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对小学数学作业进行有效的批改,是提升小学数学教学有效性的关键措施。教师可以通过改进作业批改符号及灵活使用批改符号、积极发挥评语的作用、让学生进行作业互改互评、开展作业交流会等形式,提高小学数学作业批改的效率,既让学生对自己作业中存在的问题一目了然,又让学生的数学能力得到提高。  相似文献   

初中数学作业批改是数学教学中的重要环节之一,它是检查课堂教学效果,发现学生学习中存在的实际问题,指导学生查遗补漏的重要手段.因此,如何做到批改作业的科学性,让数学教师从繁重的作业批改中全身而退,把更多时间用在备课和学习提高上,已成为新课改下亟待解决的问题.在教学实践中,我尝试着将学生数学作业的批改方式做了如下改进.  相似文献   

初中数学是一门由抽象符号和严谨逻辑组成的课程,更需要学生通过各种形式的作业来巩固自身对既定数学知识和技能的认知和感悟.然而,单纯的训练,没有任何的反馈和互动,无法帮助学生实现这一理论的现实追求.所以,初中数学教学不仅强烈需要作业的优化设计,更需要在批改时加强师生、生生间的互动和交流,让作业批改成为师生共同交往数学知识的良好渠道.本文将从作业批改的三个基本方式出发,来具体阐述初中数学作业批改的互动营设.  相似文献   

傅文广 《天津教育》2021,(2):157-158
作业环节是巩固课堂所学内容的重要途径和方式,作业批改同样是教学的重要组成部分。在小学高年级数学作业批改过程中,教师要改变传统的批改方式,结合创新观念采用多样化的批改方式,让学生从评语中获得激励,对数学学习产生更大的动力,积极投入数学学习中,使数学教学环节和作业环节成为相互促进的两部分,促进学生数学综合素质的发展。  相似文献   

《义务教育数学课程标准(2022年版)》对各个学段课程内容和学业要求有着细化的分解,并给出相应的作业设计示例,为增强作业设计与批改有效性提供基本参考.以双减政策和数学核心素养培养为导向,优化作业方式是提升教学质量应关注的重点问题.文章从新时期初中数学作业设计导向要求出发,给出不同方面的设计案例,构建作业设计与批改有效性指标体系,并结合批改案例提出了优化路径,以期为初中数学作业优化提供参考.  相似文献   

批改作业是教师对学生作业的评价和学习情况的反馈,可以让学生从评价中感受到老师的关注和爱。传统的作业批改方式,学生只管做作业,教师只管批改作业,把学生完成作业和教师评价作业截然分开。作业批改看上去是一个小问题,实际上它也是整个教学系统中的重要环节。怎样才能科学地批改数学作业呢?  相似文献   

近年来.随着素质教育的深入推进,我们欣喜地看到.初中数学课堂教学改革不断深化并取得了显著成效.但是作业批改作为教学环节的一个重要组成部分.仍旧沿用了传统模式.在理念、方式、效果等方面都与发展学生思维、培养学生能力的目的格格不入。以下笔者结合教研实践.就初中数学作业批改问题谈几点看法.  相似文献   

钱芬 《数学教学》2005,(5):26-28
批改作业是教师检查教学效果、发现教学中存在问题的重要手段.教师应该认真、及时、正确地批改学生作业.但一提起数学作业批改,绝大部分数学教师都感到头疼.数学作业天天有,学生天天做,老师天天改,耗时多,师生负担重,其原因在于大部分老师仍然沿用传统的批改方法一全批全改,这样的批改方法愈来愈明显地表现出它的弊端,其表现为:  相似文献   

谭瑛 《家教世界》2013,(7X):108-109
作业批改作为一项常规工作是和课堂教学是相辅相成的,作业批改的效率关系到教学的效率。文章在实践的基础上分析了初中数学作业批改的原则,并简述了提高初中数学作业批改效率的方法。  相似文献   

作业是学生学习的一项经常性实践活动.它不仅是学生巩固知识、提高能力的有效途径.也是课堂教学的延续。批改作业则是教师对学生这一实践活动的评价过程.也是教学过程中不可或缺的环节。我在日常教学中,尝试将学生课堂作业和课外作业的批改方式进行改进.按不同场合、不同要求、不同学生采用不同的批改方式.使教师从全批全改中解脱出来.让学生全程参与作业批改.把作业批改主动权交给学生.使学生作业及时得到反馈.及时纠正作业中的差错,培养学生分析、鉴别、评价能力以及克服困难的勇气和互帮互助的精神.使他们真正成为学习的主人。  相似文献   

教学是一门科学,更是一门艺术,英语课堂教学也是如此。本文主要结合英语课堂教学的特点,论述了作为一名合格的英语教师如何对这门艺术进行探索。文章主体从备课、上课、课后辅导和批改作业这不可分割的教学“四部曲”探索英语课堂教学的艺术性。备课是一个非常重要的准备环节,又包括备教学大纲、钻研教材,全面理解学生,备教学方法,设计教案等组成部分。上课这个关键环节主要从以下几个方面进行论述,包括构建和谐课堂气氛,新旧知识的衔接,发挥教师的主导作用,重表扬、多鼓励。最后的结束语呼吁英语教师要不断提高自身素质,才能使自身的课堂教学更精彩、更艺术。  相似文献   

伴随大数据、学习分析技术的发展,在线作业成为当前教育科技产品的重要形式,但是有关在线作业的用户体验研究并不多。文章采用技术接受模型来研究初中生和家长的在线作业用户体验及其影响因素,并结合相关研究中的教师用户体验进行比较分析,研究发现:易用性对学生和家长的在线作业使用无显著影响,对教师有影响;有用性是教师和家长更为关心的,而学生对此无感;社会影响和自我学习管理对学生和家长在线作业使用呈显著影响。基于此,文章对在线作业推广应用进行了反思,认为在线作业需避免成为强化应试的工具;教师要适应新的“把关人”角色;在线作业开发需更多地转向学生用户设计,以增强其学习体验。  相似文献   

This study examines teachers’ views about and practices in homework in primary schools, based on questionnaire data from 235 primary teachers and 19 in-depth interviews. Findings suggest that teachers prioritise contradictory goals and act in ways that support only some of these. Reading with parents is a universal form of homework and other homework focuses either on English or mathematics or takes a project-led approach. Integration of homework into class learning is problematic. Teachers are concerned about the possible effects of homework on educational inequality and questions are raised about teachers’ perceptions of homework as a signifier of good parenting.  相似文献   

依照实践性、分层性、趣味性、多元评价等原则,巧妙设计形式多样的作业,使作业成为学生和教师之间心与心的对话,对于学生语言能力的发展意义匪浅.针对高职公共英语作业中存在的一系列问题,分析其原因,阐述作业设计的原则,提出了适用于高职学生的公共英语的作业模式.  相似文献   

作业是数学教学中很重要的一环,更加要提起重视。现阶段中职数学作业出现不注重分层和分层作业有些许问题的情况。教师要及时对作业进行评价,教师的评价不仅要注重作业的情况,还要注意学生的在学习过程中的表现。分层作业的实施可以让每个学生都有最适当自己的作业。让学生的潜能激发更好,同时培养学生的竞争意识与团队合作能力,孩子书写作业更加积极主动。  相似文献   

作业的多元设计,就是根据学生的实际情况,从多个层次、多个方面设计多种形式的作业,以满足不同层次学生的需要。作业的多元评价,就是针对不同形式、不同层次的学生作业,采取由教师、学生共同参与,从不同角度、不同方式进行有效评价。初中科学作业的多元设计好与多元评价,有助于学生掌握科学概念,提高科学教学的有效性.  相似文献   

Teachers’ homework follow‐up practices, the in‐class strategies teachers use to monitor their students’ homework assignments, have an impact on their students’ homework behaviors and academic achievement. The current study explored the perspectives of middle school mathematics teachers on the three domains of homework follow‐up: the practices used in class, the purposes of each practice, and the aspects that may influence this process. Data were collected from two data sources (i.e., focus groups and classroom observations) and were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings showed that teachers monitored homework either using a single strategy or a combination of strategies (e.g., checking homework completion and providing individual feedback) linked to a specific purpose (e.g., promote students’ involvement). The teachers also reported that they were under certain constraints when they delivered homework follow‐up practices (e.g., pressure to follow the curriculum), so their practices’ effectiveness sometimes can be compromised. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

美国中小学都有自己的家庭作业政策。其家庭作业政策一般包括家庭作业目的;教师、学生、家长的责任;家庭作业时间;家庭作业内容以及家庭作业帮助方式及内容的介绍等。我国之所以家庭作业泛滥、学生负担沉重,其中主要原因之一就是缺乏相关的政策引导。因此应根据我国的国情,制定切实可行的家庭作业政策以规范、引导教师、学生、家长等的家庭作业活动。  相似文献   

We adopted a trans-contextual model of motivation to examine the processes by which school students' perceived autonomy support (defined as students' perceptions that their teachers' support their autonomous or self-determined motivation) and autonomous forms of motivation (defined as motivation to act out of a sense of choice, ownership, and personal agency) toward mathematics activities in an educational context predict autonomous motivation and intentions toward mathematics homework, and actual mathematics homework behavior and attainment, as measured by homework grades, in an out-of-school context. A three-wave prospective study design was adopted. High-school students (N = 216) completed self-report measures of perceived autonomy support and autonomous forms of motivation toward mathematics activities in school in the first wave of data collection. One-week later, participants completed measures of autonomous forms of motivation, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and intentions with respect to mathematics homework outside school. Students' self-reported homework behavior and homework grades from students' class teachers were collected 5-weeks later. A structural equation model supported model hypotheses. Perceived autonomy support and autonomous forms of motivation toward mathematics activities in school were related to autonomous forms of motivation toward mathematics homework outside of school. Autonomous forms of motivation toward mathematics homework predicted intentions to do mathematics homework mediated by attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. Intentions predicted self-reported mathematics homework behavior and mathematics homework grades. Perceived autonomy support and autonomous forms of motivation toward mathematics in school had statistically significant indirect effects on mathematics homework intentions mediated by the motivational sequence of the model. Results provide preliminary support for the model and evidence that autonomous motivation toward mathematics activities in the classroom is linked with autonomous motivation, intention, behavior and actual attainment in mathematics homework outside of school.  相似文献   

In the school year 1994/1995 homework characteristics and effectiveness in math education among secondary schools were compared. The study examined the 1st year of secondary education (average age level: 12.3 years). The sample consisted of 28 schools, 56 classes and 1,394 students. The results show a lack of policy directed at the co-ordination of and increase in the amount of homework in Dutch schools. Nevertheless most math teachers give homework every lesson. Multi-level analysis shows that the amount of homework was the only homework variable related to achievement. It explained 2.4% of the variance. Frequency of homework and homework time were not related to achievement. There is a sharp contrast between Dutch and US teachers in ‘checking and grading’ of homework. However, in this study this variable was not related to math achievement.  相似文献   

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