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Starting from the main objective of external quality assurance (EQA) procedures to assure and improve the quality of higher education institutions and its provisions, the paper examines expected impacts of EQA procedures on institutions from the perspectives of three European quality assurance agencies. First, the paper examines the expected impacts of different standard parts of a typical peer review procedure on higher education institutions and assesses when a procedure is most likely to have an effect on the institution. The second part presents the current practices of the three EQA agencies, AQU Catalunya (Spain), Evaluationsagentur Baden-Württemberg (evalag) (Germany) and the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (Finland) on assessing the impact of their EQA procedures.  相似文献   

The goals of agencies that accredit medical education programmes or institutions are to ensure high quality student experiences and to certify the readiness of graduates to further their training or begin practice as physicians. While accreditation provides a level of legitimacy, the agencies conducting the reviews vary in their organisation, robustness and transparency of decisions. Therefore, to enhance validity and comply with governmental or medical professional regulations, some agencies undergo external evaluations of their standards and protocols, a process commonly referred to as recognition. Recognition also provides stakeholders with unbiased and credible information on accrediting agencies and the educational institutions they accredit. The author compares six European and United States-based recognition organisations that evaluate agencies that accredit medical education to highlight similarities and differences in scope, processes and consequences of the review. These results contribute to the development of best practices and potential mutual acceptance of decisions in the global ‘meta quality assurance’ arena.  相似文献   

尽管越来越多的高校采用了毕业论文校外专家匿名评审制度,但对此制度的实践过程尚缺少系统的反思。基于贝叶斯定理,利用基础的数据模拟方法,该研究试图说明即使外审专家具有比较高的论文鉴别能力,完全基于外审专家意见来判断毕业论文质量仍会存在相当大的“错判”风险。毕业生总体论文质量越高,外审意见为不合格的论文中高质量的论文比例亦越高。随着外审专家论文鉴别能力的下降,此类错判风险的概率也随之升高。基于基本统计模拟,研究讨论了多人评判(一票否决以及少数服从多数两种情况)、多轮评判以及多类别评判结论等更为复杂的情况。由于毕业论文评判直接关乎学生是否能顺利毕业以及未来的发展,如何控制错判风险应当得到学校管理方的高度重视。  相似文献   

The article considers the process of creating quality improvement in higher education institutions from the point of view of current organisational theory and social-science modelling techniques. The author considers the higher education institution as a functioning complex of rules, norms and other organisational features and reviews the social mechanisms and processes through which agencies can stimulate quality improvement. The article provides a few examples of how these social processes might be modelled using social simulation techniques, including agent-based models, discrete event simulation and other modelling techniques developed for representing complex social processes of coordination and cooperation. A better representation of universities as complexes of organisations will support more effective quality improvement by higher education leaders and external agencies.  相似文献   

In 2012, Taiwan implemented a dual-track quality assurance system comprising accreditation and self-accreditation in higher education institutions. Self-accrediting institutions can accredit their programs without requiring approval from external quality assurance agencies. In contrast to other countries, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan authorized self-accrediting institutions to develop their own evaluation standards. This study investigated the institution-based accreditation standards and their implications on institutional internal quality assurance. Content analysis revealed that 37 % of the indicators of self-accreditation were new and not used as review indicators in the original accreditation track. Two frequently added indicators were featured indicators and levels of internationalization. The results also indicated that institutions tend to structure their internal quality assurance systems uniquely. Three types of approaches for developing institution-based standards were identified: bottom-up, hybrid, and innovative approaches. Self-accreditation has benefited institutions committed to educational quality and pursuing excellence by enabling them to employ a fitness-for-purpose approach. The diversity of higher education and educational policy changes constitute new challenges to higher education. Balancing between accountability and autonomy is critical for all stakeholders of higher education.  相似文献   

A large number of countries worldwide have established quality assurance mechanisms in Higher Education, ranging from the long‐engrained system (United States) to more recent developments in Europe, Latin America and other regions. This study explores the way Higher Education institutions, as examples of autonomous organisations, respond to a new set of regulatory policies. The analysis of the regulatees shows that university‐wide administration has gone beyond the letter of required regulations, toward over‐compliance. Far from a stereotype of a main external regulator (accreditation agency) trying to impose the stated regulations and the regulatee simply resisting, the latter adds a kind of self‐regulation. Below the university‐wide administration, at the programme level—the primary regulatee target of external regulators—matters take more typical, anticipated form. Mixed compliance characterises programme‐level responses, including resistance strategies. Findings illuminate not only the Argentine case but also other countries that have established quality assurance agencies.  相似文献   

This article reviews the findings of an exploratory study investigating the perceived benefits and costs of BSW interns for host agencies. The qualitative study included surveys from over 100 agency student supervisors, colleagues, and administrative personnel assessing the perceived effects students had on a range of categories. It also included a quantitative assessment of financial savings derived through student contributions. Benefits of using student work included increased quality and quantity of services available to clients as well as generic positive effects on the outlook and attitudes of supervisors and agency staff. Minimal negative effects included student turnover and occasional instances of unprofessional attitudes.  相似文献   

University autonomy and public policies: A system theory perspective   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This article addresses problems facing universities because of external pressures for changes in their teaching, research, and governance and management policies and practices to align them with public policies. The view is put that governments are introducing public policies in times of economic recession to achieve rationalisation of human, physical and financial resources in higher education and to foster initiatives that shape university teaching and research to serve the needs of society and assist in national economic recovery. Examples of these external pressures, which have resulted in intrusions into the autonomy of university governance and management, are provided in the context of general system theory. It is assumed that the pressure of public policies on universities will continue and that each university should have a development plan for its present and future teaching and research activities, which has the endorsement of the government higher education advisory agency so that university management can function on a secure basis. The effectiveness and efficiency of functioning at the various levels of the university system should be assessed by periodic evaluative reviews. The quality of management by academic leaders should be fostered by the establishment of national centres for the study of higher education management and policy. The relationship between government higher education advisory agencies and universities should be renegotiated so that, as interdependent and interrelated parts of the higher education system, they work in joint co-operation to ensure the most effective and appropriate development of each institution. Nevertheless, a state of equilibrium between the university system and the supra (social) system within which it exists will never fully be achieved. The fundamental role and functions of a university require that it be concerned with teaching and researching both ageless and current phenomena. Hence, a perfect equilibrium state cannot exist if external social pressures are for the main weight of university activities to be shifted to providing service for the current needs of society.  相似文献   

In higher education, accreditation involves an external quality review process that scrutinizes universities, colleges, and educational programs to ensure that the education provided meets acceptable quality levels. Often considered the gold standard for institutions, the accreditation process originated in the US and quickly moved beyond American borders. Specifically, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) has moved to provide ‘legitimacy’ to universities in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. Using Q methodology, this study examines faculty and administrators' perceptions regarding CAEP accreditation of a College of Education (CED) in the GCC. The results identify an apparent discrepancy among participants’ perceptions regarding the CAEP accreditation’s advantages and disadvantages, procedures and requirements, and impact on faculty and administrators’ workload and agency.  相似文献   

文章利用韩国国家终身教育振兴院提供的内部财政数据,基于成本分担理论对韩国学分银行体系的成本分担进行分析,研究发现韩国学分银行体系已经形成了一个基于国家财政、学习者用户、运营机构、企事业单位等多渠道的经费筹措方式:国家通过多种形式和渠道给予财政支持分担成本;学习者用户通过学分和文凭手续费分担成本;运营机构利用利息收入分担成本;企事业单位通过"受托事业"为学分银行提供资金支持分担成本。同时,文章借鉴韩国学分银行成本分担方式为中国学分银行制度的建设提出了相关建议,以期促进我国学分银行制度的建设与发展。  相似文献   

本文认为,我国设置反垄断法的执法机构应当综合考虑反垄断法自身的特点及任务、现有相关机构设置及功能以及国外经验的比较借鉴等因素,建立一个专业、权威的反垄断执法机构,以保障我国反垄断法的有效实施。  相似文献   

This paper examines the introduction of modularisation and semesterisation at ten UK-based business schools. Using this case study evidence, it is argued that the main reasons for the introduction of these schemes were the personal ambitions of senior managers, pressure from external regulatory agencies and a desire to emulate initiatives undertaken by competitor institutions. In addition, it is suggested that the form of these schemes varied between institutions as a consequence of the negotiations which accompanied the introduction of these new arrangements, and constraints imposed by the legacy of earlier degree structures, regulations from external agencies, institutional geography, limits on financial resources and the organization of internal management systems. The paper concludes by arguing that these constraints have meant that modularity has had limited effects on the experiences of staff and students, but that semesterisation has significantly increased costs without any accompanying benefits.  相似文献   

School monitoring and quality assurance in the New Zealand school system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports on the New Zealand education quality assurance and school monitoring system, including its framework, and responsibilities of agencies. It first gives an outline of the education system in New Zealand, and then introduces the role of school charters and levels of schooling. To ensure the quality of schools, the methods of school self-review and external reviews of schools are used by the New Zealand government. Schools are given a list of obligations that they have to follow. Assessment policies and the school curriculum are designed to support learning. Fubuki Sakura formerly called William Leung  相似文献   

The Management of Quality Assurance: A Review of International Practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current and recent international practice in the management of quality assurance for higher education systems and institutions is reviewed. Particular attention is given to administrative agencies or units with responsibility for the management of quality assurance at both national and institutional levels; whether participation in reviews and other activities is optional or compulsory; the main methodologies employed; the focus of quality assurance activities; the purposes of such activities; and reporting and/or follow-up activities.  相似文献   

Quality models for online and blended learning (OBL) have mainly been developed in higher education. The literature indicates that these models are often conceptualised from the providers’ perspective. What is important for the quality of OBL from the students’ perspective has recently received increased attention in the literature. Consensus among stakeholders about students’ quality needs is useful to support dialogue between professionals to strategically adopt OBL and to ensure that the needs of students are met. This study aims to validate a quality instrument for OBL, taking a set of 74 quality indicators and analysing them in terms of seven success factors (credibility, accessibility, transparency, flexibility, interactivity, personalisation, productivity). The Delphi method was selected as most suited. Participants from adult education were asked to indicate on a 7-point Likert scale to what extent the indicators add to OBL quality to meet students’ needs. After four Delphi rounds, the participants agreed on definitions of success factors and 30 indicators. The results are useful for institutions, ministries of education and external quality assessment agencies to assess the quality of OBL and can support institutions to implement improvement actions to ensure that the needs of students are met.  相似文献   

国外高职教育教学质量外部保障与监控的做法主要有:一方面政府通过完善政策法规,使高职教育规范化、制度化、法制化,同时通过控制拨款对教学质量进行监控;另一方面国家通过立法、拨款资助,建立或扶持一个相对独立、自治的评估机构,制定评估标准、要求、计划,组织和培训专家对学校、专业和课程进行外部评估,以控制办学规模和调控办学方向,保证高等教育质量,为政府的决策提供依据。构建我国高职教育教学质量监控与保障体系需要借鉴国外先进经验,扶持独立的评估机构,有效利用评估结果;出台政策措施,强制和鼓励企业参与高职人才培养过程,对学校教学质量实施监控和保障。  相似文献   

In response to the global competitiveness in higher education, the government, in recent years, has encouraged Taiwan colleges and universities to seek international accreditation, which raises several questions, such as jurisdiction over national accreditation, a single set of standards for local and global quality assurance, demand for the mutual recognition of review outcomes, etc. With the looming pressures for change that international accreditation will likely pose on a Taiwan national framework of quality assurance, multiple impacts on institutions and national accrediting agencies in Taiwan are now beginning to be increasingly felt. Hence, this paper examines current academic international accreditation programs and institutions, recognizes Taiwan’s accrediting organizations, and analyzes the challenges that institutions and national accrediting agencies are facing.  相似文献   

Higher education plays an important role in the social, economic and political development of any given nation. In the Namibian context, quality assurance systems have been put in place at both national and institutional levels through the establishment of national quality assurance agencies and units responsible for quality in institutions. A critical literature analysis of quality assurance systems in higher education shows that although they claim to strike a balance between improvement and accountability, external quality assurance mechanisms tend to have an accountability and compliance focus and to promote managerialisation and bureaucratisation of academia. This article argues that internal quality assurance systems, built on a strong quality culture, tend to be more effective in enhancing the quality of student learning experience and academic success than externally driven quality assurance. Thus, to promote genuine quality, more energy must be invested in external quality assurance capacitating and strengthening internal quality assurance systems.  相似文献   

通过对辽宁养老机构中养员体育生活方式的研究发现,缺乏专业养老护理和体育健身指导与康复服务是影响养老机构中养员的体质健康、心理健康、生活自理期的延长等问题的重要因素,也是影响养老机构服务质量,制约养老事业健康发展的关键性问题。分析出养老机构是社会体育指导与管理专业和体育康复专业大学生未来就业的新方向。  相似文献   

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