩  祝志勇  叶芸 《科研管理》2006,41(2):73-82
厘清行政环境(行政治理、法治水平)对技术创新的作用机制是我国经济高质量发展面临的重大问题。首先,本文系统剖析了行政环境优化、偏向性投资和技术创新间的作用机制,其次,以2005-2016年我国97个地级市数据为样本,结合动态空间计量模型(SEM)进行了实证检验。结果发现:(1)地方政府偏向性投资对技术创新具有显著的负向挤出效应,且该效应在西部地区最强;(2)行政环境优化对技术创新具有直接的正向推动作用,该效应在东部地区最强;(3)十八大后,偏向性投资的挤出效应有所下降,行政环境优化的推动效应有所上升。进一步的机制分析表明,(4)行政环境优化通过提升地方政府“经济政治人”诉求的机会成本,弱化了偏向性投资对技术创新的负向技术效应。中介效应模型检验发现,中介效应可以解释行政环境优化促进技术创新总效应的8.51%。最后,本文认为进一步深化“放管服”改革、推动基层司法部门的省级直管是改善行政环境,进而提升营商环境的重要路径之一。  相似文献   

构建多阶段动态博弈模型,研究竞争市场中,政府的战略性创新激励政策、价格管制政策和医保支付政策对制药企业创新激励和创新药市场绩效的综合作用机制。研究表明:价格管制并非总是降低制药企业的创新激励,在一定条件下,价格管制能够引导企业的创新投入实现社会最优配置;价格管制政策和医保支付政策合理匹配,可实现制药企业、医疗机构、患者、医保机构和政府的"多赢";政府的战略性创新激励政策能够对制药企业的创新投入进行双向调节,引导其实现社会最优配置,进而提高制药企业的利润和社会总福利;当管制价格高于社会最优的管制价格时,提高医保福利水平和降低管制价格均会削弱战略性创新激励政策的实施效果。  相似文献   

Technological innovations often involve collaboration among firms from diverse industries. Existing literature has largely viewed participant diversity as a conduit for non-redundant information or complementary resources, thereby affecting the ex-post outcomes of innovation projects. However, it is seldom examined how projects are initially evaluated during the resource competition stage. In this study, we develop a theory of diversity as a cognitive primer, asking how collaborators from diverse backgrounds may affect external reviewers’ ex-ante evaluation of potential merits of an innovation project. We argue that there are two logics at work in the process of evaluating innovations: the logic of technological advancement and the logic of market value. When an innovation project involves firms from diverse industries, it may be perceived as having a fuzzier market identity, hence making it less appealing to reviewers who hold with the strong market value logic. However, the penalty associated with participant diversity should be less pronounced among reviewers who hold the technological advancement logic. We also expect the relationship between participant diversity and reviewers’ ratings to be moderated by project novelty and fuzziness of technology category. We find support for our hypotheses with a sample of collaborative innovation projects funded by the Advanced Technology Program of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology.  相似文献   

Jie Wu 《Research Policy》2012,41(2):489-496
Drawing on the strategic alliances and innovation literature, this study proposes that the impact of technological collaboration on product innovation is contingent on market competition and sectoral technology characteristics. Specifically, it argues that the generally observed positive effect of technological collaboration on product innovation may be diluted in highly competitive markets, and the interactive effect of technological collaboration and market competition on product innovation will be further moderated by sectoral technological intensity. Data on the product innovation and technological collaboration of 944 Chinese firms across five manufacturing sectors provide robust support for the contingent effects of technological collaboration on product innovation.  相似文献   

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