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家庭环境主要分为家庭物质环境和家庭精神环境两个层面。家庭环境对儿童阅读障碍的发生具有重要影响,家长应从提高自身文化修养、丰富儿童阅读资源、重视儿童早期语言教育、培养儿童阅读兴趣等方面来防止儿童早期阅读障碍的出现。  相似文献   

个体品德养成深受其所处环境的影响,学校环境、社会环境及家庭环境并称为影响个体品德养成的三大生态系统。儿童期是个体品德养成与发展的关键时期,处于这一阶段的个体具有独特的心理特征——模仿和从众,而家庭又是儿童活动的主要场所,家庭环境在个体品德养成方面扮演了最重要的角色,家庭环境的各个要素都会对儿童品德养成产生影响。因此,为使儿童形成良好品德,必须努力优化家庭德育环境。  相似文献   

家庭环境有两方面的内容,一是由家庭成员之间的关系所构成的人际环境,二是由家庭的室内装饰及布置所形成的物化环境。一般说来,人际环境,诸如家庭和谐的关系,亲切融洽的情感与温馨的气氛等等,对家庭成员的影响,尤其是对儿童身心健康的影响,是大家都深有体会的。然而,家庭物化环境对于培养儿童良好的性格,塑造美好的心灵等方面也有着不可忽视的作用。关于家庭的物化环境,由于人们的职业有别,文化水平高低不同,客观条件各异,情趣  相似文献   

智力障碍儿童环境生态课程的家庭教育模式初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文以环境生态课程的新理念论述了智力障碍儿童家庭教育模式的重要性 ,对环境生态课程的家庭教育模式的结构、教育环节和操作流程进行了说明。在此基础上 ,我们阐述了在家庭教育模式中如何运用家庭环境分析评估、中介系统的支持和微观环境的调适 ,改变家庭环境 ,开发家庭潜能 ,重视儿童本身与其具体生活环境的互动 ,使环境生态课程在智力障碍儿童家庭教育中得以应用 ,培养智力障碍儿童适应社会环境的能力 ,满足其生涯发展需要。  相似文献   

家庭是儿童成长的摇篮,一个人从出生到完全独立进行社会生活,有三分之二的时间是在家庭里度过的,家庭环境对儿童行为习惯的养成有着潜移默化的影响,而行为习惯又决定着儿童人生的成败。本文主要从养成教育的作用以及如何构建适合儿童养成教育的环境进行分析。  相似文献   

家庭在听障儿童语言康复过程中具有重要作用。听障儿童在家庭环境中产生自然的语言交流意图,家庭环境为听障儿童语用能力的发展提供了丰富的情境,家长是听障儿童语言学习的天然协助者。家长常常在家庭语言康复上陷入一些误区,如忽视自己的地位,急于让孩子开口,排斥手语等。家长应正视自己在聋童语言康复中的地位,不要对语言康复机构的训练简单模仿,要了解健听儿童语言学习规律,克服急躁情绪并积极学习手语。  相似文献   

我认为造成自卑心理障碍的主要原因有以下几个方面: 一是与学生的家庭环境有关 由于学生家庭生活环境的落后或父母素质的低劣等落后的家庭氛围形成的那种怯弱、自卑的心理。学生即使是天真活泼的外向性格,也会被这种长期形成的家庭特定的环境和气氛所熏染,变得沉默寡言,自卑怯弱。这样的心理特点使得他们学习兴趣不浓、上进心不强,没有前进的动力和勇气,稍遇挫折,要么破罐子破摔,要么逃学、辍学。  相似文献   

本研究采用自编"儿童友好家庭自评量表",了解上海市儿童对其家庭儿童友好环境的评价.调查发现:总体而言,上海市儿童对家庭环境持积极肯定态度,亲子关系融洽,生活满意度高;家庭环境体现无性别歧视原则,基本实现男女平等;照料养育与积极管教普遍获得认可,亲子沟通与对儿童的心理支持方面有待加强;一些家庭尚存在不同形式和不同程度的暴...  相似文献   

蒋桂英 《家庭教育》2002,(10):42-42
家庭环境是最早对孩子发生影响的,孩子从出生第一天开始,就受到家庭成员有意识的教育和潜移默化的影响。良好的家庭环境,对孩子来说,就是一种最好的教育。创造良好的家庭人际环境家庭成员之间感情融洽,团结和睦,互相关心照顾,能使孩子感受到幸福。由于家庭的情绪气氛对孩子的心理健康影响很大,在气氛和  相似文献   

家庭是儿童社会化的主要场所,也是儿童接触的第一社会环境。家庭的各种因素都会影响儿童的社会化发展,因此家庭是儿童社会化的一个关键点,它对个体社会化的影响将持续一生,其主要表现在形成个体的生活习惯、态度和行为方式等方面。  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the family characteristics that promote the development of social skills in children with physical disabilities. Parents and teachers completed a range of questionnaires in an Australia‐wide study of 212 parents of children (5–12 years of age) with physical disabilities who attend mainstream schools. The relationships between parental attitudes, parental involvement, family relationships, teachers’ opinions, disability severity, and children’s social skills were tested using structural equation modelling. The results of this study show the importance of family characteristics for the development of social skills in children with physical disabilities. A strong link was found between aspects of healthy family relationships, especially high levels of parental involvement with schooling, and greater social skills development in children. In short, families with highly cohesive, idealised, and democratic family styles strongly influence children’s social skills by providing a safe and sound foundation for children to explore their social environment. Practical implications arising from this study are discussed.  相似文献   

A family history of learning problems as provided on a specially designed questionnaire by maternal report was examined in families of 101 children with learning disabilities and 171 children without disabilities. Diagnoses of learning disabilities followed the U.S. Office of Education definition. Students were selected from the Special School District of St. Louis County and the Pattonville School District. A life history of developmental risk factors in the child subject was also examined in the same two groups. Learning disabilities were found to be strongly familial. In principle, the definition of learning disabilities excluded from the study children with problems attributable to child rearing, emotional, or motivational factors. The report of a family history of learning problems is therefore interpreted as consistent with, although not unequivocally supportive of, genetic factors as determinants. Among developmental factors, only male gender proved to have a significant association with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

曾拓 《嘉应学院学报》2000,18(5):108-110
本文对学习不良儿童的主要特征及有关这方面的研究状况进行了综述。认为 ,教育指导学习不良儿童的着力点在于其家庭资源的优化配置 ,并提出了优化配置的措施。  相似文献   

This study examined the global self–concept, academic self–perception, social competence, and behavioral problems of 19 children with learning disabilities within the family context. Comparisons were made between the target children and their close–age siblings and family psychological correlates were identified. The participants were administered child assessment scales and rated by their parents, who also completed family psychosocial measures. The results show that although children with learning disabilities do not differ from their siblings in global self–concept and academic self–perception, their parents rated them to have less social competence and more behavior problems than their siblings. Moreover, the social competence and behavioral problems of children with learning disabilities are related to their parents’ stress. Educational and research implications are drawn.  相似文献   

元认知理论与学习不良儿童研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
元认知理论为人们全面深入理解学习不良问题提供了一个新视角,它对理解学习不良儿童的内部加工问题和发展提高学业成绩的教学方法都具有重要意义。元认知是个体在学习过程中主动控制认知过程的高层次思维,它包括两类成分:一类是静态成分,分为知识和动机信念;另一类是动态成分,主要指元认知监测和控制。与一般儿童相比,学习不良儿童在元认知加工方面存在不同程度的缺陷;在具体学科领域,学习不良儿童静态和动态元认知成分也有不同的表现。对学习不良儿童的研究应以服务教育实践为目的,打破纯实验研究的范式,采用不同方法,从不同角度探讨学习不良儿童的元认知发展规律和作用机制。  相似文献   

The study compared 86 children with learning disabilities (LD) with 86 matched children without learning disabilities (NLD) on three domains of variables: social problem-solving skill, teacher-rated school behavior and competence, and family background. The children with LD and the NLD group differed on variables in all three domains. More specifically, the children with LD were able to generate fewer alternatives for solving social problem situations, showed less tolerance for frustration and less adaptive assertiveness, and had more overall classroom behavior problems and less personal and social competence in a variety of areas as rated by teachers. Children having LD also showed more family background difficulties (e.g., lack of educational stimulation at home, economic difficulties). The findings suggest the need for greater attention to social and behavioral remediation for children with LD and greater involvement of their families, in addition to the cognitive and academic remediation emphasized in existing curricula for children with LD.  相似文献   

家庭学习环境是幼儿成长初期最早接触的学习环境,对幼儿学习品质发展具有重要作用。为考察家庭社会经济地位、家庭学习环境与幼儿学习品质的关系,本研究随机抽取来自宁波50所幼儿园的1131名幼儿样本,由幼儿父母报告家庭社会经济地位和家庭学习环境,由教师报告幼儿学习品质。描述性分析、验证性因素分析和中介模型检验的结果显示,年龄较大幼儿的学习品质整体及各维度表现较好;女孩的学习品质整体表现较好,特别是在注意/坚持和学习策略维度上;家庭社会经济地位对幼儿学习品质的总效应显著;家庭学习环境显著正向预测幼儿学习品质;家庭学习环境在家庭社会经济地位与幼儿学习品质之间具有完全中介作用。父母应重视家庭学习环境的作用,并提高实际创设家庭学习环境的能力,促进幼儿学习品质的积极发展。  相似文献   

This article is an endorsement of Wong's proposal that risk and resilience models provide a framework for research and practice with regard to the social and emotional functioning of children with learning disabilities. Future research should include an examination of the impact of family functioning and parenting, and peer victimization. We need to be cognizant of findings in developmental psychopathology that single risk factors seldom have a massive impact on development; children who are at risk typically experience chronic multiple risks. Consequently, we cannot explain the social and emotional functioning of children with learning disabilities without understanding the reciprocal interaction between children and their environments.  相似文献   

情绪对人们的生活具有重要的影响,但是,学习不良儿童的情绪研究却被忽视了。实际上。学习不良儿童比一般儿童具有更多的情绪问题。文章介绍了有关学习不良儿童焦虑与抑郁情绪的研究。揭示了学习不良与情绪困扰之间的关系,并提出了改善学习不良儿童情绪问题的有效措施。  相似文献   

学习障碍是一个比较新的、越来越受到关注的领域。近年来,我国开始重视学习障碍儿童的干预训练,从单一的采用某种干预模式到综合利用多种干预技术,在全纳中重视个别化教育的指导,加强学校教育和家庭教育的配合,对学习障碍儿童的干预训练提出了一些以后发展的方向。  相似文献   

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