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家庭寄养对孤残儿童社会适应行为的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孤残儿童是一个特殊的群体,他们的发展或多或少地有所滞后或者缺陷,在社会适应行为发展上尤为突出。寄养儿童在寄养家庭中得到了情感满足、需要满足、行为支持、心理健康发展。家庭寄养对孤残儿童的适应行为发展有着积极作用。  相似文献   

寄养孤残儿童的特殊教育状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究调查上海市64户寄养孤残儿童的家庭就特殊教育状况.结果表明城乡家长在寄养儿童的教育方式、教育安置、期望等方面存在显著差异;城市与农村的寄养家庭获得了相同的社会支持;非正式社会支持越高和儿童寄养的年龄越小,越有利于寄养儿童和寄养父母建立良好的替代亲子关系.被寄养孤残儿童教育是特殊教育的新领域,需要更多的专业人员参与和支持.  相似文献   

王娟 《文教资料》2013,(8):136-137,146
研究证明,儿童福利机构作为家庭的替代形式集中照料儿童时,在很大程度上不能满足儿童成长中的身心需求,家庭寄养模式则开辟了一条行之有效的重要途径。家庭寄养模式下的孤残儿童有着生理康复、心理发展和接受教育的需求,需要社会和家庭共同提供机会满足这些需求。  相似文献   

寄养儿童是指由于父母工作繁忙或违反国家计划生育政策超生而被安置在亲戚朋友家及社会托养机构中的儿童.寄养儿童现象存在的隐患和问题主要有:儿童易出现消极心理情绪、缺少沟通导致亲子关系淡漠、缺乏有效监督而导致儿童出现行为偏差等.文章对寄养现象中存在的问题进行了剖析并提出对策:加大婚育前教育宣传力度,遏止养而不教;尽可能选择合适的寄养家庭;父母应与孩子建立稳定的感情联系,增加沟通和交流;代养人应处理好与寄养儿童的关系,负起教育责任.  相似文献   

近年来,儿童的问题行为发生率呈现出急剧的上升趋势,培养儿童健康的社会心理能力是解决儿童问题行为的核心和目标。学校和家庭应引导儿童从以下方面尝试解决:了解自身特点,培养自我认识能力;学会倾听和表达,培养良好的人际交往能力;认识情绪,培养缓解压力的能力;理解支持他人,培养换位思考能力;有效解决问题,培养应对能力;避免攻击性言行,培养自律能力;克服儿童在社会交往中的胆怯。  相似文献   

全国第一家接收家庭寄养儿童的幼儿园——天津高太阳花幼儿园近日在天津市静海县建立,这是为孤残儿童接受正规学前教育而筹建的。  相似文献   

促进儿童积极的社会交往执笔/陆黎萍一、学前儿童社会交往的发展特点个体的行为从个体出生起就处在社会之中,而个体的心理总是在一定的社会关系中不断发展的。帮助孩子形成积极的社会交往并在这种社会交往过程中掌握建立、维持和妥善处理人际交往关系的能力,不仅有利于...  相似文献   

"心理理论"(Theory-of-mind)指个体对他人和自己心理状态及其与他人行为关系的推理或认知。心理理论使得个体能够对自身及其他个体的行为进行解释和预测,从而在个体的社会认知、社会行为、个体间理解与社会交往中起至关重要的作用。参考"心理理论"及相关研究的范式以组织实施儿童的游戏活动对促进儿童社会性的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

所谓社会性是指儿童进行社会交往,建立人际关系,掌握和遵守行为准则以及控制自身行为的心理特征。如果幼儿的社会性不能得到很好发展,缺乏应有的社会交往能力,那么他的心理发展是不全面的,是有缺陷的。  相似文献   

沙盘游戏疗法秉持理解、接纳、尊重、无判断的态度,在孤残儿童的心理治疗中具有自身独特的优势。在沙盘游戏提供的"自由与受保护的空间"里,孤残儿童能够表现自己的心理内容,宣泄、疏导情绪,释放、转移固着的心理,激发其自我治愈力。  相似文献   

In this study, psychological control of children was conceptually and empirically distinguished from behavioral control. Further, it was demonstrated as hypothesized that psychological control was more predictive of adolescent internalized problems, and that behavioral control was more predictive of externalized problems. Subjects were 473 fifth-, eighth-, and tenth-grade males and females from a Southern suburb. Control was measured by the Child Report of Parent Behavior Inventory and the Colorado Self-Report of Family Functioning Inventory. Problem behaviors were measured with the Child Behavior Checklist. First- and second-order factor analyses discriminated psychological and behavioral control, and structural equation analyses demonstrated the differential prediction of internalized and externalized problems. These last analyses were conducted using youth-reported data and validated using a subsample of 227 mother-youth pairs.  相似文献   

社会文化因素是影响学前儿童心理行为问题的主要因素,主要包括体制混变、观念混变、多媒体文化泛滥、童年的消逝、儿童文化缺场等多种因子的相互作用。学前儿童常见心理行为问题不利于学前儿童身心和谐发展。从社会文化因素分析,应对学前儿童心理行为问题的策略为:打破城乡二元体制,加快社会转型;革新观念,为学前教育注入新的内涵;严控多媒体,尊重儿童游戏的价值;重构儿童文化,解放儿童。  相似文献   

Research over the past few decades has highlighted the importance of social and emotional competence in preschool children on later academic, social, and psychological outcomes. Children who are socially and emotionally competent have increased socialization opportunities with peers, develop more friends, have better relationships with their parents and teachers, and enjoy more academic and social successes. Children who lack social and emotional competence are at risk for reduced socialization opportunities, rejection, withdrawal, behavioral disturbance, and achievement problems. Intervention programs that target social–emotional development in preschool are ideally situated to bolster these skills before the problems exacerbate. In this paper, research on the importance of social and emotional competence in young children is reviewed as it relates to immediate and long‐term outcomes. Assessments of social and emotional development and behavioral adjustment are briefly reviewed, followed by a review of intervention programs with demonstrated empirical efficacy. Although preliminary evidence supports the utility of these intervention programs, additional research on short‐ and long‐term efficacy is recommended, and more programs designed specifically for early childhood are needed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

青少年时期是生理心理发育的关键时期,也是心理冲突和情绪、行为问题的高发阶段,攻击行为及暴力便是其中较为突出的问题之一。文章以一位正在服刑的青少年暴力犯的成长故事为线索分别从青少年个体、家庭、学校等视角探讨了影响青少年暴力攻击行为发生的因素,并在此基础上得出影响暴力的最本质的因素是青少年缺乏足够的社会能力和正确的自我认知观念。为此,本研究建议对青少年暴力行为进行生活技能的培训和认知行为的训练,以预防和减少青少年暴力行为的发生。  相似文献   

This study examined the global self–concept, academic self–perception, social competence, and behavioral problems of 19 children with learning disabilities within the family context. Comparisons were made between the target children and their close–age siblings and family psychological correlates were identified. The participants were administered child assessment scales and rated by their parents, who also completed family psychosocial measures. The results show that although children with learning disabilities do not differ from their siblings in global self–concept and academic self–perception, their parents rated them to have less social competence and more behavior problems than their siblings. Moreover, the social competence and behavioral problems of children with learning disabilities are related to their parents’ stress. Educational and research implications are drawn.  相似文献   

The increased familial and environmental stressors affecting Head Start families over the last two decades have precipitated an escalation of mental health difficulties among participant children (Yoshikawa & Knitzer, 1997). Using an ecological framework (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). this study explored externalizing behavior problems among a group of Head Start children in a suburban county. Children were assessed for externalizing behavior problems in the home and classroom. Additionally, parents participated in interviews about a variety of ecological factors related to children's behavior problems. Almost one-quarter of the children were identified by their parents as having externalizing behavioral problems in the borderline or clinical range. Twice as many girls as boys had borderline or clinical levels of behavioral problems. Child externalizing behavior was positively associated with child internalizing behavior, parent psychological symptomatology, child temperament, family environment, and exposure to community violence. Children with parent-identified externalizing behavior did have specific social problem-solving skills deficits. Additionally, they were observed to have high levels of specific inappropriate behavior, but did not exhibit high levels of teacher-rated behavior problems. The implications of these findings for Head Start program planning are discussed.  相似文献   

The increased familial and environmental stressors affecting Head Start families over the last two decades have precipitated an escalation of mental health difficulties among participant children (Yoshikawa & Knitzer, 1997). Using an ecological framework (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). this study explored externalizing behavior problems among a group of Head Start children in a suburban county. Children were assessed for externalizing behavior problems in the home and classroom. Additionally, parents participated in interviews about a variety of ecological factors related to children's behavior problems. Almost one-quarter of the children were identified by their parents as having externalizing behavioral problems in the borderline or clinical range. Twice as many girls as boys had borderline or clinical levels of behavioral problems. Child externalizing behavior was positively associated with child internalizing behavior, parent psychological symptomatology, child temperament, family environment, and exposure to community violence. Children with parent-identified externalizing behavior did have specific social problem-solving skills deficits. Additionally, they were observed to have high levels of specific inappropriate behavior, but did not exhibit high levels of teacher-rated behavior problems. The implications of these findings for Head Start program planning are discussed.  相似文献   

Peer acceptance during early childhood is related to children's academic achievement, adjustment in school, and even psychological well-being in adulthood. Children who experience low peer acceptance exhibit socially inappropriate behavior patterns, which are associated with irrelevant patterns of information processing. Therefore, as a way of helping children with low peer acceptance, a cognitive-social learning model of social skills training has been used because the model focuses on cognitive changes as well as behavioral changes. Three parts of the social skills training—enhancing skill concepts, promoting skill performance, and fostering skill maintenance/generalization—are discussed. In order to be successful, a trainer should understand the training model as well as behavioral patterns of children with low peer acceptance to provide theory-based and individualized feedback to each participant.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Children's early academic achievement is supported by positive social and behavioral skills, and difficulties with these skills frequently gives way to underachievement. Social and behavioral problems often arise as a product of parent–child interactional patterns and environmental influences. Few studies have examined the role of a salient aspect of children's environments, community locale, in the relationship between parenting practices and child outcomes. Using a large, nationally representative sample, we examined whether preschool parenting practices and children's social-behavioral skills in kindergarten were related to geographic setting (rural vs. city, suburban, and town). Results indicated that rural children experienced greater difficulties with parent-reported externalizing behaviors. Furthermore, rural parents displayed less emotional support than parents in other settings. Preschool parenting behaviors were associated with social skills and behavior problems in kindergarten, as reported by both parents and teachers. Parents' emotional supportiveness was found to account for the relationship between geographic setting and parent-reported children's social skills, such that rural parents who provided less emotional support had children with lower social skills in kindergarten. Practice or Policy: Findings of this research indicate that rural children may face particular risk for behavioral issues and highlight the need for increased behavioral supports in rural communities. Moreover, our results suggest that interventions designed to promote parents' support of children's emotions may have particular utility for rural families.  相似文献   

The results of a school psychological and social work program are presented on children referred for behavioral and learning problems. Through the consultation service, the average student objective for learning problems was achieved to 85% of criterion, and the average objective for behavioral problems was achieved to 82% of criterion during a 10-week period. An analysis of the consultation activities was made in relation to the accomplishment of the objectives for both learning and behavioral problems. No clear evidence was found for any single activity being related to success. Also analyzed was the time spent on each consultation activity and the accomplishment of the student objectives. There was a positive relationship between total consultation time and student outcomes on learning problems, but there was no significant relationship between total consultation time and the accomplishment of objectives for behavioral problems. General findings show that consultation activities can be conducted with small investments of time and with a high degree of student accomplishment of objectives. A case is presented for the merits of program improvement by monitoring psychological and social work services.  相似文献   

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