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Shish Ka Bob     
A girl named Judy likes animals.She dreams to have a big house. There are many rooms for these animals.She is happy when playing with these animals. 200000 上海市南汇区周浦镇小学五(4)班孙逸群  相似文献   

Cobras are big poisonous snakes. They live in jungles and wet places. They are mainly found in Asia and Africa. They can spread out their upper ribs and cause the skin just below the head to expand into a hoodlike shape.Cobras feed on rats, frogs and small animals. If there are rats in a house, a cobra may enter the house.  相似文献   

There are two trees in a garden. One is old, the other is young. Spring comes. Many animals go to the garden. A bird says to the young tree, "Can I make a house on your branch?" "No, you can't," says the young tree. "But you can live on my branch," says the old tree.  相似文献   

Tom, Tim and Jim are three little pigs and they are brothers. They want to make their new houses. Look, Tom's new house is not strong, but he feels happy in it. Tim's house is not very strong but he thinks it's OK for him to live in it. Jim lives in his new house. It is very strong. There's a big bad wolf.  相似文献   

A retiring farmer in preparation for selling his land,needed to rid his farm of animals.Sohe went to every house in his town.To thehouses where the man is the boss,he gave ahorse.To the houses  相似文献   

the forest. There is a river in the forest, too. When the animals are thirsty (口渴的), they often drink water in the river. But there is a bad big crocodile living in the river too. All the small animals hate him but they are also afraid of him.  相似文献   

A social problem that low-income people are unable to purchase houses in urban areas has been focused in recent years and the housing security system has also become an important part of the social security system. In recent years, public rental houses appeared as a new type of affordable houses. The national government took the construction of public rental houses to the national strategic level. Currently, there are many problems in the public rental house construction. For example, policy mechanisms are inadequate, the use of funding is not in an efficient way, the location of public rental houses is far away from the downtown, the plot ratio is too high, and facilities are incomplete. There are no appropriate indicators to comprehensively evaluate the public rental house construction. Based on the livable evaluation system in Chongqing, we selected four aspects of relevant indicators as the economic suitability, environmental suitability, social suitability, and life suitability to establish the public rental house construction suitability evaluation system.  相似文献   

There are thousands of kinds of animals that live in the sea. One of the most interesting of these animals is the whale.The whale is the largest animal in the world. It is not a fish. It is a mammal. It breathes air through its lungs as people do. The whale can stay under the water for more  相似文献   

山上有座绿房子,里面有座白房子,进去还有红房子,许多黑白小孩子,住在这座红房子。(西瓜On the hill there is a green house,And in the green house there’s a white house,And in the white house there’s a red house,And in the red houseThere are a lot oflittle blac  相似文献   

There is a blue lake in front of my house. On the lake, many ducks are swimming. And there are some boats on the lake, too. My little sister said boats liked swimming like the ducks.  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm-up T:Good morning,boysand girls.How are you?Ss:Good morning,Miss Liu.I’m fine,thank you.And you?T:I’m fine,too.Step 2.Leading in(教师将课件翻到第二页)Look at the screen.There are many animals in the zoo.Today we are going to learn Module2Zoo,Unit 2 Thatmonkey is fat.(师手指板书,引入课题。)Now the animals are in a  相似文献   

A Family of Mice     
一、故事内容 There is a family of mice in my house. They are father mouse, mother mouse and baby mouse. Baby mouse likes dancing. He is very cute. Father mouse likes watching TV. He likes the sports on TV best. These three mice are clever.  相似文献   

What Time Is It? Tom’s grandfather lives in the countryside(乡下).There is a big farm near his house.When Tom hastime,he often goes to the farm to help his grandfather. Tom is free today.He is going to see his grandfather.He gets to the bus station early for the early bus.The early bus is going to leave at 6:30.He looks around.There are a lot of people in the station.Some arestanding in line。Others are walking around.There is no place for him to sit in. Tom walks into the tea house next to the station.There is a big clock on the wall.It is only five twentynow.He finds a seat and sits down before a big mirror(镜子)on the wall.He asks for a cup of tea and some cakes.Just then,one of his friends.Jim,comes in and sits with him.  相似文献   

The sky is full of fish and animals.The fish and animals are kites.It is kite day in the park. Kites have a long history.Once people believed kites could carry their thoughts to the gods.Many people flew kites over their houses at night.They thought this would keep them safe  相似文献   

Knowledge is power. But we must remem-ber one other thing. A strong mind needs a strong body in order to make it most useful. There are many good exercises. They are helpful and healthful. Some of them may be taken in the room during raining weather. These exercises, however, are never as helpful as those taken out of doors in pure fresh air. It’s because in fresh air more oxygen is taken into our sys-tems and more wastes are given off. The air in the house does not keep fresh very long. Bu…  相似文献   

Time:Hot in the afternoon on a summer day.Place:In a forest.(All animals are in place. The tortoise is running.Hare comes in.)Mr.Hare:Good afternoon,Mr.Tortoise.  相似文献   

Part I Reading ComprehensionPassage OneQuestions 1 to5 are based on the following passage:Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like wild animals. They will soil your house,destroy your belongings,bark excessively,fight other dogs and even bite you. Nearly all behavior problems are perfectly normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or  相似文献   

【PartA教学设计】一、热身(略)二、导入教师手指黑板上的房子问学生:Wow,my new house is sonice now.Look at my new house.What’s in my bedroom?引导学生用"There is/There are…"的句型来描述。师生一起描述形成一段语  相似文献   

As you know,the Arctic is very cold,and there is usually ice and snow.It's a dif-ficult place for animal,but a lot of ani-mals live there.There are eight animals that live in the Arctic in this square.Can youfind them?  相似文献   

This paper presents a quick, easy to implement and versatile way of using stochastic simulations to investigate the power and design of using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays for genome-wide association studies in farm animals. It illustrates the methodology by discussing a small example where 6 experimental designs are considered to analyse the same resource consisting of 6006 animals with pedigree and phenotypic records: (1) genotyping the 30 most widely used sires in the population and all of their progeny (515 animals in total), (2) genotyping the 100 most widely used sires in the population and all of their progeny (1102 animals in total), genotyping respectively (3) 515 and (4) 1102 animals selected randomly or genotyping respectively (5) 515 and (6) 1102 animals from the tails of the phenotypic distribution. Given the resource at hand, designs where the extreme animals are genotyped perform the best, followed by designs selecting animals at random. Designs where sires and their progeny are genotyped perform the worst, as even genotyping the 100 most widely used sires and their progeny is not as powerful of genotyping 515 extreme animals.  相似文献   

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